Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1458

Chapter 1458 2 Girls And Lightning

Of course, a good name basically belongs to that calf.

Ye Han said it is called the mother of lightning, referred to as the mother of electricity.

“Let’s talk about the calf first, let’s call it Sanmao!”

Su Xiaoqi continued to roll her eyes.

Su Xiaoqi said proudly.

The reason is still not good.

Xiaohanhan was very curious and looked at the calf in front of him.

The female zebu also regained some energy, ate some grass and drank some water.

“Boiled beef with spring onions, braised beef?”

A cheap name is good for living.

Ye Han said.

At this point, the names of the two new members have been completely determined.

Ye Han is talking nonsense seriously.

“In this kind of conjoined situation, with our current methods, we can only cut off this leg.”

And now, people have nothing to do, they are drinking milk, there is no problem of not being able to feed!

The audience named Lightning was all overjoyed, and they kept rewarding and celebrating.

Ye Han said with emotion.


In fact, Ye Han also thought of the word mistress in his mind, but he felt it was inappropriate and could not use it.

“It should be a small probability event.”

And this time, on this side of the island.

Others believe that, no matter what, it has the right to live.

“The first name I said was Er Niu’er, you still dislike it!”

After discussing for a while, there was still no result. It was time to eat.

But the name was immediately denied by Su Xiaoqi.

“I’ll think about it again, e, why don’t I call it Tuozi?”

Because the characteristics are too obvious, Sanmao, Triangle, Triceratops, Lightning, and 100,000 Volts are all thought up by everyone and are more appropriate names.

Su Xiaoqi said.

“Small fried beef?”

Fortunately, the name Tiedan did not pass in the end.

Will this Zebu mother and son be willing to follow Ye Han?

The two brainstormed there and thought about it for a while.

“Let’s name the calf first, its characteristics are more obvious.”

Next, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi began to discuss the issue of names.

The eldest girl even came over and stuck out her tongue to help lick the calf’s body.

“Sanmao is unlucky, Sanmao has been wandering and can’t get enough to eat, so let’s call it Lightning, how cool!”

It seems that he is very dissatisfied with the name, and the cows lying on the ground feeding their calves moo!

“It’s so hard to come up with a name!”

Ye Han scratched his head, it’s really hard to come up with a name.

He slapped his thigh: “How about calling Lightning?!”

To this, Su Xiaoqi’s response was a big white eye.

Su Xiaoqi said she was called Lightning Mom.


But this time it wasn’t an unsatisfactory look.

“To be honest, it’s not impossible to be called Er Niu’er!”

“I really did not expect that such a situation would occur on the island.”.

“What about Li Shuncheng? My good son who has no blood relationship is called Li Shuncheng.”

Everyone is more rational.

“The Sorrow’s Troubles”. “The triangle doesn’t sound good!”

The first is the name of the big cow.

Su Xiaoqi started to cook, Ye Han started beating next to him, waiting to eat.


But Ye Han shook his head.

This immediately made the audience who talked about the triangle very excited.

This scene fell into the eyes of Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi, and they were both moved.

“It’s not a devil, what a four-character name, don’t use this!”

Ye Han said.

Looking at the lightning-shaped leg above its head, Ye Han’s mind flashed.

“If we had found it sooner, maybe we could have saved it.”

But now this calf had died of dystocia before Ye Han arrived, so this discussion did not lead to any violent disputes.

Two girls, lightning.

Su Xiaoqi said.

However, unless there is a bad radiation effect, it is more difficult to give birth to a deformed baby.

Because it made her think of trigonometric functions, which was annoying.

This statement is really time-honored and very classic.

There are also viewers in the live broadcast room who are speculating about this issue.

“In this way, this calf is also born disabled, and life in the future will be more difficult unless we keep raising it.”

That is, although the two of them have already named their names, but whether people are happy to go with them or not, that is a different matter!

Ye Han thought about a few more names, but all he got in return was a blank eye.

This time, the group of viewers named Lightning suddenly became excited.

The dust has settled!

Neon Country has a lot of experience with this.

A large number of barrages continued to churn, and the audiences were all heartbroken.


The audience doesn’t care much about other things, and everyone is crazy recommending their own names.

When Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were eating, the calf started drinking milk again.

Some people think that this calf is disabled, and that it was suffering when it was born, and it is a relief to die now.

And then, the question came back to the cow’s name.


There are many viewers who do not agree with it, which is normal.

Hearing this, Ye Han also nodded subconsciously, feeling that it makes sense.

“Big girl and it are really like sisters.”

“It’s a bit perfunctory.”

Regardless of what the audience said, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were thinking about names.

The female zebu is not only not nervous, but trusts the eldest girl very much, and looks at the eldest girl with gratitude in her eyes.

“You see it has three corners, so let’s call it a triangle!”

Ye Han had dug a deep hole and buried the dead calf in it.

“I heard from the old man in the family that a cheap name is easy to support, and it’s an iron egg, embolism or something?”

The audience is all in a hurry!

“I don’t care about anything else, the cow must be called a mistress!”

Ye Han took a bite of the sweet sweet potato and said.

“We have a big girl, and now this one is called Er girl!”

“Our future children don’t even know what to call them!”

“But to be honest, I personally think that would be torture for it as well.”

Even Ye Han thought of a name called Jiang Zang milk……

So the two temporarily gave up on naming the cow, and first looked at the calf who was trying to suckle.

They don’t need any of the good names they think of, but what iron eggs do they use?

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi realized a problem.

At this time, the calf seemed to be full of milk and shook his head.

Su Xiaoqi was also quite satisfied with the name Lightning.

As for the poor cow, there was a bad guy who said it could be called a mistress.

After lunch, it was almost time to pack up and head back.

“Hahahaha, he is your good brother, right, pit brother is a traditional virtue, you must support it, I will vote for you!”

Therefore, some people joked that this cow must have been to the Neon Country.

“How is the second girl?”

In the end, why don’t you have to use her name?

“No no no, 100,000 volts, and a four-character name, trendy!”

So the two finally completely decided, this calf is called Lightning!

“That calf is pitiful, boss.”

Su Xiaoqi said.

The audience was speechless.

This is Ye Han’s point of view.

At this time, there was a ghost audience, who said that he could be called Grandpa Niu.

“I think it’s also a male, so it’s called Iron Egg?”

Look, Ye Han has the same name as me, and Ye Han and I have the same heart!

Some people keep nodding while looking at the screen of the mobile phone, and those who don’t know it think it is face authentication.

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