Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 251 Ice Sect’s Matriarch

The place that Lin cheng and Baishi were waiting as guests, were not luxurious but was fill with abundant cold Qi.

"This people of the Ice Sect are way different the Fire Dessert, while some had Fire atributes body. They at least have the Cities with formations. Which could increment the Fire Qi and at the same become unharmful to them while living in the Fire Desert cities."

Spoke Lin cheng with genuine surprise.

"The Ice Sect apparently is known for having they female's bodies become immune to the Cold Qi not only that the Technique they practice is not simple."

Baishi Spoke while looking out side the temple.

Lin cheng also nodded.

But suddenly Baishi look at Lin cheng and chuckle.

"Aren't we really bored?" Ask Baishi.

"Who knows." Lin cheng shrugged his shoulder.

"To let ourselves get capture on purpose, even though we could have escape from them, before even sparring with that Yuanhu, we really are..haha." Baishi laugh with her charming giggles.

"Well is not bad to kill time." Lin cheng also chuckle.

Lin cheng couldn't help but feel warm, because even though they were wasting time like this. He felt comfortable and he could feel baishi as well.

What Baishi said is true that they were not opponent of Yuanhu. But even so even if Heavenly Realm Cultivator replace her they would have able to escape way before she came.

It just that him and Baishi weirdly because inexplicable reasons they just wanted to waste time and see what situations would occurred to them. 

Perhaps because of been 1 to 3 years apart, and now that they got back together as usual, they perhaps just wanted to chill like this.

If someone were to hear both of they toughts, they would think Lin cheng and Baishi have couples of lose screws. After all how exactly letting one of the most power force in the Central Continent capture you is chill?

Noisy sounds of a footsteps went to Lin cheng and Baishi ears.

Lin cheng look and a beautiful female with the cultivation base at the Celestial Realm came.

"Come this way." Bing Xinque said in cold tone.

Lin cheng nodded and follow behind her.

He could feel a little hostility from her, but he couldn't blame her after all. If someone's breaks in your homes and beat up your people. 

You probably would have a similar expression.

10 mins later...

Lin cheng was entering a room, when he felt multiple scrutinizing gazes on him and Baishi.

"He is here Matriarch." 

Spoke respectfully Bing Xinque before joining the group of elders.

Lin cheng look up and saw multiples beauties, with high cultivation bases.

All of them at exception of two were at the Celestial Realm. He could see about 30 people were at the Celestial Realm.

While the two exceptions were a beauty that was in the Void King Realm Late stage. That he have previously spar with her.

She was sitting next a breath taking beauty with white smooth hair and silver eyes.

"This person is too strong her aura is similar to that guy who attack my aunt and me." 

Tought Lin cheng feeling as if a mountain was pressing on him.

He decided to scan her cultivation base with the system.

[Ding! Heavenly Deity Realm Early stage.]

The breath taking beauty was looking with cold eyes and a indifferent expression at Lin cheng and Baishi.

Lin cheng could also feel the frozen aura emanating for her, it give him the weird feeling that if she didn't restrain herself everything here could become ice sculptures.

Lin cheng quickly circulated his golden phoenix flame. Making the cold quickly dissapeard when he look at baishi she actually was unaffected.

Meanwhile the breath taking beauty who had cold eyes, was stunned for a moment after seeing Baishi 9 tails.

Her beautiful silver eyes glow as if she had made a discovery.

"Hello there my name is Lin cheng this my girlfriend Baishi." 

Introduced himself Lin cheng while taking a step forward with a smile.

Lin cheng look directly at the breath taking beauty with the Heavenly Deity Realm.

"Tell me why have you enter my territory? And also Injured my people."

Spoke coldly the breath taking beauty.

"I believe your are the Matriarch of the Ice Island Sect, since I don't know your name Mrs. Matriarch like I have previously said. Me and my girlfriend are adventuring after all we are young, I hear that the Ice Island Sect is one of the most beautiful places in the Central Continent which me and my girlfriend decided to see for ourselves."

Lin cheng lied without skipping a beat.

There's now way Lin cheng gonna tell the truth, even so is no that much a lied, because Lin cheng like to travel and see new wonders.

And Lin cheng who was feeling confident the next moment he was stunned by the Ice Sect Matriarch words.

"Or perhaps you came into my territory to look for something? Perhaps a treasure? I like to remind the Alchemy Saint and Demon Fox clan, that this place after all is my Ice island territory instead of invading and robbing we could always trade."

Spoke The Ice Sect Matriarch.

"The heck? How is possible that everytime someone knows me by the Alchemy Saint is it really that important."

Lin cheng didn't pay attention to the Matriarch words about him coming for a treasure. But was genuine surprise by how a powerful Heavenly Deity Realm cultivator and a figure standing on top of the food chain in the Central Continent could know precisely his identity.

In fact Lin cheng have previously underestimated his identity and the status contained with it. Being the Alchemy Saint even the Heavenly Deity Realm would pay attention to it.

After all in they eyes that was something important to pay attention to, since is considered a Alchemy real genius. Who knows if in the future they would need to speak with.

"Treasure what treasure? Just wondering." 

Spoke Lin cheng.

"And about my disciples?" Ask Ice Sect Matriarch.

After that question fell Lin cheng felt a direct gaze on him, and when he look at it it was Bing Xinque.

"It just a misunderstanding after all I really didn't hurt them." 

Spoke Lin cheng seeing also the Void King Realm girl looking at him.

"You still attack them." Spoke the Matriarch.

"Let's be honest we should call it even, after all 3 Celestial Realm came and attack me too."

Lin cheng answer.

Hearing Lin cheng words Yu Huanhu, Bing Xinque and Wu xixi beautiful face became embarrassed.

"It's clearly you still were the ones who broke in our territory, if you have obediently came with me none of this would have happen, as matter fact if you haven't come to our territory none of this would have happen." 

Spoke Ning Xixi.

Lin cheng and Baishi was now the ones feeling a little embarrassed by Ning Xixi words. After all they were half right.

But the Matriarch next words left stunned Lin cheng.

"Is okay let it end here as if it never had happen, the main reason our elders came to invite you, as the Alchemy saint you must know that the Xeno people have been recently attacking. Not long ago your Alchemy guild was attack by them too. So I hope you don't feel offended for our actions, but we needed reassurance."

Spoke the Ice Sect Matriarch.

In fact the Matriarch even though it was a unpleasant situation, she quickly tried to fix it because after all she didn't want for dumb stuff that the Ice Sect relationship with the Alchemy Guild get strained.

" Matriarch in reality what this lady said is also truth. After all who would like if some strangers break in they house. Plus the Ice Sect is been very nice already by no shooting to kill. So i offer my sincere apologies."

Lin cheng quickly answer while also apologizing sincerely.

Seeing Lin cheng actions the Ice Matriarch appreciated and also like Lin cheng temperament.

Not only her also the Ice Sect elders felt much better. How could they not, after they Matriarch apologized they felt uncomfortable since this was they territory. But they knew she did it for the relationship between them and the Alchemy Guild.

But after seeing Lin cheng actions even Bing Xinque resentment was wash away.

"Sure enough is better to aplogize." 

Tought Lin cheng after feeling the scrutinizing gaze dissapeard and the mood in the room no longer was so hostile.

"Since the Alchemy Saint wanted to see our Ice Sect scenery how about the Saint of our Sect accompany you as our guest?" 

After feeling the atmosphere the Matriarch of the Ice sect beauty offer. 

"Scan." Lin cheng said in his heart.

[Ding! Scan completed : (Name: Bing Qinxue {Fairy Ice} ) : (Cultivation Base : The Early stage of the Heavenly Deity Realm) : (Age 242,089 years) : (Bloodline : None) : (Spirit Roots : Ice Purple)]

15 mins later....

Lin cheng was walking with Ning xixi and perhaps because of his charisma and time time he threw a couples of jokes. Her attitude towards Lin cheng and Baishi improve by alot.

"This is the Ice Valley everyone who has an invitation to join our Ice Sect. Need to pass thru here." Spoke Ning xixi.

Ning xixi arrival attracted the attention of the disciples. 

"Hello Saint."

"Hi there Senior Sister."

"Saint! How are you."

Like a plague many of the beautiful females disciples came greeting Ning xixi like if they were seeing they idol.

Ning xixi responded to them warmly and gently. 

"Okay don't mind me let's see our new recruits." 

After chatting with them for a while Ning xixi threw an apologetic face to Lin cheng and Baishi.

Without much to say Lin cheng follow Ning xixi with Baishi.

Mean while the female disciples who stay were gossiping.

"Oh my heavens is that a male? And inside our valley!" 

"How is possible aren't handyman sopposed to live in the outer yards?"

"I don't think he is a handyman you didn't see his strength? He is really formidable."

"Not only our Saint seem to treat him very politely."

"By the way the girl's tails are extremely beautiful."

"Yeah she oh I couldn't believe it."

The disciples beautiful disciples of the Ice Sect full of gossips. 

And quickly spread thru the Ice Sect that the Saint was accompanying a man.

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