Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 90 Feng Yuanguang

After Hearing Feng Yin words Feng fei shook her head as if she is not interested in such a thing.

"Oh c'mon sister it's going be nostalgic do yiu remember back the when we're were child and fought there, and sigh those were good and still remember how we won the vermilions ra-" As if remmebering something Feng yin shut her mouth.

"Mom! I'm gonna beat all of my cousins on the platform and become the kingly child of this year competition." A kid that look he was in twelve Spoke to a beautiful woman showing his arrogant posture.

"Oh my is that so? My baby is all big and want to be the champion go for it mom would cheer you up." Spoke a beautiful lady.

Feng Yin and Feng fei were so engrossed walking that they didn't noticed and ended up seeing this scene.

"Thank You mom for you ibpromised to do my best, even though tmdad say i couldn't do it." Spoke the kid grabing his mom hand.

"Humpgh don't listen to that old man he only knows to eat and sit all down. Sometimes I aks myself what I saw on him when I was young." Said fiercely the beautiful women while caressing her son while walking and getting far and far away.

Feng Yin also saw the scene and when turn her head to see Feng fei she saw envy and sadness in her eyes.

"As matter fact I'll go with you is it still at the same time?" Ask Feng Fei.

Surprising Feng Yin but she quickly reacted.

"Yes sister, and even our mom would assist after all as you can see this is the time our whole family reunited." Spoke Feng Yin happily.

Feng Yin and Feng Fei kept walking whike talking about other stuffs.

Mean While in the Alchemy Guild Campus.

In the classroom of Lian Jinshu the beauty is dismissing all the students.

"See ya tomorrow teacher Lian jinshu."

"Bye senior teacher."

Many students were saying goodbye to Lian Jinshu.

After seeing everyone leave Lian Jinshu walk towards her desk and sat down. Seeing some stuffs when suddenly out of curiosity she saw thevsheet test she give, to Lin cheng before flip.

So she use her Spirit Qi to grab it. After a reading she was shock she expected to Lin cheng not know alchemist. She even guess he was just a cultivator just fooling around. After all how could a mere Void King Realm defeat couples of Nirvana Realms cultivators. Even if they were alchemist it was impossible unless you were a genius in the cultivation way.

But now seeing Lin cheng answers her beautiful eyes had an shock expression on them.

"This brat actually know Alchemy, no wonder he has a earth flame humph brat you just make more interested in you. But how can I see you?" Muttered to herself Lian Jinshu.

Suddenly Lian Jinshu smile as if she had just received and idea.

"Ha you think you can escape my grasp, you still has to pay for the scene you made before so after i catch you, I'll pull you ears a little more hunph." Tought Lian Jinshu thinking of Lin cheng boldness before on his commentary.

She couldn't help but feel annoyed, so she quickly stood up and walk out side with a smile on her face. She decided to make sure  Lin cheng be  in her class. If she enlist personally Lin cheng on her class she would have a chance to fix Lin cheng.

If Lin cheng knew the toughts of Lian Jinshu he would regret not showing her his token before.

Back to Lin cheng he was walking with Xu Yi.

"Little friend cheng you must be careful the Feng family is a country that had been standing since several millions years ago. I met the first ancestor of the Feng family many years ago. When he build the Phoenix country and the actual amcestor in the 7th of them. His name is Feng Lu and his at the Late stage of the Heavenly Deity Realm, he is one of the most powerful person in the Central Continent." Explained calmly Xu Yi.

Lin cheng nodded and listen calmly.

But Lin cheng could feel even if a Heavenly Deity Realm go against Xu Yi the outcome  would be likely him on top.

After All Xu yi was able to resist such a cruel torture by a Heavenly flame not only that he even has lived over 2 millions years. 

Lin cheng guess he must have a great chance, and that's without saying an alchemist like Xu Yi must have know couple of poisons to kill a Heavenly Deity Realm.

"So little friend cheng the foundations of the Feng family is deep. That's without saying a recently a genius broke through the Heavenly Deity Realm meaning there are two Heavenly Deity Realms on the Feng family. And what surprise me is that she was born only 40 years ago,So be careful when your there looking for your mother whereabouts." Spoke Calmly Xu Yi.

Lin cheng was surprise only 40 years to get to the Heavenly Deity Realm, he couldn't help but sigh when he was born he had god spirit roots it seems the Feng family is not easy. But he didn't he care had a system if anything goes south he is confident on his self protection.

Let alone he could take couple of the Heavenly Deity Realms. 

"Any way I already had found a way for to to get in there, you know one of the elders of the Feng family actually is an inner elder here. Her name is Feng Yuanguang she at the middle stage of the Celestial Realm. Now is hard to enter in the Residence of the Feng family a so just convinced her." Said Xu Yi.

10 mins later.....

Lin cheng and Xu Yi arrive at room that had a plaque with some letters on it. 

Inner Elder Feng Yuanguang.

Knock! Knock!

"I'm Come in." A sweet mature voice sounded.

Afte a while a women who look like she in her early 30s came out she had brunete smooth hair, whole her skin was a light pale, while her skin extremely delicate as if it could break any moment of how soft it look. 

"Alchemy Ancestor." Bowed lightly with respect in her eyes and even a little fanatiscm Feng Yuanguang.

Lin cheng and Xu Yi entered the place Lin cheng was surprise it was fill with different high alchemy ingredients in Jar of crystals.

And it look like they were being study it all, he could guess probably Feng Yuanguang was studying something.

Feng YuanGuang felt nervous and excited she didn't know why before she was about to embark to return to her home. The Ancestor personally ask her to meet.

"Feng Yuanguang in fact i need a favor to ask you." Spoke Xu Yi.

Hearing those words Feng Yuanguang was surprise. What could a Heavenly Deity Realm need from her, she finally look at Lin cheng and was surprise. She felt this weird familiarity as if they bloodline call each, her pupils couldn't help but shrank.

She felt a noble bloodline from Lin cheng that would call her. She was shock how was this possible.

In fact the Phoenix family had something similar to the Demon Fox clan bloodline would call each other. The reason Feng Yuanguang was confuse was because instead of calling each other it was more like her bloodline was calling the blood Lin cheng.

"He is?" Ask finally Feng Yuanguang with her sweet voice. She could feel a breath of a string cultivator from Lin cheng.

"He is the Saint Alchemist of our guild." 

Introduced Xu Yi.

"Hi my name is Lin cheng nice to meet you." 

Spoke Lin cheng with a smile and stretching his hand. He also felt the movement of his bloodline making him a little excited. He was now sure that his mother must come from the Feng family.

"Hi I'm Feng Yuanguang nice to meet you Alchemy saint." Spoke Feng Yuanguang Sweetly while also extending her hand to shake lightly.

But when they hand came in contact she was shock by her bloodline movement.

"I hear the Feng family bloodline is from the phoenix could you show me please." Ask Lin cheng.

Feeling the abnormally of her blood line she was wary.

Seeing her like that Lin cheng and Xu Yi knew they scare her.

But before Xu Yi could speak Lin cheng intercepted.

"My bad sorry for my straight forwardness, I'm too excited let me do alchemy as to calm myself." Spoke Lin cheng.

In the weird atmosphere that begun in fact Fang Yuanguang was Warily because she felt her bloodline having similar reaction when meeting a fellow clansmen of the Feng family. But the problem is that  it was " kind similar" not completely similar it was as if her bloodline was having excitement at touching Lin cheng.

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