Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

"Why are you doing this?"

"Hmph. Did you think I couldn't see the sinister intent in your gaze when you just looked at me?"

"No. How did you know..."


"Stop it."

Yi-Han intervened between Gainando and Asan.

The Death Knight stood quietly, maintaining his position, indifferent to whether the two fought or not.

"What if we sacrifice just one?"


"What happens to the student we sacrifice?"

“Probably sent to the underground dungeon.”

"The... underground dungeon?"

Gainando was excessively frightened. Yi-Han kindly explained to him.

"Don't worry, Gainando. It's just an underground punishment room."

"...And why is that not a worry, Yi-Han?"

Instead of answering, Yi-Han looked back at the Death Knight.

"Will you really let us pass if we make a sacrifice?"

“Student, although I have lost my life and drifted away from the world of the living, I have not lost the honor I hold in my heart. I swear upon my honor.”

"If you really cared about honor, you wouldn't be blocking our way like this..."

"Shh. Yonaire. People get angry when their sore spots are poked."

Yi-Han silenced Yonaire.

Dealing with the Death Knight's tantrums was no easy task.

'The problem is...'

The Death Knight did not seem to be lying. But the real issue lay elsewhere.

There were many ways to deceive someone without lying.

"Do you plan to demand another sacrifice after letting us pass?"


The Death Knight was at a loss for words.

He bowed his helm and did not respond.

'I was right.'

"Talking about honor...!"

"Shh. Gainando. People get angry when their sore spots are poked."

Yi-Han was neither overly disappointed nor surprised. It would have been more surprising if the skull principal had simply opened the path after just one sacrifice.

Traditionally, evil beings don't easily back down even when offered something.

"There's no other way."

"Do you have a plan?"

The priests were amazed at Yi-Han's composure.

Even in the face of the Death Knight's appearance, he remained so calm.

"I knew Wardanaz was remarkable, but truly..."

"All of you, go back and wake up the students from the White Tiger and the Black Tortoise and bring them here."



Could it be the method they were thinking of?

Asan and Gainando woke up the students from the Black Tortoise and the White Tiger who were sleeping in the inn.

Naturally, the students were not pleased.

-Dargard. Even so, a Death Knight? That's just too absurd.-

-Prince. Just because you're a prince, do you think we can't touch you? This is Einrogard. Well, we are outside now, but once a day passes, we'll be in Einrogard... Ah! A Death Knight!!-

Half in disbelief, the students, rubbing their sleepy eyes, walked over and were shocked, falling backwards.

In the darkness, the Death Knight was looking at them.

"How, how is this possible?"

"Everyone, stay calm. I already knew that the principal wouldn't easily let us in. That's why I came out to scout in advance."

In truth, Yi-Han had planned to use the students of the two towers as bait and enter first with his friends, but that wasn't important now.

Overwhelmed by Yi-Han's earnest voice, the other tower students nodded in agreement.

Listening, Jijel tilted her head, sensing something amiss.


Was there a reason for Wardanaz to take such a lead?

"Now that we have confirmed the presence of the Death Knight, we must devise a plan. Otherwise, we might not be able to return before dawn."


"Is that the only option?"

Upon hearing the detailed situation, the other tower students woke up fully and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, now was not the time to sleep.

Seeing that the others were convinced, Yi-Han continued.

"Right. We'll draw straws and..."

"Attack, Death Knight!"


Yi-Han was startled.

Anglago drew his sword and began charging towards the Death Knight.

"Anglago, wait..."

Before he could be stopped, Anglago had closed the distance.

Yi-Han sighed.

'This is why you can't do serious work with knights!'

He had intended to rig the drawing of straws, but Anglago couldn't stand it and charged out.

The Death Knight, unfazed, extended one hand wrapped in a gauntlet.

“Young knight. Your courage is commendable, but excessive arrogance is not.”

The Death Knight didn't even draw his sword. He blocked Anglago's strike with his metal-covered arm.


Anglago was astonished as his attack was blocked.

It was surprising that his confident strike was thwarted, but more startling was...

'My breath, I can't breathe!'

Although Anglago was the attacker, he suddenly found himself gasping for air.

The aura of death emanating from the Death Knight began to suppress Anglago's vitality.


Anglago fell to one knee. The Death Knight looked down at him, his eyes flashing blue from within his helm.

'Wait. Isn't this resolved?'

Yi-Han realized while looking at Anglago on his knees.

Now one has been sacrificed, so this path should be clear, and at the next path, provoke another knight from the White Tiger Tower...

Maybe this isn't so bad?

“Everyone attack me.”


However, Yi-Han's thoughts vanished along with the Death Knight's violent declaration.

The Death Knight was waiting for all the students to attack.

"Wait a moment..."

Yi-Han tried to explain the misunderstanding.

The students here were not all from the same tower but belonged to different ones.

So, if collective responsibility was required, shouldn't only those from the White Tiger Tower fight?

But before he could get an answer, his friends began their attack.

"Be paralyzed!"


'Damn it. I should have told them earlier.'

Yi-Han regretted not having told his friends to stand down if students from the White Tiger Tower or the Black Tortoise Tower were captured by the Death Knight.

But what could be done?

The fight had already begun.

"Thank you, Mr. Wardanaz!"

"For what?!"

"For granting us this opportunity!"

'I want to punch him.'

Yi-Han was slightly infuriated at the sight of the excited priest Nigisor, a fire spirit mixed-blood, charging out.

He usually didn't harbor bad feelings towards the priests of the Immortal Phoenix, but...

"Rise and soar!"

"Sweep them away!"

"Be heavy and sharp!"

Spells were cast from all directions, and the clash of sparkling elements erupted.

The students of the White Tiger, having learned somewhere, enchanted their blades and charged.

Yi-Han thought to himself.

'I have a feeling they wanted to use that on me...'

"Wardanaz! Be careful!"

At Asan's shout, Yi-Han ducked.

A friend was flying towards him, thrown by the Death Knight who had grabbed a student from the White Tiger by the scruff.

"Sharakan, go!"

Yi-Han called out Sharakan's name, summoned water, and then threw the Jade Pillar Solution.

Sharakan, now endowed with a body of an unusual emerald hue, emitted a cry mixed with joy.


"Sharakan, don't engage directly. Confuse him!"

Prompted by the urgency in Yi-Han's voice, Sharakan charged in, as if understanding the command.

Even the Death Knight, who had been taking it easy against the students, moved cautiously at the sight of Sharakan.

“A servant of the dead has arrived. I won't show leniency, given our similar fates.”

A sword swiftly emerged from the Death Knight's empty hand. Rusty and dark, its blade exuded a deadly aura.


The ground turned black where the sword struck, but Sharakan had already evaded. Surprised by Sharakan's swifter-than-expected movements, the Death Knight spoke in a muffled voice.

“The power of insight granted by Jade Pillar Solution. Annoying.”

The Death Knight unleashed a series of sword strikes, aiming to block Sharakan's escape route.

The students' magic rained down upon him. Even the Death Knight, it seemed, couldn't keep up his defenses forever and raised his shield.

"Yi-Han, should we just leave and run?"


Asan was flustered by Gainando's too-refreshing question.

What if the others heard!

"If there's no other way, we have to flee!"

"There is a way."


"It's a bit regrettable..."


"Never mind. Let's just call it."

Yi-Han empowered the sigil left by Ferkuntra and recited the spell.

The Death Knight was a notoriously difficult opponent.

Immune to illusion magic, and highly resistant to various elemental spells.

Even bombarding him with dozens of water orbs wouldn't be enough to penetrate his defenses.

And increasing the water's mass for more destructive power wouldn't work; the Death Knight wouldn't wait for that...

There was only one option left.

"Sing the song of thunder, O Spirit!"


Ferkuntra, a powerful lightning spirit, certainly had the potential to confront the Death Knight.

But Yi-Han had his reasons for hesitating to summon Ferkuntra.

Every time he had called upon him before, the results were...

'Less than satisfactory...'

-Do you think I can't feel your distrust?-

Lightning struck from the sky, and Ferkuntra's roar echoed in Yi-Han's mind.

-It's a misunderstanding!-

-Sounds like a misunderstanding indeed!-

Ferkuntra was incredulous.

How could a mere freshman at a magic academy harbor such genuine distrust toward it?

No matter how twisted the situation...

-Then show your prowess by defeating the Death Knight blocking our path!-

-I am not a spirit to respond to such lowly provocations. But just this once! To dispel your ridiculous doubts, this time! I will definitely demonstrate my power!-

Ferkuntra swelled in size.

Lightning from the sky struck Ferkuntra, further amplifying its strength.

A strong spirit normally doesn't make excuses, but Ferkuntra had to.

The first time they met was in the skull principal's punishment room, and the next time, it was bound by absurdly restrictive commands, limiting its power.

Originally, Ferkuntra was a spirit who might deign to appear only after receiving immense gratitude and reverence from the summoner each time.

But to be summoned with such a 'should I or shouldn't I' arrogant attitude...

“Behold and tremble!”

“I concede, O mighty spirit of lightning.”

The Death Knight ceased his attack on Sharakan and sheathed his sword. Then, he bowed his head.

Ferkuntra, who had been crackling with lightning, hesitated.


“With the power I possess, I cannot defeat you. I admit defeat.”

As a summoned creature of the skull principal, the Death Knight naturally knew Ferkuntra's identity.

Being in the same line of work, there was no need for him to futilely waste effort against a stronger spirit.

“Students of the magic academy. You have passed my test with your skills. You may pass without offering a sacrifice!”



The students widened their eyes at the Death Knight's declaration.

They had not expected the path to open so easily.

The Death Knight looked at Yi-Han and said, “I will remember your name, student.”

Leaving one's name with the undead summon of the skull principal was not generally considered a good thing.

Yi-Han glanced at Jijel.

Holding her twin swords, Jijel glared back at Wardanaz, wondering why he was suddenly looking at her.

'Hmm. Too many ears around to impersonate.'

Yi-Han gave up. It was a regrettable moment.

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