Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 418 The Battle of the Ape and Python

Chapter 418 The Battle of the Ape and Python
More and more animals rushed towards them, and Chen Hu waved his arms numbly, removing these threats one by one.

"Bang!" There was a huge roar, making Chen Hu turn his head to look.

A huge red hideous creature flew out, its body was stained with blood, more of it was scorched black, and almost half of its body had disappeared.

And Qin Lei still kept shooting.

There was indeed a gun in his hand. The gun was blue and white in color, and it was not big in size, similar to an ordinary pistol. It was hard to imagine that such a large force was erupted from it.

This was also his bad luck. The boar entangled him for a long time, and finally went towards other animals. Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, a huge monster came madly towards him.

That's the overlord newt that Chen Hu never used before!

That's why he was forced to use his trump card, and even after killing the Overlord Newt, he still couldn't rest. Without his mount as a cover, he could only face head-to-head with the mad beast.

However, he is indeed a dark horse present, his strength is hidden the deepest, his body is the most flexible, he can always avoid the attack of the beast at the critical moment, and then use the smallest force to kill the beast.

The god monkey is the easiest to deal with. Although the monkeys and orangutans around him have gone mad, and even their own kind have started to attack, they dare not attack him at all, but the gorilla under him has disappeared.

The elephant herd on Satan's side has also become scattered, and he is standing on the elephant and facing many wild beasts. Those wild beasts were smashed by him when they jumped on the elephant, which was not his attack at all. All together.

But fortunately, these thousands of wild beasts were completely targeting the three of them, and they were also attacking each other, so the number was also decreasing sharply.

A tree porcupine exploded in front of Chen Hu, and countless flying needles with barbed thorns flew around. There was no way to hide. Chen Hu had no choice but to slam his body on the African elephant. Even so, several of them were still stuck in his arms. with thighs.

An unbearable pain came.

He gritted his teeth and got up, only to find another tree porcupine running nearby, also on the verge of erupting.

Chen Hu was shocked, and the paratrooper's knife came out of his hand, slashed in the air, and stuck it in the tree porcupine's head.

He took out a paratrooper knife again. He exchanged a lot of this kind of thing with them at the Killing Willow last time. Now it seems that he is definitely prescient.

He gritted his teeth and peeled off all the exposed spikes.

"When there is no good environment for this thing, I would never dare to pull it out. There are many tiny barbs on each thorn of the tree porcupine. If you pull it out, you will even pull out the flesh of the belt." Chen Hu said so to the fans.

"Wang Ke is a bitch: but the bare tree porcupine is so cute~"

"The anchor was actually given an injection!"

"Upstairs is the old dirty turtle!"

"Just drive if you don't agree, that's enough for you! Hurry up and give the host a reward."

I don't want to learn advanced mathematics~ reward 66 rockets
Please call me an old witch~ Reward 66 rockets
Fake Kite Chaser ~ Tip 66 Rockets

In the live broadcast room, Chen Hu, a bunch of 66 Rockets, didn't have time to pay attention.

Probably because of the large size of African forest elephants, so many wild beasts rushed towards them.

The intensity became more and more intense, and Chen Hu had already forgotten how many times he had swung his knife and punched him. All he knew was that he could stab a wild animal with a single knife he swung at will.

Only when I heard a loud roar just now did I realize that there were almost no living beasts around.And the African forest elephant under him had already fallen into a pool of blood, and there was no intact piece of flesh on his body.

He looked up, and the place where the roar came was not far from him.

There, a three-meter-tall silverback gorilla tangled with a nearly 20-meter-tall anaconda.

The gorilla who was entwined by the anaconda's three outer layers unexpectedly pushed it away bit by bit. The anaconda felt that his unique trick was not of much use, so he opened his mouth impatiently and bit the orangutan.

"This battle is over." Chen Hu said meaningfully.

"The anchor is just joking! If the anaconda bites, the gorilla's head will never be saved!" The fans were very excited, although they were all skeptical.

"The anchor may be out of guarantee at the end of the festival. This is definitely the victory of the anaconda. No one is perfect, and everyone will make mistakes! Give praise to the mistakes of the anchor~"

"Don't believe it? Let's wait and see. The most powerful part of the anaconda is his ability to strangle. His teeth are really average. Animals are indeed animals, but their minds are still far behind. Although the silverback gorilla can You can stretch his body for a short period of time, but it is absolutely impossible for a long time, won't you win if you keep using it!" Chen Hu said with a smile.

As soon as Chen Hu finished speaking, the anaconda's terrifying mouth had already reached the top of the orangutan's head.

The silverback gorilla suddenly let go of his hands, ignoring the anaconda's strangulation, and grabbed the anaconda's upper and lower jaws with both hands.

Then pull it hard!
The anaconda's head was torn in half by him, and the huge crack continued to spread to two meters below its head.

However, the vitality of snakes has always been extremely strong, not to mention the overlord anaconda in the river, even if its head is torn off, the biological instinct still makes him tightly entangle the silverback gorilla.

The orangutan also missed the best chance to avoid being strangled by the anaconda because it attacked the big mouth of the anaconda. There was no longer any gap in the middle of the coiled snake formation, and it could only try its best to struggle in it.

Finally, the anaconda's body lost its vitality, and the silverback gorilla pushed its body away and walked out slowly.

Snake blood dyed him black or red, like a demon from hell.

Chen Hu's heart has already been raised, and he has made up his mind to stay away from it. It is better to let Qin Lei deal with such a terrifying creature, after all, he has a gun.

But its worry was superfluous, the silverback gorilla took two steps before falling to the ground under the expectant eyes of the divine monkey.

Such as pushing a golden mountain and pouring a jade pillar.

The monkey god's smile froze on his face.

Satan breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Lei took back the hand on his waist.

Except for some scattered small animals that were not enough to get in the way and were still fighting, there were only the four of them present.

The eyes of the four collided with each other, sparking fiercely. They all knew that a killing could not be avoided, so they no longer planned to escape.

The enthusiasm of the fans in the live broadcast room also reached a peak, but Chen Hu didn't have the time to pay attention to it, because——

The final decisive battle is about to begin!

In the general design office, Bordeaux had a cruel smile on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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