Surprisingly Enough(NOT), Common Sense Is Overpowered in a Cliché Cultivation World

1.48 Isn’t scamming common nowadays?

"I have been waiting for you," an eerie voice sounded throughout the inner part of the cave.

"Wh-Who?" Ning looked around as if startled by the sudden voice.

He turned trying to spot the source of the sound but nothing, he found nothing.

So, he once again shouted, "Whoever is playing tricks, come out now!"

Looking at the madman who seemed to have become frantic and looked around like a headless chicken, Li Tianhe felt minor satisfaction.

Who told this lunatic to torment him for so long?

But there was no time to waste, so using his crumbling soul foundation, the covered-up corpse suddenly began to shine faintly.

"What?!" Ning seemed surprised by the sudden turns of events. "Why is this corpse suddenly shining? Wait, is this the source of the voice?"

Ning seemed to have figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

"Hmph! It seems you are not too dull to inherit the mantle of this seat." The old voice once again appeared.

"Inherit the mantle? Isn't this just like those stories I have heard?" Ning muttered aloud.

"I, Xiao Fan, seemed to have stumbled on a supreme opportunity. Heavens really do have eyes." Ning seemed to be filled with greed looking at the corpse in front of him.

Hearing those words, Li Tianhe sneered. This Xiao Fan kid was really too greedy but he could use this.

"That's right! Inheriting the mantle of this seat is a divine opportunity that could be only desired but not sought after. You must have supreme luck to inherit this seat's mantle." The voice seemed ancient with a touch of profundity.

Ning suddenly cupped his fists and asked, "If it isn't too much to ask, I'd like to know the senior's Daoist name."

Li Tianhe hesitated for a moment. He did have a Daoist name, but it couldn't be used at the moment because "Thunder Dog" certainly didn't sound majestic. In that case...

"I am the Divine Dragon, the first seat of the ancient Divine Ghost sect," Li Tianhe borrowed the name of a senior he had once read about.

Hearing the name, Ning seemed to take a sharp breath. "Divine Ghost sect? One of the top ten sects of the previous generation?"

Li Tianhe was surprised that this fellow seemed to know so much.

"Hmph! That's correct. I am the strongest among them. In my prime, who dared to oppose me? If those bastards had not used sinister means to suppress me, how could I be in such a state?" Li Tianhe did his best to infuse as much hatred as he could in his voice.

It was not hard seeing the lunatic's face in front of him.

"How could those bastards do that to you, senior?" Ning's expression mirrored that of Li Tianhe. He seemed angry at the injustice the 'Divine Dragon' had suffered.

"Anyway, enough of that. Since you stumbled upon me, that means you have a fate with me. I am willing to pass on my skills to you," Li Tianhe seemed dignified, but only he knew how much pain he was suffering.

"T-this. This is not appropriate," Ning quickly spoke, "I already have a master. And as they say, one day as a teacher, parents for a lifetime. Having another master is not appropriate."

Ning didn't even hesitate to use the classic xianxia line to work its magic.

Li Tianhe gnashed his metaphorical teeth upon hearing that. Why was this bastard so stubborn?

"While what you said is true, but in this day and age even a single Taoist has multiple Taoist partners, so it's common for people to have one or two masters these days. Also, it is 'parents,' so it means you can still have another master." At this point, Li Tianhe was just grasping at straws.

Why was this guy so annoying?

Normally, wouldn't anyone be overjoyed at inheriting the mantle of a strong cultivator? This guy seemed set on annoying him. After he got that body, he would show how he dealt with this bastard.

Ning nodded hesitantly, "That does make sense. But I hope that senior can teach me some technique so that I can make up my mind..."

Hearing that, Li Tianhe felt an unknown fire burning in his heart. This kid was just greedy for his techniques. The entire previous conversation had been a charade for this purpose.

Li Tianhe felt played, but he still calmed down.

What if he gave this lunatic some technique? In the end, that would be his body anyway.

"Hmph! This seat would give you a technique." Li Tianhe started to recite his signature technique, the lightning palm.

A mid-yellow grade technique.

Ning dutifully copied the technique in his notes, then spoke, "Senior, isn't Divine Ghost Sect a sect filled with ghost cultivators? Why are you teaching me a lightning technique?"

Oh no! This guy seems suspicious. As a casual cultivator, he had limited techniques, so he could only give out his signature yellow rank technique, but this only served to hit himself on the foot.

Also, Why does this guy seem to know so much?

Li Tianhe was mad but he spoke once again, his voice still profound, "To become truly strong, one needs to know their weaknesses from the inside out. That's why this seat gave you this lightning technique that counters the ghost techniques."

"Senior is wise," Ning spoke as if suddenly enlightened.

"That's right. It seems that now you are ready to inherit the mantle of this seat. First, open your spiritual consciousness, so this seat could directly implant my technique on you." Li Tianhe spoke hurriedly, his soul was already in critical condition and on the brink of breaking apart.

"Senior, but I hope you can still impart some of your wisdom before I become worthy of inheriting your mantle..." Ning, on the other hand, seemed unhurried. His intentions were full of pulling the wool over this prospective master of his.

Heaven forbid! He doesn't tear the skin of this kid.

Li Tianhe was furious, but could only appease in a hurry, "You don't know how to cherish the opportunity. This seat has already prepared a red lightning carp to bolster your foundation. So, quickly open your spiritual consciousness."

Red Lightning carp, those ancient relics can still be found?

Ning's eyes shone hearing that, as he licked his lips, "Since the senior has said so much, it would be bad for this junior to speak anymore. Senior, come!"

Li Tianhe was already on his last straw; his soul would probably break down in less than a minute. So, a golden blob floated out of the corpse; it seemed deformed in many places and was extremely small.

The golden light quickly struck Ning.

"What?!" Ning seemed terrified.

"Hahahahaha! Kid, your body will belong to this seat from now on!" Saying that the golden light appeared in the spiritual sea, oblivious to the arc forming on Ning's face.

Li Tianhe was full of confidence. Even though he was in an extremely weak condition, his soul quality would definitely be higher than some random qi condensation cultivator.

Now, he only needs to seize the body, and then with it, get out of this remote valley.

Plus, It is not impossible to peek into the higher realm as well, relying on the strong foundation of this body.

However, just when he was dreaming happily, he suddenly felt an unspeakable pressure weighing down on him.

"What is this?!" Looking at the golden soul ferrying scripture in the spiritual consciousness, Li Tianhe suddenly shouted.

His soul foundation was quickly decomposing under the golden light of the Soul Ferrying scripture.

"This is the scripture of Buddhism?!" Li Tianhe still had some vision as a foundation-building cultivator.

The so-called taking over body essentially realized the various memories and information in one's mind to cover the opponent's self-cognition impact and disperse the enemy's consciousness, so that the body could be occupied without much resistance.

If this process failed, then there would be huge sequelae, and instead, the user would turn into nourishment for the other party.

But what Li Tianhe never expected was that he would be suppressed from the start and his soul would begin to disintegrate quickly.

More frightening than that was looking at the spiritual consciousness filled with various scriptures whose quality was sky-high, even faintly filled with various avenues; his attempt was just like an ant trying to trip over an elephant.

The depth of their 'knowledge' couldn't compare at all.

What kind of horrible existence was this?

Li Tianhe was full of regret; more than that, he felt extreme anger.

"Y-you planned this from the start, didn't you? You planted the seed of taking home in my mind and wasted my time so that I would get weaker and weaker; otherwise, it wouldn't explain this much preparation. You F*king bastard." Li Tianhe roared as his spiritual knowledge was getting devoured whole and turning into nourishment.

"NO!!" The soul roared in anger and pain.

"You tried eating me; it's only fair that I eat you, isn't it?" Ning's vast spiritual consciousness quickly wiped out the remaining trace of consciousness of the remnant soul and sorted out the fragmented memory.

"I am not reconciled. Curse you XIAO FAN!!" The remnant soul cursed with much hatred.

Ning just blinked innocently hearing that.

What does cursing Xiao Fan have to do with him, Ning?

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