Survival for All: a special reward for signing in every day

Chapter 117 Land of Ruins, Wingman Town

It's really just practice.

The fusion of three elemental power moves.


Xiao Bai looked at his snow-white hair very lovingly, and called Xiao Jin out.

"Master, my hair, if you hit a fireball and accidentally burn it, it will be bad..."

Xiaobai was very confused.

She, who was originally in human form, simply turned back into a bunny again.

Snow white hair.

It's really bad if it's burnt.

Looking at Xiao Bai's eyes, Chen Yuan could only let Xiao Jin go up alone. With Xiao Jin's defensive power, it is indeed better to be this kind of training target.

a time.

In the open space outside the small castle, Chen Yuan and Xiao Jin fought.

From time to time, Xiao Jin swallowed the gold phantom flickering, and from time to time the diamond shell was dispatched.

Chen Yuan didn't use his full strength, but used the power of the elements in his body to fuse and fuse from time to time. The effect was indeed there, but it was still almost there.

The road to integration has not been so smooth.

Especially wood, fire, and darkness, the power of these three almost irrelevant elements.

Keep matching.


Another few hours passed.



Finally, Chen Yuan, who gave up, collected the small castle and all the skeleton puppets, and set off with Xiaobai Xiaojin.

Go to the land of the Horde humans.

it's time.

Take out the direction stone.

According to the direction guided by the direction stone and the incomplete and fuzzy map presented by Becks, it is not difficult to formulate a forward route.

"set off!"

Chen Yuan is in front of him, with two beasts at his side.

The main direction is still northeast.

Chen Yuan's initial position is the southwest of the mainland, and the northeast direction will probably last for a while.

Because a route was drawn up based on the direction stone and the incomplete map, the mist stone was not in a hurry to use it.


The three figures rushed towards the northeast rapidly.

1 hours.

2 hours.

3 hours.


Eat something when you're hungry, drink some water when you're thirsty, and you're basically on your way.

With Chen Yuan's current speed, he doesn't need any mounts, just like a car that never stops when it's filled up.

The speed is 60 kilometers per hour.

Run without hindrance.

at last.

The wasteland has come to an end.

At this time, a stacked mountain range appeared in front of Chen Yuan.

This is different from the small hills on the wasteland.

As far as the eye can see.

A savage atmosphere.


Judging from the height, the lowest place is hundreds of meters, and the highest place is even more than a thousand meters, or even higher.

Layers of mountains.

To be precise, it should be said that it is a mountain range, blocking in front of him.


There are mountains of all sizes, and there are many roads between the mountains, and valleys are formed in the sunken places.

Chen Yuan took out the map.

Carefully elusive.

Vaguely, it seems to see a place marked with a bear tribe, which is about a thousand miles away and also within the main route.

As for the others, it is because the map is too sloppy.

Can't see clearly.

"If there is a map here, even if it is incomplete, it would be great if you can read the characters clearly..." Chen Yuan sighed.

Received the map.

Take the two beasts and walk towards the mountains ahead.

The entire map, the map of tribal humans, is dominated by mountains, and tribal humans live in various places in the mountains.

Because the map is not detailed enough.

Chen Yuan was more vigilant than Huang Yuan.


In the surrounding area, the skeleton puppets who drilled into the ground began to be arranged to inquire about the situation. At the same time, Chen Yuanmu's perception skills were also used from time to time.

into the mountains.

All the way.


Suddenly, an incomplete statue appeared in front of him. Chen Yuan had already detected this statue in his induction before.

Looking at it for the first time right now, it looks very similar to the mutilated werewolf statue on Maoshan.


Not a werewolf.

It's a birdman with wings.

[Game hint: 1 incomplete winged man stone statue was found, because it is too incomplete, no more prompts can be made]

The Winged Man statue is about 20 meters high. One of the wings has been broken and the other has been through vicissitudes.

Birdman's head is very pointed.

The inverted triangle eyes overlooked Chen Yuan.

There are hairy lines on his body, with an inexplicable aura.

There is a big hole in the abdomen.

On the left side where the stone statue extends, among the mountains, a land of ruins looms.

The reason why Chen Yuan can see clearly.

It was because there were no trees covering the ruins on the mountain.

around the ruins.

It is dense trees.

In an instant, Chen Yuan had the idea of ​​going to the ruins.

Take a look around the stone statue.

Did not find any treasure chests and good things.

There is nothing in the hole in the belly of the stone statue.

The material of the stone statue is also average, at least for the current Chen Yuan, it's just that there seems to be some power remaining, which makes it feel mysterious.

This is very similar to a werewolf statue.

It was getting dark.

After Chen Yuan confirmed that there was indeed nothing around, he summoned a small castle in the open space beside the stone statue.

The skeleton puppets also dispersed in large numbers.


Taking Xiaobai and Xiaojin up the mountain, there was no road on the mountain, and the trees were very dense, so Chen Yuan simply flew directly with the help of Dire's flying wings.

Dire's flying wings were not taken away.

In this kind of night, in case of danger, Dire's flying wings can play a big role.

directly into the land of ruins.

A bright stone appeared in the hand.

There were 12 bright stones that he got back then, except for the 5 that were used up after the upgrade of the small castle, Chen Yuan still had some.

Xiaobai also took one.

in the night.

The bright light stone emits a faint orange light, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

babble babble!

A voice came from under the ground behind him.

There was also a voice in the forest behind him.

It was the earth-burrowing skeletons that appeared here under the control of Chen Yuan before. They worked hard to get here, and Chen Yuan flew there immediately.

"Go away."

Let the skeleton puppets scatter and search around.

Chen Yuan took Xiaobai and Xiaojin and started to search for it.

When viewed from the bottom of the mountain, the ruins were not very big, but when they arrived, they were still very large, at least the size of three or five football fields.

Land of ruins.

Only some vegetation appears between some cracks.

As if a long time ago, here was a prosperous human town.

Underfoot is a thick stone slab.

In many places, there are ruins, broken walls, broken stone pillars, and the roof of the collapsed building that was originally blue but now gray.

The ruins are built along the mountain and continue upward.

So in many places, you can see steps.

Continuing upwards, on a white stone tablet that resembled a square, Chen Yuan saw words densely packed like earthworms.

According to the language of beasts, Chen Yuan actually recognized these words.

"The great Wingman King Anderson established his descendants here, made friends with the war dwarves, and named this place Wingman Town, blessed by the Wing God, Wingman King Anderson will be forever, vowing to bring the Wingman family to glory .”

Wingman town?

Wing King Anderson?

Is the birdman statue at the bottom the Winged King Anderson, or the Winged God?

"There is still too little information..."

Chen Yuan thought.

It's just that, unfortunately, I don't know how long it has been, but it seems that the Yiren clan did not go to glory, but went to complete destruction.

It was at this moment when Chen Yuan was deep in thought.

On the side of the skeleton puppet, there was a skeleton that drilled into the ground and noticed something strange. It hurried over and spoke to Chen Yuanshu.

After talking for a long time, Chen Yuan didn't understand it, but he still understood its meaning by virtue of induction: "You mean, there is an altar in front of you, and in the altar, you can feel the breath of flesh and blood of living creatures?"

Living thing?

Or a living creature on the altar?


Chen Yuan became excited immediately, and walked over there with the two beasts. Before he got close, he heard a voice coming from inside.



It was the sound of birds chirping.

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