Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 262 You are crazy!

"You should seduce mom."

Said dead serious Feng Yin while staring at Lin cheng.

" you crazy?" Lin cheng ask.

He start it to think Feng Yin perhaps had a lose screw.

"No think about it, if you tame my mom in the bed than we could share. After all you do have a very good stamina."

Answer Feng Yin as if she was considering.

"First of all is she your real mom? Plus she is MARRIED with your father."

Lin cheng said he couldn't believe his that is very intelectual and mature aunt, would suggest such a thing.

"Not anymore." Answer Feng Yin.

"What you mean?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Haven't you noticed? my mom is staying in my castle and all of her things are here? Is because my mother broke up with my father."

Answer calmly Feng Yin as if she was not bother by it.

"Your not bother? Your parents been together thousands of years even if they separated. The might get back together, and this is probably just a quarrel of couple."

Said Lin cheng.

"Nope this time is serious they broke  the spiritual narriage contract, is a matter of time before she finds another man. So if she gonna find another man is better to be you after waters doesn't have to go outside the family." Said Feng Yin.

"Aunty I'm worried." Suddenly said Lin cheng.

"For what?" Ask Feng Yin confused.

"That your head is screw." Answer Lin cheng with a dead black expression.

"You!" Feng Yin eyes became and fierce and pounce Lin cheng.

"Aii..wait...ouch...that...hurts!" Poor Lin cheng was pinch by his aunt.

5 mins later...

"First of all do you thinking anybody gonna go and get together very quickly with grandma. Plus let's be honest it might even take years, I'm telling you aunt this won't happen it even is more absurd that grandma agreed."

Shook his head Lin cheng, even though he had a disgust towards his 'grandfather' he won't meddle in others marriages. Just for a moment of pleasure.

"With your charm you will definitely made her agreed. Plus right now mom cant even stop having dislike towards him."

Said Feng Yin while looking up and down his body.

"Feng Yin listen well, just like you and my mother are special to me, Grandma also is very special okay so stop saying stupid stuffs. I won't be playing with other people feelings just for a moment of pleasure. Instead of why didn't you tell me this happen from the beginning."

Lin cheng said seriously.

"My Grandma right now must be going thru a  hard time after such a break up. She might have dislike for him now and even some regret but at the end of day that old bastard help her give birth to you and my mom. And that old bastard was lucky enough that she still choose him as a partner."

Lin cheng said seriously.

"And let me get this clear yes we are having this relationship but is not only because of a happy time, is because I considered you special so me doing this with you is also special."

Finalized Lin cheng as if he was scolding Feng Yin.

Weirdly Feng Yin was silence not showing any emotions.

Lin cheng didn't want to speak with Feng Yin no more, he didn't want to get more mad at her so he decisively left.

What Lin cheng didn't notice is that perhaps he was so heat up in the moment, that in the system Map a apart from him and Feng Yin dot there was another green dot lurking around.

It was Feng Xin who had clearly hear Lin cheng words, and now she had after many tribulations in her cultivation tears were streaming down in her peerless mature face.

She had only cry 5 times in her life, and the last time was when she give birth safely to her girls.

But now she was very moved by Lin cheng words.

Mean while Feng Yin who previously had a calm face broke into a smile of full relief and happiness.

"This have move this lady heart."

Feng Yin close her eyes murmured, she have previously do lewds thing with Lin cheng because of fun. But right now her heartbeat was beating very hard, while she felt in her stomach butterflies.

Back to Lin cheng side he was looking for his grandma, but he couldn't found her. He couldn't but still think about his aunt crazy suggestion. Made him want to spank her in her sexy a$$.

Lin cheng was not a hypocrite he knew his grandma that had the appearance of a 40 years old woman, was fill with charm and explosives sexyness.

From her perfect curves, big breasts sexy thighs to even her perfect face features.

Any male would be move, but he didn't want to take advantage of his grandma weakness.

Perhaps after having Baishi and Tang Sun his mind was in another thing. Of course there's was also a woman who had made him evily determine to get.

A woman he would grab her heart and love, while he would also give her the same.

"Where would mom be? Did she already brokethrough? Did she prepared the necessary items?"

Tought Lin cheng worried for his mother well being.

1 day later...

Lin cheng decided to see current topics on the Feng Family, he was not a gossip person but this had to do with grandma.

After familiarizing himself with the current situation in the Feng family Lin cheng was shock, he tought that old bastard would try and reclaimed his wife feelings.

But it quickly spread that the cheap patriarch of the Feng Family actually found another woman, and she had the Cultivation base at the Celestial Realm middle stage!

But because she was didn't have the Feng family bloodline she couldn't gain the title of madam.

"This guy wtf." Lin cheng was flabbergasted.

After walking inside the Feng Yin Castle Lin cheng saw his aunt and grandma sitting down.

"Grandma your here." Lin cheng said and guve her deep hug.

"Hurry seat I have prepared some delicious chocolate cake."

Feng Xin give Lin cheng a small kiss on his face and said.

After sitting down next to Feng Yin, he was surprise by his grandma resplendent aura

Lin cheng could swear she was not sad nor angry, not only him even Feng Yin was left suspicious of her mother.

"Mom are you alright?" Feng Yin ask cautiously.

After hearing Feng Yin question Lin cheng raise his head full of chocolate.

"Hahaha, o my dears do you want to know if mother is bad because of your dad new woman? Don't worry I knew that woman after all would come."

Answer Calmly Feng Xin.

"Mom you know her?" Ask curiously Feng Yin.

"Yeah she is Wang Yunxian the grand elder of Shadow sect in the Phoenix Country. Back in the days she was a genius and also one of the many acquaintances we share multiple adventures with."

Answer calmly Feng Xin.

Feng Yin seem to caught something and stop asking.

"Geez it seem seem they been at it since some time."

Tought Lin cheng.

Lin cheng was not stupid he could guess that it seem that old bastard of his 'grandfather' must have been having certain relationships and it seem his grandma was not suprise.

Looking at Feng Xin why does she seem more free, and happy Lin cheng couldn't be confused.

"What you looking at dear?"

Ask Feng Xin with a captivating smile while feeling Lin cheng gaze on her.

"Nothing that I have no doubt where did  my mother and aunt crushing beauty came from."

Lin cheng sigh.

"Honey mouth" Feng Xin chuckle while tendering caressing Lin cheng head.

5 hours later...

North West of the Central Continent,
        Alchemy guild.

"Let me see what I can redeem with my current contribution points." Tought Lin cheng while walking.

He had a total of 85,700,000 Alchemy Guild contributions points. Lin cheng was very confident he could exchange for a bunch of natural elixirs to gain exp points.

"Hey did you hear?" Said a Alchemist.

"What?" Ask another alchemist walking with a bunch of spirit scrolls cautiously.

"The Ice Sect leader is here to find the Alchemy Ancestor, but she is been entertained by the Core elder Xiao Lin and other core elders."

Answer the alchemist.

"Ah! See the alchemy saint!"

"See the alchemy saint!"

The alchemist after seeing Lin cheng yelled.

Lin cheng use his Nirvana Qi to grab the spiritual scroll that were about to fall.

Lin cheng nodded with a smile and kept walking, in fact he hurried his pace.

"Alchemy saint?"

"Someone say alchemy saint where?!"

"Tell me!"

A bunch of Alchemist came out of they rooms, and classrooms. And circle the two poor alchemist.

But Lin cheng didn't stop in fact he didn't look back at all, after seeing he was not being followed.

"This guy's are crazy no wonder that old guy is hiding." Lin cheng breath a sigh of relief.

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