Survival In the Wilderness: My Luck is 100 Million Points

Chapter 86

Chapter 86:

After more than an hour, the two of them finally returned to the bamboo forest.

Putting the goat down, the two of them were sweating profusely and panting.

Su Xiaoqi struggled and took out two bamboo cups from the supplies.

Inside is cool mint water.

Both of them had long been thirsty, and now they could finally drink some water.

“Come on, let’s eat something to replenish our energy.”

“I’m going to pick up some branches for firewood.”

Ye Han drank the water from a bamboo cup in one breath, which made him feel a little more comfortable.

Now both of them have to eat something, or they won’t have the strength to go back at all.

Soon, a bonfire was built in the bamboo forest, and the aroma of the food spread.

There was no water in the bamboo forest, so Su Xiaoqi used water from a bamboo cup, poured it into the pot, and cooked some smoked pork.

The main course is baked potatoes, this meal is just about right.

Should be able to eat a lamb dinner in the evening.

The time is now one o’clock in the afternoon.

After the two finished eating, they simply cleaned up and started to rest.

If you have just eaten, it is not suitable for vigorous exercise.

Take a break first to digest.

It also takes time to digest food and replenish physical strength.

“Boss, let’s go.”

“Goat carcasses are starting to attract bugs.”

Su Xiaoqi looked at the goat’s body and was very nervous.

She was afraid that if she delayed any longer, the goat’s carcass would start to rot, and she would not be able to eat it.

Now is the hottest time of the day, and the meat is very perishable.

Gotta go back and deal with it right away.

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Just hold on and go back.”

Ye Han stood up and packed up his equipment.

In order to take care of Su Xiaoqi, he chose to carry most of the things on his back.

Two bamboo baskets, each carrying one, but Ye Han’s one is full of things.

On Su Xiaoqi’s side, Ye Han just let her carry an empty pot.

Su Xiaoqi didn’t say much, just warmed her heart.

Afterwards, the two carried the sheep back.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, I finally got home!

Ye Han’s whole body was almost soaked with sweat. After putting down the sheep, Ye Han directly immersed himself in the stream.

The cool stream washed away, and Ye Han felt much more comfortable.

“Turn off the live broadcast, I want to take a shower!”

Ye Han turned off the live broadcast.

Su Xiaoqi also chose to close the live broadcast.

The audience were all dumbfounded.

“Fuck, I’m sitting here like a fool, watching them carry the goat all the way, and then tell me to close the live broadcast?”

“My mind is broken, this kid Ye Han doesn’t do anything!”

“Everyone is a man. Who hasn’t been to a public bath? Ye Han took a bath and the live broadcast was closed. The layout is small!”

“Xiao Qi also closed the live broadcast. They won’t take a bath together, will they?”

“The goat has to be disposed of quickly. Shouldn’t the goat be disposed of first, and then take a bath while it is being smoked? What does Ye Han think?”


The mentality of many viewers in the live broadcast room collapsed.

What is Ye Han doing!

“Boss, do you want to take a shower first?”

“What about the goat?”

Su Xiaoqi asked.

Ye Han thought for a while and sighed.

Struggling to get up.

“Okay, I’ll deal with the goat first.”

Ye Han began to skin the goat, but he did not open the live broadcast.

This kind of picture, it is better to broadcast less.

After skinning the goat, the rest is left to Su Xiaoqi.

Ye Han took off his clothes and trousers, took a soap fruit, and started to take a bath.

Su Xiaoqi was very envious, but she still had to deal with goats, so she didn’t have time to take a bath.

“I’ll wash it first, and when the goat is ready, I’ll smoke the goat meat, and then you can wash it.”

Ye Han made arrangements.

This is indeed the most suitable arrangement, Su Xiaoqi nodded and started to process the goat meat.

Ye Han directly crushed the soap fruit and kneaded it in his hand.

Plenty of bubbles have emerged.

He washed his head first, and flew off.

“This soap fruit works great!”

“My hair is finally oil-free!”

After Ye Han finished washing, he felt refreshed.

Su Xiaoqi blushed and looked over, then lowered her head again.

Ye Han was only wearing a pair of shorts, showing his muscles.

She was embarrassed to look at it.

However, I have to say that Ye Han has changed a lot!

Before going to the island, he didn’t have these muscles, which were only recently.

This figure is quite good, coupled with Ye Han’s handsome face, it is a girl killer.

Next, Ye Han finished taking a shower, and began to scrub his clothes again.

With soap fruit, clothes and pants can also be washed clean.

After wringing out the water, Ye Han hung his clothes to dry.

This time, Su Xiaoqi has almost finished the mutton, it’s her turn to take a bath!

Chapter 91 Not enough paper

When dealing with goats, Su Xiaoqi looked at Ye Han from time to time.

On the one hand, he looked at Ye Han’s figure.

On the other hand, I envy Ye Han taking a bath, the whole body is covered in foam, and I feel comfortable just thinking about it!

Now it’s finally your turn!


“I haven’t been this comfortable for a long time, and my body is very clean!”

Ye Han shook the water in his hair and said.

They didn’t have anything like a towel to use either, and they let the sun dry their bodies after taking a shower.

“The mutton is done, I’ll smoke it.”

“Which ones are left to cook?”

Ye Han asked.

Su Xiaoqi blushed and did not dare to look up at Ye Han.

Ye Han is now wearing a pair of shorts.

He stood in front of Su Xiaoqi, and the breath of male hormones rushed to his face, who could resist this?

“First… eat the offal first!”

“Go and smoke the mutton, I’ll take a bath, you…you’re not allowed to peek.”

Su Xiaoqi said hesitantly.

“Don’t worry, I won’t peek.”

“I’m looking at it openly.”

Ye Han said with a wicked smile.

Su Xiaoqi raised her head and met Ye Han’s gaze.


“How can I take a shower like this!”

Su Xiaoqi was in a hurry.

“Hey hey hey!”

“Look, you are frightened, if I have any thoughts, can I wait until now?”

“Go wash now.”

Ye Han waved his hand and took the fire book to make a fire.

It happens that the fire can also bake the clothes, so that the clothes can be dried quickly.

Ye Han turned his back to the direction of the stream and started to smoke the mutton.

Su Xiaoqi stared at Ye Han, then took off her clothes and took a bath.

The cool stream washes the body and is very comfortable.

She held a soap fruit and made foam like Ye Han did.

This foam has no smell, unlike the usual body wash, with various fragrances.

It’s a pure natural plant smell, but it’s also very useful.

Su Xiaoqi quickly washed her hair.

Her hair is long, and it has been washed several times before, but it is not clean.

Always greasy and often itchy.

Well now, with the soap fruit, Su Xiaoqi carefully washed her hair twice, and finally felt comfortable.

Then she began to scrub her body, much more carefully than Ye Han.

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