Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 137

Chapter 134 Knockout-7 trial towers!

As time went by, the immortal leaders of 1,008 cosmic nations all appeared in the No. 1 restaurant, chatting casually and waiting for the gathering time on the first day.

Just now, on the central square, two super geniuses who were determined to be the strongest and ranked first in the universe this year, the scene of the collision of eyes was also noticed by this group of immortal great beings.


“The summit battle hasn’t started yet, the atmosphere is full!”

“The potential of this session is indeed very strong. Maybe after a hundred epochs, there will be a Space Venerable!”

“Venerable Space? What do you think! How could it be so easy!”

“Although the two permanent stars of Bolan and Xia Zhi have such a strong understanding of the law of origin, it is still far from being a Venerable Space Venerable!”

“How much immortality is trapped in this step for hundreds of millions of years, how easily the Master of Space can reach it!”

“We have not had a new venerable in 1008 cosmic nations for many years! There is a cosmic genius battle in 5000 years, and countless peerless geniuses have accumulated. Even if this is the strongest in nearly a thousand years, it is very important for us to emerge a powerful and immortal comparable to us It’s difficult, I want to create a Master of Space, difficult, difficult, difficult!”

The immortal people talked endlessly. For them, being able to get together with so many powerful people of the same level is also an extremely rare opportunity, and the four words “Space Lord” proposed by some people have aroused heated discussions. , Many people fiercely opposed.

Only by mastering the complete laws of the origin of space, can one break through immortality and reach the level of the ‘Venerable’.

That is the vast universe of hundreds of millions of races, no matter what race is the top core combat power!

What are the existences that reach that level? With a wave of hands, the stars shifted, the space shifted, and countless planets were like a glass marble in front of them.

can easily occupy a huge star field and build a cosmic country. The 1008 cosmic countries of the human race in the universe have almost never changed in hundreds of millions of years. It is conceivable how old and great it is.

Suddenly, the entire pinnacle continent, no matter where they are, a voice rang in their consciousness, “All the participants in the 1008 universe, gather in the central square.”

After hearing this voice, the immortals present got up one after another. Everyone knew that it was time for the virtual universe company to gather.

Different from the immortals in Hall One, the 1008,000 geniuses participating in the Battle of the Peak, no matter what they are doing at this moment, all unconsciously converge towards the central square.

Xia Zhi, who was talking with Luo Feng in the restaurant, was also affected by the sound, and got up involuntarily.

Only a moment, on the central square, millions of geniuses who participated in the Battle of the Peak formed a neat team, and at the forefront was the immortal team led by 1,008 different cosmic nations.

At this time, so the talent is sober.

“what happened?”

“I was still in the house just now!”

The millions of people in the entire phalanx are in extreme shock.

“It’s horrible! One voice can affect millions of people at the same time, and the mental will is too strong!” Xia Zhi standing in the square also looked shocked.

“Geniuses from 1,008 cosmic nations of the human race, welcome you to participate in the peak genius battle held by our virtual universe company.” A gentle voice came to everyone’s ears.

In mid-air in front of the central square, a man wearing a cyan shirt and purple scales on his head suddenly appeared.

He has a smile on his face and a gentle temperament, but standing in mid-air, he looks like an ancient **** king. The naturally faintly diffused breath not only makes millions of young people with constant stars who participated in the war want to surrender involuntarily, even if it is The coercion radiated from the 1008 Immortal existences also instantly dissipated.

“I have seen the Lord!” The immortal at the front of the square bowed and saluted together.

“Meet the Lord!” Millions of constant star geniuses followed the ceremony.

Many geniuses who have seen the first-level powers of the Venerable for the first time are excited and the ground turns red, and their eyes are staring at the great supreme being who seems to be not in the same time and space as themselves.

The man in the green robe stood looking down in the void, nodded slightly, with a gentle voice, “1008 universe nations, each of which selects a thousand, and there are over a million geniuses in total.”

“Our virtual universe company will select the strongest 1,000 people from among you and recruit them as core members.”

“Millions of you compete for this thousand places.”

“Tomorrow, everyone will enter a’trial space’ separately, and each trial space will have seven trial towers! Each trial tower has seven floors!”

“Start from the first trial tower, finish the seven floors of the first trial tower, and then enter the second trial tower until you die and are kicked out of the trial space!”

“According to your results in the trial space, calculate the points. The first place in the points-the 100th place, was directly absorbed by our virtual universe company as a core member and won 100 places.”

try{mad1(‘gad2′);}catch(ex){}   “101st-7300th, these 7200 people will go to the final battle to compete for the remaining 900 places.”

“As for the following 7,300…all eliminated!”

The words of the man in the green robes made the millions of geniuses sluggish.

A total of 1008,000 people participated in the Battle of the Peak this time, which is equivalent to saying that one million people will be eliminated by the test of just one trial space!

“The seven trial towers set up by the Virtual Universe Company, I never thought that there would be a genius to get through it!” Xia Zhi secretly sighed.

The rules of the trial space mentioned by the man in the green robe are until he died, and he did not say that all of them have been passed through. It means that in the view of the Virtual Universe Company, the seven trial towers cannot be passed by all the geniuses of constant stars.

After announcing the rules, the great existence representing the virtual universe company left directly.

Although the millions of geniuses who participated in the war secretly doubted, they could only disperse one after another.

This night was spent in everyone’s expectation or anxiety.

In the early morning of the next day, in Building No. 825, in Room 1.

Xia Zhi, who had already gotten up and waited, meditated on what the immortal’Thirteen’ had said to him last night, “All the hard work to prepare is to wait for this moment, the original secret realm must be entered!”

“Everyone, please be prepared, and there will be a collective teleportation to send all the participants to their respective trial spaces.” A clear and pleasant voice echoed in the ears of every participant in the entire Pinnacle Continent.

The first round of the Trial Space Elimination Match of the Battle of the Pinnacle is about to begin!


An invisible and strange force descended on the entire continent, and all 1008,000 participating geniuses were teleported away instantly.

The summer solstice only felt a trance in consciousness, and when I was awake, I found myself standing on a huge, nearly rectangular meteorite with a length of nearly 100 kilometers, surrounded by planets and stars without any life.

There are only seven trial towers with a radius of several kilometers and a height of more than ten kilometers that are very conspicuous!

Each trial tower is higher than the highest mountain on earth, and seven behemoths are entangled in different directions of the meteorite.

Xia Zhi looked down at his wrist, as he had participated in the qualifiers, the new screen on his wrist displayed his information.

Participants: Summer Solstice

Points: 0

‘S trial space: No. 0314695

Ranking: None

There is a ranking list and the points rules of the trial space below.

Each trial space of the participants has the same seven trial towers, and each trial tower has seven floors.

The first trial tower, each floor can get up to 10,000 points. If all seven floors are successful, you can get up to 70,000 points.

The second trial tower, each floor can get up to 100,000 points. All seven floors are successful, and you can get up to 700,000 points.

The fourth trial tower, each floor can get up to 10 million points. All seven floors are successful, and you can get up to 70 million points.

The seventh trial tower, each floor can get up to 10 billion points. All the seven floors are successful, and you can get 70 billion points at most.

There are two ways to go through each layer:

1. Kill all targets in this layer to get the highest points and be directly transferred to the next layer.

2. If you fail to kill all the targets, after the 10-day period expires, as long as you are alive and not dead, you will also be directly teleported to the next level to continue the trial.

When all the combatants died, the trial was over. Determine the final ranking.

After reading the rules, I glanced at the currently empty ranking list. Xia Zhi knows that everyone has just entered the trial space and they are all familiar with the rules. After starting to break the trial tower, the ranking will appear.

“It’s quite similar to the qualifiers of the Dry Witch Universe Kingdom, but this time one million participants will be ranked together, no matter what! The road to the top of the universe starts from this moment!” The fighting spirit in the eyes of the summer solstice is amazing.


The whole person turned into a streamer, flew to the first trial tower, and strode directly into the first floor.

As soon as I entered the tower, the text on the summer solstice wrist screen changed, “The first trial tower on the first floor, 10,000 fierce beasts, “Blood-haired Mammoth”! Kill one head and get one point, kill all to get 10,000 points, directly Teleport into the second layer.”

“10 days are up, the challenger is not dead, directly teleported to the second floor.”

“Death, the trial is over.”

At the edge of the arm screen, there is a countdown of time.

smiled at the summer solstice, as if returning to the earth’s Hongning base city, rushing through the trial tower in the God of War training camp to compete for the student rankings, “Let’s start!”

try{mad1(‘gad2′);}catch(ex){}   “Boom!”

In the first level of the trial tower, huge monsters with a height of tens of meters suddenly appeared. The body covered with long blood-red hair contained extremely powerful power. It was the trial opponent of the first level. Thousands of fierce beasts’Blood-haired Mammoth’.

After the appearance of   , the ferocious beasts gathered together and rushed towards the summer solstice. Under the raging vigor, the summer solstice of the earth’s human figure was small as if it were about to be trampled to death.

“Huh!” The Yushen soldier behind him was so swift and swift that he split into nine golden axe blades and turned into nine golden rays of light directly rushing toward the ‘blood-haired mammoth’.

“Puff!” “Puff!” “Puff!” “Puff!”

The sound of golden light piercing through the head of the beast followed one after another. Under the lightning-fast offensive of the nine golden lights, none of the 10,000 ‘blood-haired mammoths’ could rush to within a kilometer before the summer solstice.

“The first layer is really simple. Each head of this blood-haired mammoth has just reached the level of constant star strength. It is not difficult at all!” Xia Zhi stood still, and only controlled the golden light of Yu Shenbing to slaughter all the blood-haired mammoths. Empty.

“Such a trial is really beneficial to the spiritual teacher!” When he saw the last blood-haired mammoth pierced by golden light and crashed down, Xia Zhi secretly sighed.

Unlike a warrior who has to approach and attack at close range, a spiritual teacher who controls a spiritual weapon at a long distance for combat is much safer and more efficient in attack.

“The first level of trial is over, now the second level of transmission.” With a clear voice, Xia Solstice’s figure disappeared from the place, leaving only the blood-haired mammoth corpse in the distance.

In reality, with the opening of the first round of trial space elimination of the Battle of the Peak, countless humans in the entire universe are paying attention to any information related to the Battle of the Peak at this moment.

is just helpless, the elimination battle is not broadcast publicly, but only publicly publicized the ranking list, so countless humans can only constantly refresh the ranking list on the official website of the virtual universe company.

“It has changed, it has changed! The elimination battle has begun!”

When the millions of participating geniuses who entered the trial space entered the trial tower and began to challenge, the ranking list of the elimination battle began to change rapidly, no matter how it changed, the name of the first place at the top was still’Summer Solstice-Dry Witch’ Universe country’!

The countless people of the hundreds of millions of galaxies in the “Qianwu Universe Kingdom” are so excited that they are crazy!

This is the peak battle where millions of talents from 1008 universe nations gather!

“The summer solstice is too strong!”

“From the very beginning, I was ranked first. This is a common ranking of millions of geniuses!”

Countless people shouted excitedly, but there were also people pouring cold water.

“This is just the beginning. It doesn’t mean anything to be ahead for a while. At the end, the final ranking will be known.

“Huh! Anyway, the summer solstice is the strongest!”

Unlike countless human beings outside, the immortal leaders of the major universe countries have the right to watch the trials of each participant The summer solstice is considered to be the strongest in the overall ranking. The contenders, now that the elimination battle has been so eye-catching since the beginning, naturally received a lot of immortal attention.

At this time, in the No. 1 restaurant in the Central Plaza of the Continent at the pinnacle of the virtual universe, immortals from various cosmic nations are sitting on large chairs, and the screens in front of them are the summer solstice of Zhengyu Shiyu Shenbing.

“This kid named Xia Zhi is really ruthless enough to be number one as soon as he comes.”

“Well! The points have risen amazingly, faster than Berran.”

“For this kind of battle, the spiritual teacher takes advantage of it even more.”

“Thirteen, you Rong Jun from the witch universe kingdom is not bad too. Now he ranks 15th in points.”

“It’s okay.” The scale armor giant nodded slightly, with a smile on his face. The previous genius battles of the Qianwu Universe Kingdom, especially the recent performances, have not performed well. This year, there are amazing performances of Xia Zhi and Rong Jun. Naturally Get many immortal praises.

Now they represent their respective universe nations. Of course, they hope that the genius of their universe nation will be more dazzling, so that they can save face.

For these immortal beings with eternal years, face dignity is very important.

Scale armor giant Thirteen, watching the screen, Xia Zhi controls nine golden axe blades, wantonly slaughter the monster with wings and hairy three-eyed lion-the fierce beast ‘Feiyan’.

Seeing the relaxed and comfortable performance of the summer solstice, the smile on his face grew thicker, and he was extremely relaxed even in the two trial towers. Compared with the original qualifiers, the strength of the summer solstice was amazingly improved. This time the genius battle is stable.

“It depends on which floor you can reach!” He secretly expected.

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