Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 76 Dividing Wealth

The whole room was quiet and even Shui Wuhen who always had a cold expression had a unbelievable look. How many dozens and dozen of millions since the Demon fox clan has seen a Fox with Nine tails.

"This how can it be?" 

Someone said in shock.

"What do you know about her?" Ask Shui Wuhen.

"Nothing matriarch the little one received the video projection by mistake. My colleague from Tin Gun send me it. And i came to bring it without delay."  Spoke Hurriedly the early stage of the Void King realm spoke.

In fact Tin Gun by mistake instead of sending it to his family members. He send it to one of Demon Fox Academy Collegue.

"What's your attribute?" Ask Bei Qinsi who was one of the female elders who hadn't talked before she look pretty and was in charge of the resources for the young foxes on the Fox academy.

"Is Wood Elder ." Responded the early stage Void King Realm.

"Go to the contribution hall and ask for 1 liter of wood esscence." Ordered Bei Qingsi.

"Thank you for rewards matriarch and elders the little one retire." Spoke Excitedly the early stage Void King Realm.

"What a weird era were living first the genius girl of the Feng Family breakthroughs the Heavenly Deity Realm in less than 40 years. Then the Ancestor of the alchemy makes a breakthorugh and concoct 6 veins on pills. And now in our race 9 tail fox appeared."

Spoke Fang Qingxue while he sister nodded.

"Huo Lingxu." Spoke Shui wuhen.

"Yes matriarch?" Ask Hu Lingxu respectfully.

"Is that your niece am i right?" Ask Shui Wuhen.

"Yes you are right matriarch she went to the fire realm but still is wondering if the Fire desert capitalm." Responded Huo Lingxu.

"Very well go and learn about her and if is possible bring her to us, by the dont bet forceful." Spoke Seriously Shui Wuhen.

"Yes matriarch." Responded Huo lingxu before dissapearing.

"Okay disperse." Said Shui Wuhen.

Mean while on the North West side of the Central Continent.

There was a big city which had posters all over the city about the Wu Chamber of comerce but this city was the same size of the Tianwu Continent.

It's name is The Wu Chamber Of Comerce City in which is home for the Headquarters of one of the richest for in the entire central continent The Wu chamber of comerce.

On where the Auras was the richest on the City it had a magnificent house that was the main house of the Wu Chamber of Comerce Patriarch.

In one of the the Court yard there was a big Pong which had Fishes that could make mortal lives for several extra dozens of years.

There an elegant refine beauty siting on a sear and was drinking tea she was beautiful and had the charm of a milf. She had skin white as the snow and her hair was black smooth and long. She had blues eyes and she was a version of Wu Rud but more mature.

She is Yu Wunshuang the mother of Wu rud.

"Matriarch this is fron the young miss, and what she told yku about." An old figure appeared Bowing while putting a Storage ring.

After checking the items her charming face could'nt help but  had a mini surprise expression but it quickly went away.

"Do you know who is the customer?" Ask Yu Wunshuang.

"They are from the friends of the Young lady apparently their encounter the cave of a deceased cultivator." Spoke Uncle Yu.

"Wait.. my daughter has friends?"Ask Yu Wunshuang more surprise about her daughter then the previous explanation.

After Uncle Yu calmly recounted about Tang sun and Wu rud friend ship. A smile appeared on the charming face of Yu wunshuang.

"Okay here, keep protecting my daughter Uncle Yu." Spoke Calmly Yu wunshuang. Who had a cultivation base at the Early stage of the Celestial Realm.

"Yes matriarch." After That Uncle Yu dissapeard.

Leaving Yu Wunshuang who had a happy face.

Flamming City Courtyard Residence.

Lin cheng woke up and saw that Tang sun and Baishi where not on the courtyard which surprise him. 

As if thinking of something Lin cheng call the system.

"System opens the mall." Spoke Lin cheng and after clicking on the formation area. He saw many varieties of Talisman from explosive ones to defense one. After searching for a while Lin cheng finally saw something he needed.

[Ding! Object Name: 3 way talisman: Rank Immortal Rank:(info: 3 way talisman grant the abilities for 3 people no matter how far they away to transported to one of the 2 other people with the same talisman. It can use by the 3 people 3 times.) Cost 1 billions Mall coins.]

But seeing the cost Lin cheng it almost made him bleed. 

"Systen it doesn't matter where we at i can teleport with it?" Ask Lin cheng.

[Ding! Host is correct including even if in a secret realm or in another world realm.]

"Check status." Said Lin cheng.

Host name: Lin cheng 


Realm:  Void King Realm Early Stage/1 trillion upgrade 

Exp avalaible : 372,885,600,000 

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots activated 

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood activated 

Talent :Supreme heart,Alchemy Heart,Formation Heart 

Pets: Baishi Heavenly Nine tail fox abilities illusions of charm. They can fall under her feets a even people from a higher realm might be afected/ Also can use the power space and increase her speed / can throw purple thunder bolts for her mouth 

Baishi Realm: Rank Holy Rank 3 middle stage (Earn 50% of experience points from baishi when kills) 

Charm:99(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones  so watch out ;) 

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank/Golden and diamond spear Rank Earth upgradeable/Diamond and gold Ring/Pathek Diamond nautylus 

Alchemy/ Phoenix cauldron God rank 

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank/Divine Spear Intent Technique Heavenly Rank 

Usables: /(Weapon Upgrade Card)x1(Full Realm Upgrade Card 1 times use "Mythic") 

Mall coins: 12,052,137,000 

Lucky Wheel chances:13

After seeing he 12 billions mall coins Lin cheng was surprise.

"Buy it." Spoke Lin cheng.

[Ding! -1 Billions mall coins]

Afte receiving the three talisman Lin cheng put them away.He decide since Tang sun and Baishi were not here he went back to sleep.

3 hours later....

Lin cheng could hear giggles and voices so he woke up and went out. 

"So your awake cheng." Said Baishi.

"Yep I woke up in the morning but didn't see you guys so." Spoke Lin cheng.

"I accompanied Wu rud, to get our spirit stone." Spoke Baishi.

"Hm?" Lin cheng put a face of confused.

"You remember those stuffs we found the weapon, pills and cultivation manual?"

Ask Tang sun.

"Yeah." Replied Lin cheng.

"Well i ask Wu rud after all she is the young lady of the Wu family. And she brought them all for a good price." Spoke Tang Sun while taking out a storage ring.

When Lin chen check he was surprise to find 400 millions upper spirits stones, 219 middle spirit stone and 3.6 billions lower spirit stones.

Lin cheng couldn't believe they gain more spirit stones than when the ransacked the Black water bandits treasure spot.

But the fact is that this is pretty normal after, the pills, the forge weapons and also the Cultivation manual are pretty expensive.

In fact the reason Wu rud Spoke to her mom is because the transaction was to high for her to take care of it. So she needed her mom to do it personally after she was also restricted to do certain things by her father to supress her. 

That with out saying that in fact the Wu chamber of Comerce would win several times the price they paid for the items on the transaction. After all they had the connections and the resources to make profits of all this objects. Even if Lin cheng start selling them it would take severals years but he doesn't time for that.

The trio after counting and adding the previous spirit stones it made a total sum of 600 millions upper spirit stones, 309 millions middle stones and 4.8 billion lower spirit stones. 

So they divided the wealth be equal parts each took 200 millions upper spirit stone, 103 middle spirit stones and 1.2 billions spirit stone for each.

"Were rich!" Spoke Happily Baishi while Tang Sun and Dollar signs on her Red eyes.

"Not gonna lie girls this is enough for each of us to reach at least the Celestial Realm without a problem." Spoke Lin cheng.

After he learned that even the Middle Class forces doesn't have more than 200 million middle stones annually. After all they had tens of thousands of Disciple on whi they need to use resources. Perhaps only the elders of the Central Continent could compete this wealth. That's without counting the Heavenly Deity Realm that they also have enourmous wealth.

After dividing the wealth he believe this should be enough for Tang Sun and Bashi after start his plan.

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