Survival in the road, I can summon the Shadow Corps

Chapter 20

Imagine such a picture, Su Ran swallowed, and then shook his head, leaving this idea.

If it is a peaceful period, he doesn’t mind doing this, but it is still calculated now. This kind of thing that is enough to save lives should not be too murderous.

Su Ran also has his own justice, he can be good or evil, but he will definitely be within the bottom line.

Su Ran opened the game panel to enter the regional group chat, and he wanted to see the reaction of the group friends.

But he didn’t expect that when he came in, he found that everyone was asking him to sell more velvet blankets.

Su Ran pulled up the chat history and found that they had brushed the screen for a while.

He looked at the last two hundred animal fur and sighed helplessly.

If he can, he also wants to get more blankets and sell it, but he can’t help the raw materials.

Su Ran exited the area to chat, used all the remaining animal fur, and made more than 40 blankets.

He did not hang up for the first time, but returned to the area chat and sent two information.

Little Lord, there is still behind this chapter, please click the next page to continue reading, the later is more exciting!

“Everyone, I see your needs. To be honest, I also want to sell more blankets, but the raw materials are insufficient! I can’t help it.”

“In the end, I still have 40 blankets. After this batch, everyone has to wait for the next time. I hope everyone will not swipe the screen.”

After the information was sent out, Su Ran did not stay in the area group chat, but came to the market to hang the pills up as soon as possible.

He has done his best, he is not the savior, nor does he want to be the savior.

Su Ran exited the game panel, rubbed his swollen head, and suddenly felt a little sleepy.

He yawned for a long time, picked up half of the bottle of water he drank, rinsed his mouth, and cleaned his oral hygiene.

Turn off the lights in the car and arrange the ghost shadow ninja to guard the night, and Su Ran returned to the back row of the carriage and lay in the paved quilt.

Tonight, Su Ran rarely took off his clothes to fall asleep. The whole person was a lot comfortable. Soon, he fell asleep slowly in a comfortable and warm quilt.

Su Ran fell asleep, but some players couldn’t sleep.

“Su Ran Great God, sell some more, I haven’t grabbed it, oh oh.”

“Don’t howl, don’t you read Su Ran’s information? People say that there is no material, what’s the use of how do you how?”

“I’m afraid it’s not to lie to us? He is so wealthy, how can there be no materials, you must not want to sell it to us!”

“That is, the black -hearted merchant, who wants to die coldly, should be released for free!”

“You see, he will not respond, the default, the black -hearted businessman! Match out the pill blanket drawings, I’ll make it!”

In the regional group chat, Su Ran’s public opinion direction has changed quietly …

Chapter 25 The legendary fairy jump?

Regarding this situation, Su Ran did not know, and he fell asleep until dawn.

At around 7 o’clock in the morning, Su Ran was awakened by a while.

He stumbled up, just left the quilt, and was instantly frozen by the cold air, and his head was awake.

He quickly dressed, so as not to freeze himself.

Cold medicine is still unable to make it yet. If you really catch a cold, it will be uncomfortable.

Wearing clothes, Su Ran pushed the door and got out of the car, walked under a dead tree not far away, and opened the faucet happily.

“Ah ah ~”

After solving the physiological problem, Su Ran stretched his waist long and hummed.

Maybe it was too comfortable to sleep last night. Today, Su Ran was in a good mood.

He returned to the driver’s seat, picked up the washing supplies from the co -pilot seat next to him, and picked up a bottle of water in the water tank with an empty mineral water bottle, and came out to wash.

In fact, Su Ran’s life is almost the same as when he drives a car when he is driving in the Blue Star, and he can even say better.

He is not worried about water or electricity now, nor does he worry about eating and drinking. Except for cold, everything else is good.

“Light ~ lightly ~, mysterious and beautiful, he ~ like a sudden rain ~”

After washing, Su Ran hummed Xiaoqu and returned to the driving seat, put the washing items, and found a bread.

While eating breakfast, he stretched out his hand and touched the dragon king.

【Ding! Today BUFF is: excellence! The level of items obtained today is increased by 3, which cannot exceed the highest level. .

“My Nima?” Su Ran widened his eyes, and his chewing movement stopped unconsciously.

In the past few days, Su Ran also asked the system and knew that the level of the game system was divided into primitive, ordinary, excellent, epic, legendary quality.

The effect between the first four quality is two times the effect and the value, and the epic to the legend is 10 times!

What is the concept of increasing levels of items?

A metaphor, if Su Ran obtained a common quality dagger today, the quality of this dagger will directly be upgraded to the legendary level!

If the attack power of ordinary quality daggers is 15 points, the legendary quality dagger attack power will be 600 points!

This is why Su Ran is so surprised, it is really because this improvement is too scary.

“Departure! This buff is almost bombarded and can’t be wasted.” Su Ran finished the bread three or two, and quickly started the vehicle.

After going on the road, Su Ran found that his luck was quite good today. He encountered a metal material box as soon as he opened it 13 kilometers.

Just listening to the bang, after a while, the ghost shadow ninja brought back two big watermelons and a litchi.

Why do tropical fruits open from this ice -snow world?

The bad taste of the game system?

Su Ran speculated.

But no matter what, he likes watermelon and lychee, and he can also improve life.

Putting these fruits, Su Ran continued on the road, this is just a small gain.

It has been a few days, and so many people have placed in a area, but the probability of encountering other players can be described as small.

So far, the only player Su Ran encountered is the “brick home” Bai Long, who has not even seen the shadow.

This can infer how big this world is.

More than 8,000 thousand people, even the people put in the car, are like rain into the sea without waves.

Su Ran drove an explosion -proof car and continued along the highway at a speed of 40.

This time, about 26 kilometers, Su Ran encountered a material box again, but unfortunately it was just a wooden box.

A 20 -liter fuel was opened from the inside, which is worthwhile to open the box.

Su Ran added the fuel to the fuel tank and continued to step on the journey of searching for the material box.

The black explosion car forms a sharp contrast with the white snow. Although it is driving on the asphalt highway, its conspicuous degree is not diminished.

Su Ran was driving on the road. Suddenly, through the front windshield, he saw the situation on the road ahead.

It seems to be a car.

Su Ran narrowed his eyes, he was vigilant in his heart, and called the ghost shadow ninja for standby.

The explosion -proof vehicle continued to move forward. After approaching, Su Ran found that this was a sports car.

The car is in the center of the asphalt highway, as if deliberately blocking the road.

The owner of the sports car stood aside, a woman, wearing a long trench coat, a large wave of waves, two slap large earrings hanging on the ears, a snake -looking face, which looked nice.

After the woman saw Su Ran’s explosion car approaching, she beckoned in excitement.

“What is the situation?” Su Ran looked at the woman outside.

When the car came two meters away from her, Su Ran stopped and stopped moving forward.

After the woman stopped when she saw Su Ran stopped, the beckoning movement stiffened, and the next moment she trot towards Su Ran’s explosion -proof car.

“Okay, stop, don’t approach, what do you want to do?” Su Ran’s voice came out of the explosion -proof car.

But this woman did not listen at all and went directly to the driver’s window of the explosion -proof car.

“Hi, little handsome guy, my car is broken, you help me, come down to repair the car.”

She stepped on the pedal of explosion -proof car and lay on the window and said to Su Ran.

car broke down? Can you still stop the car on the road so perfectly?

Su Ran sneered in his heart.

Although I don’t know what the woman is going to do, Su Ran would not naive her ghost.

This chapter is not over, please click the next page to continue reading!

When Su Ran saw her hard work, he dropped the window and said to her, “What are you doing? Hurry up the car away, otherwise don’t blame me to break your car.”

The bumper in front of the explosion -proof car is a solid steel pipe, which is to break her sports car, and the explosion -proof car will not have any impact.

When the woman saw Su Ran dropped the window, she quickly lay on the window frame and showed her pair of striking weapon.

“Don’t be so ruthless in handsome guys. I just have broken the car and help me repair it. Otherwise, people will die here.” The woman said, lowered her body.

Su Ran’s bloody guy couldn’t help but glance at this scene.

This woman’s capital is strong enough, and the lights are large and white, but they don’t know whether it is the original ecology or technology.

Although her face and aesthetics, Su Ran couldn’t appreciate it.

But the other person’s body is really top! At first glance, I have worked hard.

If it weren’t for this woman’s lies, Su Ran would really not mind a good repair car with her.

“Really? Let me go and see it for you,” Su Ran suddenly said to a woman.

After speaking, he went out of the car and pulled out the key.

Seeing that Su Ran seemed to be going down, she was also excited, and she quickly jumped off the pedal to let Su Ran get off the car.

In the car, Su Ran set off a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then pushed the door and got out of the car.

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