Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 9 Bloodline Activation

In a middle of a forest with tree taller and majestic with with a atractive green leafs.

A young man alone he looks Handsome with brunete and fluffy skin .

That is Lin chen after he escape with the talisman beacuse He didnt have much time with fexi what he suddenly dissapear i bet the bluffing.

5 min ago fexy dissapear instantly so now he is a lone.

[Ding! 10 times exp ticket expire]

[Ding! Task Hide in the in the Demonic forbiden area Succesfuly completed ]

[Ding! Congratulations in obtaining a Bugatti modified with red and white ald goldem Emblem of a Phoenix.]

[Ding! Congratulations in obtaining Epic jeans resistant to combat fighting but with golden lines]

[Dings! Congratulations obtaining Epic Black jeans with golden lines Resistant to combat firghting.]

[Ding! congrats in obtaining a polo shirt that looks a completely white  with a golden phoenix crown of the right side and make you look more handsome and diligents]

Extreme to combat fighting.

[Ding! congrats in obtaining a polo shirt that looks a completely black with a golden a phoenix crown on the right side and make you look more handsome and diligents.]

Resistance to extreme combat fighting

[Ding! Congrats in obtaining jordan Retro 14 modyfing in them to look with a phoenix crown as logo resistance to Extreme combats fight.]

[Ding! Congrats for obtaining a Retro Completeley hite a Emblem of golden Phoenix ]

[Ding! Congrats for obtaining Retro 14  in black path qualin of pam look extremely Refine with a With a emblem of Golden phoenix instead of the fly]

[Dings! Look for a place to hide so before the final upgrade]

Host name: Lin cheng


Realm: Houtian late Stage /1billion upgrade

Exp disponible : 8.1billion/block

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots deactivated

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood Deactivated

Talent :Supreme heart

Charm:90(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormone so watch out ;)

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank

Techinques:Elementalisit techniques Rang God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank

Usables: / Heavenly dagger can kill late stage of emperor and heaviny damage to Half step above emperor uses 2 out of 3

Mall coins:10,700,520

Ding! For killing the evil people that might harm innocent wins a special Wheel pull.

I keep walking until to the deep of the forest i check the map

Forest of the woods

Finally i check and found a lake super big like a beach we could say and in the middle there A rock like platform.

I must say this look beatifuls.

[Ding! be ready for the upgrade]

I swim until the middle of the plat form and sat crossed leg and close my eyes.

[Ding! Let me inform the Host that this time this upgrade from any upgrade your suffer the worse pain activating.]

[Ding! Not only that that your have to die first and then be reborn with your blood like in fire are your ready?]

[Ding! Task mandatory Be reborn from the ashes.By the way we are going to resume the freeze time of your mother pendants]

[Ding! If you succesfully pass the mission your get 100 million mall coins  and a  watch of Diamond super exotic golden with Phoenix Emblems that can as equipment.]

[Ding! Watch can increase your attack by 25%]

[Ding! Info that when when you die the pendant function of connection with your mother would be dissconected meaning that you have died as her knowledge.]

[Ding! But dont worry since you have intregate with the soul owner your hearts and blood connection be there to find her instead of using the pendant.]

[Ding! System encourage for host to work hard to find her.]

I sigh longing how would my mother look

After im fan of japanese anime wich make us love our mother more.

I take off my clothes and im naked in the rock platform.

I look at my Chess and see a Purple pendant with phoenix patter very beatiful i feel when i touch her i can sense other person perhaps my mother.

Ten thousands of multi trillion miles away in a place call Central Planes the energy is tens of thousand times more pure that In Tianwu continent there are fight Dynasties  but more deep in Central City there 4 super bigh palaces floating Like another world in a space were there a lot of vermilions

palaces floating every where truly majesty with formations Here is call The Feng Family  thats consist multiples sub sidiaries and side blood line and main blood if you keep going further till in the middle there higher palaces floating in the air with magic Latters.

In a lake Siting cross legged there's a women that look like she is in her late twenties Full of charm with a plumb body and nice buttock her skin White as milf and smoth as jade so perfect  Her face is so magnetic and beatiful sexy A real goddess cwith every movement she does she  Brings different charm if she raise her eyebrow of if she relax . On her neck a pendant same as  the one Lin chen has is pure identical next to her another beauty similar to her the only difference is that looks younger her water melons are a litlle smaller same as her long legs and beatiful buttocks  she is the aunt of Lin chen and The sister of his mother.

The mother of Lin cheng is caledl Feng Fei while his Aunt Feng Yin

"Fei'er what are you thinking?" ask Feng yin

"Its been 15 years without chen'ier" .Feng fei sigh

While thinking of her son her cold face suddenly melted and smile gently Wich suddenly Dim the whole world and even Feng yin stare at her in daze.

"Humph i wish too see that brat and calling me aunty."Feng yin  gigle gigle as the most

Beatiful sound

"But dont worry with his aptitude he sooner or latter he is gonna come hear after all his blood and god spirit root are one in a trillion ." Said Feng yin with a little shock expression

"Your right " Said Feng fei with extremely proud Tone and after all is his own cub definitely a  mother would fell proud and grateful for his own son having good bleesings.

This is a secret that only the two of them knew no even her father knew about it she cant wait to see those old stuff reaction when they knew his achievement would soon bloom.

"By the way sister i hear the the lady of Twilight tower is here is visiting our dad and elders." Spoke Fen Yin

At this time even Feng fei had a hint of surprise.

After all the twilight is one of the top power forces same as The Feng family but they are extremely mysterious and  most of they people are womens.

"Did you know why?." Ask Feng fei even does she a martial Adidictive she is after all a women and like gossip of course that only with her own sister they always been together.

"I have no idea i hear she needed something from us and was willing to exchange." Said Feng yin.

"I hear they need a wood lotus because one of they elder got injure so he can heal.  Could it be the came for that?"Said Feng fei.

"Really wow probably." said Feng yin surprise.

suddenly Feng Fei felt her jade pendant tremble really badly and Feng yin next to her felt it and saw it too.

"Hey why is trembling? is it not sopposed to glow instead when you next to each other.?"Said Feng yin ask surprise feeling something is wrong

Feng feI start  it having bad premonition She is feeling like she is about lose something.

Forest Wood

In a lake a plat form Lin Cheng is naked

Suddenly i Felt my heart beat rise like drum hurting

Boom boom boom boom

I felt  all my body crack with each boom from bones to muscles.

After i decided to upgrade i can feel my whole blood boiling like fire im feeling about to evaporate my start seeing only darkness with pain consuming me every second like a eternity but even so with each boom of listening to my heart i felt calm while the pain is like a coexisting with each other. Mean while out side Lin cheng body a  golden flame is emerging wraping Lin chen body in exquisites golden cocoon and suddenly whole world including The Central continentb the heavens tremble all over the world

Dong Empire the four big forces were shaking the whole world is suddenly in dark the whole energy is been drawing to a place

Tang family Ancestor and tang matriarch

What is that is it omg god such phenomenon she tought.

For some in reason

A person flash in their mind but suddenly they shook thei head is literaly in the dark. It must something.

But this they didnt dare to search because it was scary.

Food worest again inside the Cocoon Lin cheng  doesnt know that his causing a extremely phenomen

Inside his whole body is been destroyed and been recast bones skin everything and even his hearts is beeing reform the with Inmortal dark golden Phoenix God Blood line  and his spritual roots are taking  different color The color is Golden but a golden magnificesnt At the same the Supreme Chaos root emiting A chaos aura making The golden blood more powerful and easier  to integrate with the body As a over lord and even the elemental powers  in damtian are upgrading, fire , thunder, Ice  and water are even combining together this vies would shock anyone that see it literaly the elements are working together and fusioning and the flame in Dantian of Lin cheng is becoming from ordinary flame with the chaos energy pluss blood line Golde Extremy dazzling golden flames if the patriarch or the ancestor of the Feng family was here, he will be shock because this the first flame and the must power full one, call Transcendental in ancient book is a myth that only existed with the dark golden phoenix, the ancestor of The Phoenix since the golden fame is really inmortal and extingushible the thing is at some point in history the dark golden phoenix dissapear of this world but theres rumor that they went to another plane or some where more powerful. After the flame stay like one with dantian and body with lin cheng Perfect fussion while the ice in the dantian became more powerful and the thunder more flashing sometime blue sometimes yellow and sometimes white.

[Ding! Congrats for obtaining The transcendetal flames Golden.]

[Ding! congrats this golden Flame can cure anything and kill ghost evil stuff and toxins right your imune to any toxing also it best the for alchemy ]

Inside the cocoon the skin of long Is a light brunete but looking more flufy then before his eyelashes and eye promess every single parts of skin his body look extremly fluffy like baby skin giving feeling for any women to pinch. Inside his body the bones are golden extremely bright his whole phisique change and even his blood looks of color gold. His hair is black shiny his eyes are brunete

[Ding!( Succes full promotion to Xiantian early Stage Realm)]

[Ding! Congrats for succesfuly activation Inmortal Golden dark  God phoenix Blood line When burrning your blood line your power increases by 20 times plus it would not be lose since is the inmortal blood like also You isntant healing speed i about 9999999 healin abilitly only 1 point from inmortal body no matter how high the damage can recover almos instantly]

[Ding! congrats for activatiing Fo activating  The supreme Chaos Spiritual Roots info( You can summon heaven will when your mad and the sky Showing a aura of Supreme I can also increase you Atk, def agility, critical dmg  and your strength by 100 times by the way When activated in your back In the mid would apeared Divine Ring Eminating your chaos aura]

[Ding! Host has Succesfuly completed Task Activating Spritual roots and blood line]

[Ding! Congrats for obtaining watch phatek phili Covering]

Meanwhile the sky regains his bright side and the shield where a thousands mile around in the lake vanish and the cocoon broke when the man open he sees that he is in a huge crater with water and all look dry and death around a thousands  miles aways.

Slows he stand up naked and he see his bodyl magnificient like someone who does calisthenics his body not super big and not super smal nice like a calistthenic athlete.

I look down and omg wtf 8 inches is this thing can even enter a women what if erects o god.

His his skin is look like light brunete and this time more fluffy and tender skin more handsome in the face the eyes are brunete and the hairl black shiny adding more beaty same no hair down there all thanx to his blood of fire his face stay like that.

[Ding! Charm of the host has upraded by 10 points in other words is a womenizer watch out]

I was spechless this big sister and her jokes tought latter he would know that his big sister was not lying to him.

[Ding! If host wants he can upgrade to sovereign realm]

[Ding! Since host has succesfuly upgrade a new feature has been added call]

Training camp

[Ding! Training camp can help you adapt to your Realm quicky and increase you ability of fighting]

[Ding! By the way in the training camp the ratio of time is 1:10,000 for example 1 second out side equal to almost a day inside of training camp]

[Ding! Each day cost 10k of mall coins while you can fight with different puppet on the same level as you.]

"Wow incredible!." i exclaimed

[Ding! By the way while you you die the pendant that your mother left lost his connection leading to think your are dead .]

[Ding! Warning Host someone try to spy your life So system interfere showing half truth and half lie as to do not exposed my existence]

I look to my chest and the pendant is no longer purple but blue asi if his life was taken out. I take a long breath

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