Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 49 Tang Sun?

The beautiful woman who had no hopes. Saw her talisman lit up. Meaning she just received a message.

She was shock and quickly look at her sender

It was the a unexpectedperson.. She couldn't believe it.

Talisman Lin cheng: are you okay?

"So so." Responded the beautiful women responded.

Talisman Lin cheng : Where Are you? 

"It doesn't matter is dangerous don't come" 

Responded the beautiful woman.

Talisman Lin cheng : Where are you?

The Beautiful was was struggling but it just that those picture of the monsters. Pass through her mind. She didn't want Lin cheng to get in danger for her. It would he a hypocrisy to say in fact she wish Lin cheng can help out. When she was hesitating she received another message.

Talisman Lin cheng : Tang Sun where are you?

Tang sun purse her red lips and finally press the Talisman signal.

Talisman Lin cheng : I'm on my way.

The next words made Tang Sun beautiful Red eyes glow with hope.

(Change of Pov)

On Lin cheng.

When I was about to swim again on the lava the next system notification stop me.

[Ding! Host has received a talisman signal from Tang sun]

"What?" I was shock.

"Read." I said.

[Ding! Tang Sun : Hi]

"System how can Tang sun send me a signal? Am I not on another continent?" I ask.

[Ding! If host wants to know the detail. In order to retrieve information the cost is: 25 millions mall coins.]

"Retrieve information."  I said

[Ding! -25 Millions Mall coins]

[Ding! Information Retrieved successfully]

[Ding! Tang sun accidentally got in a Void Crack which was connected from The Demonic forbidden forest in Tianwu Continent

to the Fire Secret Realm. When Tang sun went alone to the Demonic forbidden forest she use the Void crack in order to fill a Qi storage crystal. But a accident happen pulling her here and closing the void crack.(Tang sun Status: In  danger)]

After receiving location signal. I start to follow it as fast as possible after.

(Chang of Pov)

Tang Sun beauty was sitting down kind of happy. She still couldn't decipher how Lin cheng was able to respond. Or how Lin cheng could be here. But thinking of his abilities she relax.


Suddenly a bird cry sounded. She realized by the sound. that the birds following her before haven't left.

Thinking she was safe in the tree she calm down. But what happens next made her hair stand up.


She hear the bird descend. Not only that she could hear his steps. Tang sun had her muscles and body tense. She could feel the bird moving his head. To the side as if looking at the rock.

But the worse happen she felt the breath of bird get close to the rock that close the entrance. At this moment Tang sung didn't have doubt that the birds was inteligent. Thinking she was going to become bird food her eyes sad.



But the next moment she hear a sound of a beast. And the ground start it to tremble while sounds of creatures fighting reverberate on air. 

Outside the trunk Tang sun was hiding. A big creature that had 5 points similar to a tiger was fighting with a big creature.

The Big bird was able to slash and eye of the Big creature. Making him angered and start  attacking in a very ferocious way. In one of those attack the bird was hit and his body flew towards the rock. That was hiding the entrance of Tang Sun spot.


With the collision the rock roll. Opening the entrance at the same time making Tang Sun pale. But the two ferocious animal didn't care about the small figure they start again attacking each other.

Tang Sun quickly realized and slipped as fast as possible. And she start start it running as fast as possible. 

In Lin cheng side.

Lin cheng noticed that the talisman of Tang sun start it moving. So he gritted his teeth and speed up his flying. He didn't want to atract attention after all this place is dangerous. He got teach a lesson before, but seeing the talisman move. That could mean she is in danger.

Back to Tang Sun side.

Tang sun was running until she saw all the trees were gone. Her scenery change and she could only see soil with cracks. There was no vegetation, no plant absolutely nothing.

Only tall rocks and a open space that you couldn't see the end of it.

She decided to keep walking, for some reason she wish her talisman could show where is Lin cheng. But sadly it was not that advance it could send a signal of her location not the other way .

She decided that even though Lin cheng said he was coming. She didn't how much time it  would take. After all she knew nothing about this place. So she decided to keep walking.

2 hours later....

Tang Sun walk for hours and still she didn't find anything. The soil path look like it had no end she was exhausted. She check her storage ring and her supply were over. 

After moment she decided to rest on a tall rocks with shadow. When all of sudden her body tremble. And cold sweat was running from her back.


She start hearing multiples cries from bird. But they sounded like baby bird cries.

Tang Sun move raise her head up and what she saw big nest. She took a deepbreath and decided to keep walking. After all she didnt want to end as bird food.


A huge scream of bird echo from the sky. Tang Sun finally saw the one of the bird who hunt her down. She guess this was the female while the other one was the male.

The Fire beast bird look at Tang sun and flew towards the sky. And start it revolving around the nest while looking at Tang sun.

Tang sun look at the bird who flew towards in a attacking mode. Without hesitation try her best to escape. But it was futile the Fire bird in a blink of an eyes was having her sharp talons close to Tang sun body. 

When Tang Sun finally resign to death with deep unwillingness of her heart.


The next moment a figure that was flying grab Tang sun. Making the big talons of the Fire Beast fail to catch her prey. 

Tang Sun was surprise she felt some hugging her waist carrying while the figure was flying. 

"Lin cheng!" Exclaimed Tang Sun.

The figure who rescued Tang Sun actually was Lin cheng she couldn't believe it. Lin cheng actually came, seeing his handsome face she was happy.

"Hi Tang sun sorry for the wait." Said Lin cheng while focusing on flying.


The Fire beast start it chasing Lin cheng angry because either stole her prey. Seeing the bird trying to catch up. Lin cheng didn't wasted time.

"Tang sun." Call Her name Lin cheng.

"What?" Ask Tang sun while she look at the bird who was getting closer.

"Hold me tight!" Yelled Lin cheng. 

Tang Sun nodded making her huge breast press againts Lin cheng neck. But at this time neither were paying attention to it.

"Spritual roots activate." Spoke Lin cheng.

"Bloodline open." Spoke Again Lin cheng.


After Lin cheng open his abilities, his speed increase by 10 times. Leaving behind huge shock waves. While the his figure dissapear of the Fire beast sight.

1 hour later....

After losing the Fire beast Lin cheng breath sigh relief. But he still kept his pace of speed, after all something he learn today was that this place is dangerous.

"Thank you." Tang sun Spoke in his ear. She was really grateful in fact she if it was before and seeing how her to boobies were cuddling Lin cheng. She would have been shy, but after experiencing all that hustle she was emotionally and physically exhausted.

"You dont have to thank me Tang Sun."  Lin cheng softly spoke.

"Where are we?" Ask Tang sun whole holding tight Lin cheng. She really like how the Golden flames wings of Lin cheng look. The were so beautiful. It remind her of her Aprentice.

"We are in a pocket Realm call the fire realm." 

Said Lin cheng.

"A pocket Realm? Is there a way to get out. Can i return to the dong empire" Spoke Tang sun excitedly.

But Tang sun felt Lin cheng get quiet. And a ominous premonition start it building in her heart.

"Tang sun i need to tell you something, but first I need to know how you got here?" Said Lin cheng.

Tang Sun crimson hair was floating with the air hitting on it while she and lin cheng flew.

After Tang sun explained but with more detail. Lin cheng understood he couldn't help but sigh.

"System what happen if the secret realm close would Tang sun stay here?" Ask Lin cheng.

[Ding! 1 million mall coins require for information]

Seeing the systems being so shameless for mall coins. Lin cheng couldn't help but chuckle.

"Ok." Said Lin cheng. 

[Ding! After the secret realm closes Tang sun would be send out to and unknown location. On the Fire sand Desert.]

Seeing the info Lin cheng breath sigh of relief.

Tang sun saw Lin cheng quiet. As if thinking of something while their flew. After a while  Lin cheng and Tang Sung finally exited the desolate Soil Entering the forest.

Lin cheng start it thinking what he should do about his speed. After all if he goes too slow it might get attack but if he goes to fast it would definetely atract the attention. Before he luckily didn't atract attention when looking for Tang Sun but know is hard to say.

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