Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1364

Chapter 1364 1 Shot To The Head And The Whole Country Wiped Out

Abigail is ready.

He has simulated it several times in his mind to confirm that it is foolproof!

As long as Ye Han pushes the door and comes in, he will immediately act to kill Ye Han!

Outside the door, Ye Han held a gun and arched his body slightly.

Then he kicked the door open.

He took a step back, scanning the room with his gun in hand.

At first glance, nothing unusual!

The house was still on the concrete floor, so no footprints could be seen at all.

And there was a lot of meat, and Ye Han couldn’t find it at all if there was a piece missing.

“no one?!”

Ye Han frowned.


The next moment he noticed the anomaly.

The door was kicked open by him, but instead of hitting the wall, it bounced back quickly.

What does this prove?

Someone is behind the door!

This uninvited guest is hiding behind the door!

Ye Han spoke immediately.


But Abigail couldn’t understand him.

Abigail is also wondering now.

Have you been discovered?

How did Ye Han find out?

He couldn’t figure it out.

He completely forgot about the footprints.

But now, he doesn’t care so much anymore.

start to act!

After killing Ye Han, what do you want for the rest of your life!

rush rush!

The next moment, Abigail directly opened the vine woven bag where the poisonous snake was imprisoned.

Then he grabbed the bag with both hands, dodged, and threw it hard at the door!

If it was according to his imagination, this poisonous snake would fall on Ye Han and bite Ye Han directly.

But that’s just his imagination.

At this time, countless audiences saw this scene.

The viper was indeed thrown out, but it didn’t go far!

Because of the strength and angle, the viper curled up in the bag landed directly at Abigail’s feet!

This scene made Abigail’s whole body explode!

what happened?

How could this be?

But before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his ankle.

He looked down and saw that this poisonous snake was biting hard on his ankle!

I was bitten!

Abigail’s eyes were bloodshot and his brain was buzzing.

How did this poisonous snake bite itself? !

When he looked up again, he saw Ye Han standing opposite with a gun in his hand.

Can’t take care of that much!

Hurry up and kill Ye Han, maybe you can wait until the show team comes to rescue!

“Death to me!”

Abigail waved the engineer shovel in his hand and rushed towards Ye Han.

It’s a viper again, and it’s shouting and killing!

Ye Han people are stupid!

But his reaction was very fast, he had already seen it, this person was coming for him!

Otherwise, he could have stolen a lot of supplies, and even set fire to the house.

But he didn’t do this, but hid, the target was obviously himself!

For a split second, Ye Han’s thoughts turned and he could already guess a rough idea.

There must be someone who can’t stand it anymore and wants to kill him!


Looking at Abigail who rushed over with a shovel, Ye Han snorted coldly in his heart.

want to kill me? Outside of seven steps, the gun is fast, and within seven steps, the gun is accurate and fast!

Now the distance between him and Abigail is only three steps!


The next moment, Ye Han shot directly!

A gunshot exploded, like a thunderbolt, causing pain in the eardrums!

After Ye Han fired, he stepped back quickly, in a steady batch.

I don’t even give you a chance to fight to the death!

After the gunshot, Abigail fell to the ground, leaving a blood hole between his brows, and fell straight back.

He just stepped out of the wooden house, and now that he fell like this, his upper body was all inside the wooden house.

The red and white ones flowed all over the place.

The live bracelet emits a piercing death alarm!

But it wasn’t over yet, Ye Han turned to look at the poisonous snake that was still biting at Abigail’s ankle!

“Mexican Pit Viper?!”

Ye Han frowned, this thing is a highly poisonous snake!

He saw it just now, Abigail threw this snake out of a vine bag that he was carrying.

This is obviously already prepared, and wants to use this poisonous snake to bite himself to death!

Who is it that wants to kill himself?

Ye Han’s face was very ugly.

Next, Ye Han aimed at the viper again.

But he didn’t want to shoot.

It’s not that he is reluctant to kill a poisonous snake, but that he is reluctant to kill a bullet.

Bullets are one less than one shot.

In order to kill a poisonous snake, it is not enough to waste a bullet.

After confirming that Abigail was dead, Ye Han closed the gun.

He waved to Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi was very well-behaved, and immediately handed over an engineer shovel.

When he took out the gun just now, Ye Han threw the sapper shovel aside for the convenience of holding the gun in both hands.

Now Su Xiaoqi picked it up and hurriedly handed it to Ye Han.

“Xiao Qi, turn your head and don’t look.”

“Wait until I clean it up.”

Ye Han hugged Su Xiaoqi and patted her on the back.

Abigail was knocked out of his head and died in their wooden house. Ye Han felt sick to his stomach when he saw this scene, let alone Su Xiaoqi.

Now Su Xiaoqi’s face was pale, and her delicate body was trembling constantly.

After Ye Han comforted her, she felt better now, and quickly turned her head away, not daring to look at it.

The audience also felt uncomfortable.

In the live broadcast room, Abigail’s body was directly coded.

Especially in the head, the thick mosaic covered Abigail’s head.

Next, Ye Han approached carefully, waved the sapphire shovel, and chopped off the viper’s head.

This Mexican pit viper doesn’t know how much it hates Abigail, and now it is still biting on Abigail’s ankle, not letting go at all.

This also made Ye Han very easy, and hacked the viper to death.

Abigail is dead, so is Viper, and the dust settles!

All that was left was Ye Han’s breathing, and the death alarm from Abigail’s live bracelet.

After a brief silence, Ye Han’s live broadcast room exploded!

Abigail was shot in the head by Ye Han!

The barrage has been completely unclear, and only after taking a screenshot can you see what everyone is saying.

As for the gift special effect, if you don’t turn it off quickly, the live broadcast screen will be completely unclear.

“Headshot with one shot! Who else!!”

“Abigail is dead, and the beautiful country has been wiped out!”

“completely annihilated!!”

“Congratulations! Congrats to the beautiful country, completely withdrawing from the 365-day game of survival in the wilderness, let’s celebrate together!”

“Damn it, brothers, I can’t do it anymore, I laughed, it’s all in my crotch!”

“That’s it? Just want to assassinate Ye Han?! Hahahahaha!”

“Hey! I told you before that you don’t have to worry. With Ye Han’s luck and strength, would you be afraid of an Abigail?”

“Abigail is dead in a single face-to-face, headshot directly, even if he is a zombie, he has to die!”


The whole network explodes!

The audiences who supported Ye Han and Shenzhou Kingdom were all excited to the extreme. The barrages sent by many people even consisted of a series of exclamation marks, and some even sent garbled characters!

And those hostile people also exploded!

Everyone is denounced Ye Han and wants Ye Han to kill and pay for his life!

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