Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 1472

Chapter 1472 The Hippo Knight Reappears

Gan ah!

Both of them are numb now.

This big hole has just been dug, and you started to rain?

Are you going to play with me?

Without saying a word, the two quickly left the river and started to walk back.

We have to figure out a way to save this big hole!

Otherwise, the big pit will be filled with rainwater, then the digging will be in vain, and the previous efforts will be in vain!

You know, they both had blisters on their hands in order to dig this hole!

Up to now, there are actually many players on the island who have made such big pit traps.

But there is no doubt that they all found something.

That is, the price/performance ratio of this trap is too low.

It is not only time-consuming and laborious to dig out such a big pit trap, but more importantly, the island is a tropical rain forest with a lot of rain.

As long as one rain, the big hole dug by the players can be abolished.

Therefore, as long as it is someone who has suffered from this loss, they will not continue to use this trap in the future.

For Batu and Bileg, it was the first time they had suffered such a loss.

By the time they arrived at Dakeng Trap, the rain was already quite heavy, and the two of them were soaked wet, and the rain was streaming all over their faces.

Bileg wiped the rain off his face with a very ugly expression.

Batu couldn’t help but scolded.

Because of the big pit in front of the two, a layer of rainwater has accumulated at the bottom.

According to this speed, I am afraid it will only take ten minutes, and this big pit will be finished.

The two of them quickly began to rescue, trying to block the opening of the hole with something to prevent the rain from continuing to flow in.

But many viewers have also noticed that this is basically useless.

In the live broadcast room, a lot of emotion erupted.

“It’s weird, they just want to kill a hippo, why is it so difficult?”

“Didn’t someone say just now that Hippo has surveillance at the door of his house?”

“I think this matter can be more mysterious. Is there a possibility that this hippo is actually a river god who can control the weather and make clouds and rain?”

“Hippo: Hehe, the stupid human actually saw through my identity. I’ll go to him tonight to play.”

“Cough, stop talking nonsense first, look at it, is that a hippo?”

“Fuck?! It seems to be true, this hippo is absolutely amazing!”


Just as the two of the hippo knights were trying to save the big pit, there were footsteps and chirps in the bushes not far away.

When the two of them looked back, they almost felt like peeing.

The hippo is coming!


The two of them are full of dirty words now, but they have no chance to say it at all.

Run now!

They looked at each other, and then started running.

This is not a joke. In case of being arched, go home lightly, and ascend directly to the sky.

At the same time, audiences all over the world are constantly discussing this matter.

“Although I’m not a superstitious person, I have to suspect now that this hippo may have killed Rick and the two.”

“To be honest, our hippo knights are really unlucky!”

“This is more than bad luck, it’s just bad luck, drinking cold water will jam your teeth!”

“Once again this hippo appeared at the right time and gave both of them a blow to the head!” . .

“On a rainy day, the road is slippery, so you have to run slower and don’t fall!”

“Silently feel sorry for the hippo knight group for a second, then hahahaha!”

……….A lot of barrage swept through, and audiences all over the world were discussing it.

In the live broadcast, Batu really slipped and fell!

This is not light, it’s just a dog chewing shit, Batu groaned in pain, but he didn’t dare to delay, and quickly got up and continued to run.

The worst thing is that the hippo is attached to the back of his butt. It was already very close. As he fell, the hippo was even closer!

After getting up, Batu knew that he had no time.

For now, there is only one trick.

Climb the tree!

The first time the two encountered a hippo, they escaped by climbing a tree.

So Batu found a tree nearby and started to climb with both hands and feet.

The hippopotamus followed close behind and slammed into it.


The whole tree trembled and trembled.

The worst thing was that this rainy day was already slippery, and the tree trunks were wet.

With the hippo bumping like this, Batu suddenly couldn’t hold the tree trunk firmly, the whole person fell off, and sat on the hippo again!

The hippo knight reappears, Ye Qing is back!

Although the scene is very urgent, people don’t dare to breathe when they look at the atmosphere, but the current situation is indeed funny.

But Batu couldn’t laugh at all. He rode on the hippo again. He was so frightened that he let out a loud cry.

Bileg in front had taken the opportunity to run a distance, but now he looked back and found that his teammate was riding on the hippo’s head.


He hurriedly shouted.

But now where does Batu have time to pay attention to him?

The hippo was writhing, trying to throw Batu out.

Batu struggled to keep his balance, trying to grab the hippo’s big head with both hands.

But this head is slippery, and Batu can’t do anything at all.

He also punched Hippo several times angrily, but unfortunately he failed to do any damage.

In this case, even if the cold wind comes, it is difficult to do any damage with bare hands.

Batu was soaked all over, and his eyes were blurry. The rain was getting heavier and heavier!

He was swearing at the hippo at a very fast pace, but the vast majority of the audience couldn’t understand it because he was speaking in his own country’s language, even with a little dialect accent.

Sounds like a mantra!

Finally, unable to maintain his balance any longer, he was thrown off by the hippo and rolled on the ground.

The most dangerous time has come!

The hippo bumped over without saying a word. If he was hit, Batu would definitely hate the northwest.

Bileg was separated by a distance, and there was no way to come to rescue.

At the critical moment, Batu’s desire to survive broke out completely, and he used his limbs to crawl on the ground quickly!

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a funny scene.

Batu crawls fast on the ground, circles a tree, and takes the hippo in circles!

For this small range of movement, hippos are obviously not very sensitive.

At least not as sensitive as Batu.

So, for a while, this hippo should not be able to attack Batu.

Many viewers who were worried about Batu’s safety were temporarily relieved.

But this is far from enough, neither Batu nor Bileg are completely safe right now.

And at this time, both of them also saw that the big pit not far away had been filled with rainwater.

With sorrow and anger in his heart, Batu let out a roar.

Then he found an opportunity to quickly start climbing the tree again while the hippo was a little dizzy.

After the hippo found it, it immediately started to collide, but this time, Batu held it very tightly, and his hands were digging at the trunk of the tree, and he felt that his nails were about to fall off!

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