Supreme Monarch

Chapter 386 C386. Last Huddle

 "Welcome back, Master Armin."

 The maids greeted him as he alighted his carriage that had only just arrived in front of his Mansion. Due to their supposed lack of funds, their estate could only retain a small number of their staff so there weren't that many maids still left in the Mansion. 

 However, Armin never really cared for the maids as they were all Demonesses from the lower-ranked Baron families around. He allow the maid to take his coat as he walked in. 

 It was currently the middle of the night so it seems his Grandfather and Uncle had already retired to their chambers for the evening so he decided not to bother them with his presence as he walked down the hall and headed for his chambers.

 Asking the maids not to disturb him, he shut the door behind him and walked straight for the fireplace at one end of the massive chambers. His fingers located a secret button as his entire fireplace slowly moved to one side, revealing a set of stairs that led down. 

 His family's estate did house some holding cells for criminals at a separate building from the main mansion. However, to indulge in his desires without any interruptions, Armin had secretly commissioned a secret underground cell to be built under his family's estate.

 To achieve such a massive undertaken within the capital city of the Floato Region without the Jaxith family finding out, he needed the help of Numbers, the only secret organization he was acquainted with. 

 Being an organization that specializes in almost anything, they had surprisingly agreed to build the place for free, linking the cell directly to Radiance City's underground tunnels for easy transportation. 

 The reason for their uncharacteristic generosity was obvious, they needed to use part of the underground cell for storage given as they were an organization that wasn't based in this region, making their operations here limited and extremely risky.

It seems they were mining part of the raw materials for Blue powder somewhere close to Radiance City and needed the underground tunnels for easier and rapid transportation. 

 That may have been why they insisted on maintaining a minimal activity level in this region despite the nobles being a great market for their products, it seems they did not want to draw any attention to the source of their illustrious Blue powder, the single most potent drug in the world. 

 Armin chuckled, he didn't care about the source of the drug but only its effect. Even with a single drop, he's able to dominate even Demon Lord-level Dark elves without even using a slave contract or pact.

 Of course, most of the dark elves he's bought from Numbers had already been contracted as slaves so they couldn't defy him even if they wanted to but as his usefulness for the organization grew, they occasionally even gave him first picking whenever they newly captured a dark elf not already contracted as a slave.

 These Dark elves, albeit docile after being nearly beaten to death several times by the rough members of Numbers, were still a bit more resistant than the ones that were already slaves, and breaking them further with the aid of Blue was an absolute delight. 

 So, how would breaking a dark elf at the level of the emissary be? Her godly beauty, charming yet dominating presence, everything that made her an untouchable gem beyond his wildest fantasies. 

 How would it feel to slowly strip all that away as he made her nothing more than a slave?

 Armin could feel the blood rush to his lower region as his head almost went blank. He tried his best to remain calm as he reached the end of the stairs. 

 There was still something he needed to settle before he was free to indulge himself to his heart's content. 

 Opening the door at the end of the stairs, a dimly lit room came into sight. There were three individuals seated around in the dimly lit room and the moment the door ipened, they all turned to look at him at the same time. 

 "Ah, so you're finally back. Bout time, I was getting sick of waiting." 

 The one who spoke was a large Lion-kin beastman that sat lazily with his legs on an empty crate and a battle axe placed across his lap. His appearance was nothing special as he looked like a typical brute with the face of a lion, wearing a black pants, a pair of brown leather boots and some sorts of reptilian skin jacket. 

 The other two were lesser demons with short horns and thinly long red tails protruding from their lower waist. One of them was a male wearing the same server outfit as the attendants in the Korver mansion. He had curly grey hair and grey eyes. 

 The other lesser demon was a female clad in light leather armor. There were no visible weapons on her person but her right hand was adorned with a pair of black and white rings. 

 She had long black hair with bangs covering her eyes but one could tell she was pretty by the lower parts of her face alone. 

 "My apologies, I had to be patient and wait until the appropriate time to leave, else I may draw some suspicion to myself. Still, I was able to leave before the Royal Guards were made aware of this event."

 "Jeez, what's a cautious bastard."

 The lion-kin snickered at Armin's response as he turned to look at the pair of lesser demons for the next step.

 "Right, I should thank you for your help Mr. 77 and Ms. 10. I didn't expect the two of you to actually participate in my selfish request personally, thank you."

 "Please don't flatter yourself. We're only here to make sure you don't screw up our supply chain for something as ludicrous as this, and to retrieve any magic items or artifacts on the emissary. To think, you were actually given permission for this, what are the Single Digits thinking? Good thing everything went as planned."

 The female lesser demon, Ms. 10 spoke with a condescending tone in her voice as she seemed to forcibly suppress her emotions. Perhaps she felt disgusted with working for trash like Armin but she couldn't voice her opinions as the higher-ups seems to value him greatly. 

 The other lesser demons didn't seem to care much either way. They were both among the Numbered elites in the organization and knew just how valuable their work here in Radiance City was to the entire Number organization. 

 Not only did this place possess the main ingredient for Blue powder, but the city itself also pose as the perfect base for their manufacturing and distribution division which was headed by Ms. 10 herself. 

 Their lack of activities within the Floato Region was necessary to maintain the secrecy of their operations here which was why they chose not to interfere with the prominent underground power in the east.

 The Dark Order.

 Their activities seem to strive from some sort of religious beliefs so they generally wouldn't care about their faint presence here unless they directly interfered with their activities. 

 To maintain their manufacturing and distribution division, they needed to provide other services for certain nobles like slaves, drugs, and assassins, in exchange for facilities like the storage units in these underground cells hence their relationship with Armin and why they did not refuse his request despite how dangerous it had been. 

 "I take it you had no problem abducting the emissary. Was the dosage of Blue sufficient? Will she be a problem?"

 Moving on to the most important part of his plan, Armin asked with great anxiety. 

 "Relax... I spiked her drinks with the perfect amount to escape any magic defenses and the last glass was spiked with enough dose to make you a vegetable."

 Mr. 77 spoke confidently as he walked over to the second door in the room and opened it slowly. 

 "Why don't you take a look... ke ke ke..."

 The Lion-kin that had been lazily pouting in the corner eagerly stood up as he couldn't resist the temptation to see the god-like beauty in such a vulnerable state again. 

 They all went through the door and rows of cells with only a single bed in them appeared before their eyes. There were at least 50 cells in the hall if not more.

 There was also another door at the end of the hall but through that door should be the storage units for Numbers and an exit that lead to the city's underground tunnels and should be the method at which they had brought the emissary through. 

 To protect their investment, these underground cells were lined with a concealment magic array drawn by magic runes and reinforced by a magic artifact so it was practically impossible to find from the outside. 

 Unless one had the other half of the magic artifact. Meaning, the only person that can locate this place from the tunnels was Ms. 10, the owner of the other half of the magic artifact. 

 Armin felt this was why she had personally participated in his plans as she couldn't even trust the item to her subordinates. Being only a single rank from becoming a Single Digit, there was obviously a reason why she had been left in charge of their operation here. 

 However, that didn't matter to Armin as he was only focused on one thing, seeing the emissary in one of his cells as his new plaything. 

 The first cell that came into view was one of his dark elf slaves. 

 Chained to the bed she had long white hair and a moderately pretty face and was dressed in an absurdly lewd maid outfit for some reason. Her expression seem to be a blend of ecstasy, despair, pleasure, and horror as she lay in the bed with lifeless eyes. 

 Ms. 10's face twisted into one of disgust but she chose to ignore her feelings on the matter as they all proceeded forward. 

 The next dark elf they saw was prettier than the last and was dressed in armor like Hunter, her expression seem to be the same as the last with lifeless eyes.

 The next was dressed like a noble demoness, then another was dressed like a priestess, and so on. It was clear these were all a reflection of Armin's degeneracy and not even the Lion-kin cared for his fetishes.

 Frankly, he has already used most of these slaves before they were sold to Armin so he was only interested in the one he hadn't tried yet. 

 He hadn't been able to place his hands on her during their trip as any slight touch could trigger a surge of ecstasy but it could also bring her back to her senses temporarily and that would be bad. However, it has already been a few hours since then so he should have a little leeway right?

 There was still a need to spend the next few days administering a daily dosage of the drug in order to completely drown her mind in pleasure, making her more easier to dominate and control. 

 He had done similar things several times before and the moment they broke was the most pleasurable sight to behold. At that moment, they would be enamored by the sensation of the drug, they would eagerly do anything to get more and that was something he could never get tired of seeing. 

 Unfortunately, the one who would be responsible for doing that with the goddess of Dark elves would be this scrawny loser for a noble. 

 'How unacceptable.'

 Upon reaching the last cell, everyone's eyes went wide as the figure of the Dark elf, laying helplessly in the bed with a slightly blushed expression as she slept made their hearts skip several beats that they almost had heart attacks. 

 Her perfect figure in her fancy dress without the usual charming smile on her face and her usual confident demeanor is replaced with the expression of a teenage girl in heat was almost too much for them to bare.


 "Uh... Boss, shouldn't we make sure she's probably addicted to Blue before giving her to this loser?"


 The Lion-kin could no longer control himself as he ripped the cell door right off its hinges and walked in before anyone could even answer him. 

 "Hey! Don't you dare! She's mine! You Bastard!!!"

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