Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 394 Building a Temporary Shed

Chapter 394 Building a Temporary Shed
At four o'clock in the afternoon, the light rain in the sky gradually stopped, Chen Hu stood up from the grass, surrounded by dense green vegetation, all looked wet due to the rain.

Even the weeds on the ground were covered with crystal clear drops of water. This situation only made Chen Hu frowned. Now that he lost his shelter, it meant that danger would happen at any time.

Although the threat of the black boxer can be avoided in advance through the metal watch, there are also many unknown situations in the jungle.

For example, the sun bear, or the Burmese python, or the pack of wolves, these beasts are likely to be encountered, Chen Hu couldn't help cheering up.

The surrounding humid environment is not suitable for camping, and now there are only two hours left before dark, Chen Hu couldn't help but choose a direction to start exploring.

The tourists in the live broadcast room were all excited when they saw this. Every time they explored the environment, they always looked forward to it.

Wow! ~~
Chen Hu shuttled through the wet jungle. Some frogs were making courtship calls. Being hungry, he searched for them based on the sound.

After a while, I found a brown-yellow wood frog in the grass, so I quickly went forward to catch it, but the first catch failed.

As soon as Chen Hu approached, the forest frog quickly jumped out. Fortunately, he was very agile and caught it within a few strokes.

Picking up the forest frog that was still struggling, Chen Hu smiled and said:
"There's food."

But the tourists in the live broadcast room were frightened by the appearance of the forest frog, which was only the size of a ping pong ball.

"The source of the origin: I will go! Is this a toad?"

"Crazy Xiaomao: Toad? Toad? Don't eat the anchor, this kind of animal is poisonous."

"Han Yu Xingchen: It doesn't look like a toad, it should be an edible frog."


Seeing the barrage, Chen Hu couldn't help shaking his head and said:
"The toad is slow and clumsy, not good at jumping, and has fleshy bumps on its back that can secrete toxins. What I'm catching now is a wood frog, an edible frog."

"In many farmhouses, forest frogs are a kind of delicacy, and the price was once sold for [-] yuan a catty."

Chen Hu smiled. Although the wood frog has very little meat, it has high nutritional value. In addition to protein, it also contains a certain amount of fat and sugar.

Pull out the paratrooper knife, use the blade to cut off the head of the frog, and then peel off the skin directly as if undressing, and then remove the internal organs.

"The vast majority of parasites are concentrated in the skin and internal organs, so the wood frog must be dealt with."

As Chen Hu said, he looked at the skinned and viscerated forest frog. The frog's legs were full of meat, so he immediately took a bite. Although it was eaten raw, the taste was not bad.

The bones are crisp and the taste is slightly sweet.

After all, the forest frog is only about the size of a ping-pong ball, so it is a good snack. After Chen Hu ate the forest frog, he smashed his mouth and listened to the continuous sound of frogs croaking all around him, he couldn't help laughing and said:
"It seems that I won't be hungry tonight."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hu chopped a wooden stick with a paratrooper knife, and then moved forward, using the wooden stick as a hunting tool, and whenever he found a forest frog, he quickly whipped it.

If it hadn't rained today, these frogs would definitely not be so active. Chen Hu was a little happy. Even if he lost most of his things, he would still be rewarded with food.

Sometimes losing is also another kind of possession.

For the next hour, Chen Hu stopped and walked, and the jungle was still a jungle, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly:

"Looks like he's going to sleep in the jungle for the night."

At this moment, Chen Hu killed more than a dozen forest frogs for dinner, but now there are more important things than food, that is to build a temporary accommodation.

"Before it gets dark, I want to hurry up and build a temporary camp."

After Chen Hu finished speaking, he immediately started to act, chose a flat place, pulled out all the weeds, and then used a paratrooper knife to chop five two-meter-long wooden sticks, and then began to build the frame.

Since it was a temporary place to live, Chen Hu didn't plan to spend much thought, as long as he could make do with it for one night, he made a triangular frame with wooden sticks and vines in just over 20 minutes.

On the left and right sides, there are two crossed wooden sticks on each side, and there is a connected wooden stick in the middle, which acts as a support, and looks like a bipod usually used for drying clothes.

There are only three directions. Chen Hu filled it with vines, tied a vine horizontally every 25 centimeters, and planned to find some plants to cover it.

Afterwards, Chen Hu searched around, and sure enough, he found some plants of the palm family. He had found many in the process of exploration before.

Then I collected some feather-shaped palm leaves, stuck them on the vines, and blocked all three directions. In less than an hour, the shack was built.

Looking at the small green shack he built, Chen Hu smiled, and then began to look for things to make a bed, but it was wet all around, and it was difficult to find dry things.

But no matter what, you can't sleep on the ground. While searching, Chen Hu explained to the tourists in the live broadcast room:
"If you sleep directly on the ground, the ground will absorb the body's heat, causing your body temperature to drop rapidly, not to mention it's raining today?"

After a while, Chen Hu found a lot of green moss on the nearby ground, so he stretched out his hand to squeeze it. Although it was a little wet, it felt very soft to the touch.

Moss absorbs water like a sponge, making it perfect for bedding.

Chen Hu immediately began to pick up the moss, just like peeling skin, tearing off a large piece of moss with soil and roots, then returned to the shack, and put it inside.

After working for more than ten minutes, the shack was covered with soft moss. Chen Hu heaved a sigh of relief, and finally had a place to spend the night.

But at this moment, the time was close to six o'clock, and the light gradually began to dim. It was obvious that it would be dark soon.

Seeing this, Chen Hu couldn't help but took the paratrooper knife and quickly looked for Pueraria lobata in the surroundings, planning to collect more food before it completely darkened.

It didn't take long for him to dig three or four strangely shaped kudzu roots, but then he stopped and looked at a shrub with very rough bark not far away.

It was a large coniferous tree, and what attracted Chen Hu was not the nuts. In fact, the tree had no fruit at all except for the needle-shaped leaves.

But in many places on the trunk, there are lumps of yellow jelly.

"Is this...resin?"

With doubts, Chen Hu immediately walked over, carefully looked at the jelly on the trunk, and found that it was indeed resin, his eyes lit up, and now he can bake something to eat at night.

Start a fire in the jungle?I have to say, this is a very deadly idea.


(End of this chapter)

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