Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 104

Chapter 102 All Things

Xiaducheng, in the secret room of the summer solstice mansion.

The surrounding walls of the wide secret room are all made of red-hardened copper, and no one can enter when the gate is lowered.

The secret room is so stable that it can hardly be shaken below the demigod, even if the demigod takes many shots to break it open.

A bronze tripod was placed on the metal floor of the secret room, which was filled with clear water.

This is specially prepared for the summer solstice. It can automatically add clear water, so that the amount of clear water in the copper pot will always remain the same, and never worry about drying out.

The light blue ‘Ocean World Rock’ is floating in it. The clear water that was placed in the cauldron in the morning has now formed a spiritual liquid that exudes a hint of aura.

In the summer solstice, I drank a big sip of spiritual liquid, and only felt that with the spiritual liquid, the initial power of the heaven and the earth formed by the long years of the “ocean world stone” melted into the water and entered my body.

“Tianfeng grudge!”

Dantian Qihai, the heaven and earth energy that originally had no attributes, through the special use of the Secret Code of Gods, formed a stream of tiny cyclones and condensed in the body.

At this time, the initial power of the heavens and the earth in the belly poured in, and was immediately attracted by the outermost gusts of celestial winds.

and then attracted by the cyclone on the inner layer…

After layer-by-layer transformation, when it finally came to the dantian gas sea in the body, the star-like sphere, the initial power of the sky and the earth was completely transformed into the extraordinary fighting energy of the wind system.

As the summer solstice continues to revolve, the magic of the god-level fighting qi method is highlighted.

The Tianfeng cyclone formed in the body has a great suction to the initial force of the heavens and the earth, and the transformation speed is also extremely fast during the extremely fast rotation, which is more than dozens of times the speed of the ordinary fighting Qi method.

If there is no god-level fighting qi method, you will not be able to accumulate enough fighting qi for eight hundred years of cultivation day and night, so that you can enter a higher level.

Just like that, I took a sip of spiritual liquid from time to time during the summer solstice, and tried my best to run “Tianfeng Douqi”.

was born in this world for the first time, undoubtedly the effect was very good.

Dou Qi continued to accumulate at an astonishing speed, Yu Jia became vigorous, and as the fighting energy in the body became more and more full, the body subconsciously operated the “Hongmeng Golden Body Jue”, and the fine particles in the very deep part of the whole body began to absorb the initial power of the heavens and the earth, nourishing himself The body quickly improves.

The improvement of physical fitness further promotes the capacity of Dantian Qihai, which can absorb more extraordinary fighting energy!

After a full twenty days, Xia Zhi felt the dantian Qihai’holding up’ and immediately stopped practicing.

Feeling the wind energy in the body at this moment, the light blue energy is released from the wave of his hand to form a wind blade.

Summer Solstice nodded in satisfaction.

Having the resources to allow oneself to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth endlessly, it really saves oneself countless hard work.

How could ordinary transcendents be willing to use all source stones for cultivation? The source stones that were finally exchanged were reserved for transcending the realm or exchanged for transcendent items that were urgently needed.

Ordinary cultivation is done by absorbing the energy of the universe from the universe, and then slowly transforming it into extraordinary fighting energy.

Using the source stone and absorbing the power of heaven and earth from the outside world, the amount of fighting energy generated is more than twenty times different.

If the level of the fighting energy method is lower and the transformation is slower, the same practice, one year of cultivation in the summer solstice, may take 20 years or even 30 years for other extraordinary methods to have the same effect.

“Next, I still have to study the mysteries of all things. This world is very similar to the Devouring World. Both have very high requirements for the understanding of the original rules. If you don’t understand the true meaning of the mystery, even if you have enough fighting spirit in this life, you will not be able to break through the flying level.” Xia Zhi secretly said. .

Through conversations with Hou Xia Ge during the party, Xia Zhi also has a very good understanding of this world power system.

After reaching the celestial knight in the ordinary stage, he pays more attention to the cultivation of the soul and the perception of the rules of heaven and earth.

The mind breaks through the imprisonment of the flesh and is completely integrated with the heavens and the earth. You can perceive the natural energy of the heavens and the earth, and you can initially grasp the power of the heavens and the earth. This level is the realm of ‘the unity of heaven and man’.

After reaching this level, the fighting energy in the body condenses into a solid pill, which is polished by the power of heaven and earth, and the more condensed, it reaches the mundane extreme, which is the title level.

After the soul reaches the ‘oneness of nature and man’, in the constant understanding of the nature of the heaven and the earth, the perception of the heaven and the earth will become more microscopic and focused.

From the ability of the soul to blend into the world, to the power of fire, the power of water, the power of the earth, the power of the wind, the power of thunder and lightning, the power of light, the power of darkness…

Various kinds are derived from the most basic power of the whole world, and the soul feels the mystery of the heavens, the earth, the nature and all things.

After reaching the realm of all things, if you have enough understanding of a certain basic power of the world, you can initially manipulate the comprehend power of heaven and earth, which is countless times more powerful than the power of the non-attribute heaven and earth that is manipulated by the unity of nature and man. It is for the realm of all things. The first weight.

At this point, the spiritual power honeds the solid pill of fighting energy in the body, and finally bred a ray of extraordinary fighting energy, and then the whole body of fighting energy, the body becomes extraordinary, and you can enter the early stage of the extraordinary flying level.

Generally, new promotion to transcendence is this stage, and the Xia solstice is inspired by the Primordial bloodline, so it is inherently transcendent, and can directly use the mystery of space rules.

But in terms of spiritual cultivation, he still needs to experience these realms.

was devouring the world as early as, and his spiritual cultivation has surpassed the realm of ‘Heaven and Man’s Harmony’ and can comprehend the realm.

Now with the power of the Primordial Bloodline, the more profound rules and mysteries of the wind system, the space system, and the faint, the Xia Solstice is now between the first and second levels of the realm of things.

His mind and soul were immersed in the “Zhou Ji Enlightening Dao Jue”. Amid the heavy and long sound of the clock of the Zhou Ji, he deeply and quietly understood the original law of this world.

Time goes by day by day.

The summer solstice may be immersed in the perception of the rules of the universe.

or study the practice secret technique “Illusory Realm”, combined with the “Illusive Real Solution” from the Taishang Secret Collection, and progress extremely fast.

Occasionally, when I was bored in the secret room, I went out to the spacious martial arts field in the garden of the mansion, where I practiced the extraordinary weapon “Sun Moon Void Wheel”, and used the principles and mysteries he had learned in actual combat.

When they are hungry, they drink the elixir formed by the melting of the “Ocean World Stone”.

In this way, the strength of the summer solstice changes drastically every day.

and at the same time——

Over time, the Fire Palace also informed all the transcendents.

One year later, Cloud City’s newly promoted Extraordinary Summer Solstice will have an extraordinary life and death battle!

“An extraordinary life and death battle in the summer solstice a year from now?”

“That’s the monster who was born and transcendent? He is less than one year old, right? I don’t think he can make it through a game.” Someone sneered.

“This is the youngest and extraordinary for countless years! Go and have a look at that time.” After hearing the news, some powerful monks were curious.

Taverns, restaurants and other places in Xiaducheng have also begun to spread, and many title-level disciples also know about it!

For these title-level disciples who are training and tempering in Xiadu City, every time there is an extraordinary life and death battle, they will be very excited to watch!

For ordinary people, how rare is it to see the life and death of extraordinary beings?

News continued to spread.

Inside one of the large mansions in Xiaducheng.

From the scale of the mansion, it can be seen that the owner’s identity is definitely not low. In terms of size, even in Xiaducheng, it ranks in the forefront.

On this day, a crack suddenly appeared in the void above the mansion, and a figure stepped out of it.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, the white-haired man with fluttering white hair and a handsome face, after stepping out of the space rift, slowly landed in front of the main hall of the mansion.

Inside the mansion a woman in white clothes with a very beautiful face greeted me quickly and said: “Welcome the master back to the mansion.”

“Alan, is there something major happening in Xiaducheng and Taoist Temple?” the white-haired man asked casually.

Although the voice is gentle, but under the handsome face, it seems that there is a deep loneliness hidden.

The woman called ‘Alan’ is the housekeeper of this mansion. She said respectfully: “Master, you have gone to the extraordinary world for the past two years. There has been no major event in Taoism, and everything is normal in Changfeng Academy.”

“It means that one year ago in the southern provinces, there was a new transcendent named Xia Zhi. He was born and transcendent. After joining Yunwu City, he will soon be engaged in a transcendent life-and-death battle. Nowadays, it has caused a lot of discussion in the entire Xiadu city. I heard that many demigods are strong. Everyone is ready to be there to watch.”

When the housekeeper Alan responded, she looked at the white-haired man with hot eyes, but the other party was indifferent, making her heartbroken.

Her master is the Xia clan, and even the world’s most powerful holy transcendent-Changfeng knight Chiqiu Bai!

“Born is extraordinary? The summer solstice!” Chi Qiu’s white eyes exploded, making Alan, the housekeeper who secretly looked at his face, felt that the owner beside him suddenly seemed to be a volcano about to erupt.

“Interesting, interesting!” Chi Qiubai then recovered calmly, and casually ordered: “I won’t go out during this time, Alan, remember to remind me that day.”

“It’s the master!”

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