Supreme Dual Cultivation System

Chapter 22:Your fears

"Okay, become my wife"he said with a charming smile.

she was shocked "what?". 

He looked at her confused and said "did I ask too much?".

She looked at him with an expressionless face and thought in her mind "and of course you asked too much, who and what asks someone you met an hour ago to marry you"."

She smiled and said "no I was surprised by your request, I thought you were going to ask to do perverted things to me."

He looked at her blankly and said "I'm not a pervert". 

She nodded and asked "why did you ask me to be your wife?".

He smiled and said "because you are beautiful, because I liked you, because of your physique". 

She nodded and said "I see so you know about my physique." 

He nodded and said "yes" he brought his mouth close to her ear and said "I also have a Dual Cultivation physique, if we both cultivate together the benefits will be huge" and bit her ear.

She was shocked and blushed at the bite on her ear, he went back to his seat and said "how do you accept?".

She said with a hesitant expression "I don't know give me a little time to think".

Yen chen nodded and said "okay I won't force her, how about we go o On a date?".

She thought and nodded "it's ok and good for me to get to know you a little better before answering" 

He nodded and said "yes, let's go in three days I'll come get you".

She nodded and he said with a smile "I have a present for you" then he touched her forehead and passed a Medium Heavenly Rank cultivation technique .

She was shocked by this but quickly closed her eyes to digest the information. 

After a while she opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her, she looked at him and said "how did you get this cultivation technique?".

He smiled and said "secret" 

She got even more curious he then said "I have better techniques but they are only for my wives".

She smiled bitterly, and he said "there's more".

 Saying these words a bracelet appeared on her hand this bracelet had a carved phoenix.

Accessory: Phoenix Bracelet 

Description: Increases Cultivation Speed ​​by 30%, also comes imbued with a barrier that protects from any attack from cultivators below the celestial realm.

Ranking:Celestial - lower level

This was one of the system's accessories to increase cultivation speed.

He took her hand and put the bracelet on, she was fascinated by how beautiful this bracelet was, he then explained.

"This is a ranking artifact Low-level Celestial, it increases cultivation speed by 30% and also has a barrier that protects from any attack by cultivators below the celestial realm".

She was shocked by his explanation and said "how do you have a celestial ranking item?".

He smiled and said "secret".

Her face twitched in annoyance, seeing this he laughed out loud.

He got up and then said "well it's time for me to go back other wise the girls will stay worried". 

She nodded and got up to walk him to the door, he followed her and when he was he was about to leave.

He pulled her into his hug and gave her a kiss and said laughing "hehehe this is my gift". 

So he used his empty steps quickly. 

She was stunned, after a while she came to and touched her lips and said with a flushed face "this was my first kiss".

After a while she managed to organize her messy thoughts, sighing she said to herself "he's an interesting man" a smile appeared on her face, her smile only made her more pretty.

After using the steps of the void he teleported back to the table where the girls were, arriving there everyone in the hall looked at him surprised because he went and came the same way, when he arrived the food was already on the table, they were waiting for them him to be able to eat.

Seeing his arrival Lili Zoe and Sun Xi were happy and asked "how was the conversation with the older sister?". 

He quickly said.

"It was a profitable conversation".

They were curious and then Lili and asked " what did you two talk about?". 

he quickly told everything from the conversation to his proposal.

Hearing about Tang Xue the girls were sad, the three then looked at him seriously and Sun Xi said "husband you should bring the big sister to our family". 

Lili and Zoé agreed  she, And he says "I'll do it as soon as possible".

He then looked at Lili and Zoé and asked with a straight face "Lili and Zoé Has something happened to you guys to make you sad lately?". 

She stiffened at his question and lowered lowered  the head, seeing this he spoke in command voice "speak".

Hearing his tone of voice,they got scared so Lili said with a sad expression "Dear, we're just sad that our cultivation speed is slow and we're afraid that we're useless to you,only when you get too strong, we'll only be a burden to you."

Zoé then continued, "Yes, dear, you even having cultivation below ours are already stronger than the two of us and can even easily fight people from the Core formation Realm peak stage."

HHe looked at them lovingly and said while hugging them "don't worry I will never consider you a burden and you will be  be very strong in the very near future hehehe".

He said the last part with a playful smile then he said "I have a present for you" 

saying that three phoenix bracelets appeared in his hand,He placed one on his wrists and said to the three girls in front of him "this is the phoenix bracelet, it increases cultivation speed by 30% and can protect from any attack below the realm Celestial, and a celestial ranking artifact.

Lilly is Zoé was shocked by his explanation, Sun Xi just smiled thanks to their souls being connected she could see the system screen and the description of the items .

Lili asked "Chen'r how do you have such an item, mom told me that celestial rank items are valuable?" 

He replied with a "secret" smile.

They nodded and didn't ask any more he would tell them when he could "Chen'r thank you"

 He laughed and said "hehehehehehe you are my women no need to thank you".

they nodded and then they started to eat the food after they finished eating they went home walking to enjoy their time together.

 Yen chen said "I'm going to my room to take a shower" 

Lili and Zoé nodded and after kissing each other goodbye they left for their rooms.

Now alone were Sun Xi and Yen Chen, he turned to her and asked with a charming smile "little wife would you help your husband in the bath?".

She smiled and replied " yes and my duty as a wife".

They then went to the bathroom to shower.

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