Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 95

Chapter 93 3 years gestation

In the southern province, Hongyan County.

If you ask someone from the county, who is the most powerful?

There is only one answer, Qiu’s family.

The Qiu family’s residence covers an area close to one-tenth of the entire county town. The Patriarch Qiu Huating is the number one master in Hongyan County and ranks 328th in the Longshan list compiled by Longshan Tower.

The three thousand strong men listed on the Longshan List are all title-level knights or wizards. Those who can rank in the top five hundred are all recognized that they can achieve extraordinary existence with only one step away.

With Qiu Huating’s great strength, the Qiu family also became the first family in Hongyan County because of him.

The county guards of Hongyan County, the generals of the county city guards, and the city lords of Fengyang City, Yishui City and many other county towns in the county, almost all of them belonged to the Qiu family.

In the garden of the Qiu family, Xia Yi and Shi Yong met Qiu Huating, the head of the Qi family.

Qiu Huating, who has been famous for more than sixty years, looks like a young man in his thirties, with a slightly feminine temperament.

“Original blood berry?” Qiu Huating glanced at Xia Yi in front of him. The strength of the Meteor Star was nothing, but the descendants of the Extraordinary Clan were still qualified to see him, not to mention the moon spar mine in his territory.

His Qiu family is the absolute overlord in Hongyan County. They all say that he can be extraordinary with only one step, but he himself knows that he hasn’t taken that step for so many years, and there is no hope in this life.

He can only live for more than a hundred years at most. Even if he is a foreign affair disciple of the six extraordinary organizations “Cloud City”, he has a lot of opportunities to contact the extraordinary powerhouses, so as to obtain some extraordinary things that can prolong lifespan and slow down aging. It can only last for a few more decades.

Want to live a long life, always be the overlord of Hongyan County, accept the transcendental transformation of his body, and become a “pseudo-transcendence” is his only choice left.

Although the strength of the pseudo-transcendent is not as good as the real transcendent life, after a certain part of the body is transcended, the life span is at least the same as that of the transcendent life, with a lifespan of 800 years.

But his Qiu family was only a new family that emerged because of him, with limited background. Qiu Huating thought about the huge resources needed for the transformation of the body, and made up his mind when he turned his mind. He secretly sneered, “What source blood berry, a small transcendent world. The blood fruit of the Blood Demon Realm.”

Every woman in my family takes it during pregnancy, and I haven’t seen a genius with blood awakening for so many years.

“Lord Xia, Origin Blood Berry is the miraculous fruit of the transcendent world. I can exchange it, but I can exchange it…” Qiu Huating said slowly, dragging a long tone.

“Patriarch Qiu, please tell me.” Xia Yi said, “What can be exchanged for what you need, please don’t hesitate to say. I can do it, Xia Yi has nothing to say.”

“I don’t need anything in the Qiu family. You Tianfeng collar, it’s the moon spar mine that I can admire.” Qiu Huating’s narrow eyes stared at Xia Yi, and said with a smile, “As long as you have Give me the Baili fief of the Moonstone Mine, and I will give you the Origin Blood Berry.”

Shi Yong, standing behind Xia Yi, whispered anxiously: “Big Brother.”

Chong Shi waved his hand bravely, and Xia Yi said: “Patriarch Qiu, moonstone mining is not easy. My Xia family has been the lord of the sky wind for thousands of years, and there are tens of thousands of people in the territory. I only ask the owner to treat the people kindly and don’t let them go mining. ”

“Of course.” Qiu Huating said with a smile, “The slaves of the orc race are strong and physically strong. Just let them dig for mines. This fiefdom belongs to my Qi family. Of course, it belongs to the people of the Qi family. Of course, we must treat them well. .”

“If that’s the case, then it’s settled.” Xia Yi nodded heavily.

“Okay, refreshing!” Qiu Huating laughed, “Lord Xia, let’s sign the paperwork, and the source blood berry will be brought to you in a while.”

“Okay.” Hearing that the ‘source blood berry’ could finally be obtained, Xia Yi’s cold face showed a bit of joy.

On the way back to Tianfengling, Shi Yong couldn’t help asking: “Brother, that’s half of my Tianfengling territory, which is a hundred miles away! There is also a moon spar mine!”

Moon spar is a kind of precious material for mage alchemy. Unrefined moon spar has anti-magic properties, so it cannot be mined with alchemy tools in mines, and can only be mined by manpower.

A large moon spar mine is rare. The one in the Tianfeng collar was discovered by Xia Yi’s father thirty years ago.

They have been mining carefully, just for fear of exposing them to trouble. As an extraordinary family, the Xia family has a record in the six extraordinary organizations ‘Cloud City’.

The Xia family’s children can become the foreign affair disciple of ‘Cloud City’ when they reach the title level. This makes Qiu Huating dare not know how to do it, otherwise he would have changed hands long ago.

“Stone, if this kid can become a strong man in the future, even if it is a title level! Then this Baili territory and moon spar mine are nothing.” Xia Yi looked forward and said in anticipation.

“But if Yingxue uses the source blood berries and the child still has no success in the future, then this fief and moon spar mine are both the root causes of trouble!” Xia Yi’s voice was complicated in the end.

Tianfeng collar, inside the Xia Family Castle.

“How is it, Yingxue?” Xia Yi asked with concern looking at Tan Yingxue who had finished taking the’source blood berry’.

“It doesn’t feel much, I just feel that my abdomen is warm and comfortable.” Tan Yingxue said.

“This source blood berry works best when the child’s body starts to develop in four or five months. From now on, I will let the kitchen provide you with nourishment every day. In the future, our son will surely awaken the blood of the gods!”

In the great world of the Xia Clan, everyone will have the bloodline of Primordial blood or the bloodline of gods hidden in their bodies, but there is no one in a million who can truly awaken.

If you awaken, you can manipulate frost, some can manipulate flames, some can teleport, some can manipulate thunder and lightning, and you will become a strong person in the future. The chances of becoming extraordinary are much greater than ordinary people.

“Definitely, Brother Yi.” Tan Yingxue smiled softly at her husband’s eager eyes.

In the mother’s belly.

After Qin Yingxue took the “source blood berry”, a gentle energy followed the umbilical cord into the small body of the summer solstice.

“In my blood?” Xia Zhi’s practice of ‘Too High Refining Body’ has a very clear sense of self. After the body absorbs that energy, there seems to be a slight change, but it is too slight!

But after being felt by the summer solstice, curiously he continued to analyze it carefully and finally found out.

Your own blood, the internal composition of the particles is very complicated, and it is much more complicated than the body of a human on earth in the previous life.

It seems to be a fusion of mysterious three-dimensional patterns, but because they are too small and weak, but with the refinement and optimization of the blood refining chapter, the power of the blood continues to become stronger, and Xia Zhi can feel that after the body is stronger, his soul is also More powerful, now there is the soul strength of the previous planetary-level warrior, and it is still rapidly increasing.

“Just it.” Identify the mysterious three-dimensional patterns inside the particles in the sensing body.

One of the patterns seemed to be the clearest pattern of a huge bird monster. He could sense that there was wind, space, and a hint of mysterious fluctuations in it. He immediately decided to control and optimize this three-dimensional pattern in the Blood Refining Chapter. The power in your own blood.

“Look at the rules and mysteries of this world first, and what is the difference between the Devouring World I came here.” After Xia Zhi’s body exercises turned on its own, he began to concentrate and perceive,’Zhou Ji Wu Dao Jue’ can still help him quickly enter concentration in this world. , Into a state of epiphany.

The highest rules are everywhere, and naturally there are regular fluctuations in the embryo.

is completely different from the original rules of the universe that swallow the world, but the subtle and interlinked rules are presented in his consciousness.

“Wind system, light, space…” Xia Zhi first sensed what I was familiar with.

With this induction, the consciousness falls into a state of deep enlightenment, the body optimizes and refines its own blood energy, the soul consciousness perceives the rules and mysteries, and the continuous maternal energy from the outside is absorbed by him.

In the mother’s body, the vitality is getting stronger and stronger, the time is passing fast, and the summer solstice is immersed in the state of enlightenment without noticing.

The outside world, because of this unborn child, has also caused chaos.

When the lord’s wife Tan Yingxue conceived in October, the delivery date was approaching.

The best midwife in the Tianfengling has already moved into the Xiajia Castle half a month in advance, waiting for the birth of the future little son.

Days passed day by day. Nearly a month after the delivery period, Tan Yingxue showed no signs of giving birth. On the contrary, her appetite increased greatly. A few hundred catties of beasts were not enough for her to eat for a day, and the lower the level of beasts, the more she would eat. many.

For this reason, Xia Yi, a meteor knight, took his soldiers to the Fengling Mountains not far away to hunt and kill Beasts every day to provide for his wife.

Tan Yingxue, who had been out of the delivery period for nearly two years, was still like this.

Well-known doctors from all over the world were invited by Xia Yi, but they said that Tan Yingxue was fine, that both mother and child were fine, and the fetus in the abdomen had a strong vitality. He must be a healthy child and strong in the future.

Overjoyed Xia Yi, she opened up supplying nutritional supplements to Tan Yingxue, and all kinds of precious tonics were pulled back into the castle.

Fengyang County, Longshan Tower.

Every city in this world has a Longshan Tower! Responsible for monitoring the world.

The Longshan Tower in Fengyang County is an ancient five-story wooden tower.

There is a powerful knight guard at the entrance of Longshan Tower, and a young man in black robes rushes into Longshan Tower.

“Master Meng Zhe.” Two knights wearing black armor at the door respectfully said.

“Can the host be here?” the black robe youth asked.

“The landlord is in the room.” said one of the tall blue knights.

Black robe youth Meng Zhe stepped into Longshan Building and came to the fifth floor.


When he came to the central room on the fifth floor, Meng Zhe knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Meng Zhe pushed in and closed the door.

The room is very spacious, with a long maroon table on the innermost table with stacks of paper books.

A white-haired old man is sitting behind a long table, he is looking at a file.

This person is the host of Longshan Tower in Fengyang County-Tan Lin.

Tan Lin looked up and saw young people coming in and asked, “Meng Zhe, how is it?”

“The news has been confirmed that Tan Yingxue had taken the’source blood berry’ before.” Meng Zhe said, “It was Tianfeng lord Xia Yi who bought it from the Qiu family with a Baili fief.”

“Haha, is there a chance that Xia Yi’s son really met him?” Tan Lin sneered. “The foreign affair disciple of the Qiu family who relied on himself as a’cloud city’ has taken the arrogance for so many years. I just focused on the moon spar mine. If it weren’t for the fear that the Xia family was once an extraordinary family, I’m afraid it would have been done long ago.”

The Qiu family is the only one in Hongyan County, and relying on Qiu Huating’s power, there is a lot of dark and dirty behavior.

Tan Lin, as the host of the Longshan Tower in Fengyang County, has long been uncomfortable. This time I saw that the Qiu family might suffer a dumb loss, and I couldn’t help but ridicule.

“My lord, now that the lord’s wife is pregnant, something strange is probably spread, should we send some people to protect it secretly?” Meng Zhe reminded.

Tan Lin nodded and said, “Well, I have reported to the main building, and the news will be passed to Xinhuo City soon. My human race may have a future genius. Regardless of whether Xinhuo City sends a master or not, you first dispatch the bronze team. Go to the Tianfeng collar and guard it secretly.”

“Yes.” Meng Zhe replied.

The Longshan Tower has its own armed forces secretly. The bronze team is led by a legendary powerhouse. The team members are at least meteor-sized. After Tan Lin gave the order, they came to the Tianfengling Xiajia castle and guarded it secretly.

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