Survival in the road, I can summon the Shadow Corps

Chapter 125

The system is not so simple.

There are not a few being surrounded by Su Ran, but they obviously are not as transparent as Su Ran thinks.

They tried to run forward, but they didn’t use it at all.

Then, the collision was done with the collision.

This is like a fuse, completely igniting the evil thoughts in other players.

Now that you have lost your right to advance, you will make up from other places!

In this way, some female players were dragged out of the car, and even some female players were dragged out of the eyes.

For a while, it was full of sorrow, begging, crying, and screaming.

In front of Su Ran, the same scene happened.

Chapter 136

In front of Su Ran, there is a blue star car.

At this time, there were two wretched short men who came to the van.

Although a man was short, he looked very strong. He was holding a mountain knife in his hand and knocking on the window of the van with a knife back.

“Baga! You drip, get out of the car! Call out all your supplies, otherwise, you know the consequences!”

This little day is clamoring.

However, the owner of the van was without movement, and the window was closed without squeak.

After he called twice, the van was still moving without any movement, and it was suddenly hot.

“Okay, you drip, you don’t drink and cut wine!”

He took two steps back with his face, hitting the window with a knife handle with a hill -opened knife.

This short but strong insignificant man opened the door along the cave on the window, and then dragged a woman from the car.

“Yo Xi! Flower girl! Do you can’t hear you open the door?”

The man in the small day held the woman’s neck in his right hand and held her on his body, with a fierce expression.

Speaking, he took the Kaishan knife to the woman’s abdomen, so he planned to give her a knife.

At this time, another wretched man quickly said: “President! Flower girl, good -looking, nest Micimi?”

The strong wretched man who was holding the woman’s neck looked at the woman carefully, and the expression on her face became even more insignificant.

“Yo Xi, I almost missed it.”

He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, threw the Kaishan knife in his hand, and then began to unlock his trouser belt.

Women seem to be a little dull and now react.

She listened to the conversations of the two, her face became pale, and her tears turned around.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t, I hand over the materials, can you let me go?”

Women struggled hard, begging for mercy.

This struggle, the Zhuangshuo’s little day when the trouser belt was not easy to operate. He stopped the movement in his hand, and slapped his slap to make it over.



Women fell to the ground.


This little day scolded, then quickly unbuttoned his pants, and rushed up.

“Don’t! Let me go, please.”

The woman cried while struggling.

During the struggle, she suddenly encountered something.

But she didn’t have time to think about it. She touched what she had just encountered, and then got it forward.



The little day lying on the woman was sealed by a sword, and the scarlet blood could not be sprayed out, splashing the woman’s blood.

At this time, the woman saw the things in their hands.

It was the opening knife.


Seeing this situation of another small day, he ran away without looking back.

However, he just ran two meters, and suddenly felt a lot of pain in his chest. In his last consciousness, he saw a bat that exudes a strong red light drilled out of his chest.


The corpse fell to the ground.

The woman saw this scene completely, and was scared to fight a spirit. She couldn’t care about the filth on her body, returned to the van directly, and then drove away.

That bat, so scary.

Su Ran squeezed his fingers and dismissed the blood bat.

“Hey, it’s a world of fucking!”

Just that scene, he saw the end from the beginning.

Originally, he didn’t want to take care of it. After all, the same happened everywhere, and he couldn’t control it.

Although this is the case, he couldn’t help but shot at the last moment.

If the woman did not kill, Su Ran’s blood bat will penetrate the body of the man in that small life.

He couldn’t be able to look at this scene in front of him.

Especially if you are able to help.

There is no reason, just to get my thoughts.

“Open the four -wheel drive climbing mode and press it.”

Su Ran was instructed to the ninja expressionlessly.

These people now only know the robbery and fight, but I don’t want to move at all.

If you wait, I am afraid that others will reach the end, and he hasn’t left the sending point yet.

The ninja obeyed the order, opened the four -wheel drive climbing mode of Paramount predators, and then moved forward.

The cars in front of them are all the stepping stones of Paramount Pickers. Whether it is a car or an SUV, it is all crushed by Paramount Pickers under the car, becoming a bunch of scrap iron.

Paramount predators weigh 15 tons. When the weight is pressed, no car can be intact.

Some unlucky eggs grabbed things and put them back in the car. They were still happy in the car, and then they were crushed by Paramountr. The flesh and wreckage of the car were sticking together, and they did not separate each other.

“Well! Whose car is the giant? It’s so perverted!”

Someone saw Paramount Picker crushing the car in the distance and shouted.

“It was Paramount Picker, a heavy -duty armored off -road vehicle serving the battlefield. There was no way to take the anti -tank mines. The trenches said that it was over. This was just a few cars.

Someone recognized the car of Paramount Picker and scored to the surrounding people. The face was full of energy, as if he was a car owner.

“My Nima … really have such a perverted car? This should not be a secondary vehicle?”

“I know it is not a second -class car at first glance! At least it is the third -level start. I feel that the fourth level is possible.”

Little Lord, there is still behind this chapter, please click the next page to continue reading, the later is more exciting!

Players who are far away are discussing, but the players who are stopped in front of Paramount predators are mournful, crying to let the people in front driving quickly.

Made! If you don’t leave soon, the car will be scrapped!

But one said, under the oppression of the destruction of the car, they really gave up a way.

A car with a crooked crooked in the east is separated on both sides, giving up a “road” with at least four or five meters wide, and the one -way 16 -lane highway on the outside is connected.

This scene is like a group of younger brothers who welcomed/farewell to the elder brother in the movie.

However, Su Ran is not a dark meeting.

He is a four -good young man with a harmonious and friendly, carrying the awareness of the red flag.

No, when he saw that everyone was so conscious, he didn’t let the ninja deliberately crushed the car again.

In this way, under the eyes of many players, the Paramount Picker’s steel beast moved along the “road” speed until it rushed to the 16 -lane asphalt road.

Until this moment, the players who “sent the road” were completely relieved.

After Su Ran’s trouble, most of the players were awake and left one after another.

If you remember wrong, if you have not reached the end before the end of the event, it will stay here forever.

They didn’t want a great future because of the small profits in front of them.

Soon, there were fewer and fewer cars that stayed here. In the end, there were five or six cars left.

These people obviously knew, they looked at each other, then scattered, and went to the cars that were crushed by Paramount Pradesh.

“Fuck! This man was pressed out.”

“Lyne, vomit!”

Chapter 137 第 第 第 第!

Although it was disgusting, in the face of survival, they still touched the scalp and found the supplies they could use in the wreckage.

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