Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 260 Previous Tanji King

"I hear you completed a lot of golden tasks junior sisters."

Said Zha Yeng.

"We did."

Nodded Tang Sun calmly.

She was not afraid that he would attack them and even if he did, she had the strength to combat a Late stage in the Nirvana Realm.

Plus Lin cheng and bashi were in here, so they didn't need to worry about anything

"Is like this Junior sisters you pick a mission I was very interested, since I urgently need the reward on it. I'm talking about the golden task that was giving 5 petals of the Nether flower."

Zha Yeng revealed his true intentions.

"So?" Ask Tang Sun.

"I'm willing to exchange those 5 petals for something to a similar in value. Also I would treat this as a favor. What do you think junior sisters?"

Ask Zha Yeng hopefully.

Tang Sun and Wu Rud look at each other, they didn't immediately agreed, after all they were not stupid those 5 petals were very important.

"Okay what can you give us for it?"

Ask Wu Rud while taking out a crystal bottle and it had 5 petals that were silver and black.

"3 fruits of enlightenment, and one Ying Yang tea leaf?"

Offered Zha Yeng.

"Okay." Answer Tang Sun and Wu Rud.

After the exchange was finished Zha Yeng arch his hands towards Tang Sun and Wu Rud and left.

"I think is time for me to buy a new courtyard in a different city, pity I used to like this place."

Sigh Tang Sun clearly annoyed that Zha Yeng invaded they privacy, they think he could have wait for them to enter the Holy Academy.

Mean while Lin cheng was with Baishi.

"That guy left cheng." Said Baishi.

"I know." Lin cheng answer calmly.

After they came out they found, Tang Sun and Wu Rud even though they already knew after using the divine consciousness, Tang Sun explained the reason of Zha Yeng, and also express her dissatisfaction now that this place was known.

"Why didn't you realized you were being follow?"

Ask Baishi.

"Perhaps my mind is in another thing."

Answer Tang Sun.

In fact the real truth is that she was excited to come back and see Lin cheng again, now that they were done with the golden tasks.

She could spend time with Lin cheng, but Tang Sun would never tell that. What a joke with her temperance how could she answer truthfully about that.

"Well I'm gonna go in seclusion and try to breakthrough the Nirvana Realm." Said Wu Rud.

"Okay let me accompany you." Tang Sun said.

15 days later...

In a room two beauties had the whole body red, and ha post orgasm reaction while a young man was hugging them tenderly.

They were Lin cheng, Tang Sun and Baishi who had a fierce fight full of lewdness.

"Damm this is life."

Tought Lin cheng with a smile.

"Why are you smiling?"

Ask Tang Sun.

"Because I have both of you." Said Lin cheng sincerely.

"Bah! Stop trying to use honey words."

Blame Tang Sun while clearly enjoying them.

While Baishi just rest her head on Lin cheng chest, with sleepy eyes.

Tang Sun felt weird, she was feeling like free from shackles. She didn't even mind Baishi and her doing those stuff with Lin cheng.

She couldn't help but feel if it was her previous self back in Tianwu Continent she would found it absurd, but here she was not only enjoying what she do with Lin cheng.

But also feeling emotions apart from the physical pleasure, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Everything good Sun'xier?"

Ask Lin cheng while tracing with his finger on Tang Sun attractive skin.That could make the hormones of any man move and boil.

"Oh i have to go." Spoke Tang Sun after seeing her talisman lit up.

"Cheng are you gonna participate on the Central Continent Tournament?"

Ask Tang Sun while dressing up.

"I really don't know."

Lin cheng shook his head, is not that he was a party pooper but the Central Continent Tournament didn't caught his attention.

"I tought you would participate since Baishi also will."

Said Tang Sun.

"That's one of the main reason Qu Jianying been pushing me and Yan Shuiyi to absorb resources."

Added Baishi while still maintaining a lazy posture on the bed. She exuded seductive aura showing her well define body.

"Well if you don't want to compete is okay, you can always cheer us."

Said Tang Sun.

"By the way Qu Jianying send me a message before, that it was time to get back. Since in 1 months and 15 days would be the Central Continent Tournament, they want me to be ready."

Said Baishi with laziness.

"So I'm gonna be lonely again." Sigh Lin cheng.

"In fact the Central Continent Tournament is just a event, where all of the forces give rewards for the top winners. But that just a appetizers and a facade the real purpose is that the top forces are secret fighting each other with the next generation."

Added Baishi.

"I hear that the top 10 are call the Tanji Genius, and the 1 is call the Tianji king. Every ten year they do this competition. "

Said Tang Sun.

"Are there any requirements?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Well only people from the Void King Realm and Nirvana Realm can participate."

Answer Tang Sun.

"You two beautiful ladies are going to crush all of them." Said Lin cheng sincerely.

He was not trying to flirt because he had no doubt, that about Tang Sun strength without mentioning Baishi.

He even have the idea that Baishi might win the number 1 spot, not because he was arrogant. But because Baishi had show him some incredible sides before.

He even felt baishi had more combat experience than him, he didn't know why.

Plus her combat power she could literally fight with Celestial Realm powerhouses like him, and it was justified after all she was a God pet level send by the system.

"By the way who was the last Tanji King?"

Ask Lin cheng thinking that baishi might have to fight with him, but baishi next words left his mouth wide open.

"Your mom." Said Baishi calmly.

Even Tang Sun was shock.

"For real? my mom?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Yes your mother before a 100 year old  brokethrough the Void King Realm, she domineering way crush all of the Void King Realm and Nirvana Realm cultivators."

Answer Baishi.

"Damm baishi you have been investigating my mom, sigh I feel a failure how I didn't know that?" Tought Lin cheng.

He had previously known his mother name was a well known genius, that her name resounded thru the Central Continent.

He only focused on two things, one pass time with her, and second connect with her on a personal level.

But knowing his mother was so awesome made him weirdly proud.

Tang Sun next actions left Lin cheng heartbeat speed up.


Tang Sun with her left hand pull Lin cheng face and give him a deep kiss, before dissapearing.

"Cheng it seen you tamed this fiery tigress."

Baishi let out a chuckle.

Lin cheng look at baishi and just smile, having still the fragance of her in his nostrils.

Usually they would kiss only in bed, this was the first time she kiss him like that. And it was in the mouth.

"Baishi your not going to consumed those fruits?" Ask Lin cheng referring to her Heavenly Dao tree.

"Not yet, after the tournament who know how long would I fall asleep." Said Baishi with a deep sigh.

"Okay, time to go." Said Lin cheng.

1 day later...

North West of the Central Continent,
       Alchemy Guild, Lin cheng residence.

"Little friend cheng quickly come!" Xu Yi who was dissapeard, came to Lin cheng.

"Old man what's wrong?" Ask Lin cheng following him.

"What is this old man doing? First he dissapeard and then he reappeared." Tought Lin cheng.

After walk into the residence he saw that all of the core elders had pale faces, and look very weak but they eyes were fill excitement.

There was a Alchemy cauldron close and all of them look at it with excitement and fear.

"What's wrong with this dudes?" Tought Lin cheng.

"Okay guys I'm gonna open it." Spoke seriously Xu Yi.

And right after his word feel all of the Core elders took a deep breath, not breathing for fear what would come out of the cauldron.

After Xu Yi grab something from cauldron what appeared in front of them was a like transparent jelly pill.

"Wow! We did it!"

"We did it!"



Maniacally laughs sounded thru the whole room, making Lin cheng have goosebumps.

Even the beautiful Ying Bing had her pale face flush with excitement, as if she in was ectasy.

"How could that be." Tought Lin cheng surprise.

Because the pill in Xu Yi hands was a middle grade Holy Rank 6 pill. And it was a pill he familiar because he give the recipe to Xu Yi.

The Immortal Bone Pill! Even dough it didn't have pill veins like the one the system gift him, it still was a genuine Immortal Bone Pill.

"How did he produce that pill? Unless..." as if thinking of something Lin cheng use his Divine consciousness.

And even though it was unpolite he check they soul power, and sure enough like
Lin cheng tought, this maniacs of the Alchemy way. Used they soul power to make that pill, or in other they lend the soul power to Xu Yi.

The side effects if your not careful from a person lending they soul might have his soul permanently serious damage, and worse the one who is borrowing it might burn his soul into nothingness.

"This people are crazy, but also Inteligent after all no risk no gain." Tought Lin cheng.

"Okay everyone hurry up and used the Soul lotus to heal! " Order Xu Yi.

Right after that they start taking some item and, using they absorption to refined them.

[Ding! Host found 3 million years Old Wood soul lotus Contains 70 trillion exp points]

[Ding! Host found  5 million year Old Wood Soul lotus Contains 120 trillion exp points]

Seeing the exp points Lin cheng couldn't but had his heart beat speed up, but he also knew how previous those item were.


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