Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 255 Dragon King City

"For example the Demon Tribe snake, can be call a Tribe becase they have a strong ancestor half step Celestial Realm and a leader at the Nirvana Realm with several elders at the Void King Realm."

"The Golden Crow Clan can use the word clan next to they species name because they have an Ancestor half step into the Heavenly Deity Realm and a strong leader at the Celestial Realm with Several elders at the Nirvana Realm."

Baishi calmly said.

"So let's say a species like the Rabbit Demon tribe if they want to becomes Demon Rabbit Clan they need One or Two Heavenly Deity Realm, with several elders at the Celestial Realm." Answer Baishi.

"Is very interesting." Said Lin cheng.

Even though this information was of no use to him, it was also some source if entertainment to know how the species of his lovely wife works.

"Since millions of years the Demon Monster races in the Central Continent haven't had a second Demon Monster Clan Emerge after all the Requirements are harsh, that's without saying they might be resources but not enough talent." Answer Baishi with a really pity voice.

"Of course at exception of the Royal Families in the Black waters. They are also some kind of the Demon Monster the only difference they live underwater." Added Baishi.

"Why does it sound like the Demon Species are in a weak position." Express his toughts Lin cheng.

"Not really cheng, think about the strength of the Demon Monster is not trivial we tend to have stronger body in our realm form that's,  without saying that we can live much longer. So even though it might look like the Demon Monsters is in a weak the Demon Monster race is not weak than any other specie."

This time Baishi said looking dead serious at Lin cheng.

"Perhaps in this place they look weak but trust me don't underestimate the Demon race." Said Baishi.

"Also this Demon Monsters on this area doesn't represent all of the Demon Monsters."

Added Baishi.

After listening Baishi word Lin cheng nodded seriously, after all he was no underestimating. Because his Dark Golden Phoenix bloodline come from a Demon Monster.

He also have seen the power Demon Monster bloodlines in tha System mall. It doesn't mean because in this place the Demon Monster are somewhat 'weak' they will always be weak, Lin cheng knew deep down that perhaps in other places  He haven't gone to visit the situation can be completely different.

Finally Lin cheng Baishu arrive at the Alchemy Branch, as usual the alchemy branches, the place was full. People coming and out.

Without much delay after Lin cheng entered he was received by the Alchemy Branch Manager. Who enthusiastically treat him, after while Lin cheng and Baishi used the teleportation array.


Central Continent, Central Capital Alchemy guild branch.

Lin cheng step out, and had his mouth wide open.

"This aura second only to the alchemy guild headquartes." Said Lin cheng.

But Lin cheng was not really shock by the aura, what really shock it was the people here.

8 out of 10 had the Cultivation base at the Void King Realm!

The remaining tended to be at the Nirvana Realm!

Baishi have previously told him, that Central Capital which was a neutral zone. Since it was under the jurisdiction of every top force in the Central Continent.

Had a population of 5 million living beings extremely small compared to other territories, but it was also normal. Since the Central Capital was used by specific important matters in the Central Continent.

From exchanging resources and other stuff to the Famous Central Continent Holy War Tournament.

"The scenery is not bad, it look more like a place mix with each culture of the Central Continent." Tought Lin cheng after walking for hours.

He saw a mix of rare living beings, Lin cheng realized they could be considered the other Demon Monsters Baishi Have previously told him about.

10 days later....

North West of the Central Continent,
        Holy Academy.

Inside a gigantic tower of 18 floors, on the last floor in one of the many room. The Room was fill a Abundant Spirirual Qi.

A fiery and beautiful beauty was floating in the air, with a cross-legged position. Under her a mini mountain of Stone that look like gems were emitting Rich Fire Qi. Behind her a gigantic mini sun was like a vortex suction the the spiritual Qi.

The Fiery beautiful had her eyes close while her momentum keep raising.

Void King Late stage peak....


Nirvana Early stage Realm....

Right after her momentum rose and brokethrough the Nirvana Realm the stones that look like red gem became dust.

And something magnificent happen, from the Mini sun that was behind another mini sun appeared next to that sun.

After that Sun appeared the beautiful woman open her eyes, and smile.

"Finally i broke through the Nirvana Realm, but those Dual Fire Qi stones were consume, it seem I'm gonna have to look for missions and gain contributions points or use my spirit stones and buy more resources."

Spoke Tang Sun.

"Hmm... the Second Sun was condense and my Battle cultivation speed increase by 20 times! Not only that my strength increase by 2 times."

Exhaled deeply Tang Sun while her Red Ruby eyes sparkle in splendor.

"This technique....Cheng really give me a priceless chance." Tang Sun Sigh very deeply while heart beat speed up fast

How could she not? She knew very well that this cultivation technique was way above any technique even in the Holy Academy.

She knew how important it is, since it can literally help her cultivate to the Legendary Realm of Immortal!

Tang Sun knew if any small information about this technique leaks out, a real blood bloodblath would occurred. And thats without saying how dangerous and death threatening for her could become.

"I need to keep practicing only when I reach the Heavenly Deity Realm can I become safe."

Said to herself Tang Sun.

"Lin cheng I really owed you, I can't believe I miss you..." Tought Tang Sun while feeling her emotions.

She didn't know if it was love or like, but she knew Lin cheng became someone extremely important like her apprentice Tang Wiyi.

"How am I gonna explained to Tang Xianer about Lin cheng and i." Tought Tang Sun feeling guilty because she seem to think she betray her.

For the next couples of minutes her mood became complicated but after a couples of seconds her eyes became firm and shook those toughts out.

Tang Sun stop floating and the 2 Suns behind her dissapeard, after stepping in the Nirvana Realm the attractive aura on her became more dense.

After picking up the mess inside the room she went out.

"Where is Wu Rud?" Ask Tang Sun to the previously female who attended her when she came.

"Oh senior sister the senior sister Wu Rud came out about 2 weeks ago... Nirvana Realm? Congratulations Senior sister!"

The female said with extremely shock emotions.

"Thank you Junior sister." Said Tang Sun Before dissapearing.

"She is definitely a monster only 3 years and she already brokethrough the Nirvana Realm? Even Senior Brother Kin took him from the Void King Realm to reach the Nirvana Realm took him 1,000 years." Spoke to herself the pretty female.

Back to Lin cheng side.

North West of the Central Continent,
        Alchemy guild.

Lin cheng was in the tallest place of the Alchemy guild, and was seeing the view in front  oh him while sighing.

"Not bad the Alchemy Ancestor doesn't treat you bad cheng." Spoke Baishi.

"Well who would tought..." Said Lin cheng.

Yes right now Lin cheng was standing on his Alchemy Saint Residence, that was build close to the Alchemy Ancestor Residence.

They were connected by a Qi bride, apparently while Lin cheng travel and did his things.

The Alchemy Ancestor order to some skillfull  formations masters,to create a residence next to him. Which was now the Alchemy Saint residence.

This residence was fill with a bunch of luxurious items.

The floor at exception of where there were no grass, was construct with the highest quality of spirit jade, with a high formation of aura.

Even if a cat were to cultivate he would become strong, during this days Lin cheng show baishi around the alchemy guild.

Even does there was a rule that to enter the headquarters of alchemy guild needed to follow bunch of protocols, but since Lin cheng was the alchemy saint he could bring whoever he wanted as he pleases.

Lin cheng went and said hello to most of his acquaintances in the Alchemy guild, weirdly even though he was here for a while. Lin cheng was surprise that there was not a single trace of the Alchemy Ancestor, not only him even the core elders were missing.

He even send a couple talisman messages to the alchemy Ancestor but there was not response, after meeting Sin Qinxai he learned that apparently, they didn't dissapeard is that all of them apparently were doing something very important.

Lin cheng also saw that most of the Inner elders had depression apparently after the core elders dissapeard the work they have to do double.

At the end Lin cheng decided to check on his students and how we're they doing

And after seeing they progress Lin cheng couldn't help but be satisfied so he left a couples of notes to them.

Not only that Lin cheng also saw that his contribution points had increase spontaneously, which definitely was the result of his dear disciples doing.

"Should we go and see Tang Sun, since she text us she already came out of seclusion."

Suggested Baishi.

"Yeah let's go." Answer Lin cheng.

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