Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 146

Chapter 146:

chapter 157

The rabbit nest was originally a fence built in the open air.

Then Ye Han simply added a canopy like this.

If it is a cunning beast that is good at climbing, it does have a chance to sneak in.

Ye Han ignored this.

But as the saying goes, it’s not too late.

Ye Han intends to take protective measures from now on to prevent similar things from happening again.

Afterwards, Ye Han entered the rabbit’s nest and checked each rabbit.

None of the remaining rabbits were injured, they looked the same as usual, and a few were grazing together, as if they were in a good relationship.

After all, it was caught in a nest.

After careful inspection, Ye Han determined that the rabbit that was taken away was a male rabbit.

He has three male rabbits, and now one has been taken away, and there are two left.

However, the female rabbit should be equipped with it, and it is not a big problem.

It would be even more distressing if a pregnant female rabbit was caught.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, the audience also knew about this matter, which sparked discussion.

“A weasel came and stole a rabbit from Ye Han!”

“Ye Han is so lucky, yet encountering such a thing?”

“Actually, when Ye Han built this enclosure to raise rabbits, I mentioned this issue. Sooner or later, wild animals will come to steal rabbits.”

“No matter how lucky Ye Han is, it’s impossible not to have any unfortunate things happen. That doesn’t exist. It’s just the loss of a rabbit.”

“Losing the rabbit is just a trivial matter, don’t be surprised, maybe Ye Han will be a blessing in disguise.


The audience put forward a lot of opinions and discussed it vigorously.

Ye Han is here.

“Boss, this weasel shouldn’t come again for a while.”

“Why don’t we go to dinner first, I’ll cook for you.”

Su Xiaoqi said to Ye Han.

She knew that Ye Han was in a bad mood, so she wanted to coax Ye Han quickly.

And you must eat breakfast. If you don’t eat breakfast for a long time, your body will have many problems.

Seeing her nervous appearance, Ye Han smiled and rubbed her head.

“Okay, let’s eat first.”

“You never get tired of the food you cook.”

Ye Han was indeed in a bad mood, but it was impossible to show any expression to Su Xiaoqi.

Whoever changed it, woke up early in the morning and found the loss, and he would not be in a good mood.

But powerful people can control their emotions instead of being controlled by them.

Of course Ye Han would not be controlled by his emotions.

He made adjustments quickly.

The two returned to the front of the bamboo building, Su Xiaoqi started to cook, and Ye Han was thinking about how to protect his animals.

There must be more than a simple wooden fence over the rabbit’s nest.

must be remodeled.

Judging from the traces left at the scene, there should be a weasel that climbed in and took a rabbit.

Ye Han’s rabbit is very fat, so it is inferred that this weasel should not be small.

What can be done in a short time is to add a layer of insurance above the fence first.

You can simply set up a trap around to see if you can catch the weasel.

“Steal my rabbit!”

“Once you catch this weasel, you can’t let it go easily, you have to teach it a lesson, pluck the tail hair and make it into a wolf!”

Ye Han thought in his heart.

The hair of the wolf hair brush is the tail hair of the weasel.

You can’t write any calligraphy in the wilderness, but Ye Han still has to do it.

Of course, the premise is that the weasel can be caught.

After breakfast, Ye Han brought Su Xiaoqi to the rabbit’s nest again.

The two started to get busy.

Gather all kinds of materials and put a layer of insurance on the rabbit’s nest.

Ye Han finally decided to make a big net out of vines, add branches as supports, and put it on top of the entire fence.

The shape of the fence is round. For example, it used to be like an open cat can, but now Ye Han has put a lid on it.

“That’s it, there should be no more rabbits lost.”

Su Xiaoqi looked at the results in front of her and was very satisfied.

Ye Han shook his head and started digging with a shovel.

“The weasel is very cunning, and is known as Huang Daxian in the folks, so it shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

“This thing is still relatively evil. I will dig another trap and try to catch it.”

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi nodded.

This thing has tasted the sweetness, and it is estimated that it will come next time.

“Ye Han is ruthless, he hates this weasel!”

“The yellow-skinned man in the novel knows magic, which can make people hallucinate and commit suicide. I wonder if this weasel can do it?”

“Don’t make trouble, this is survival in the wilderness, not ghosts blowing lights.”

“On the day of grandpa’s funeral, five yellow-skinned children came and bowed to grandpa three times. Grandma was shocked: Close the village!”

“This motherfucker, isn’t it the lines of some novel advertisements on the Internet, bullshit!”

The audience has been discussing.

Ye Han is digging traps here, and the other players are also doing their own thing.

The last remaining group of players in the Neon Kingdom, Umekawa Neku and Ito Ishixiang, are building an earthen kiln.

The people who fired pottery were far more than Ye Han’s group.

Up to now, many players have begun to try to make pottery.

In their live broadcast room, a large number of Neon audiences gathered, cheering them on every day.

When they saw them building the earthen kiln and preparing to fire the pottery, the audience was very excited and all praised them both.

Occasionally, a few audience members from China will appear, expressing their doubts.

That’s it?

How many pottery has Ye Han made? You are just getting started. What is there to show off?

Many Neon audiences seem to mean that they are starting to make pottery, and they are going to win the championship!

confusing behavior.

“Come on, let’s make pottery, we will have plates and bowls for dinner later.”

“No problem, it will definitely succeed, we Neon Nation are going to win the championship this time!”

“That’s right, the glory of the championship must belong to Neon! I am afraid that the people of Shenzhou have already been eliminated, hahaha!”

The two were working and chatting.

He also shows hatred and contempt for Shenzhou from time to time.

The key is that many people in Neon Country are still saying this, as if they are hypnotizing themselves.

This man is so ruthless that he even deceives himself!

Every day I come to the live broadcast room to type a few lines, and over time, I believe it, the Shenzhou Kingdom will not work, and the Neon Kingdom will win.

The matter of this live broadcast room also spread to China.

A large number of Chinese netizens came here to watch the large-scale self-hypnosis scene.

Not only the netizens of China, but also audiences from many other countries also came to watch the fun.

This time, it was a shame and lost to the whole world!

Besides, on Ye Han’s side, after he set up a trap on the rabbit’s nest, he took Su Xiaoqi out.

The morning time has been delayed a lot.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi packed up and went straight to the hyena trap area.

Wonder how many hyenas will be killed by traps today?

Chapter 158 Found the hive

As of yesterday, Ye Han’s trap had killed a total of ten hyenas.

And how many will there be today?

Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi to the trap area.

The audience is also guessing, and some people even start betting in the live broadcast room.

In fact, there are still many people who use this program to create gray income.

When I was younger, it might be a friend or an occasional bet between colleagues. Most of the jokes are of a playful nature.

In a big way, there are people who open underground casinos, and there are all kinds of bets.

For example, the final ranking of a certain group of players, such as whether any players will die today, such as the final champion and so on.

At present, there are still many people who bet on Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi winning the championship.

Of course, the game is less than a month away, and no one can tell now.

In such a dangerous tropical rainforest, any accident may cause a group of very well-developed players to be eliminated on the spot, or even die.

After spending half an hour on the road, Ye Han brought Su Xiaoqi to the trap area.

He had a hunch in his heart that there should not be many hyenas arrested today.

Hyenas are intelligent and have a memory, and are not stupid creatures.

After killing so many before, the hyena should have a long memory.

In fact, the result was similar to what Ye Han predicted.

Six traps, a total of three hyenas died!

This result made Su Xiaoqi very disappointed.

“Boss, there are only three hyenas today.”

“It seems that these hyenas have learned their skills and won’t easily step into the trap.”

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