Survival for All: a special reward for signing in every day

Chapter 87 Big Rock Fort Upgrade! Lv5 level, small castle

"Wood Perception Technique" is a technique of perception with the help of trees, grass, flowers... all plants.

As if they were his own eyes.

The range that Chen Yuan can perceive now is about 500 meters, which may be related to his mental strength.

Although it is only 500 meters, it has greatly enhanced Chen Yuan's search, prediction, investigation, early warning and many other capabilities.

In the absence of greenery, perception may be impaired.

But in places with lush trees, the perception will be extremely terrifying, and insects, ants, and even the flapping wings of dragonflies hundreds of meters away can perceive it.

Moreover, with the improvement of mental power, perception will be even more terrifying.


thousands of meters.

Even Wanmi is not a dream.

"I have learned the perception technique, and I have also learned the channeling technique. The power of the elements is condensed in the body, and even the power of the elements can change the physical fitness. The effect continues. Once the physical fitness and the power of the elements are strengthened, the wasteland will no longer be restricted. my place."

"Even if you go to a human city by then, you will still have enough power to protect yourself."

Chen Yuan was thinking about the next plan.

In the entire wasteland, he is about to reach the pinnacle of combat power.

In order to facilitate this step.

He has many things to do.

The first thing to bear the brunt is to further cultivate the power of elements, improve the power of elements in the body, and strengthen physical fitness.

In addition, the upgrade of Xiaobai Xiaojin, the upgrade of the group of skeleton puppets, and the complete maturity of the mysterious fruit... are all very important links.

Marsh fruit should also be planted and matured as soon as possible.

You have to buy things like that in the mall.

In addition, element spars can increase the speed of cultivation, and further collection is required, especially the wood fire and dark element spars that you need to consume.

"Wood and fire dark element spar, especially dark element spar, is it difficult to obtain unless someone is very lucky or in a special environment?"

Chen Yuan guessed.

Hang up the transaction first.

Healing medicine, raw meat, water, sophisticated weapons and many other items are listed for sale.

Look for wood and fire element spars, especially dark element spars.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Start practicing.

Before practicing, call the skeleton puppet around.

After the Misty Swamp line, Skeleton Golems can now summon 50 of them, they are between level 35 and 38.

In addition to the Skeleton Puppet King, 2 Skeleton Puppet Leaders have also evolved.

Among the other 50 skeleton puppets, there were also several skeletons that could drill into the ground.

They are much smaller than normal skeleton puppetry.

It's a bit like a goblin merchant, one drilled into the ground and there is no trace.

"Although this kind of earth-boring skeleton is weak in combat power, it is very good at saving its life. It is especially able to survey the surrounding terrain and environment, detect danger in the periphery, and give early warning when encountering it, and escape..."

Chen Yuan likes it very much.

Order these earth-boring skeletons to spread thousands of meters away.

Other skeletons are scattered around.

He just started practicing with great concentration.

The whole body is also covered with wood and fire element spars.

Chen Yuan's original intention was to release these skeletons to save Xiaobai and Xiaojin from being vigilant for several hours, but when Chen Yuan closed his eyes and began to practice, the two beasts lost their vigilance and looked around.

Xiaobai has the intention of patrolling all directions.

Take a step and hold your body up.

Eyes stare.

The blond, already level 38 skeleton puppet king, wielding a rare long sword, originally commanded the world.

I saw Xiaobai coming.

Immediately coaxed most of it: "Miss Bai."

Xiaobai didn't care.

The intimacy level is 99, which seems to be a hurdle. I don't know when Xiaobai will wait until he becomes a human again.

But it began to look more and more human, thinking.

"This little tsundere..."

Although Chen Yuan is cultivating, he always has a little mind outside.

In the womb.

The essence of the three elements continued to grow under cultivation, and the essence of the power of the elements was the essence of the elements.

But this is not something that happens overnight.

While the elements are absorbed into the body, the power of the transformed elements also nourishes the body.

This is how the increase in physical strength comes from.

But like the growth of elemental essence, body improvement is also a long process.

There is no rush.

Slowly refining the power of elements.

Nourishes the body.

at last.

a moment.

[Game reminder: The upgrade of Dashibao is complete, the current level is Lv5]

[Game Tip: The current building name is 'Little Castle']

The upgrade of Dashibao has been completed.

The whole body of Ningyuan Wood is dark blue. When Chen Yuan opened his eyes again, a giant dark blue with a little black stood in front of him.

It is still in the form of a big stone castle.

But there are five floors.

From top to bottom, it looks like a small castle.

The towering fort tip is like a lightning rod.

Around the 'Little Castle', there seems to be a surrounding fortress wall, which is a full three meters high, and the barbs are still there. The power of the elements, which is much stronger than before, is revealed, hidden.

Chen Yuan walked with the two beasts.

The big iron gate at the entrance was made by the King of Refined Iron and connected between the fronts of the castle walls.


Fang is the main body of the small castle.

The big stone gate is in front of you.

There are steps.

The stone statue guards are embedded above the big stone gate, and in the center of the front of the small castle. The two pairs of eyes are made of intermediate stone crystals, shocking the distance.

Follow the steps.

Come to the stone gate.

turn on.

The entrance is the porch.

The entire hallway is very large and bright, with a shoe cabinet, a wardrobe, Chen Yuan's coat and a few coats are hung in the wardrobe.

Wardrobe shoe cabinet one left and one right.

There are two pots of finely trimmed and identical fragrant wood potted plants on the side.

There is also a stone jar with clear water in which lotus leaves grow.

On the way from the porch to the hall on the first floor, there is also rockery pool water, which is normal and clean river water, forming a self-circulating cycle, with green leaves and aquatic plants overgrown inside.

Xiao Jin was a little excited.

One jump and it falls into the pool.

Happily tossing.

Chen Yuan also had a smile on his face.

The elemental power at the entrance of the porch is very strong, and it seems to have the effect of autonomous attack. If there is hostility to this place, it will start to attack automatically.

This seems to be an additional protective effect of game upgrades.

"it is good!"

"very good!"

Chen Yuan didn't go directly to the hall.

Instead, stop when you pass the entrance.

One on the left and one on the right, with the left and right sides of the rockery pool, the livestock pen and the indoor greenhouse are separated.

Small castle structure.

This independence of the livestock pen and the indoor greenhouse is truly independent.

It is both within the subject and separated from the whole.

The design of the livestock pen is more optimized. The white cows are specially placed in a pen, and the turkeys are in a small cage on the far side. In addition to a special ventilation system, the wind attribute is strong, and it will automatically replace the air in this area.

And the independent structure does not affect other areas at all.

"After the expansion of the livestock pen, one cow and two chickens are too empty."

Chen Yuan turned around and came to the indoor greenhouse.

The indoor greenhouse is bigger. Behind a field of flowers and plants, the melon and fruit crop area is [-] to [-] square meters. The planted area includes all kinds of vegetables grown by myself before, such as potatoes, tomatoes, baby vegetables, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, fragrant rice, etc. .

less than half.

"The rest of the vacant places can be planted with marsh fruit seeds, or planted with other crops..."

Chen Yuan glanced.

Rare soil is not used, and marsh fruit is not planted, so there is no rush at this time.

Go deeper and step into the castle hall.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.