Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 40 Lin cheng shows his Battle Power

Taixu Town Main Coliseum Center.

They were tens thousands of People coming towards this place that was actually located in The middle of Taixu Town with Tens of thousands stairs seats from up to down making a circle. In the center of the Circle there was a Grey platform made of high Quality bricks.

Around the platform there were couples mini group with different flags with different colors and different drawings on them. As if representing different forces could be said

And right in front of the platform we could see some high seats next to the platform that had some flashy seats with different character or emblems that each of the groups in the surrounds of the platform had.

There were 2 seats that look blue and Had the Leng family insignia and surprisingly next to them were other forces For Example the Zhang family also had seats with Green Characters representing their family. There were also seats for each exclusive force one of them was Taixu school of course and the main force in taixu town except for the other detach existences but even though they didnt participate they came to see.

Today's was a lively day and a shocking news were brewing for the Taixu town people one of them related to the Alchemy branch president who shockingly broke through the Void King realm in both Alchemy rank and Cultivation making people go excited after all Void king realm for them is a Supreme existence and even The the Wu branch president congratulate him of course no exception were the other forces like Ku family , Qu family ,Leng family and of course The Zhang family with other forces.

Each of the forces were smiling and people in crown look where Fang fu was standing next to him was the Wu Branch president chatting and you could see people with Strength coming to congratulate him.

" ho ho congrat old friend to think you made that step is crazy im still stuck" Spoke Wu Lan

While Fang fu smile from pride

"Congratulations President "

The Zhang family congratulated

In Leng family side

"Wife I think lately people breakthroughs are coming easy don't you think" Leng Gong spoke while walking towards Fang gu

"Bah dont compare husband you see that's the Void King realm" Spoke Yang Yan gently with smile and longing Same as her husband but she still happy that she brokethrough Empyrean realm middle stage.

They walk towards Fangu fu after all they need to show respect in this occasion that everyone is reunited.

Everyone send their congrats and said hello to Fang fu which he nodded lightly to they Hellos.

None of them were dissatified after all they knew he had arrogance but back by his strength that man standing in front of them was A Void King Realm! Not only that even a Alchemy master.

So people try to flatter him same goes for The Wu Branch president people trying to climb towards the Wu Branch.

A Old man with white hair that exude a sense of majesty after he salute respectful Fang fu he came to the stage and everyone in the crown were excited because this man is the the one in Power of Taixu Town the Principal of The Taixu school!!!

Tai Sang came in the stage quickly as lighting in a flash.

" Hello people from taixu town I would announce that prize are same as always for the top 10 Genius and even the top 100 would win prizes, The elder Gon Chu would be in charge of The competitions in The stage while we see I hope everyone had a nice experience in seeing our best geniuses in Taixu town." After the voice of Tai Sang ended he dissapeard out of thin air appearing right back in his seat.

Everyone were excited elder Gon Chun appeared and it start it a round of magnficient fights.

2 hours later

"Today's was a day to see the Genius of taixu town in the magnficient fights but as everyone already know in end is time for the ranking." Spoke Elder Gon chun

People in the crowd were still excited by the previous battles that took place.

"In the Tenth place Qu song"

"In the Ninth place Zhen lu"

"In the eight place Zhang Hu"

"In the 7th Place Leng Yan"

"Sixth place Qu Sian"

"Fith place Ko du"

"4th place ...

"And finally in the first place Ku Wong"

Everyone were excited this was a crazy fight competition were there were a lot of dark horses

Leng Yan was in a group of some of Junior sisters and next to her was the sixth place winner Qu Sian

"Wow sister leng you really surprise me"

Spoke Qu Sian in a inteligent voice in fact they were best friend since entering Taixu school after all  top 10  fighters were from Taixu school but today they were representing their families.

Except for Ku Wong who was representing the Taixu school and as always the most benefits would go towards the Taixu school with this competition results.

People were surprise by Leng Yan and even more about  Zhang Hu who actually broke through the sovereign realm making him one of the most out standing people in the the competition.

When the people exciting talking and looking forward in a corner of the Coliseum where no one could see a a figure could be see sitting looking at the stadium he wore a out fit that look stylish his handsome face had a complicated face.

A figure came behind Lin cheng when he was sitting there looking at the stadium. The figure wrapped her white tender hands around Lin cheng.

"Cheng are you still thinking about what happened before, you know it wasn't your fault"

The figure was baishi who had been sleeping until now and her realm was actually close to breaking through the late stage of Empyrean Realm.

"Yea it just that I felt bad about it I keep forgeting this new world has his different stuffs"

"Cheng you don't have to think to much at the end of the day you solve the problem and you must know there are no "if", In this types of situations" Spoke Baishi

I turn back look at her purple beatiful eyes her silver and white hair with her nine tail fox in that amazing body and sigh to think she is not that old and could think of it in this way, perhaps that's the cheat of the info she obtain from her bloodline.

"Well is not completely solve baishi there still something we need to do" I look at the Coliseum where a group people were and in that group there was certain figure the culprit of all of this.

Inside the Coliseum the top 10 rank fighters were receiving their Rewards and were ready to go back to their own each camp.

Tai Sang look at Ku Wong with pride and Spoke

" You did well "

" is all thanks to the guidance of The Principal" Ku Wong  Spoke With a smile in his face that look like he were in his late twenties.

Leng Yan and Qu Sian were chatting happily together next to their juniors sisters

"Senior sister  you don't think  Ku Wong look handsome"  Spoke one of the junior sisters with love hearts in her eyes like a admirer

"And strong too with only 1,000 years old and he is so strong " Spoke another Junior sister

"You girls with that fanatism but to be honest he is good looking and strong " Spoke Qu Sian her toughts looking at Ku Wong  who was next to the Principal talking with other Patriarchs

" what you think Sister leng? Is it attractive " tease Qu Sian

"I think he is strong but he doesn't look that atractive" tought for a while Leng Yan and spoke

" wow is it possible there's another guy more atractive or is it someone that got your attention" Surprise Ask Qu Sian

Leng Yan Suddenly tought of the charismatic teenager for a moment  without responding shocking the group of Gossip girls and even Qu Sian was surprise

" Sister leng!!! Is it possible you met someone o god who could be that made one of our beauties in daze" tease Qu Sian and even the juniors girls

" Don't talk nonsense I was thinking about other things" Spoke with red face Leng Yan

When the girls were about to exhort Leng Yan in front them a group Of Males came to them and in the lead was Zhang Hu

"Yan'er you surprise me you were so fantastic there" Spoke Zhang Hu

No one were surprised by his action everyone knew Zhang Hu has a obsession with Leng Yan and beeing trying to hit her idea

"Hmm" Nodded cold Leng Yan knew Zhang Hu was not a good bird so she had ignore him

Zhang Hu seem unaffected by her reaction still keeping a gentle smile on his face

"Yan'er how about we go in one of my Family big restaurants to celebrate our Triumph" Invited Zhang Hu

" Brother Zhang Hu Don't call me Yan'er were not that close and final I would have to reject your kindness since I have other stuff to do" Spoke Leng Yan Coldy rejecting him

Zhang Hu frow his eyebrows displeased this rejection was not giving him any face when has he been so rejected, him The young master of Zhang family. But he couldn't do anything first she was stronger than him and second her backing was not easy to provoke his father and mother were both In the Empyrean Realm and he hear her mother broke through the middle stage Empyrean realm and the patriarch the Zhang Family his father was just in the early stage of Empyrean realm.

Zhang Hu suddenly felt his Spine shiver as if some one was looking at him . He suddenly panic and look every where while he was doing that he didn't notice the group of girls leaving as running from a plague.

He tought why did he panic what was that crisis he felt perhaps he was allucinating Zhang Hu Shook his head and walk towards the Zhang family group

"Sister leng that Zhang Hu is like plague always pestering sigh" Spoke Qu Sian obviously annoyed

" yea we couldn't get to know who was the the person our senior sister was attracted to that could make her in daze" Spoke one of the junior sister

" bad girl what things are you saying I'm not attracted to no one" Spoke Leng Yan while blushing

" ahem Yan'er you better tell me I'm your best friend how could I not know something important like that humph" Spoke Qu Sian without caring about her reaction as if demanding something

In Leng Yan parents side people were congratulating

"Congratulations sister, Leng Yan'er was incredible"

Spoke A mature women and next to her was a middle age man with a formation emblem on his chest.

Leng Gong nodded lightly to the middle age man

" Yes she was and your gift definitely added couples of points towards her glow " Spoke Yang Yan With a hint of pridness in her Voice

When people were preparing to leave a conmotion broke out.

"Wow look guys at the Zhang Family locations"

"O heavens that's a lot of blood"

"Aren't those elites guard of the Zhang family?"

Every powerhouse were surprise and look at the location of The Zhang Family were blood was Spill all over they camp and their members of the Zhamg family were also bath in it.

Surprisingly they saw 12 figures that were Elites guards of The Zhang Family Each one of them were without a sign of life.

Zhang Hu had his face covered in blood He look angry and that's without talking about the Zhang patriarch.

The Qu family patriarch look at the side of teh Zhang family not only him even The Tai Sang next to Ku Wong were looking at him.

"Who dares to insult my Family" Yelled the Zhang family patriarch With a killing intent in his voice

While he was searching, the people who were about leave the battle stadium  everyone  got back to they seas thinking  a good show was about to begin.

While people were gossiping and even the Patriarchs of big to small families were no exception. Everyone suddenly felt like the temperature of Stadium became hot.

Da Da...

And footsteps could be hear

Everyone look were the footseps were coming and saw a Handsome young teenager dress in black and white with a different style of dressing but that look stylish.

Lin cheng walk in the middle of the battle platforms towards The Zhang Hu Camp.

Mean while Different people have some heartwaves of shock.

Fang Fu was looking at the Platform with a meaningful smile

Meanwhile Yang Yan and Leng Gong was looking at The platform with different toughts

"Why would he be here?"

Spoke to herself Leng Yan  with a confused Face

Qu sian and the Girls who were next to her hear it

"Do you know him sister yan?"

One of them ask

But before they could retake the conversation.

"Little beast you better give me a explanation for hurting my Zhang members!"

People didn't know when The Zhang Family patriarch appeared in the middle of the Platform blocking Lin cheng path.

Lin cheng look at The Zhang Family patriarch With a indifferently face and cold eyes.


A figure flew towards outside platform

Everyone were shock because that figure was The Zhang Family patriarch!!

Seeing their patriarch flew like a broken chair everyone were shock.

"Cough ..cough .. who are you?"

Trying to stand up The Zhang patriarch Ask with a deep voice he was hurt without chance to defend. He couldn't believe it the only thing he could think was that the opponent was a formidable person.

"I came to solve some troubles your family has with me isn't that right Mr. Zhang hu" Spoke Lin cheng coldly looking at the Zhang Hu direction

Zhang Hu was shock he didn't know how he offended the other party but he knew a Dangerous fate awaited for him.

Everyone in the standing took a deepbreath and even Leng Yan was shock the same goes for he Mother Yang Yan.

People in the stadium toughts that perhaps the Zhang family Kick a ironplate instead of a rock.

The Zhang family is well know for her overbearing and Despicable way of doing things.

" I.. I.. Senior I don't know when The little one has offended you please be merciful" Spoke Quickly with a trembling voice while bowing Zhang Hu

Everyone saw how The young master of The Zhang family scare but no one blame him after all The person that look much younger just blast his Father a Empyrean Realm!! Like nothing.

Lin cheng didn't want to waste time so he was about to shoot and end Zhang Hu but he felt some one coming from behind him.

Boom! Boom!

A Old man with white hair

"Little friend I hope you can be merciful and give me face after all this is also my students"

Tai sang spoke the leader of the Tai school

Zhang Hu hurriedly breath sigh of relief

I look at Tai Sang feeling annoyed inside

"Another meddlesome person" I spoke in my mind

"Does you face count more than my life,old man you better fuck off because there's no chance for you to intervene here" I spoke with a Cold

Everyone were shock People tought that Lin cheng was crazy

"He didn't give face to the first powerhouse of taixu town"

"Damm he even call him old man"

Some people Snicker silently

Even though they were whisper Tai Sang hear them after all he is a Empyrean realm late stage he is more sensitive than others.

"Well little kid since you parents didn't teach you well how to speak towards your elders let me achieve you a lesson on their behalf" Spoke A Tai Sang with anger

"Hahaha elder you said? To be honest I don't have time to waste with you a double standard person" i spoke with indifference

"Arrogant He is to arrogance it looks like a dislikeable character sister Leng, do you really know him even though he look handsome he is to Arrogant for myself taste, I hope The dean teach him a lesson" Spoke Qu Sian

Leng Yan was quiet and didn't Spoke but a little worried on her face even she didn't why she was like that.

Tai sang use his aura to crush Lin cheng but surprise Lin cheng was standing looking at him with a mocking smile

The whole platform vibrated because of his Aura but still Lin cheng just look at him like looking a fool.


Lin cheng didn't waste time and attack and you could already expect the results.


Another figure flew until he hit the floor

"Omg isn't that Principal Tai saing!"

But everyone tought the figure was Lin cheng shockingly it was actually Tai Sang who look embarrased.

"Old man I hope you don't intervene or I don't mind been ruthless" Spoke Lin cheng with cold tone

Lin cheng didn't want to do the normal routine of blah blah give me face because of this or that.

The whole stadium took a deep breath from the shock.

A mere kid that looks in his early teen actually knock out the First Power house of Taixu town!

And in the late stage of Empyrean realm he actually battle across realm!!! This is a simple genius!

"Baishi bring him up please" Spoke Lin cheng

Da Da

Sound of foots steps could be hears when every saw the figure the took a deep breath

"Damm she is beautiful"

Every one look at the center of the Plat form where a beautiful young women appeared With nine tails behind her and fluffy ears purple Dazzling Eyes and white skin like a jade her beautiful face and sexy aura that exude was Tempting.

"Che'ier there you go"

With a wave of her hand Baishi threw a body like throwing a bag of garbage

Even the old foxes were shock by her beauty but when they saw the tail all of the shock

"Demon Fox clan!"

Someone Exclaimed

Every powerhouse took a deep breath after all they knew The Demon Fox Clan is a Upper Force They guess this beauty had a deep background

The body that was threw to the ground was trying hard to grasp for breath it look very bloody and at all hurt.

"Cough cough" Zhang Yong struggle to stand up

"Is he the one?" Spoke Lin cheng

Zhang Yong tremble and hurriedly Spoke the ins and out  and exposed Zhang Hu

"I. I. " Zhang Hu didn't know what say but Lin cheng didn'/ give him a oportunity

Everyone understood that Zhang Hu try to kill Lin cheng because of beeing close towards Leng Yan

Every one look at Leng Yan which had a complicated face and felt guilty

"Go in peace" Lin cheng spoke indifferently

With a spear intent attack blow up Zhang Hu and Zhang Yong

[Ding! Killing a early stage Sovereign realm gains 10 millions exp points]

[Ding! Killing a Late stage Overlong King kill realm Gains 100millions exp points]

"My son!!!!!! Why you have to be so cru-

Boom! Without waiting for The Zhang to speak he was blown up

[Ding! Killing a Early stage Empyrean realm gains 1billions Exp Points]

The elders of the The Zhang Family knowimg the could escape the try to run but baishi was a faster


Boom Boom Boom

[Ding! Pet Partner kills 4x early stage of Overlord King Realm gains 60 millions exp points]

Lin cheng was surprise, but he saw that he only got half of the exp points if he was the who kill them he would got a total of 120 million exp points.

But he didn't care it was nice to see he can actually gain points from baishi actions.

In just seconds The Zhang family was destroy, The Taixu citizen were in utterly shock,, they couldn't believe a behemoth in Taixu town was wiped out like that.

Lin cheng and baishi and turn around about to leave.

"You attack my family and want to leave like that?"

A cold voice fill with killing intent resounded through the Taixu Town shaking the whole stadium

Lin cheng foots steps stop whe he hear the voice

"For real don't tell me this is the typical cliche of ancestor or some background coming out or anything" tought Lin cheng in his heart with a helpless expression

Suddenly everyone felt a oppression making want them to squad or kneel

"O god is this another Void king realm?"

"Apparently yes is another Void king realm wow!"

"Incredible today I have seeing 2 legendary Void King Realms and even a Demon clan fox"

When Lin cheng turn around what caught was a man that looks in his 40 with a Cold face and emanating a Deep killing intent

"And who are you?" Ask Lin cheng indifferently With a calm expression on his handsome face as if the aura of The Void King Realm didn't even make ticke him

Zhang Hen was surprise

"sure enough this Kid must have a deep background ground"Zhang Hen said to himself but looking at his Brother an nephew He couldn't control his killing intent

"Little beast I want you paid the price for killing my family"Spoke Zhang hen while ready to make a move

"Opps that Kid is in trouble"

"Who would have tought that the Zhang Family had a Legendary Void King as backer"

"Bah I wouldn't be so sure that kid look so young and is so powerful perhaps he also has a deep background"

The gossip of the audience didn't stop

Mean while

Leng Gong was looking at the Platform with a solemm expresion not only him even Yang Yan and other families

"No wonder the Zhang Family beeing so rampant lately" Spoke with a Deep voice The Qu Family patriarch

Back to Lin cheng

When The Attack of The Zheng Han was about To reach Lin cheng.

Lin cheng suddenly smile as if looking at a fool and move his right hand to the front and the Golden Phoenyx appeard in front intervening in the attack.


The aftermath of the attack push Lin cheng making him slide backwards.

Lin cheng stood up straight but his face was a little pale and a Line of blood came from the corners of his mouth.

"Wow The kid actually resist a attack of a Void King Realm!"

"Am I seeing right? He actually survive!"

Lin cheng even though he block the attack He didn't use his bloodline Boost he did it normal.

He was trying to see how strong his body is without using his bloodline and at least he knows he won't die instantly from one hit of a Void King Realm but for sure he going to get wound up. This attack heavily injure him

Zhang Zhen was surprise but his eyes suddenly change from surprise to Greed!

Yes heavy greed he was no longer paying attention to Lin cheng or more exactly he was paying attention, towards The Weappn Lin cheng That look so tempting Beacuse thats was actually a Earth Rank Weapon!

Not only him all of the powerhouses were shock but not by greediness but by the weapon the Least shock was Wu Lan after all he had seen this Type of weapon in The Chamberce Headquarters.

"O my heavens is that a Earth Rank Weapon!!"

"It is wow!"

Mean while In Lin cheng side

"Boy apparently you are rich how about giving me your weapons and kneeling for forgiveness I might spare you" Spoke Zheng Hen he knew This Kid had background or something but the greed won him plus the revenge he wanted.

"Sigh I must wonder why people like to talk to much do you have brain broken?  any way thanks for letting me test something now is my turn" Spoke Lin cheng with Cold voice

Zheng Hen suddenly had a bad premonition

So he hurriedly make another attack with all his force

"Blood activate"

Lin cheng look at The fist that was getting close exuding destruction indifferently and spoke

Suddenly the temperature of the stadium or I should say Taixu town Went up very hits as if something was about to be burn.

People were shock by the suddenly scene when they hear a Big cry of a bird


A phoenix cry could be hear shaking the Whole Taixu Town

Zheng Hen when was attacking saw how Lin cheng stop bleeding And heal at a naked eyes speed bit was too late he


Lin cheng move and


A wave of shock was blasted and impacts of sonic sound could be hear

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The impact of the wave were coming towards the Audience and the gor nervous the felt if those waves hit them their be seriously hurt or worse dead.

Fan Fu was about to move To resist the Aftermath waves to bring Safety towards the public but before

Baishi stretch her left hand and put a slender finger up with her Qi mana making a invisible Wall that seal up the afterwards putting in safety all the people present.

"Wow thankyou beauty!"

"Uff that was close I tought we were about to get small in to meat"

"Yea me too"

"By the way that beauty actually si a middle stage Empyrean realm but had such a power"

Everyone were comenting and shock about baishi

Fang Fu was also shock is it possible she is another genius that can battle across realm.

Ku Wong look at her with scorching eyes not only him all of the males Student of the Taixu school fter she was like a goddes with Strength and even the girls admire how string she was.

But Baishi just smile like a beautiful flow in bloom.


The fight was over and in the middle of the Battle platform that was now broken you could seen a 2 figure one kneeling in the ground spurting blood and trying breath hard with fears in his eyes, while the other look young and handsome with a indifferent expression.

Lin cheng look at Zheng Hen with shock inside his heart with his blood line activated he could battle Across a entire realm with out it he could battle at least 1 realm and with the bloodline semi activated he could battle 2 Realms up.

"Cough cough have merc- Zhang hen Spoke with trembling voice but was cut off by Lin cheng spear inserted in his throat

Zhang Heng eyes lost Vitality fast and die

[Ding! Killing A Void King Real early stage Earns 10 Billions Exp points]

Lin cheng walk towards the exit of the Platform but stop and look at the Group left of the Zhang Family

All of them Tremble for fear they tought they were save but seeing The Void King Realm be kill all of their spirits were suck.

"If you want to take revenge you can come to me anytime in the future but be prepared to leave your life behind" Spoke indifferently but a self confide Lin cheng after he is not a pshycho why kill the rest of the Zhang family he already kill of the strong people.

Their tremble but sigh a breath of relief

"Wow!!! That Kid actually kill a Void King realm!!"

"He actually has bloodline Power oh heaven!"

"Ohh look isn't that the Alchemy master Fang Fu"

"Yeah he is walking towards the young kid why!"

The gossip start it and everyone had different toughts especially The Leng Family who would had guessed that Young teen actually had such a background with bloodline.

Fang Fu came in front Lin cheng and give a respectful bow

"Teacher" Fang Fu spoke excitedly but respectful

"Sup Fang fu" Spoke Lin cheng

"Your about to leave teacher i tought I couldn't Saw again in order to thankyou"Spoke Fang Fu excited

"Is not necessary Fang fu" Lin cheng spoke with normal expression

Everyone were shock their saw Fang Fu speaking towards The Young Men and actually call him Teacher but the next words made a Huge waves on their hearts.

"How could say that Teachen Lin if it wasn't for I'll never actually had a oportunity to breakthrough The Void King in bot ways in cultivation and Alchemy, for reals thanks for your teaching assistances Teacher." Spoke Fang Fu with deep admiration and gratitude

Every one took a deep breath they couldn't believe what The Big Figure as Fang Fu just said that actually the mysterious Teenager actually made Him broke through the legendary realm for them The Void King Realm. Not only that but even in Alchemy Rank after that harder.

"It was just a matter of raising a hand for me plus you also put your effort you can't teach someone who doesn't put the effort to learn." Said Lin cheng as if it didn't matter

After hearing What Lin cheng everyone felt how humble Lin cheng look like if it was nothing.

"Teacher Lin are you coming back with me to the headquarters, of course if you want after im going because I need to level up my badge" Spoke Fang fu without noticing what he said of Lin cheng going back to the headquarters as if it was not the first time of Lin chen. He didn't notice he misspoke but you must know that Alchemists different from other Sect are more unite all becaua eof they Alchemy Dao their believe in that all of them look for more knowledge of alchemy. Since not having other ambitions only wanting to explore the Alchemy way.  So that's why he considered Lin cheng in that way as if he was not a outsider.

These words of Fang fu  shock all of the powerhouses

Leng Gong was shock same goes for Yang Yan who tought that finally knew Lin cheng background And that alchemists and not any alchemist after all she hear from Fang Fu that Lin cheng would go back to the headquarters of The Alchemy Guild You must know that a existence every body respect and not all of the alchemist can Go or stay in the headquarters, but taking in context what Fang fu said she guess Lin cheng Identity should be more mysterious and more deep after the way Lin cheng spoke it seems He has to do something with the headquarters plus thinking of Lin cheng combat power and beeing so young only 15 years old!!!. And more over able to speak and be with a Demon Fox clan member his identity is more extraordinary after every one knew every force were apart and except for the alchemy guild no one was able to make them relate.

Sigh is incredible how people making their own guessing tend to Make ridiculous toughts and misunderstanding,  but not only her other people were the same.

"Perhap I'll go later and check I is still want keep adventuring plus I have other stuffs to do" Spoke Lin cheng rejecting

Preparing to depart Fang Fu was obvious dissapointed

"Che'ier uggh finally were leaving let's go" Spoke baishi excited

Lin chen smile While walking he suddenly stop and look back at Leng Yan who was next to Qu sian

She was looking at him And they made eye contact

"Sister leng you were spectacular in that platform" Spoke Lin cheng in a gentle manner and full of sincerity

At the comment Leng Yan had her face go Red like. A tomatoe after seeing Lin cheng bring so many surprise how he fought and mysterious he was she couldn't help being shy

Lin cheng after that next to baishi dissapread leaving a after image as if he was never here only the after math of the fights

Everyone knew it was time to go so they start leaving bit today definetely was the best Festival annually of geniuses after today the saw a actually Void king realm fight against a genius or better a evildoers compare to the Taixu town their couldn't lift up they heads.

And even Qu Sian lost her previous dislike for Lin cheng after all with that performance she like his domineering temperament and handsomness and gentle way of act yltowards leng Yan she tought he was the perfectly prince charming not only her other girls and ladies tought the same.

"So Sister Yan that was the handsome guy you talk about!!!"

"No wonder you said you was not interested in Ku Wong o god"

Leng Yan was blushing but try to keep the act of the cold beauty but could she felt a sense of loss when Lin cheng leave but having this crazy friend couldn't say much.

One of the poorest person he was Tai Sang who was blast and saw everything sadly he could apologize for his ride behavior towards that young man but perhaps he has blessing since Lin cheng didn't solve account with him.

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