Supreme Monarch

Chapter 324 C324. Vampire Lord

[Answer: I cannot provide a report to master when my analysis has a more than 1% likelihood of failure.]


Tyler was completely dumbfounded by Uriel's declaration. What she meant was that she will not report anything to him as long as her calculations weren't up to 99% accuracy.

Such a thing was completely ridiculous and needlessly extra. While Tyler could understand what she meant, he was still at a loss for words on how to address that concept.

His problem now was how to de-escalate the situation happening in front of him before it gets out of control, as the armed guards who had escorted the three of them in here were beginning to get nervous and even the atmosphere around the girls that stood beside the Vampire lord was getting tense.

After all, what happened next could shape the future of the Darknar family. Liz— who had been introduced to his vassals as the General overseer of the Six Great Demon Generals— had become enraged by the intruders' rude attitude.

The masses began to feed upon that energy as the hostility in the air rose rapidly and the remaining members of the Black Flame Legion instantly surrounded the armored knights' stations by the door.

They now knew they were no match for the trio— giving as their comrades were still being pinned on the ground by the Vampire Lord's ability. Still, they could not simply give up and had chosen to restrict the Vampire Lord's guards instead.

Making yet another rash move before Tyler had even found the time to organize his thoughts. He could sense the situation further escalating and if he did not act now, this might turn out to become a meaningless brawl where winning would not gain him anything.


Just as he was about to make his move, the Vampire Lord surveyed the situation and spoke first.

"Oh right... how rude of me. My apologies, I surely didn't come all this way just to get on your master's bad side, that wouldn't be the least bit interesting."

With a carefree smile, the Vampire Lord casually dismissed the tension in the air before speaking again, this time, he addressed Tyler directly.

"Demon Lord Ty Falls Darknar. I am known as the Great Vampire Lord, Ferlis Drax Morningstar. In my haste to meet with you, I'm afraid I may have gone through various unorthodox methods so I hope you will not treat this intrusion as an offense. I'm not very good at such troublesome things as formalities so I hope you'll forgive me."

Tyler stared at the young man with a carefree smile on his face as he genuinely yet rather insincerely apologized. He couldn't help but find that attitude rather amusing.

For some reason, he had painted a rather stereotypical mental image of the five Great demon Lords inside his head so this had taken him by surprise in the most unexpected way as he could not even find his arrogance offensive in the least.

However, while Tyler found the demeanor of the Vampire lord to be somewhat reassuring in comparison to the scary image in his head. He still didn't have the luxury of being passive in such a situation.

As the supreme head of his own region, he couldn't allow another Lord to infiltrate into the heart of his own region and attack his subordinates without any consequences. If such news was spread across the continent, it would surely incite the entire demon nobilities, including the ones that were on the verge of swearing allegiance to him, to rise towards uprooting his forces from the Darknar region no matter the cost.

That was something that could not be allowed to happen. With that, Tyler's eyes slightly narrowed as a dangerous glim flashed across his pupils.

"To ask for forgiveness while on the verge of killing Lord Ty's subordinates before him. Just how disrespectful can you be!"

The one who spoke this time was the aged man standing beside Tyler, Albert— who was casually taking steps towards the Great Vampire Lord while adjusting the glistening Golden gloves on his hands.

As a butler, he was well attuned to his Master's wishes, and although there were times when his master would be hard to read. At times like this, he could clearly sense what his master had felt as he continuously heard the groans and moans of pain from the members of the Black Flame legion still being crushed on the ground behind the trio.

Hearing his words, Ferlis looked confused for a moment before a flash of inspiration washed over his pale face as he glanced behind him.

Truth be told, he hadn't even noticed those guys behind him even when they had attacked him. As their levels were so far beneath him and he hadn't found them interesting in his first glance the moment he entered the hall, his mind had completely disregarded their existence.

This was not a form of disrespect of any kind. This was simply how the Vampire known as Ferlis was.

He simply chased after ideas and people he found interesting and completely ignored bothered he doesn't. He also couldn't be ordered to guard against guys of such low levels as the attack they were currently being crushed by was an auto-counter ability of his.

If he hadn't been so taken aback by the new Great Demon Lord of Darknar, he probably would've sensed their attack and disabled the skill almost immediately as he wasn't interested in a fight just yet.

This was not because he was against the idea of clashing with such a formidable opponent, but simply because he felt it would be more interesting to be around this guy instead. After all, what was the point of immortality if there were no interesting parties around to make it worth while.

Hence, he quickly decided to deactivate his skill before any of these guys would die by accident.

However, the moment he thought about that, he heard the butler approaching him to snap his fingers, and the ball of condensed gravity behind him immediately destabilize and collapse in on itself before disappearing faster than it had appeared.


Ferlis was at a loss for words as he stared back at Albert before muttering.

"An ability to disrupt skills capable of even affecting my skills. Fascinating."

Hearing those words come out of their Lord's mouth had shocked the two girls standing beside Ferlis as their attitude towards Albert's approach changed and they both stepped forward.

However, Ferlis simply shook his head as he patted the two female vampire's shoulders, understanding his intentions, they simply nodded and took steps back.

Ferlis then smiled at Tyler before, finally turning his gaze on Albert who had come to a stop directly in front of Ferlis. His sharp gaze pierced straight through his soul.

This was the first time since he had walked into this hall did Ferlis look at anyone besides the lord of this region as he hadn't found any of them to be interesting in the slightest.

While he did think the two girls standing beside him were a little interesting given their origins. None of them could hold a candle to him, who had completely changed since the first time he had laid eyes on him in the outskirts of the Darknar forest.

However, after seeing how this butler had negated one of his skills. His interest in him had peaked.

"I suppose arriving here unannounced was a bit disrespectful to the unofficial lord of this region. However, do not forget who you're talking to. I am one of the Great Five Demon Lords, I do not take orders from servants. So know your place kiddo."

In an instant, Ferlis's demeanor had completely switched as his carefree expression was replaced with a frightening one. His aura, though it could not be sensed by mere mortals, erupted from his body like a raging volcano and his presence completely dominated the entire space.

The air trembled and the space around them was completely destabilized as it felt as though reality itself was quaking in fear.

No one in the hall was able to even breathe as the majority of them were even on the verge of passing out. If it wasn't for the presence of demigods like Liz, Erin, and Rain who immediately released their auras to counterbalance the dimension's destabilizing, everyone here believes the level of a demigod would've died instantly.

All this had occurred within the span of an instant and even the likes of Erin, who was by far the strongest amongst Tyler's Generals— aside of the absent Moloc— couldn't completely negate the effect Ferlis's aura and presence had on the space itself.

However, despite being the target of such a fearsome aura that was on the verge of collapsing reality itself. Albert remained unhindered as his Golden gloves glowed a faint hue that completely stabilized the limited space around him.

"Oh... now this is interesting. I supposed that must be a God Tier artifacts. Still, to resist my aura of hate, outstanding. I really want to see how far you can take this. Hehe~"

Albert narrowed his eyes at Ferlis's delighted expression. He knew the might of the Great Demon Lords were completely out of his league as a former Demon Lord himself. However, he hadn't expected the difference to be this great.

Truly, his master was incredible. Albert realizes just as magnificent his master was as the only reason he was even able to stand face to face with one of the Great Five is because of him.

Even with the God Tier artifact in his possession, if he hadn't grown stronger thanks to his master's abilities then there was no way he would've been able to resist the aura of a being that had already transcended the levels of a Demigod.

Still, he hadn't expected this outcome. He always knew the Greats were beyond his reach but he just hadn't realized how much they had surpassed him.

Truly, if they wanted to destroy this world it wouldn't take them more than a single move to do so. In that sense, none of the other demon nobles truly stand a chance against them.

If they wanted, they could've already conquered the entire continent with each. The only thing keeping them in check was each other.

All those demons who think themselves nobilities were in the end, just fools playing at the whims of the truly powerful. They were simply playing make belief in their so-called politics.

This was the true essence of the Demon continent.

Stricken by such a damming reality, Albert frowned. To think that his entire family had been nothing but toys to these so-called Greats stirred up immerse rage within him.

However, he knew now was not the time. He hadn't stepped forward just to fold under such a damming reality. After all, that was all in the past. Right now, he was standing face to face with one of such greats for the sake of his master, and he didn't mind dying for that cause.


"That's quite enough."

Those calm words came from the one he revered the most in this world and as though proving his dominance. Those simple words had completely erased the instability in the air in an instant, his master had wrestled and won dominance over the space to the surprise of the Great Vampire Lord himself.

"...Ferlis Drax Morningstar, I am afraid my subordinates have failed to offer you a proper welcome given the nature of your arrival. I'm, not one for formalities myself so I do understand your thoughts. However, I cannot simply overlook the fact that the head of one of the Great Fives has snuck into my territory uninvited."

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