Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 66 Killing the Mutated Holy Rank Beast

"So how de we open this?" Ask Tang Sun.

"There are not buttons on the wall or anything." 

Spoke Baishi.

"Look at the water." Spoke Lin cheng.

When Tang sun and Baishi and look carefully the could see some kind of blocks.

"Wait a minute there a total of 12 block and each have a different color."  Spoke Tang Sun while increasing the Light. Each block look like someone could stand on it.

"Do you remember the colors on the piece of papel? Look for those colors." Spoke Lin cheng.

"I found the green one." Spoke Baishi

"Found the red one." Spoke Tang Sun.

"I ask found the blue one." Said Lin cheng.

"Just for the record let's try to stand up on them at the same time." Instructed Lin cheng.

The next moment the trio stood up on the blocks and felt them come down with the weight.


The same sound as before. And suddenly the Golden wall went down.

"Let's go! we did it." Exclaimed excitedly Baishi.

The echo of that yelled resounded through the under ground passages.

Mean while on the passage that Lin and his group didn't take. At the end of it there was an open entrance which was a circle room. 

Where the light reflect on the water it was more deep than the passage. On the middle of the Circle there was a figure tied to chains and a cage.

She had a beatiful pale face with eyes that were of the color pink. And the pink and glossy hair were in a waterfall braid. She had two amazing boobs on her top. She was naked on he upper body. But Surprisingly her lower body was a fish tail also pink. But that beatiful large fish tail sparked on the darkness.

She suddenly hear a voice from the passage making her look up the passage. 

The next moment a weird creature fell down from. The top of the floor at the entrance it had a Sharp tails and was camouflage.

If Lin cheng were here he would recognize this this as a Bat Wing beast different from the one he encounter before this was was more thiner and had multiples tails. It look like a mutation not only that. It also had some kind necklace around it.

Back to Lin cheng side.

When they trio went inside they were to what they found.

"O god where rich!" Spoke Baishi excitedly 

What came in to view were of freaking mountains of spirit stones. Mountains of Weapons and even manual with pills pile up.

"So is true the fastest way to get rich is either be alchemist of a thief." Suddenly Said Baishi.

Causing Tang Sun and Lin cheng to chuckle.

10 mins later..

After counting everything the were to find that there were about 200 millions upper spirits stone. 90 millions middle stones.

And 1.2 billions lower spirit stones the pills were trash and good but for Lin cheng they didn't have any value. While Cultivation didn't attract the attention of none of the trio. After all Tang sung had an Immortal cultivation manual. While Baishi and Lin cheng well also well equip.

"Sigh i bet this guys stole from people for  thousands of years and at the end it became cheap for us." 

Said Lin cheng while shaking his head.

"Okay time to go." Spoke Lin cheng. He was a little dissapointed beacause he didn't find anything that could give him Exp points.

The women were happily walking after all they became rich and even Tang sun felt her future bright. One of the thing she worried were resources but having this amount of wealth is crazy.

30 mins later...

The trio finally reach curve stairs.

"Should we go towards there perhaps there more stuffs." Spoken Baishi.

"Hurry up and go up!" Yelled Lin cheng solemnly.

Tang Sun and Baishi were so happy that didn't notice something was coming towards them but Lin cheng didn't put down his guard at any moment. The worse part is that when realized he saw it was actually a middle stage Nirvan realm. 

Perhaps the could fight him but the movement would make the passage collapsed. Lin cheng tought many stuffs quickly and the best way he tought was to go up and get out through where it give light the statue.

The didn't know why Lin cheng was anxious but they quickly went up. When Baishi and Tang sun finally reach the statue the only one left was Lin cheng.

"Let's close the hole qu-" before Lin cheng respond something pull him up.


"Lin cheng!" Baishi and Tang Sun scream in unison. But Lin cheng quickly use a move to blast them back. He could feel the killing intent on the beast.

At the end the movement of what pull Lin cheng made the whole place tremble and at the end the Crystal which was receiving the ligh of the statue broke.

So before Baishi and Tang sun could get back to the curve stairs. It close and the statue collapse letting a pile of rock over the entrance to the curve stair close.

While on Lin cheng said he was plunge to darkness.

Boom! x10

(Change of pov.)

Something pull me downstairs thankfully I was able to blow the girl down.

Boom! I feel something squeezing my whole body and like a multiples ropes around by body. It must be the creatures tails I sopposed but the next moment I felt a big punch.

And Boom!


I felt pains all over my body the beast trap me and now is hitting with all his strength I felt my self losing consciousness.

"Noo!" I yelled 

"Phoenix blodline open!"

"Spirit roots activated." I knew i might get buried alive but what ever.

(Change of pov.)

Afte Lin cheng activated his spirit roots and bloodline he start fighting back. But the Beast was actually in the Nirvana Realm middle stage. 

So Lin cheng body was being destroyed at a fasts speed. 

But Lin cheng didn't care after receiving so many attack he also became like a ferocious beast attacking without care the Batwing. He was exchanging damaged. 

And suddenly his Bloodline felt povoke it exploded a huge momentum supressing the Bat Wing. Lin cheng use his bear hand to smash in to pieces the bat Wing head.

He didn't know what happen why was he so mad now is like something inside his body woke up like a rage beast. 

After a while Lin cheng lost consciousness but his bodies was severely injured.

[Ding! Host Kill Holy Rank 3 Bat Wing earn 100 billions exp points.]

After a while Lin cheng regain his consciousness. He saw his body return was still damage he couldn't believe he was close to dying. This fight so bad that even he has no recover. 

Right before he was going to die he felt an anger after beeing beat up so many times. That he couldn't explain where the strength came from. 

Lin cheng stood up with all his strength. He felt his whole body hurting. 

He pick up the smart phone.

[Lin cheng: stop excavating the place is trembling.]

[Tang sun: your okay?]

[Baishi: how are you what about the beast]

[Lin cheng: i kill it.]

[Lin cheng: I can't talk now i think u found and exit you go ahead]

[Tang Sun: no!]

[Baishi: were going to try to excavate]

[Lin cheng: it won't work the floor Already collapsed. So go to the surface quick i think I found a way but i might need your help.]

[Baishi: okay]

After seeing the message Lin cheng couldn't help but sigh. After all what he said about the exit was a lie. If not they would have never left.

After a while realized something why there was light wasn't he fighting with they Bat Wing underneath the Curve stairs.

Is the that Lin cheng realized whe was fighting with rage he didn't notice where the fight took him. After a while he decided to follow the Light. 

He walk with great difficulty when suddenly he saw a big circle room with water and a figure was quietly on a cage.

[Ding! Task( optional) Rank B+ unlock the Princess mermaid: Rewards 250 millions mall coins+ 1 billions exp points]

Lin cheng didn't even look at the system notification. Whe he saw The figure his vigilance quickly rose. But after feeling she was only at the Overlord King Realm he relax.

The Pink eyes stared at Lin cheng but he didn't care. In fact was so hurt he didn't care about anything he quickly got close the middle pool and got naked in front of the Beautiful figure. 

While the Beauty keep looking at his actions calm with waves on her beautiful eyes.

Lin cheng start cleaning himself in front of the beauty withoutcare and even change of clothes. 

After washing away his blood and putting some clothes on Lin cheng went to a small corner of the room which had no water. And feel asleep.

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