Supreme Chaos System

Chapter 98 Disobedient Lin cheng

Lin cheng who hear his mom words raise his head.

"Well then I'll leave if you do that." Spoke Mercilessly but after saying those words Lin cheng felt regret.

Sure enough he saw his mother Feng fei body tremble and dissapeard leaving a after image.

Lin cheng felt he was stupid how could he be su ruthless.

"Lin cheng you asshole she is your mother!" 

Curse himself Lin cheng.

In fact Lin cheng knew he could get resources from the Feng Family. But he had huge disgust in his heart towards this place. After learning of what happen to her mom. Thanks to this place and the son of b*tch who give him the datk abyss poison he die. And suffered miserably life.

So Lin cheng preferred to pick the resources and by himself after all he had System! With him.

During this time Lin cheng had gain over total of 124 billions exp points with his mother cooking.

"Check status." Said Lin cheng.

Host name: Lin cheng 


Realm:  Void King Realm Early Stage/1 trillion upgrade 

Exp avalaible : 1,000,851,600,000 

Spritual roots / Supreme Chaos roots activated 

Blood line/ Inmortal Dark golden phoenix blood activated 

Talent :Supreme heart,Alchemy Heart,Formation Heart 

Pets: Baishi Heavenly Nine tail fox abilities illusions of charm. They can fall under her feets a even people from a higher realm might be afected/ Also can use the power space and increase her speed / can throw purple thunder bolts for her mouth 

Baishi Realm: Rank Holy Rank 3 middle stage (Earn 50% of experience points from baishi when kills) 

Charm:99(Extra info your charm is super atractive to milf like a baby but at the same like some one that can bring the women to move female hormones  so watch out ;) 

Equipment/Spear of gold Mysterious rank/Golden and diamond spear Rank Earth upgradeable/Diamond and gold Ring/Pathek Diamond nautylus 

Alchemy/ Phoenix cauldron God rank 

Techinques:Elementalist techniques Rank God/Spear of king techinques mysterious rank/Divine Spear Intent Technique Heavenly Rank 

Usables: /(Weapon Upgrade Card)x1(Full Realm Upgrade Card 1 times use "Mythic") 

Mall coins: 1,951,787,000 

Lucky Wheel chances:13

Lin cheng if he wanted he could uprgrade his realm but fearing his second effects of it. He still ad lingering fear of lats time if it wasn't because of Tang Sun and Baishi he would be dead.

So he was not willing to risk it, but he knew if upgraded his cultivation base it would calm her mother a little. But couldn't do it and he also couldn't tell his mom about his shameful bloodline curse.

How could he not see her secret effort Al's this days, he saw putting all kind of precious and Heavenly elixirs of the meats, juices and food he eat.

After shaking his toughts he decided to take a walk and think with hair clearly. He fekt uncomfortable for speaking to his mom like that, him who always had belive everything should be talk to dont cause misunderstanding was feeling like fool.

Lin cheng felt he needed to find the best way to tell his mother with talking about the pervert curse. Even though it came from the system he didn't blame on the system.

After he always believed that it was not fault of the system. And everything can't be too good. After all he knew he was too broken and is not surprised for him have a weakness. Even tough he wish it dissapeard.

Lin cheng walk and walk while enjoying the scenery.

"What are you doing here?"  A demanding voice wake up Lin cheng from his trance of toughts.

When Lin cheng look he saw a group people who like they were on his twenties.

Most of them had a black cloth with the Emblem of a phoenix.

"I ask you what are you doing here?" 

"Yea who are you?"

"Dont you know this is close to the pools of qi entrance."

The group of people start surrounding Lin cheng.

Lin cheng they cultivation base and all of them were at the Void King Realm Early Stage, the only who had a different cultivation base was the first guy who spoke to Lin cheng. He was at the Middle stage of the Void King Realm.

"I'm just passing by, and talking a walk." 

Spoke Lin cheng calmly he didn't really want to talk to anyone right now.

Mean While Lin cheng who didn't know while he got out of the Feng Fei palace. There was an old beggar far away eating popcorn and observing his movements.

"I'm pretty sure golden phoenix must have come from that kid." Spoke the old beggar while eating popcorn with relish and watching Lin cheng as if he was watching a tv drama.

Back to Lin cheng.

"I don't believe it." Spoke one of the Cultivators.

"Brother Jinxon how about we caught and ask him question first." Suggested one of the curivator.

Feng Jinxon who hesitated at the end use his aura and bought it down to Lin cheng but was surprise to see him calmly.

"E well I'm leaving i don't want problems." Spoke Lin cheng while trying to get past this messy scene.

"Boy didn't you hear what we said, this is close to the entrance of the spirits pool, so you must give us an explanation don't worry after we interrogate you, if there is not problem were let you go." Spoke one of the Cultivators and at the same time ll the Feng members surround Lin cheng.

Feng Jinxon was hesitating after all Lin cheng didn't seem to be lying. 

In fact even though all of the Feng family members were at the Vermilion races, they were actually who didn't go because they were either on a critical condition they cultivation. Or they were doing other stuff, such as taking extra mission from the family. Even though during the annually reunion all missions and things to do in the Feng Family floating residence was put in halt.

In fact you could actually pick task and chore to be done, like guarding certain resources and taking care of certain vermilions eggs.

But different from doing those tasks in a normal day, if you do the tasks during the family gathering annually reunion your get 10 times the normal rewards. After since everybody take that day to relax and to chill.

"Brother Jinxon we must be careful what if he is lying and was trying to get in the spirit pool with out a pass, wouldn't we get in trouble we the punishment elder." Spoke a cultivator.

Making Feng Jinxon stop hesitating and change his momentum.

"Friend were ask you to come with us." Spoke Feng Jinxon.

Making Lin cheng sigh even though they were doing they work Lin cheng perhaps because he was irritated of they way he talk to his mother before. Decided to take his frustation on them.

"Sorry." Spoke Lin cheng.

Making everyone stunned.





5 mins later....

"Big brother please show mercy were doing just our job." One of the cultivators beg.

The whole group Feng members beaten do badly by Lin cheng that they had face so swollen, that even their mother wouldn't recognized them.

"Good next time someone ask you if they were just taking a walk, what would you do?" 

Ask Lin cheng.

"Were let him go!" Spoke one of the cultivator while almost crying.


"Big brother why you slap?" Making everyone stunned.

"Wrong you would kindly interrogate them after you are right your doing your work." Spoke Lin cheng as if contemplating.

Making everyone stunned.

"Everyone that walk here without a pass should be kindly interrogated, of course that's except for me do you think I would care for a Merely spirit pool." Spoke Lin cheng.

"Are we clear." Ask Lin cheng.

"Yes big brother no senior brother were clear." 

Said Feng Jinxon and all of them behind nodded like chicken peaking rice.

Seeing them like Lin cheng nodded satisfied. He didn't hit them hard just superficial wounds. After all they didn't have malicious intent. But even so Lin cheng knew this was the cultivation world so to evade drama, like they say sometimes fist is better than nothing.

"Can we go senior brother?" Spoke Tremblin Feng jinxon.

"Yes." Spoke Lin cheng.

Making them feel they were pardon bit the were turn around were about run.

"Wait!" All of them tremble except one who ran far away letting yhe rest of them here.

"Fu**ing Lilo." Seeing they collegue leave most of ther curse him.

"Anything else senior brother?" Ask Feng Jin who had a smile uglier than crying on his face. 

Not only him the rest f his colleagues also had one.

"Here and the last one is for his friend which he left." Spoke Lin cheng throwing 9 jade bottles with a Holy Rank 2 wash and marrow pills with 6 veins. And Holy Rank 2 a healing pills with 6 veins.

When the group received the bottles of pills were stunned.

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