Survival for All: a special reward for signing in every day

Chapter 16 Silver Treasure Chest

In the valley, Chen Yuan searched everywhere.

not found effectively.

When he met the coffee tree, Chen Yuan thought about it, but he still didn't transplant it to the indoor greenhouse.

First, the indoor greenhouse space is limited.

Second, the coffee beans on the coffee tree, collected, can be stored for a long time, and need to be dried and ground. It doesn't matter if they are new or not.

That's why Chen Yuan didn't even have coffee beans in the warehouse.

"Treasure chest, treasure chest, where are you..."

of course.

What Chen Yuan cared about most was the treasure chest.

The entire valley, and the woods, seemed to be able to hide something, but the woods were not big, and Chen Yuan used his spear to break open the shrubs and grasses that could be hidden.

Nothing at all.

Instead, it frightened a few little hares and little squirrels.

Chen Yuan came to the stone district again.

Several large stones in the stone area, mixed with some small stones, have been mined by Chen Yuan for a third.

Chen Yuan was worried that there would be a treasure chest hidden in the corner between them.

Check them out one by one.


"Now, only the other end of the stream has not been checked..."

Chen Yuan looked towards the stream.

The whole valley is divided into two by the stream, and on the left are the woods and some lawns in the stone area of ​​​​the log cabin.

On the right, there is a larger and denser lawn.

This lawn is at least the size of three football fields.

At the end is another mountain.

During this period, there were occasional grasses and bushes, but there were very few of them, and it didn't look like there was a treasure chest at all.

But since it is a search, it is necessary to find a clean spot.

"set off!"

Walk towards the stream.

The narrow part of the entire stream is only three or five meters. Because of the cold weather, Chen Yuan felt trouble wading and never went there before.

But now to have a look.

Under the stream, there are many smooth cobblestones.

Stepping on the soft stones, the fish swim among the nearby aquatic plants.

"Wait to come back and clean up you..."

Glancing at them, Chen Yuan walked directly across the knee-high stream to the lawn on the right side of the stream.

Start looking.

There is no need to look for lawns that are visible to the naked eye.

Those grasses and bushes are Chen Yuan's focus.


"Nothing at all."

"still none……"

Chen Yuan looked for it over and over again in disappointment, rummaging through all the grass and bushes, and even found a few snake eggs.

But there is no treasure chest.

One last search.

Still nothing.

"go back……"

Chen Yuan returned angrily, there was no way, he tried his best.

For a full 2 ​​hours, I searched no less than two or three times.

Still not, there is nothing he can do.


When the water was flowing, I saw those swimming fish in the stream: "Forget it, I'm soaking wet anyway, catch a few fish to eat..."

Holding a spear.

Chen Yuan imitated the fisherman's appearance and moved towards the swimming fish.

Staying close, fork it hard.

no hits.

Then the second time, the third time, the fourth time...and the fifth time, luckily, one of the forks was hit.

The fish was thrown to the shore by Chen Yuan.

One is certainly not enough.

Article [-], Article [-]...

As the number of times increased, Chen Yuan became more and more proficient.

At the end of the day, Chen Yuan could hit a steady hit with almost a spear, and sometimes even in pairs.

"This spear is still not professional enough. The rear end of the spear is too large. When I go back and make a fishing fork, it will be easy to catch fish. If you sell it in the game, you can also harvest a lot of materials..."

Chen Yuan thought to himself.

Has reached the water not far from the sand flat area.

The stream here is actually quite wide.

And the water is deep.

As if this place itself is a large depression, and further forward, even the water will not reach the chest.

"Let's go back……"

The slightest water pressure came, and it was inconvenient to walk underwater.

Chen Yuan intends to return.

But this time.

He found that there seemed to be a faint silver light coming from the bottom of the water. Looking closely, there seemed to be the outline of a box among the water plants.


"Treasure chest?"

Chen Yuan's breathing increased slightly.

At this time.

A water snake about one meter long, with a thin wrist and gray spots on its body, broke through the water in front of the grass.

When Chen Yuan saw the treasure chest, he was on alert!
The water snake was discovered by him for the first time.

call out!
The water snake was fast, opened its big mouth, and bit directly at his lower gear.

"Beast, can you bite here?"

Chen Yuan was angry.

The spear in his hand, with the force of breaking the army, was directly inserted into a certain position under the water three steps ahead.


The piercing sound came!

And, unlike dealing with those fish, guard them.

Chen Yuan's fork was full of strength, fast and ruthless, and broke the entire water snake directly from the neck!
The water snake tossed a few times in the water, and then stopped moving.

Dive into the water with your hands.

Grab the snake's body and throw it to the shore.


Taking a deep breath, Chen Yuan dived to the bottom of the water.

2 minute later.

Chen Yuan came to the shore with a silver treasure chest covered in mud at the bottom.

[Game Tip: Get the Silver Treasure Chest +1]

[Game Tip: Survival World, there are many mysterious treasure chests, which contain various materials, including but not limited to ores, metals, skill books, weapons, rare materials...]

[All treasure chests are divided into eight categories: wooden treasure chests, black iron treasure chests, bronze treasure chests, silver treasure chests, gold treasure chests, diamond treasure chests, black diamond treasure chests, and the rumored god-level treasure chests. 】

[Game Tip: Get a silver treasure chest, do you want to open it? 】

The silver treasure chest is a mysterious treasure chest that is one level higher than Hao Hai's bronze treasure chest.

What will be in there?
Chen Yuan is looking forward to it.


[Game Tip: Get the blueprint for making an excellent crossbow +1]

[Game Tip: Get Broken Jetpack +1]

[Game Tip: Get the Brave Brave Badge +1]

Three rewards.

First learn the blueprints for making an excellent bow and crossbow!

[Game Tip: Successfully learned the blueprint for making the excellent crossbow]

[Superior-class crossbow: a long-range weapon with huge lethality, with an effective killing distance of 200 meters, which can easily penetrate gold and stone]


[Refined iron: 4 ordinary iron blocks can be tempered into 1 refined iron, and the tool table can be tempered after the cabin is upgraded to Lv2]

[Bowwood: Suitable materials for crossbow wood are walnut, cypress, jujube, etc.]

[Tool table: After consuming 3 units of iron blocks, the wooden table can be upgraded to a working wooden table, that is, a work table]

[Crossbow Arrows: Superior-level strong crossbows are equipped with standard 8 crossbow arrows, and 8 pieces of fine iron are required to make 2 crossbow arrows]

Chen Yuan picked up the broken jetpack again.

[Game Tip: The broken jetpack can be sprayed in mid-air after wearing it. Because it is damaged, it can only last for 10 minutes. 】

[required for repair: 1 soul]


What the hell?
It seems that the level of the silver treasure chest is still very high for everyone who has only entered the survival world for a few days.

Even Chen Yuan felt like an idiot at the moment.

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