Supreme Wayseeker of Swallowed Star

Chapter 99

Chapter 97 Red Rock County

“Brother Hou, where is the great world?”

Summer Solstice is extremely curious about the world of Xianhuo that Hou Xia Ge said before that the transcendence goes.

My father is just a star knight, and what I introduced last night was the common sense that most of the world knows.

“Haha.” Hou Xia Ge laughed when Xia Zhi called himself, making Xia Zhi puzzled.

In fact, I don’t know about the Xia Zhi, according to the rules, it is in the four major organizations.

Title level, a disciple!

Feitian level is extraordinary, protects the law.

Holy level, is an elder.

Demigod is the top.

is not the leader of the Fangfan organization. It is also called the Supreme Elder, the Deputy City Lord, and the Deputy Viewer, and the status is equal to the leader.

So under normal circumstances, the summer solstice has to call “Elder Waiter”.

“The mortal world we live in is a very stable and perfect material world!” Hou Xiage introduced, “Across the material world, some spatial folds and gaps will also give birth to some imperfect and extraordinary worlds.”

“These extraordinary worlds are divided into large worlds and small worlds. Because they are not perfect, these worlds have condensed some special treasures! Even the origin core of the whole world will be condensed into physical objects. Many precious things that the extraordinary need, almost All come from these worlds.”

“The rules of the transcendental world are too simple, some magical powers directly converge into real objects, and countless precious’transcendents’ are the resources for our strength promotion.”

“The world of small transcendental worlds has limited endurance, and the highest can only accommodate the transcendent entry of the holy class, while the large world can accommodate the transcendent entry of the demigod class.”

“Xinhuo World is one of the extraordinary worlds controlled by the Xia Clan of humanity, and it is also the heritage of the Xia Clan.”

“It is easier to perceive the mystery of the rules of heaven and earth there, and with the defensive accumulation of our Xia clan’s previous generations of strong, other ethnic forces cannot enter, so the newly promoted transcendents are all in the fire world.”

The Xia clan nodded, and said in his heart: “It looks like the original universe that swallows the world.”

Hou Xiage thoughtfully watched the summer solstice, and smiled: “More information, you will know when you arrive. Today, you still have to spend time with your family, and tomorrow we will return to Yunwu City, from where we can enter the world of fireworks. .”

When I learned more about the extraordinary life from Tang Yi and Hou Xiage at the summer solstice, Fengyang County and even Hongyan County were born because of the summer solstice and were violently turbulent.

Many officers who went up to the city lord of the county town and went down to the city guard in Hongyan County were all kicked out.

“What are you doing in Longshan Tower! You are making enemies with my Qi family, and our Patriarch of the Qiu family is a foreign affairs disciple of Yunwu City!” The town owner of Hongyan County has always been proud of himself as a child of the Qi family.

He even often fantasizes that Patriarch Qiu Huating can be promoted to an extraordinary life. At that time, what a county lord will be.

“Go back and ask Qiu Huating.” The leader of Longshanlou in charge of gathering all the strength of Hongyan County, it was Tan Lin, the owner of Longshanlou, Fengyang County.

When the Longshan Tower really showed its fangs, all the strength of the Qiu family in Hongyan County was uprooted.

At the same time, Yunwu City also sent orders to the title-level powerhouses of Hongyan County, telling them, “Tianfeng leads the summer solstice into the transcendence, join me Yunwu City, Hongyan County will be in charge of the Tianfeng Xia family.”

Xuanyue Mountain Range is just an ordinary mountain range in the Xia Clan’s Great World, spanning more than three hundred miles from east to west, before nearly half of the mountain range was under the jurisdiction of Tianfeng.

Moonstone peak, because of the moon spar mine under the peak.

With a radius of nearly a hundred miles, only the main peak has a higher terrain. Surrounding the Yueshifeng, there are six large villages with nearly 30,000 people.

During the management of the Xia family, the owners of the Xia family in the past were kind to the people in the family, and the wind led the people to live a prosperous life. Often people who couldn’t live in other places moved in.

But everything has changed since the Qiu family acquired the Baili territory that originally belonged to the Xia family’s Tianfeng leadership three years ago.

Yue Shifeng, Qiu Family Courtyard.

The exotic flowers and grasses in the garden are not inferior to the home of the Qiu family in the county town.

A middle-aged man in a luxurious robe was sitting comfortably, and a group of women waited on him.

He is the head of foreign affairs of the Qiu family, Qiu An.

I have been cautiously in Qiu’s house for decades, and now I finally got the opportunity to release the chief outsider, so I won’t let it go.

“The moon spar mine, it is such a great treasure, even if a little bit is intercepted from it, it will be enough for me to eat and drink for several lifetimes.”

Qiu An was very satisfied, and he was very disdainful of the Xia family before. “Keeping the treasures and not mining them, the untouchables in the territory don’t use them. It’s really pedantic to spend money to buy slaves to mine.”

He couldn’t help but feel even more proud when he thought of the secret instructions from the Patriarch before he came.

The people in the territory live and die, what to do with him, fulfill the Patriarch’s request, and mine the moon spar as soon as possible, that is the most important thing.


Suddenly, there was a roar from the sky, an alchemy flying boat appeared directly above the other courtyard, and a group of powerful knights and wizards stood on the flying boat, looking down at Qiu An with cold eyes.

“Huh! As the foreign affairs director of my Qiu family, I blatantly violated the Patriarch’s order to let the people mine mine and poison the people even more. It depends on your luxury life. I think you are not wronged.” A loud shout came from the top of the flying boat. “Qiu An, don’t hesitate to catch it!”

“I always follow the orders of the family lord, ah…” Qiu An was shocked, recognizing that he was the master of the family county town lord’s house, and quickly pleaded loudly.

“Do you dare to quibble? Patriarch Lingyu, don’t talk about killing!”

From this early morning, the major families in the city of Hongyan County, especially the families that were once involved with the Xia family, began to violently turbulence.

Many of the people involved in private incidents were even directly arrested and killed.

Patriarchs and elders of each family can lead a family, all of them are human spirits.

A family with extraordinary lives will be in charge of the entire Red Rock County, which is like the sky turned upside down for them.

No one wants to provoke Xia Jiaji’s hatred. Those who have had grievances must come up with a way to quell their grievances!

As the turmoil continued, the news that the son of Tianfeng Lord Xia Yi, born to be extraordinary, spread throughout the county, even the ordinary people at the bottom knew about it.

then quickly spread to all parties, causing shock to countless people.

Many ordinary people in Hongyan County cheered even more.

Restaurants and pubs all over the country talked a lot, they are proud of the extraordinary life in their hometown, and the extraordinary genius at birth!

No matter where in the Longshan Empire, there are many people who like to listen to the things of extraordinary life, and it is more like myths and legends to ordinary people.

Nowadays, the legend of the summer solstice has begun to circulate in Hongyan County, and it is even more exaggerated.

Early morning the next day.

? An alchemy flying boat landed at the foot of the mountain of Tianfengling Xiajia Castle, and a group of people walked up from the foot of the mountain.

? “We are the title-level knights and wizards of Hongyan County, and we are here to see Lord Summer Solstice.” Five people stood at the gate of the castle and asked to see each other, all of them were title-level.

is headed by Qiu Huating, who looks about 30 years old and has a feminine temperament.

The ordinary guards at the gate of the castle can feel the powerful energy fluctuations faintly revealed in these five people.

I was surprised to hear what Qiu Huating said!

are all title-level powerhouses?

I have never seen a title-level powerhouse come to the Xia Family Castle for many years. This was all influenced by the extraordinary young master Xia Zhi.

After a while, five legendary powerhouses were allowed to enter, and the guards who passed the message were all with You Rongyan.

“Lord Lord is over there.” After entering the castle, a maid specially led him.

Qiu Huating and the five others saw a middle-aged man sitting under the pavilion in the garden.

Only the strength of the meteor knights, there was no reaction to seeing the five of them, just watching them plainly.

“I have seen Lord Xia.” Qiu Huating and other five people saluted politely, and no one dared to despise the father of the extraordinary and powerful.

Xia Yi just got up and smiled: “Everyone here today, UU reading don’t know what’s the matter?”

Qiu Huating, headed by   , smiled and said: “We have received the order from Yunwu City. From now on, Hongyan County will be in charge of the Tianfeng leader Xia family, and I will try our best to assist. Xia Patriarch has anything we need to do, just ask!

“Thank you everyone.” Xia Yi nodded.

“Patriarch Xia.” Suddenly, Qiu Huating used the power of heaven and earth to control the sound only in Xia Yi’s ears. Ann, I was angry and complained about the management, and everyone has been dealt with. The Qiu family of this hundred-mile fief is not well managed, so I should return it to the Xia family.

“In addition, I have prepared some other gifts as compensation for this period of time.”

Qiu Huating looked at Xia Yi and nodded slightly, overjoyed, and asked, “I don’t know where the Xia Solstice Protector is available, let me wait for my disciple to pay him a visit.”

“You don’t have to meet, my son has already gone to Yunwu City at the summer solstice.” Xia Yi said.

Soon after Qiu Huating and others showed their loyalty, they left.

Xia Zhi, as an extraordinary life, has nothing to do with ordinary people in the material world. After meeting with Tang Yi, the owner of Longshan Tower in Southern Province, it is clear that the future Marquis will be assumed by his father and will be in charge of Hongyan County. Song has gone to Cloud City.

is still an extraordinary world similar to the original universe, which interests him even more.

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