Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 30 Sky league ending

The Next morning in a Heart shape bedroom

Two body cuddling together  Suddenly A notification woke up Lin cheng

[Ding! Task 2 seduce Tang matriarch and win

200 million experience points plus 1.5 million mall coins (completed)]

[Ding! Congrats on earning 200 million experience points]

[Ding! Congrats on earning 1.5 millions mall coins]

Host name: Lin cheng


Realm: Overlord King Early stage/10billion upgrade

Exp avalaible : 3,578,050,000

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots activated

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood activated

Talent :Supreme heart,Alchemy Heart,Formation Heart

Pets: Baishi Heavenly Nine tail fox abilities illusions of charm. They can fall under her feets a even people from a higher realm might be afected/ Also can use the power space and increase her speed / can throw purple thunder bolts for her mouth

Baishi Realm: Rank 9 (Earn 50% of experience points from baishi when kills)

Charm:99(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones  so watch out ;)

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank/Golden and diamond spear Rank Earth upgradeable/Diamond and gold Ring/Pathek Diamond nautylus

Alchemy/ Phoenyx cauldron God rank

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank

Usables: / None

Mall coins: 41,737,000

Luckily Wheel chance:0

After Lin cheng finish checking status  was about get up for some reason after having sex with Tang xianer his body felt tired same goes for xianer.

The movement of Lin cheng also woke up Tang xianer when she open her eyes she was Lin cheng and suddenly thinking about last night her face turn red burning like a hot tomatoe.

Suddenly lean his face on her forhead

'Good morning" he said gently and kiss

her forhead

Tang xianer felt sweet

"I'm going to prepare breakfeast." I said getting up while xianer suddenly look at my naked back and those buttocks and couldn't help but laugh.

While I was walking I suddenly stop

'Xianer the bathroom is over there when you enter you can see the instructions take your time baby im going to prepare a good breakfeast for you." After saying this I close the door and i went down stairs and washed my teeth in the bathroom lovated down stairs i also took a quick shower and start it preparing break feast. Right after that Meanwhile

Tang xianer stood up after the door was close and Lin cheng went out suddenly she felt sticky all over her body and went to the bathroom following the same process of Tang wiyi when she first took a shower Tamg xianer relax her body in warm water she felt extremly happy after taking a shower and dressing in a more casual clothes she suddenly saw a red spot in the white sheets in the bed and she knew that eas a special sign of her first time. Suddenly she cut the piece dyed in red and save it. And felt sweet walking down stairs suddenly she smell a nice aroma that make her stomach grumble you must know she already Middle stage Emperor but thinking about last night suddenly she felt she needed to check her body which lead to her shock.

How could she not be surprised she actually was in the Early stage of sovereign realm!

O god what happen she couldnt know what happen how it happen suddenly she remember after Lin cheng shot his Yang essence (Sperm)she felt her whole body burn and felt sleepy now she saw that even her body was whiter and tender how could this happen.

She decided to ask Lin cheng perhaps he might have a idea about it.

Tang xianer walk toward the kitchen and saw Lin cheng putting couples of plates in the table with on it that all of them look delicious. She sat down showing a spring face after being nourish by Lin cheng Yang she look more charming

"Baby you look more beatiful every day and I tought you were already very beatiful." Said Lin cheng while sitting

"Glib tounge." Said Tang xianer happy in her heart while  eating and her gestures look more beatiful and she eats with trust like more open than before.

"Cheng I broke through Sovereign realm." said Tang xianer while eating bread and eggs with bacon.

"Baby that's because I have a special blood line which can fix the apitude of my love ones when we make love and the energy I shoot it could increase they aptitude and cultivation base. " I said

"Humph so that mean I have to take care of you so you don't go stray." said Xianer with a smile that is not smile.

I saw her but i didn't panic

"I can indeed make my partner cultivation increase but my blood line special only if I love that person who Im doing love would work." I said sincerely.

Tang xianer tought I was talking nonsense but she still couldn't help but blush thinking this naughty boy is confessing to me.

"O god is almost 10 am and I for that there's a  Elders a meeting" suddenly Tang Xianer panic how could she explain going home now

"Is okay baby you could say you were breaking g though Sovereign Realm they won't know, plus what's the matter were not doing anything bad by the way here are some pills for the next auctions." I said giving her a couples bottles pills

She kiss me in the lips and prepare to go she really wanted to stay bit she was going to be busy.

Lin cheng felt shock by the kiss since having sex last night xianer I think is more unrestrained next to me in felt happy but at the same time I start it thinking is nice being here but I have not forgot about going got the central plain or contiments I needed to find my mother and I bet that when my journeys start there be a lots of fights. So it won't be so calm I hurriedly start it training a weird thing is that today wiyi'er did not come.

While I was practicing in my training space provided by the system xianer went home everybody as ker where she was the felt worried and whe she reveal that she was already it made huge commotion in the tang family the even wanted to celebrate but xianer ask to keep low profile.

During this week's Lin cheng and xianer spend nights of passion together and he convinced her of many things to at first she resisted bit then she wanted to please lim cheng after he pleaser with his mouth that touch and decided to openly for him.

The next week's Lin cheng also treat The Queen full naked massaged she even make orgasmo while messaging her whole body and at the end she was fix after she success full broke through emperor realm and her apituded actually Increase thanks to the evil Qi at first she was shy but later she felt unrestrained  later after she broke through Qin xianer was happy and So it was her now they have the own power not long that this time Lin cheng suddenly put her a idea to eliminate the power of the royal family and take over it with help of Lin che g Qin xianer also broke through emperor realm and Tang xianer later learn Lin cheng was helping them and felt annoyed and complain about asking why he help them feeling a little jelous and suddenly Lin cheng didnt talk about the system just said sincerely that if The queen take it the thrones and change the names from Dong to Qin empire with only matriarchal it could help me get a map from the central continent I made a emotional gesture saying if he can get the the space Crack jade I'll be able to find my mother her mother in law she was shy when she heard it but then was sad when I told her about what really happen with my spiritual roots she really agreny with killing intent knowing that somebody did this to her lovely husband but the she hear that now I'm fine she knew I had more secrets but didn't ask but at the end she even wanted to help after all it was about my mother plus she also admire a little the queen after she ascend to the queen throne she did so many stuff better than the emperor for example improving the poverty etc.

At the end of day Tang xianer really didnt care about power after all Tang family was a business family so the care more about other stuff and not talking she was at leas a big power houses.

And just like that I finish my mission and already have a space Crack in tnis time I put a big formation of space between my villa and the Tang house and also puts a formation that increases at least 100 times more energy in the tang family and even the Queen place which she disposed of all corruptions and loyal slave of the emperor and she build a new palace that look more beatiful during this days I was shock to find that actually the queen was already almsot in the late stage of emperor and also saw the queen and tang xianer apparently have a good relationship almost like sisters so sometimes we would reunite with the tang family and her. The queen now became the new monarchy of the Qin empire and the Qin empire became more prosperous.

On this day after weeks of auction today was special day because now people all over the comtinents came to the Qin Empire hiding family empires prince and princess because the hear just because one things and that is the Alchemy countless young masters cames

So the Qin family was more lively of course the business bloom but at the same time like something that has pro also has cons.

There always the tyranny or better the people who nothing better to do than to oppress so countless was happening I. The Qin empire

Now the tang family all the elder were at the peak of kings realm while they also saw a sovereign realm you must say that you being a sovereign realm except for the sky league no one can threaten them.

The Queen was so mad that didnt know what to do and even The Tang family  was affected so Xianer came forwar with the queen revealing her soeveirgn real at the early peak stage supressing most of them and also use the name of Lin cheng saying that if they keep bothering they would stay outside and won't be able to buy a single pill from the alchemist which hurriedly scare most of the new people and the old generation scolded the younger generation saying to stop making trouble after this people from all over the have try to contact the alchemist to se eif the cam have a connection with them which would one step in to the sky but the couldnt find it only that it was connecting only with the tang family and also that the matriarch used to be a king realm but in months thanks to the help of the alchemist she became a sovereign real people secretedly say that perhaps it was her husband and there's also rumor about the queen that now is in the late stage of emperor so they tought might as well don't dare offend them what if because of this they get destroy.

Going back to theme this time Qin empire was just because ethey hear there would be a rank pill 9!!!!!! That can heal any Injure you know how tempting this is even the Overlord king Realm was alarm and decided to come here if he can absorb This alchemist .he might even break to the legendray realm and have more power.

Lin cheng was in the Alchemy room storage and was accommodating all the tens o thousands of pills that were in jade bottle actually he was fixing them since he was planning to leave it would take sometime but at the same time was thinking of how to get a nice Technique in the system for Xianer I'll be happy if she can Became a overlord king but it is so hard because you need at least te hnique he didnt have enough mall coins at least had this villas if Xianer cultivate here she would definitely reach overlord king realm.

At the same time in the big party before the auctions there were many girls Su qingxia and his mother with Su lan also the princess were together and surprisingly Tang wiyier and Tang zhou, Tang zhi were there happily chatting inside this Party before the auction there were a lot of people  With half step sovereing relam alot of sea realm youngster which most of the Qin empire the felt that only wiyier or Sungingxia surprising was now in the sea realm.

Lei ku was in secret room in front his Master was wamg the leader of the sky league also there were all of the elders of the sky league.

If we can make the alchemist submit or at least join it would be fine. Said one of the elders

We wang was quiet but he was thinking this person might make force betten than them but his whisfull thing of making him join was all he tought about he didn't want another power force disturb his cake.

Master I'll go to the party said Lei ku

Nodded wu wang

Like that like walk towards The party and suddenly there was a big commotion of gossiping

Look he is the personal disciple of The master of sky league

O god yea

He is only 300 years is already in the late stage of emperor on step close to the sovereign realm.

O yeaa

People were chatting and the discussion reach the ears of many younger generation Suqingxia and other girls also look at it

After is curiousity they said Sky league been here for thousands years is normal to check out

While Lei ku he like the feeling of beeing worship how they look at him in envy and some girl winking at him but he like the sight of SuQingxia and Taang wiyier attracted his attention so he came trying to act all calm

Hello my name who are this fairies im young master of the sky league ask Lei ku

Trying act all calm The girls nodded and said hello while Tamg wiyi'er just hello but still was cold while the other acted polite Lei ku yought the would at least show a shy face like always when he introduce name

He saw tang and even doe she didn't t have chest she had those sexy thigh his look like scorching but hurriedly calm his self down

He stretch his hand to grab wiyier when

Hel- slapped the hand that was about touch wiyier hand was slapped by wiyier herslef which suddenly the whole was quiet and the atmosphere

Respect your self said tang wiy'ier after she didmt know who he was how could do that even if he was in the emperor realm she suddenly that here body was about explode

Suddenly his breath was about to explode when Tang xianer appeared in front him and slapped him

Booom he flew straight away this happen so suddenly that people were in one moment

Suddenly 2 body guard appeard in front her and they were shock who was the beauty which make suffocate and also that she one step away from the middle stage

The attack but xianer repelled them and the spurted blood

Girl do you know who we are ask with pale face the body guard

I don't care who you are but this is my sister and you just touch one of my family members

So what we are from the sky league

I said this is my sister if you keep bothering you can look for another place to buy pills said dominering protecting tang wiyier which look more like protecting her curb she was about to announce when suddenly she saw the moment whe Lei ku explode her breath to Attack Tang wiyier just because she slapp his hands. She protected tang wiyi'er that a impulse of family .

Lei ku stood up in embarrased when has ever attack only flattery but no this beatiful did he was mad she look at her sexy body and her cold

Very well I remember this when my master come let see what happen. Said leiku and walk in a corner

Well you can wait outside for your master to come said Tamg xianer which shock every one actually kicking him out

Your to much!! How dare you like ik young-

What does have to with me your already lucky your not death sayd xianer suddenly Ruthlness

Everyone were shock

The 2 body whisper something  to Lei ku and he walk out

Well hello everyone the auction is about to beging if you want you can come in said Tang xianer changing a business expression people were shock why she was not afraid of sky league but the hurriedly follow even if she offended the sky after all the came for the alchemist

20 mins later when the auction most people was accommodated

The elders and wu wang walk toward the entrance suddenly saw his disciples and to outer elders they were shock what happen why the look the beaten

What happen one of the elders

A body guard explained and everyone the expressing frown in displease

Even wu wang was angry kick my out disciple just for a woman and he had really abd injuries he has raise this child for 300 years even doe he came  to submit the alchemist but just the people around are arrogant.

Humph dodnt worry Lei ku master  would ask for a explanation

Suddenly inside the house every pill was so excited the even use spirit stones for pills to heal themselves and other for younger generation

The deity cam to ask for a explanation" suddenly a big voice sounded trembling the building and imperial city.

Everything went silent and Tang xianer frown

A group of powerful people enter and a middle age men in a luxurious  with a calm face looking like he doesn't care anything exuding a superior atmosphere

Master it was her every hear and saw Lei ku pointing at Tamg xianer in stage

While Su family side

Who would taught that he'll be stingy men said su lan in  low voice while the su family tought except for the other family's they start thinking is it possible that tang family is in big problem?

That what I should said you come to my siste and assault my family member it was already a mercy that I didnt killl him righ ther siad Tamg xianer even though it was a overlord king real she would protect her girls

Suddenly Wu wang was stunned how he have imagine a actually sovereign girl that look so sexy a beatiful he tought if conquer her damm he never tasted a sovereign realm woman

Of course I needed I hear your alchemist s rank 9 how about you let come and finish the auction and by the you acompany a drink to solve the problem said casually Wu wang but every one hear him and they knew this was interested in her every one tough also she was pretty but shock them he actualy ask the alchemist to keep auctions this is not the same as slapping alchemist or he is trying t you must know  alchemist is respected but when thinking about it twice  sky league always been overbearing  how they let alchemist capable of  making the league lose power. But sadly he did t his wishfull thinking most

When Tang xianer hear what said about lin cheng a huge anger surge in her heart

But suddenly the whole temperate increase and even the wu wang felt it

And Boom!! In the air aan with fire in his whole body giving a momentum that make the whole continent table and even Wu wamg felt a sense crisis and oppression he was shock the figure fell down in front every the flame extinguished

I'm sorry wife I'm late I hear that was a bug bother you I suddenly ask and Tang xianer felt sweet in fact lim cheng suddenly received a text wiyier how I could let my wife suffer of course if lin che.g what this old man say now he would burn by ashes

Tang xianer suddenly

change to shyness

Who are you ask in a deep voice solemm every one were is this another overlord king how is possible and even the four family's were shock su family Lin family Qin family etc

But lin cheng ignored him. And look for wiyier

And suddenly she appear

Big brother it was him who came and try to bully matriarch. Said wiyi'er who have tought the proud tang would complain like a little girl

Wu wang felt anoyyed whe has he beeing ignored like this but suddenly felt a big crisis coming my gentle handsome face to a coldness every one who were here when I attack the shan empire is going to repeat againg the events.

You better give a explanation to my wife and the guest here for interrupting our auction I said with a cold voice

Little beas- booom

Suddenly in the shock every one the suddenly lim cheng disspeard and attack wu wang and suddenly they saw two figure flew to the sky


Booom Boom Boom boom every boom shook the whole tian wu continent suddely a figure to the middle of the sadiums all bloody teeth broken and even a hand cut off and surpising they saw young with a straight back in white but zero blood on him that was Lin che.g looking down on wu wang Like a king looking own a ant

Wu wang was scare to strong!!!!!!! Fear rose she didn't expect  he offended the wife  of such figure when did it appeard

Apologize or leave your life behind I said cold  wu wang tremble while Lei ku was scare and even the elders tremble

Senior in sorry im sorry with a trembling voice

Not to me but to my wife suddenly a panick hige in wu wang he felt the killing g Intent he was so scared

I'm sorry Ladiey I should speak su rude words said with a pale and scare face

Tang xianer felt warm and security but it also give the impulse to be stronger. Every look at the power figur who came arrogant and now is like every one look at the you g men whole like 15 years old so strong The su family the ancestor look at this kid and felt regretful dammm that's fucking overlord while su gimgixa felt thirst for power and also admire Lin cheng.

Suddenly Lin chen his arch his hand toward the audition

I'm really sorry for this disturbing Maki g you uncomfortable lim che g apologize in nice manner which shock everyone What a person they tought a overlord king realm what kind characters only wu wang was arrogant .

Everyone felt extremly flattered

By the way I hope the old generation can remind the younger generation to dont be conceited and do evil in the Qin empire suddenly I said casually and every one felt the threat of respecting the Qin empire and even thos young master were scare while 4 family felt refresh late is been to headache of arrogant dude with this they can breath sigh of relief.

Well sky league you may leave and also let's keep up the auction.

Wu wang felt grief indignation he was super damage he needed to heal  and really that 9 rank pill but he left with no face a Lei lu also with elder the auctions Cotinnued

1 hour later afte rather auction in the sky league head quarters everyone heard what happen and wu wang enter with Lei ku and anger and madness thinking of that figue he felt despair

What should we do he let's us go

I don't know should we take revenge?

Everyone look at wu wang when he was about to said soemthing suddenly

Bodies start it exploding whe reacted it was to late his throat was pierce and the last thing saw was lin cheng.

Every elder and even Lei ku was nor spare only the low level people after Lin cheng only kill the elders and Lei ku he is not a socociapath buy remembering the novels and knowing he was about leave how could he be secure .

[Ding! Killing a overlord king realm  middle earning 500  million experience points]

[Ding! killing! 15 sovereign realms winning 3 billions exp]

[Ding! killing emperor late realm winning 50 million experience points]

Check status

I said in my heart

Host name: Lin cheng


Realm: Overlord King Early stage/10billion upgrade

Exp avalaible : 7,128,050,000

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots activated

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood activated

Talent :Supreme heart,Alchemy Heart,Formation Heart

Pets: Baishi Heavenly Nine tail fox abilities illusions of charm. They can fall under her feets a even people from a higher realm might be afected/ Also can use the power space and increase her speed / can throw purple thunder bolts for her mouth

Baishi Realm: Rank 9 (Earn 50% of experience points from baishi when kills)

Charm:99(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones  so watch out ;)

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank/Golden and diamond spear Rank Earth upgradeable/Diamond and gold Ring/Pathek Diamond nautylus

Alchemy/ Phoenyx cauldron God rank

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank

Usables: / None

Mall coins: 41,737,000

Luckily Wheel chance:0

Lin cheng because he still needed 3 billion to break through suddenly.

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