Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 411 Heavy Chapter Homeland

Chapter 411
Dr. Hu's barrage of bullet screens directly dominated the screen, and various yo-yo words kept appearing.

When Chen Hu saw what Dr. Hu posted, he also admired his academic prowess, and couldn't help joking: "Unexpectedly, you, a psychiatrist, really know a lot. I really admire it."

Chen Hu's words brought a wave of rhythm, and the live broadcast room was very lively.

"Snake gallbladder can't be eaten raw, it's poisonous! Although I can't tell you why in professional terms, my experience tells me that if you eat snake gallbladder raw, it will cause nausea, vomiting and dizziness in mild cases, and life-threatening in severe cases." " Chen Hu put away Haha, and said with a serious face.

"However, in this kind of weather, after about 100 hours, that is, 3 to 5 days, the snake gall wine can be said to be a basic finished product. Of course, the longer the better, the longer the better." Chen Hu said, groping downstream along the river bank...

Walking along the river is a correct choice, because the resources in the downstream section of the river must be richer than that in the upstream section. If it is not for mental illness, no one will just squat in that barren place without any problems.

It is also extremely rare for Chen Hu to walk directly on the bank of the river without fear of death, but Chen Hu has his own plan at the moment. He intends to expose his position and use a trick of fishing to enforce the law. People take the bait.

Because he still has some judgments about his own strength.At present, everyone's materials must be extremely important, he just needs to beware of someone secretly hitting him with a black stick.

Walking and walking, there was no movement. Chen Hu carefully observed the surrounding woods and hills all the way, for fear of missing details and being shot secretly.

After walking for a long time, the journey was very safe. The stream was no longer as turbulent as it was when he first saw it.

The water flow gradually became gentle, and it can be found that the water quality here is still very good, and the clear water source makes people feel refreshed.The clear water has high visibility, and Chen Hu can see everything in the water through the stream.

Occasionally, one or two fish can be seen playing happily in the water. How did they know that the location they are in is a land where the weak and the strong prey, and a killing game is being played here. This game is called: The Hunger Games.

One of the participants...Chen Hu was passing by this land, and he glanced at a few fish in the stream.

"Food sources are very rare in the wild. You must seize every opportunity to find food. Don't be full if you can eat enough, and don't be hungry if you can eat enough, because you are living a life without a meal. It is the true meaning of existence." Chen Hu felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and couldn't help but say it out.

Today's river is very rough, which has a lot to do with yesterday's downpour.

Last night's rush also paid off. Before noon, the winding river that Chen Hu saw diverged into a fork. His eyes lit up and he immediately walked along it.

Judging from the direction and speed of the river's flow, it was very likely that it was Chen Hu's target this time.

Sure enough, not long after walking along that fork, the width of the creek suddenly increased in an arc, and then narrowed again on the other side, as if a ball suddenly appeared in the middle of the rectum.

The stream made a circle in the ball and continued to flow downward, which also caused the stream here to be slow, with many fallen leaves and dead branches floating on it.

"It's finally here!" Chen Hu's eyes sparkled, and he finally arrived at his destination after traveling all night.

Although the creek looked calm at this time, everyone had already seen the crisis hidden in it.

Chen Hu regained his composure, and impatiently took out the bottle of venom.

These giant creatures generally have their own sense of territory, and the designer must have a way to restrain them from leaving, so the electric eel and his old partner, the crocodile, must still be there.

As for where in this small stream, Chen Hu didn't need to think about it. Pour half a bottle of venom down, and everything will be solved.

Chen Hu has already raised his hand and raised the bottle high.

It exploded in the live broadcast room.

"The city of the sky is crying: Is Lord Tiger really going to do such a murderous thing?"

"Let them go, other creatures are innocent."

"The Legend of Lilith ~ Reward x100 Rocket: The upstairs is full of idiots, the anchor ran all night just to kill them, now you tell me to be merciful? (Take off your pants, you show me this?) "

"Maybe there are other ways. After all, life is precious."


At the critical moment, there were voices of opposition in the live broadcast room. The drug had already been dumped, and several drops of venom fell.

However, Chen Hu bent down suddenly, shook his hand quickly, and caught all the dripping liquid.

"I've changed my mind." Chen Hu's eyes became firm, he put away the poison bottle and went into the woods.

After a while, he got out again, holding a little wild boar in his hand.

This was also because of his good luck. He thought it would take a lot of work to catch a live animal, but he bumped into a little wild boar head-on.

"Today, my luck is really good. If I meet a single wild boar, if it is an adult wild boar, I will stay away."

"Isn't it just a pig! Can't the anchor win?"

"Yes, yes, the anchor is a man who kills a black bear with one move."

"Hahaha, that brown bear is just the weakest chicken among bears. It takes a little effort to kill him. But this wild boar in the jungle is different. It weighs 120-180 kilograms, and it can run The impact force is comparable to that of a small car! This force combined with her fangs will be really cool." Chen Hu said with a smile.

"The anchor is right! Male boars can kill cheetahs, cougars, hyenas, and wild wolves single-handedly. Even the king of the jungle, the tiger, dare not take it as prey."

"Yes, I also heard about an example of a male boar successfully escaping from a medium-sized pack of wolves!"

"Did no one say this little boar is cute?"

"Cheers to the streamer's luck!"

Eight Parts of the Sky ~ Reward x66666 Fish Balls
Coarse tea and light rice ~ reward x6666 shark fin
The Japanese devils are really damned~ Reward x100 rockets

"Now that I have the prey, I'm going to start my performance, Jie Jie Jie... Electric eel, electric eel, I've missed you for a long time, and I should pull out this thorn!"

(End of this chapter)

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