Supreme Dual Cultivation System

Chapter 111: Sun and Moon Foxes

After using teleportation Yen Chen and Sun Xi appeared in front of the city gate, many people looked at them curiously, Yen Chen didn't give a damn about them and Sun Xi was indifferent as he hugged his arm.

"wives we are already leaving."

"Be careful."

Yen Chen said that was already going,using Harem Transmission they responded to him quickly, he smiled and used the wings of fire, Sun Xi also used it since she is still in the Middle Stage of the Earth Realm and could not fly.

People were shocked to see wings appear on the back of the two even though he already had dragon wings.

Yen Chen opened the Dragon's wings that were now on fire thanks to the combination of the two and I go to the sky holding Sun Xi's hand the two quickly left the sight of the people who were at the city gate.

"Husband, aren't you going to use the your teleportation?"

Sun Xi asked him. Yen Chen looked at her and replied, "I will, but now no, let's fly together a bit."

Sun Xi nodded with an excited expression and a happy smile, Yen Chen wanted to spend some time with his Little Wife as he hadn't done that in a while.

The two looked like two meteors crossing the sky their speed was very fast and in a few seconds they flew tens of kilometers, Yen Chen held her hand tightly, Sun Xi smiled and did the same.

“Husband, have you done something to little Ji?”

Sun Xi asked, she saw Su Rou mad at him and was curious, Yen Chen looked at her and said “We were training and I made her kill a Rank 3 beast.”

He then told her how she was after death and what Mei told him about the life element and physique she has, Sun Xi was saddened knowing Ji Jiao was having these issues.

An hour has passed and they have traveled per thousands of kilometers towards the west, where the capital of the Empire is, Phoenix City is at the eastern end of the Phoenix Empire.


Yen Chen and Sun Xi looked back and saw many thunderbirds trying to catch up to them. Yen Chen made a mocking expression.

“Tsk! A bunch of chickens wanting to eat dragons.”


Yen Chen said mockingly and Sun Xi laughed, she then waved her hand and many ice stakes were flung towards the thunderbirds.

The next moment they all died impaled by the ice stakes, Yen Chen used her vacuum hand and made the 15 thunderbirds float towards her, each bird being between two to five meters tall and long.

“This is a nice gift for Sister Xue, she will love it.”

Sun Xi spoke in a cheerful tone, of those fifteen thunder birds  four were Rank 5 and the rest were Rank 4, Sun Xi was very happy,Thunderbirds in Rank 5 are very hard to catch as they have a very high speed comparable to a Cultivator of Kingdom  Heavenly.

The two then returned to travel towards the capital, Yen Chen increased their flight speed, the two were now so fast that they could cover hundreds of kilometers in a mere ten seconds, Yen Chen and Sun Xi were amazed at this speed.

"Husband let's use the your teleport, Im want to walk with you in the capital."

Sun Xi said as her eyes sparkled. Yen Chen nodded and used his teleportation and next moment they disappeared.

They reappeared thirty thousand kilometers away. Yen Chen and Sun Xi were very surprised that they were still in the forest of death.

Sun Xi looked around and said, “Wow! This forest is very big.”

Yen Chen can only agree with her, Mei laughed and explained to them [Yes, a lot, she covers about a third of the human continent.]

“Fuck and huge.”

Yen Chen shouted in his mind shocked by the size of the Forest of Death, he knows that the Human Continent is twice as large as the Asian Continent of Earth.

Yen Chen calmed down and looked around, he and Sun Xi saw a sea of ​​trees that seemed endless. The two felt a lot of fierce glares on them.

“Wife, where are we currently?”

Yen Chen asked Mei. Mei quickly replied [Husband, you are currently at the border of the inner part that gives access to the deep part of the forest.]

Yen Chen and Sun Xi nodded. Soon dozens of beasts in Ranks 5 to 6 attacked the two who were levitating in the sky.




Yen Chen huffed and said in disgust at these beasts, he then snapped his fingers, although he is not arrogant, he was annoyed at these beasts who dared to attack his Little Wife.

The next moment, all the beasts fell lifeless from the sky, Sun Xi quickly picked them up and placed them in his space ring, although the beasts are big, the space ring is nothing small.

"We will…"


Yen Chen was about to teleport again with Sun Xi but a huge burst of light occurred hundreds of kilometers from where they are.

"We will see."

"Everything fine."

The two were curious sensing the energies comparable to the Heavenly Realm Advanced Stage Cultivators, Yen Chen quickly teleported there with her.

Coming close to the battlefield they saw two foxes one was white as snow and the other was yellow as the sun, Yen Chen and Sun Xi were surprised because the two foxes were fighting three Rank 7 beasts alone.

"Wow! how beautiful."

Sun Xi was amazed at the beauty of the two little foxes and Yen Chen could only agree, he saw that they had 6 tails just like Rose showing what Rank they are in.


[How is it possible to have a moon fox and a sun fox on this lower Plane.]

Yen Chen and Sun Xi heard Mei's shocked voice and were curious, Yen Chen then asked "Mei, what happened?"

[Husband these two Foxes are very special you have to help them and make a contract with them.]

Mei did not respond and said. Sun Xi also agreed, she also wants to help the two  little foxes.

"Everything fine."

He agreed and attacked using the lightning element and soon  three ray spear two meters long  were formed above his head, each spear with enough power to kill an advanced stage Heaven Realm Cultivator.

He looked at the three Beasts and waved a hand at them, the spears obeying and shot towards them at high speed .

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