Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 154

Chapter 154:

This stuff is very high in protein, nutritious and delicious.

A plate of bees and bee pupae was put aside by Ye Han.

Then the honeycomb cut into pieces and served on a plate.

Even if the hive is dealt with.

Su Xiaoqi was also struggling to prepare the ingredients.

She already had an idea in her mind.

For dinner today, you can fry a plate of bees and bee pupae, and then cook a pot of meat with honeycombs.

If you have limited energy, just have a hodgepodge and simmer in a mess.

I happened to use both pots, and the dish of fried bee pupae was handed over to Ye Han.

Because it is relatively simple.

Ye Han found a piece of fat and put it in the pot and fry it directly with lard, which tasted more fragrant.

Of course, even if they wanted to use vegetable oil, they didn’t.

Only use lard.

A large chunk of fat gradually melted in the pan, turned into lard, and began to bubble.

Ye Han put the bee pupae and bees in the pot, and suddenly there was a crackling sound, and a fragrance burst out!

This scent shocked Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi.

On Su Xiaoqi’s side, he also started to do it. A large pot of ingredients also had a very strong aroma, and the two of them couldn’t help but growl in their stomachs.

“What a great dinner!”

“I’m so thirsty, where can I get a honeycomb and taste it?”

“I’ve eaten it. It’s an ice cream with a honeycomb on top. To be honest, it’s just like that. It’s a gimmick.”

“Hey, I used honeycomb to fry vegetables, and it tastes good.”

“Actually, adding a little honey during the barbecue will have a miraculous effect. I drool when I think about roasting chicken with honey sauce.”

“Honey soaked in water is the easiest to drink. Lemon honey water, I drink it every day when I lose weight.”


The audience in the live broadcast room are discussing about the consumption of honeycomb and honey.

Ye Han’s movements here are still very fast. After all, he is a young and middle-aged man, and his body is not bad.

So recovery is quicker.

He had fried the pupae and bees, and added a little spice, such as holy basil leaves, to enhance the flavor.

Take out of the pot and put it on a plate, sprinkle a little salt, and bubbling.

Ye Han couldn’t help pinching a bee pupae, blew it, and put it into his mouth.

Then my tongue numbs…

However, Ye Han was not willing to spit it out, he kept breathing, stirring the bee pupae in his mouth, and finally chewed it.


“It’s a good thing to drink!”

Ye Han began to regret not having any wine again.

He’s not a good drinker either, but if he can’t drink it in the wilderness, he’ll feel a little craving for it.

“Little Qi, you can try it too.”

Ye Han squeezed another one and blew it for a while before delivering it to Su Xiaoqi’s mouth.

Su Xiaoqi couldn’t help nodding while chewing.

“good to eat!”

“The heat is just right, boss, your cooking skills are also good!”

Su Xiaoqi praised.

“That’s right, don’t look at me sleeping with the master for so long.”

Ye Han said something shamelessly.

Su Xiaoqi blushed suddenly.

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“Ready to eat.”

Su Xiaoqi stirred a pot of hodgepodge with a bamboo spatula and said to Ye Han.

This pot has tapir meat, mutton meat, crocodile meat, honeycomb, kelp, potatoes, breadfruit and various seasoning plants.

Really hearty, full pot.

Ye Han brought the big pot to the table, leaned against the fire, and the two began to eat dinner.

It was already eight o’clock in the evening, and it was completely dark.

At this time in the past, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already lied down and fell asleep after chatting for a while.

Today was really delayed and disrupted the usual rhythm of life.

It wasn’t until they started eating that their condition improved a lot.

Ye Han devoured it, and no matter what was in the bowl, he stuffed it into his mouth, devoured the sea plug, and chewed it.

Su Xiaoqi usually eats reservedly, but this time, she couldn’t help but gulp.

I was really hungry, my hands and legs were shaking, and I needed to replenish energy quickly.

The two of them ate a big bowl of hodgepodge each, and they felt alive.


Ye Han let out a long breath and filled another bowl.

By the way, I took two bee pupae into my mouth and chewed it.

“It’s finally comfortable!”

“Today is really hard, we both carry almost double our weight for off-road!”

“I feel that the training of the special forces is this intensity.”

Ye Han said.

Su Xiaoqi also took another bowl, chewed a piece of crocodile meat, and nodded.

“Who would have thought of two crocodiles.”

“If it were a crocodile, we wouldn’t be so tired.”

“But this crocodile meat is delicious, have you eaten it, boss?”

Su Xiaoqi took a piece of crocodile meat from her bowl and gave it to Ye Han.

“I have it in my bowl, you eat yours, eat more.”

“Sleep more tonight and have a good rest.”

Ye Han said while eating.

The audience drooled as they watched.

Many people went online to place orders on the spot to buy crocodile meat.

This also led to some stores with insufficient inventory, which were sold out directly.

These stores began to regret secretly why they didn’t stock up on crocodile meat.

But who would have thought of such a thing?

Few people usually buy crocodile meat, so how can they want to be brought to the fire by Ye Han.

“When Ye Han finishes the game, if anyone can invite him to live broadcast and bring goods, whoever can make a lot of money!”

Many people have this idea in their minds.

But this possibility is slim.

Ye Han is not bad at all. After the game, the reward money that many people will not be able to earn in a lifetime.

Why do people still go live to bring goods.

It doesn’t make sense.

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi ate a large pot of hodgepodge and a plate of fried bee pupae.

Su Xiaoqi ate two and a half bowls.

The rest was handed over to Ye Han, who had a big appetite and ate them all.


Ye Han comfortably hiccupped and looked at the mess in front of him.

“This pot can be kept, and I will brush it tomorrow.”

“Go, go to sleep!”

Su Xiaoqi originally wanted to wash pots and dishes, but Ye Han took her directly to sleep.

She couldn’t resist Ye Han, so she had to follow Ye Han to the second floor of the Bamboo Building and lay down to sleep.

As soon as Ye Han’s head touched the pillow, he closed his eyes and started snoring.

Su Xiaoqi put her arms around Ye Han’s arm, listening to Ye Han’s snoring, her heart was very peaceful, and she soon fell asleep.

The two of them slept directly until noon the next day.

Chapter 167 Sentence you to death

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi slept until noon!

Today is the twenty-sixth day of the competition!

This morning, the audience who liked Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were bored.

Because there is nothing to see.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi are both sleeping.

They had to go to other live broadcast rooms to take a look, or simply chat in the live broadcast room, there is a feeling of water group.

It is said that some people met through the live broadcast room and got a piece.

There was a cashier in a supermarket who got a rich man right next to him. Now that he has all the luxury cars and mansions, his life is not too comfortable.

This also made many interested people deliberately come to the live broadcast room to catch Kaizi.

Specially staring at those who give generous rewards, pay attention first, and then send a message to chat or something.

At noon, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi finally got up.

In fact, Ye Han had already woken up twice. Seeing that Su Xiaoqi was still sleeping, he couldn’t bear to call her to get up, and he continued to sleep.

Now, Ye Han walked out of the bamboo building and moved his muscles.

Still feel sore all over.

I was very tired yesterday, and it is estimated that I will have to rest for two days to recover.

Su Xiaoqi’s situation is even more serious, it hurts everywhere when she walks two steps.

This situation is a sign of overloaded exercise or labor, and many people have experienced it.

For example, go to climb Mount Tai, come back and lie in bed for a week.

There are also people who go to the construction site to move bricks, and after a day’s visit, this is almost the same situation.

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