Survival on a deserted island: Sign in to epic weapons at the beginning

Chapter 16 The First Night of Two People

Chapter 16

Lu Chen suddenly thought of whether it is possible to enlighten the spiritual wisdom of the aborigines. If possible, these aborigines can speak, and then the language problem will be easily solved.

But if you think about it carefully, you still can't let these natives be too smart, otherwise if they resist you, you will be in big trouble.

At present, Lu Chen can support a native. He can only do this for the time being, and then accumulate his own ability to get more natives. Otherwise, the natives will not be able to support him, and he will starve to death.

After Lu Chen's precepts and deeds, this native can already open the box and put things into the box.

Lu Chen also wanted to teach him how to fish, and then started fishing on the shore. However, strangely, the aborigine didn't seem to be able to catch all kinds of things as easily as himself, but the aborigine also had his own way. Using his own stone hammer to directly re-enter the sea gave Lu Chen a wave of actual combat to catch fish.

Not long after, the aborigines came back with three carps.

Seeing how powerful this native is, Lu Chen also gave him a thumbs up.

In this way, it seems that the reason why these natives survived is because they can catch fish and eat by themselves, and they are very lucky that they were not killed by monsters.

monster! ?
Lu Chen then remembered that what the natives on that island painted on the ground today meant that they needed torches, and torches could drive away monsters.

Yes, they discovered that torches can drive away monsters, so they came to find themselves for torches.

"By the way, I can't let them die. It seems that I need to give them some torches, otherwise they will die and my men will be gone."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen decided to return to the island one more time. He wanted to leave torches for the natives so that they could survive the night.

But don't worry for now, there is still a lot of time. He needs to expand the city wall first, and then set up a small trap to prevent the werewolf sharks from leaving. By then, Lu Chen can start hunting the werewolf sharks.

Lu Chen now has 230 stones in his hand, plus his current city wall, he can expand the city wall, but Lu Chen did not expand it, but made a 3X3 unsealed city wall on the side, and then expanded the city wall I have to say that the effect of the shovel is still very powerful. Every time, a lot of soil about 50X50 square meters can be dug out. After a lot of tossing, Lu Chen finally made the trap into a hole. Well, it is not enough to have a trap, he also needs something to attract the attention of the werewolf shark, because the werewolf shark that Lu Chen found this morning seemed to have heard his movement, so he crossed the city wall by stacking arhats, but this It's hard to make movement, what can I use to attract the attention of the werewolf shark?

Lu Chen opened the manufacturing page, hoping to find something from it, but everything inside was gray, and nothing was found.

"No, I don't know if other people got anything."

Lu Chen opened the transaction information page, and now there are more transaction information, almost all of which are in exchange for food, and there are very few people who sell food like Lu Chen.


Lu Chen suddenly saw an item that was being traded, a blueprint: a wind chime, but the other party only wanted a carp.

This is not bad, I have a lot of carp here, this wind chime can be placed in the trap and used as bait.

Deal decisively!

[Congratulations on getting the blueprint: Wind Chime]


The production of wind chimes is very simple and only needs two iron plates.


[Congratulations on getting the wind chime*1]

【Iron plate-2】

Next, there was the wind chime, and it was time to make the next step. Lu Chen found a rope, tied one end of the rope to the wind chime, and extended a section of the rope to his base. As long as he pulled the wind chime, the inside would There is a sound, and the werewolf shark can be introduced at that time.

Lu Chen admired his move, it was very fierce, and he didn't know how many werewolf sharks he could catch this time.

After everything was settled, the natives were still fishing. It must be said that this guy was a natural fishing expert and actually caught five carp.

However, the power of the stone hammer was still too weak, so Lu Chen made a spear for the natives.

[Congratulations on getting the spear*1]

【Wooden board-5, iron board-3】

Seeing the iron-headed spear, the native became very excited, and he started to use the spear to capture it. This time, the efficiency was even higher.

Lu Chen didn't have to worry about sharks, because there were no sharks in the shallow water.

It seems that after a series of operations yesterday, even sharks were rarely seen near Lu Chen Island.

Then, Lu Chen found the wooden boat, put the natives on the island, gave some instructions and headed towards the Luhan Island with Lightning Shuang.

On Luhan Island, the natives are still waiting on the shore. None of them know what happened. Why Lu Chen took their people away, and where he took them is also unknown. Chen is also a cannibal.

Thinking of this, the natives looked at each other, terrified.

From a distance, Lu Chen saw the aborigines on the shore. When the aborigines saw the appearance of Lu Chen's wooden boat, they all backed away in fear. Catch them and eat them.

Seeing this, Lu Chen seemed to understand something. With a smile, he stuck two torches on the shore. The torches can last for 12 hours, which should be enough for them to use. Afterwards, Lu Chen only made five more on the spot. The grilled fish was placed in front of them.

When Lu Chen was making the grilled fish, the natives seemed to understand something. The smell of the grilled fish made them slowly gather together. Soon, five grilled fish were finished. Lu Chen put them on the ground, packed up his things, and turned around. left.

The wooden boat disappeared on the coastline again, and the natives also ate delicious grilled fish.

The reason why Lu Chen did this was naturally because he wanted the natives to be completely impressed by him, so that they would be more obedient in the future.

After returning to the island, Lu Chen checked that the time had reached five o'clock in the afternoon, and he had to pack up his things quickly. This time, Lu Chen did not put the wooden boat into the base, but put it in the city wall. Coal is a lot, so to be able to make more torches, just put one torch around the wooden boat is enough.

During the night reward, the aborigines were very nervous and scared. When he saw the torch, he immediately ran to the torch and curled up and sat down.

Lu Chen can now be sure that the natives know that torches can drive away monsters.


Lu Chen walked into the base and said hello. The natives seemed to understand something, got up and walked into the base quickly.

In the base, Lu Chen started to prepare dinner. Dinner is still indispensable. After all, there is a lot of work today, and there are three less chicken legs. Exclusive dinner tonight.

【Carp-5, Board-4】

Lu Chen looked through the apples. Fortunately, he opened the box this afternoon and got five apples, which was enough for the time being. He gave one to Lightning Shuang. The natives on the side also thought about it. Lu Chen shook his head, saying that this is the exclusive food of Lightning Shuang, and no one can eat it. eat.

The native grabbed the grilled fish and ate it.

There were countless rustling sounds outside, Lu Chen immediately went to the window, grabbed the rope and shook it,
When the sound came, Lu Chen knew that it must be a trap swimming. In this way, he only needs to kill it tomorrow.

After eating the grilled fish, he started to rest when his energy was replenished, while Lightning Shuang stood at the door with wide eyes and stared at the door.

Lu Chen knew that Lightning was cool, but he still couldn't let him out to kill him until he found a fundamental way to increase his loyalty.

This was the first night that the aborigine spent on Lu Chen Island, so he lived in fear, fearing that something dangerous would happen, he didn't fall asleep for a long time, and when he heard any movement, he would get up and have a look, for fear of any problems, Lu Chen didn't I didn't care, after all, this is the character of the aborigines.

Lu Chen opened the chat box, wanting to see if these guys have any new discoveries today.

"I'm the chairman of *** Group. Who can give me some water? I'll call him Dad."

Lu Chen smiled, this guy finally knows that money is the most useless thing now, but it has been three days, and he hasn't found the resources yet, it seems that he can't last long, this guy is really a poor guy Are you here to open your mouth?Or is this guy selling miserably?

(End of this chapter)

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