Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 100

The Ramirez Scramble (1)


I carefully checked the message in the hologram once again.

[You have received a mission proposal from the author]

  • Catch Capone!
    • Defeat the man in front of you and absorb his organization.

It seemed to have several implications, but the essence of it was basically one thing.

The author was making an appeal to solidarity… or rather, he was requesting for ‘help’.

At first, I thought this was very surprising.

Because it was also an excellent condition for me.

Without having to deal with ‘that powerhouse Capone’, I’d been able to easily devour the organization he had built (although it was considerably reduced in size) and this city that was his base. Without any risk.

Although ‘Capone 2’ and his subordinates were facing me right now, it’d be a tad harsh to call them a risk.

“Where did somebody like you spring from? I’m asking who you really are, you Squatjaw. You better speak up quickly if you don’t wanna taste a smacking!”


Taste a smacking, huh.

I honestly found it a little disappointing.

In the original, Capone had been a character with a sense of style. He’d never spew such lines that made you sound like a low-level, third-rate villain.

I glanced at the guy.

It didn’t seem like he had any unique ability, and even if he did, it was definitely not the same as Capone’s.

“Wait, wait. Let me think about it.”

“Wh-, what?”

“I said, wait a minute.”

I then looked at the text at the bottom of the message.

  • Are you sure you want to accept it?

Defeating Capone and taking his place.

This was just the type of plot development I was hoping for. There was no problem with the plausibility.

Moreover, there were also extra rewards that I hadn’t expected.


‘… If I think about it a little…’

That was just how it looked on the surface.

The suggestion had indeed come unexpectedly, but looking back, it wasn’t surprising at all.

In a way, this was nothing but the best possible choice from the author’s point of view.

Pretending to be generous, while forcing me to follow his plans.

For some reason, at that moment, I thought I could even faintly hear the author’s voice.

I’ll let you take all that Capone’s got, so why not just do a job for me or two? I’ll naturally compensate you. Isn’t this a win-win scenario?

“Win-win, huh….”

But that wasn’t the full truth. We weren’t negotiating from an equal position here.

It was truly to my benefit to accept. But not accepting it wouldn’t really do me any harm.

But the author’s case was a little different. If I didn’t listen to him here, the future plot would surely be irrevocably twisted.

‘No, isn’t it twisted already?’

The guy in front of me right now was the proof. Judging that it’d be difficult to introduce the original Capone in this situation, he’d brought forth the much weaker and lesser version, Capone Mk. 2.

The moment I rejected his proposal, the author would face some real hard choices. There was no way this guy could take on Capone’s original role.

In other words, the author was the one being desperate.

‘How about I let him sweat a bit?’

As soon as the thought occurred to me, I slowly started to step back.

And then,

“H-hey! You bastard! Are you trying to run away!?”

Capone 2 roared in anger.

“Ah, yeah. The real Capone, Ruler of Gibrante, showed up in person… and with so many hangers-on in tow, to boot. It’s natural for the copycat to run away.”


“Bye bye.”

I immediately turned around and ran.

I heard Capone 2’s voice swearing at me from afar, like an echo, but I cheerfully ignored it.

How far did I run like that?

When I thought I’d completely left them in the dust, I wrapped the goblin silver screen around me and climbed up to a high place. To take a look at what those bastards did next.

‘So? What’ll you do now?’

Actually, I didn’t plan to have a fight with the author.

I didn’t want to be taken advantage of, sure, but my curiosity played the greater role.

I wondered how these idiots would react.

In fact, there were few characters who reflected the author’s intentions as purely as this bunch. Weren’t they merely ‘characters created to be subdued’ being handed to me on a platter?

So I was curious. If they didn’t achieve that purpose, what would happen to them?


‘What is it… Why are you all standing still like that?’

Even after waiting for a long time, they didn’t even consider moving.

As if a screw was missing from their heads, they just stood there, stunned.

Three or four people tried to follow after me, and one went back to the factory area, but that was all.

“How odd.”

This was quite stunning for me too.

From my experiences so far, once a character was created, the author couldn’t directly control the character. If he wanted to move the character towards a new direction, he had to attach a new character to give a push, or deliver some news.

In other words, what I was seeing now was the behaviour that reflected the core purpose and essential guideline they’d been given at the time of character creation.

But… no matter how roughly the author’d made them, to have the characters repeat the same actions over and over again?

‘Does this even make sense?’

This meant that these guys literally had no purpose other than ‘being overpowered by me, here and now’.

This was crazy.

What, did the author really make such one-dimensional and completely thoughtless characters? Like a wind-up toy?

They couldn’t even be called characters at this rate. They were just ‘backgrounds’ with no core impetus.

That was then.


Suddenly, a message arrived.

And it said –

[An amendment to the rewards has arrived from the author]

It was so surprising that it made me forget the absurdity of the past.


  • If accepted, the current scene will be appended to the chapter.
  • Author’s favourability will increase by 100 à 120.
  • Character points will be paid 100,000p à 120,000p.
  • Additional 100,000p à 120,000p will be paid for each successful linked action.
  • Once all actions are completed successfully, the character’s strength will rise by 100 → 110

“Ha… haha.”

It was disappointing indeed.

To send a message like this?

The author really was in a hurry. He didn’t waste a minute in sending a revised rewards plan.

‘I didn’t mean to haggle…’

In fact, I hadn’t looked down on the first set of rewards. They’d been generous enough. There hadn’t even been a penalty for failure.

But to receive something like this…


I considered the mission proposal again. Strictly from the author’s point of view. Why would he do this?

There was certainly no better situation for the author than me playing the role of Capone.

Firstly, there was a huge advantage in that the burden of character distribution would be reduced, and the preceding plot wouldn’t need any modifications.

And secondly, he’d be able to tie me up and block me from doing anything outrageous.

No matter what I did, I wouldn’t be able cause too much of a ruckus if I kept to playing a predefined role. It was that simple.

In other words, three birds with one stone.

‘There’s a reason he’s acting so desperate.’

Knowing this, my heart sank again.

What’d happen if I rejected this offer outright?

One thing was for sure, it could make the author very angry.


As an author, he’d fine it quite difficult to deal with the twisted development. His brain might explode trying to untangle it all.

But I had to keep in mind that twisting the future course of the story that I already knew, wasn’t in my favour, either. I could never forget this.

And what I had to focus on more than anything else was how much profit could be obtained by refusing other than ‘offending the author’.

Right now, I had several configurations in my head for the upcoming chapters.

Then, assuming that all the circumstances I’d planned came true, could I profit as much as the promised rewards?

The answer was no.

Because the level of compensation the author had offered was enormous. It was more than the highest level of reward that could be obtained from the chapter.

In other words, no matter well I did, I wouldn’t be able to match the profit. The author had to have known this while making the proposal.


“The question is, if there’re any traps…”

So I had to be cautious. Even if he was feeling urgent and desperate, sending this kind of a proposal wasn’t the author’s style.

There were a few more points to consider.

Whether it was possible to obtain all the rewards offered by the author, and how much risk I had to take in the process.

Capone’s role that the author had suggested I perform, was as follows:

  1. Betting on Ramirez’s Treasure and declaring a winner-takes-all battle
  2. Attracting adventurers to the factory area
  3. Confronting Kiriko from the Leo Adventurers

1 and 2 were no problems at all.

A winner-takes-all declaration? I was already planning to do that. I’d even been thinking of a much more sensational way than what Capone had done in the original.

To lure the adventure teams to the factory area?

That was what I was hoping for. I was familiar with the topography and there were a lot of resources to use, so there was no reason not to.

The problem was the third item.

To have a fight with Kiriko.

There might be some pitfalls hidden here.

Of course, I wasn’t afraid of losing. Kiriko simply wasn’t that strong yet.

And the members of the Leo Adventurers were all subject to power balance adjustments, so their strengths were also greatly reduced, like mine had been.

In terms of my current strength, there was no reason for me to lose.

But it was still a burden, considering the original development.

In the original story, after awakening once, he finally defeats ‘Capone the powerhouse’. The original Capone that I thought was stronger than me.

Of course, I now had Cormier’s equipment, so I wouldn’t lose to that Capone either…

But wasn’t the development of the original story point to a victory for Kiriko?

This meant that, whenever I got the upper hand, the sanctions of the preceding plot could come bind me.

‘… I can already hear the sound of points going down the drain.’

Moreover, this wasn’t the only problematic point.

Would I only face Kiriko during this scramble?

I didn’t think so.


From the beginning, he’d been the one coming after me, not the Ramirez. The guy who I thought was the strongest right now, along with Karl Zayed.

After Kiriko, would I have to fight Gronyan as well?

“Hmm… it’s not going to be easy.”

This was definitely risky.

I had no choice but to worry. Was it right for me to accept this?

I was slated to get some equipment from Cormier, but there was a bit of a hitch here too. Because the performance of ‘it’ wasn’t guaranteed.

What I’d ordered from Cormier was an ‘armoured cavalry’, a piece of equipment I was forcing him to produce, because of the rule of cool. Originally, armored cavalry had appeared in the Northland arc, not this early.

I would’ve felt a lot more relaxed if I were using equipment Cormier could whip up easily…

‘What to do…’

Just then,


[An amendment to the rewards has arrived from the author]

A new message arrived to make me forget my worries.


  • If accepted, the current scene will be appended to the chapter.
  • Author’s favourability will increase by 120 à 140.
  • Character points will be paid 120,000p à 140,000p.
  • Additional 120,000p à 140,000p will be paid for each successful linked action.
  • Once all actions are completed successfully, the character’s strength will rise by 110 → 130

“… Ha, haha.”

My lips curved up into a grin by reflex.

The problem was already resolved.

Okay, fine.

I can’t help but take this bait.

But just then,

‘Hm? Wait, wait a minute…’

Surprisingly, a new problem arose.

‘Should I try to haggle one more time? Can I?’

A day later.

After receiving another amendment,

‘It’ll be a mess if I keep stringing him along, won’t it?’

I accepted the author’s offer.

That was how my strange team-up with the author began.

“Hey, there! See!”

Finally, they’d arrived.

At Gibrante.

Kiriko looked at the factory chimneys in the distance with fresh eyes.

Ten days.

It’d been a long time.

Also an embarrassing and uncomfortable time.

Kiriko turned around and took a long breath as he watched the crowd of people following them.


Thinking back, it was incomprehensible.

Those who sought the same treasure, not just adventurer teams, but a huge group of thieves and assassins, had walked together for ten days without a single clash.

The reason this bizarre camaraderie that’d started in Clone City was able to persist until now was because of a certain group.


Aside from the fact that they no longer took Squatjaw’s form, there was nothing to like about them.

“Hey, sure, let’s have a fight, why not?”

“They don’t have any treasures, so what’re they fighting for?”

“Let’s get along, get along.”

“Do people who don’t have money have trouble keeping their temper? I’m just asking.”

“Sure, you can go the other way. But this route’s probably the fastest, right?”

Of course, it wasn’t like these words had some kind of magical deterrent effect.

The goblins revealed themselves one by one every time and took action to prevent battles between people and groups.

For example, if two groups were about to clash, they’d immediately turn into members of each group and intervene in the battlefield, which resulted in a situation where neither side could easily attack first. They couldn’t even identify friend from foe, so who would they attack?

So, every time, every fight was doused by the goblins before it could even start.

Kiriko didn’t know why they were mediating the fights.

They must’ve gotten some kind of instruction, but he had no way of knowing why.

In fact, before Kiriko arrived in Gibrante, he’d been thinking of reducing the number of these greedy idiots.

However, these goblins’ interference was so strong that he’d had no choice but to give up in the end.

They even seemed to enjoy this whole process, to the point where they’d shift into others’ forms and viciously hurt people’s feeling, then once there were enough people riled up and spoiling for a fight, they’d show up and interfere.

‘What are they even doing…?’

Kiriko didn’t understand, and didn’t want to attempt to understand either.

As for Leo, well, he seemed to fit in with them to some degree.


‘Finally, this is goodbye.’

This uncomfortable companionship was now over.

After all, they’d arrived in Gibrante.

Now what would these guys do?

With a sense of anticipation, he was about to look for the goblins.

Just then,


One of them suddenly opened his mouth.

“Come on, everyone, you’ve worked so hard to get here. It was a beautiful comradeship. We goblins also had a lot of fun over the last ten days. Did everyone have fun?”

“Yes, I understand how you feel. Then I wish you good luck. From now on, it’s up to you to fight or not, you cocky, violent bunch. Then, excuse me!”

And then,


Rustle –.

In an instant, the goblins disappeared all at once.


“Wh-, what?”

“Where did they all go!?”

“Isn’t this that ability those guys have? To turn invisible?”

A commotion broke out in an instant.

It might’ve been because of the sudden disappearance of the goblins, but it also might’ve been because of the sudden feeling that everyone around them had become an enemy.

And it was the same for Kiriko.

“Leo, let’s step back for now.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Why… Can’t you see the situation right now…”

That was then.

“Hey, there! Look over there!”

Someone’s cry echoed through the air.

Kiriko naturally turned to look as well.

There, someone was standing near the entrance to the factory area.

A man in a black suit, wearing a retro-style fedora hat. There was something odd about him though. An unusually large jaw compared to normal people.


“S-, Squatjaw!”

“That’s him over there!”

“You bastard! Where’s the treasure!”

At that moment, Squatjaw raised his right arm up to the sky.

However, the shape of that arm was a little strange.

‘What is that… a machine?’

It was a machine. A strange machine was attached to his arm.

However, there was no time to answer the question.

At that moment, Squatjaw’s lips were already moving.

“Good job, all of you. You worked hard to come here. Then, from now on, it’s a fight!”

And at that moment,


A crimson laser beam shot upwards from Squatjaw’s arm pointing up at the sky.

And then,

“Look, there!”

“Up! Up in the sky!”

“It’s a treasure!”

‘Something’ appeared in the sky, splitting the red beam of energy in two.

It was a strange machine with steel wings, with a mirror attached to its front.


Of course, it might’ve been a fake or a trick, but at first glance it did seem that this was the treasure.

At that moment,

“You all see it? It’s easy to take it away. All you have to do is defeat everyone here. Then you’ll naturally get the treasure. Then let each of us, decide on an opponent here on this battlefield, and start fighting!”

Squatjaw shouted loudly.

Then he immediately started moving.

“And my opponent right now is… oh, there you are. Hey Kiriko.”

But the place his footsteps were headed to, was none other than –

“… Me?”

– Where he himself stood.

Kiriko blinked.

With slow, steady steps, Squatjaw was coming towards him.

Editor’s Notes:

None for this chapter.

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