Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 168

Chapter 164 Extremely difficult road!

“Come out.” “Come out.” “Come out.”…

The reverberations in his mind continued, and the louder and louder voices awakened Xia Solstice from the mysterious mood of the Chaos Tablet.

At the moment when he rushed out of the threshold of the chaotic stele cultivation chamber, Xia Zhi looked back a little unwillingly, and there was a faint outline in the depth of the chaotic air current that filled the room.

“Do you want to participate in the enlightenment again?” Kandry, the guardian of the secret room, smiled, “Anyway, you still have a lot of enlightenment opportunities. You have four enlightenment opportunities left by crossing the fifth floor of the bridge, not to mention there are 10 additional times. A gifted opportunity for enlightenment.”

Speaking, Kandry’s eyes on the summer solstice are somewhat meaningful.

“No, digest this insight first, and then come to the insight to maximize the effect.” Xia Zhi shook his head, he still has three tests, when he encounters a bottleneck or when the doubts accumulated by his own perception accumulate, come again. The effect of perceiving the chaotic monument is the best.

And the more you pass the bridge, the harder it is to break through. I have ten more chances of understanding, which is equivalent to breaking through ten more layers than others. It is already a great advantage. How can it be easily wasted on the first few basic levels!

Saying goodbye to Kandri, returning to his home for cultivation, the summer solstice leaves a trace of consciousness and enters the virtual universe, and returns to the home of Jiuxingwan to accompany his wife, daughter, grandfather and them. absorb.


sitting cross-legged on the rooftop for three days in the summer solstice, opened his eyes.

“At the end of the eight-month retreat, I thought that the first planetary picture had no secrets in my eyes, but when I observed it again, I discovered that there will be new experiences, not just the original laws of space or time, the 36 planets and their rotations. The endless trajectory map, as well as the mystery of the combination of the two original laws, deserves to be the most complicated of the 52 chaotic monuments, and the first picture alone is so profound!”

“Huh?” Xia Zhi’s eyes suddenly condensed, and he found a figure not far from him, standing with his hands holding hands, facing the outside of the rooftop, seeming to appreciate the scenery inside Chaos City.

“Teacher?” Xia Zhi jumped up and said in surprise, “When did you come to Chaos City?”

“Cultivation is over?” The figure heard the voice of Xia Zhi, turned around and smiled.

is wearing a black armor, and the third eye on his forehead is glowing with golden light. It is the instructor of the summer solstice ‘king of heaven’.

“I have absorbed all the insights of these seven days!” Xia Zhi asked with a smile, “Is the teacher coming to Chaos City to submerge?”

He has known from Bafen, the guardian of the Tongtianqiao plane, that the human powerhouse who passes through the eighteenth floor of the Tongtian Bridge can become a permanent resident of Chaos City. The king of Tianyu is an immortal king, and he is naturally qualified to live in Chaos forever. In the city.

“No, I am here for you?” Tianyu Wang said.

“Come for me?” Xia Zhi was startled, and there was a burst of warmth in my heart.

I thought of talking to King Tianyu and saw him in the spaceship control room. At that time, I was still wondering where the teacher was going. I thought it was the Chaos City that came from the Primitive Universe.

“Yes!” Tianyu Wang smiled, “You did a good job of crossing the sky bridge this time. If it weren’t for the law of time, you would be able to get through the sixth floor if you wanted to.”

“Since the Lord Chaos accepts you as a registered disciple and gives you a chance to test, it is such a great opportunity, of course you must firmly grasp it! The vast universe, hundreds of millions of races, my human race is one of the peak races, countless years of all kinds of geniuses like crossing the river The crucian carp is countless!”

try{mad1(‘gad2′);}catch(ex){}  ”Why can you get the attention of the ethnic group and enjoy more resources? What you can rely on is to show your talents, and Tongtianqiao is the way you just stepped The best show stage for the little guys who are on the way to practice!”

Summer Solstice nodded.

“Your performance is already very good. The young cultivators sent to Chaos City by the genius battle of my Virtual Universe Company for nearly a thousand years. Thirty years later, there are 32 people who have passed the fifth floor of the bridge. You only took eight months. It has achieved the 30 years of cultivation results of others. It is very rare, but it is not enough!”

“The strongest in nearly a thousand genius battles is just the strongest in the past tens of millions of years. If you compare with those amazing monsters in my long history of mankind, you are still far behind!”

“Don’t say anything else, it’s a super genius before you, probably an era earlier than me, named’Kedi’, known as the first genius in the billions of eras!”

“At the end of the Chaos City’s thirty-year comprehension, I passed the ninth floor of the Tongtian Bridge. The universe level, the domain master, and the world master, all of which directly passed through the primitive Tongtian Mountain in the three periods, the encounter is magical, and the world is incomparable! During the period, they can leapfrog and kill the immortal Fenghou-level! A group of Cosmos Lords and Venerables rushed to accept him as a disciple. In the end, the Chaos City Lord came forward to accept him as a direct disciple.”

“I want to come, now that the test set for you is to take science and technology as the standard!” Tianyu Wang said with emotion, “Compared with him, do you think your talent will be stronger?”

The summer solstice was silent, imagining the peerless talent of that senior brother, and couldn’t help but be fascinated.

is just a moment, and the eyes of the summer solstice are even more determined, “Teacher, I only believe in myself! Whether it is a tens of millions of eras or hundreds of millions of eras, as long as I have an unwavering heart, I will not lose to anyone!”

“Okay!” Tianyu Wang laughed loudly, “Without an extremely firm conviction, how can you reach the top!”

After smiling, Tianyu Wang said in a deep voice: “But faith alone is not enough. Now I have a very difficult one. It may waste some time in the early stage, but once it is achieved, it will make your cultivation a smooth path. This kind of cultivation direction , Do you dare to try?”

“Dare!” Xia Zhi firmly said, “The disciples don’t care about gains and losses for a while, besides, even if it is extremely difficult, I am confident that I can get through them one by one!”

“Yeah!” Tianyu Wang nodded, “You have also realized the chaotic monument, and you have also observed the engraved dots my teacher left.”

As he said, King Tianyu scanned the engraved pattern on the rooftop that exuded mysterious fluctuations, his eyes darkened, and then he said after a long time: “No matter what kind of secret method or pattern, it is to help people understand, in essence, they are all It is copying and imitating, imitating the use of the original laws by those predecessors, and unconsciously experiencing the most essential operating rules of the universe, and why this is the case, there is no one in a hundred that can be clearly stated.”

Xia solstice nodded, “Well, yes! The most esoteric law of origin says that it can only be understood, but cannot be explained by words?”

“The fart is unspeakable! That’s because he can’t tell it himself, and he hasn’t figured out the essence at all. Of course, he can’t tell the truth, but he can use it.” Tianyu Wang sneered, “If he can’t tell, these 52 chaos Where did the stele come from? The pictures lead directly to the origin of the universe. Only by understanding the operation of the most essential origin law can we leave such a profound pattern inscription.”

“I hope you are going to analyze the essence of the original laws of the universe, not only to be able to use them, but to analyze the essence from the very beginning! This path requires extremely high requirements for the cultivator’s character, understanding, and understanding of the laws, and you will gradually study it. Perhaps it was much slower at first. But in the later stages, the speed of progress will be faster and faster. The most basic essence is clear to the heart, and the rest is just a combination of applications. In the future, cultivation will be a smooth path, no bottlenecks, and great achievements. high!”

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){}   After speaking, King Tianyu stared at Xia Solstice earnestly, “Dare you choose?”

Everything the King Tianyu said was like opening a new window to the summer solstice. “No wonder I felt that the first planetary map had no secrets at first, but after the battle of the Tongtian Bridge and the second observation of the Chaos Monument, I felt my heart. The increase in doubts turned out to be due to not grasping the essence and weak foundation.

“The disciples are willing to take the path of analyzing the essence!” Xia Zhi said in a deep voice.

“Okay! Predecessors have walked this way for countless years, leaving behind many secrets and secrets. You wouldn’t really want you to spend tens of thousands of years repeating it.” Tianyu Wang smiled, “In your virtual universe study, I will give You left a bookmark with 68 cheats to help you practice and comprehend. When you return to the virtual universe, you can go to the company’s treasure house to buy it.”

“Thank you, teacher.” Xia Zhi was overjoyed when he heard this. After all, he still had the test of three direct disciples. It would be best to save time.

“In addition, today, if I am farewell, I will have major things to do, and naturally I have no time to guide you. However, I have already contacted you with a suzerain from the Chaos City Lord, a cosmic genre Tianyu Wangdao,” he said It’s not my virtual universe company, but I am also a teacher and friend. Among the sect masters of the universe, he is the respect, and he is only one step away from being able to enter the rank of nobleman. ”

“You have passed through the third floor of the Tongtian Bridge, and you are qualified to apprentice in this Chaos City. After I leave, you will go to apprentice!”

“Teacher, where are you going?” Xia Zhi hurriedly asked.

Tianyu King shook his head, “Now tell you, it will be harmful to you, and wait until you become a direct disciple of Chaos City Lord in the future, and let’s talk about it when you achieve immortality!”

Xia Zhi looked at King Tianyu, wondering whether he should tell King Tianyu about his apprenticeship with the Lord of Darkness.

Although it has only been with King Tianyu for a few years, this is the first time he has met in the real world, but the various arrangements that King Tianyu has made for him have moved Xia Zhi so much. This deceives King Tianyu and makes him hesitate.

“Teacher…” Xia Zhi whispered softly, but didn’t know what to say.

The matter of my own teacher’s apprenticeship involves human secrets, I still can’t tell, and I want to help King Tianyu, but now with his cosmic strength, he is not qualified to intervene in the affairs of immortal powers.

“Okay, don’t be a child!” Tianyu Wang smiled and took a deep look at the summer solstice. This disciple who has only been together for a few years, still in the virtual universe, has made himself a relative, “go!”

When the voice of    fell, the figure of King Tianyu disappeared from the front of Xia solstice, and he walked very freely.

“Teacher, I will definitely complete the test, and I will have enough strength to help you in the future!” Xia Zhi looked at the rooftop where there was only one person again, and was extremely firm in his heart.

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