Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

"Unnecessarily misunderstood," he mused.

Contrary to his friends' misunderstandings, Yi-Han was not as obsessed with studying as they thought. He only focused on what was necessary, studying just what he needed.

"Nillia, you're not misunderstanding me too, are you?"

"What misunderstanding?"

"I know what you're thinking right now, but... wait a moment."

Yi-Han hesitated mid-sentence.

'Is this it?'

The paper from the treasure chests that the skull principal spread around during the festival. It had magic written on it, but it wasn't easy to just acquire. Even if it was written clearly and in detail, it required trial and error, especially when encrypted with metaphors and codes only a mage would understand, making the process several times longer.

Yi-Han had also spent quite a bit of time on it, but suddenly, he had an epiphany.

He set the paper down and began to furiously scribble with his quill. The various codes he had noted down started to interlock organically, revealing the overall context of the magic.

Silence fell.

To his friends, Yi-Han looked like someone who suddenly started scribbling madly on paper, as if possessed.

Gainando murmured, "Learning magic is important, but Yi-Han seems to be going too far."

In the dark night, only illuminated by moonlight, Yi-Han sat in the lounge, his expression one of dejection.


It wasn't because the other students were worse at memorization than he thought. Of course, they were, but that wasn't Yi-Han's concern.

'...It was invisibility magic.'

A 2nd Circle magic, .

It wasn't the skull principal's fault. How could he have known that the student who would take that spell already possessed a belt with invisibility magic?

Yet, for Yi-Han, it was a disappointment.

'Well, it's not bad.'

Someday, if he couldn't use the belt, this spell would come in handy. Although, if such a situation arose, invisibility might not be his primary concern.



With the faint sound of pages turning, an unfamiliar scene unfolded before him. Yi-Han immediately grasped the situation.

"You again?"

The book given by the skull principal floated in the air, revealing its pages.

'What's the criterion?'

He understood it was summoning him to learn magic, but the standard used by the black book was elusive.

When does it call me?

"Can you tell me when will you call me?"

Instead of answering, the black book just revealed its pages.

It felt like it was telling him to stop asking useless questions and just learn the magic.

'Of course, a book given by the skull principal wouldn't be kind.'

Yi-Han muttered, "Don't tell me you deliberately call me when I’m busy or in trouble."



Yi-Han lifted his head. The black book seemed to have moved slightly.

Could it be?

Ignoring Yi-Han's gaze, the black book fluttered the pages with the magic written on them.

Fortunately, the magic in the black book wasn't as complexly intertwined as the one from the festival.

The 2nd Circle magic, .

A spell that allowed one to maintain sight even in pitch darkness.

'Quite good.'

Yi-Han was pleased. For him, who often had to move around at night, such enhancement magic was useful. He could summon light, but that wasn't always possible...

'But... the skull principal's magic, all of it is somewhat...?'

Recalling the magic he had learned from the black book, Yi-Han felt a sense of incongruity.

, , (though not learned from the black book), and now .

Magic spells named after a mage were typically those developed by the mage themselves, out of necessity.

'What did he do in his youth to create such spells?'


"Understood. I'll concentrate."

Yi-Han spoke to the black book and closed his eyes. At this point, it was difficult to leave without mastering the magic, so he decided to give it his best effort. However, Yi-Han was unaware of something. If he didn't learn the magic from the black book and instead stalled for time, he could delay until the next spell appeared. There was no need to focus on learning everything all at once…

Monday passed, and fortunately, most of the students had recovered from their hangovers. Yi-Han piled up a mountain of egg sandwiches on the lounge table for breakfast. He had borrowed some eggs from Professor Uregor's cabin because those from the garden weren't enough, but he was sure the professor would understand.

'Not bad.'

It was a simple sandwich with mashed eggs between soft white bread, but it tasted good.

'I can save more ingredients.'

Yi-Han felt increasingly skilled at satisfying his friends while conserving ingredients, and he felt a slight sense of pride.

"Wardanaz, you're a genius."

"Being busy with exams and still coming up with this menu..."

His friends, unaware of Yi-Han's cunning plan, gratefully picked up an egg sandwich each.

"But Wardanaz, did you let the princess know?"


Yi-Han hesitated. He had forgotten about it, being tormented by the black book in his sleep and then getting up early to boil and mash eggs.

"Why don't you guys deliver it?"

Yi-Han looked at the students of the Blue Dragon who followed the princess.

"We, um..."


"We're a bit cautious about approaching her first because of her lineage..."


Gainando, munching on an egg sandwich, looked shocked.

Yi-Han, feeling a bit annoyed, encouraged the followers.

"We're all students of the same tower, and one of Einrogard's rules is equality."

Einrogard was an equal place of suffering for everyone.

"So you can't keep being so cautious and distant."

"Uh... We know, but..."

Despite Yi-Han's words, the followers were reluctant to approach the princess first.

'Can't they just think of her as Gainando wearing a wig?'

While Yi-Han had this absurd thought, one of the followers spoke up.

"We'll pay more silver. Could you deliver it just this once, Wardanaz?"

"There's no reason I can't."


Yi-Han readily agreed. Well, it could be a bit awkward!


It was time to see how diligently everyone had cared for their mounts.


Yi-Han looked at Niffirg with a complicated expression. Niffirg neighed as if asking why.

'Because you're a griffin...'

The thought of having a creature known for eating horses in front of him made Yi-Han feel complicated, especially while his friends led their horses around.

Professor Bungaegor produced a snap with a riding crop and said, "As I've said countless times, becoming friends with an animal requires consistent effort and care. You might cram for other classes before exams, but give up that thought in my class."

Gainando looked at his horse regretfully, and the horse spat on his face in response.

"Today's test involves riding a horse and racing. The goal is to go as far as possible and return within a set time. Any questions?"

Yi-Han raised his hand.

"What is it?"

"Will there be dangerous rivers like last time?"

Professor Bungaegor thought of Yi-Han as someone who holds grudges, even though it wasn't her creation last time.

"Of course. Einrogard's lands are vast and filled with various obstacles. It's wise to be cautious. Now... begin!"

Professor Bungaegor gave no time for the students to prepare mentally, immediately signaling the start with a horn.

'Can't we collude?'

As Yi-Han mounted Niffirg, he briefly considered a collusion. If everyone agreed not to go too far, the test would be easier...

'No, that's impossible.'

Seeing other students from different towers already hurling insults, Yi-Han realized collusion was out of the question.

"Get out of my way, you black turtles!"

"If you want, try breaking through with your skills! Aren't you a knight?"

Yi-Han shook his head in disapproval and remarked, "I can't understand why they're so intent on tearing each other apart."


Yonaire looked at Yi-Han as if he was unbelievable.

Perhaps a third of those students would want to keep Yi-Han in check...

As excellent as Yi-Han was in other classes, jealousy followed. Many students likely thought, 'In this class, I will beat Wardanaz.'

Beyond that, Yi-Han had his share of grudges, especially with the White Tiger students. More of them had clashed with Yi-Han than not.

Professor Bungaegor warned sharply, "Attacking each other is prohibited. Do not use magic or weapons to attack."


Yi-Han was startled.

He had planned to retaliate with water beads against those who would attack as soon as it started.

Yonaire looked astonished.

Pretending otherwise, Yi-Han was actually the most prepared for a fight.

"This is a riding training, not a magic combat training! Collisions between horses will be allowed, but nothing more. Understood?"


The students responded to Professor Bungaegor's instruction.

But the professor didn't know.

'Right. I can handle it by colliding with the horses.'

Students like Yi-Han would exploit any loophole in the rules if they weren't tightly defined!


The sound of horse hooves thundered along the designated path.

Not all students had been lazy during the semester. Those who had diligently cared for their horses were now close enough to increase their speed while riding.

Naturally, Yi-Han was among them.

"Yi-Han! Is it okay to keep speeding up like this?"

Yonaire asked, spurring her horse on.

This test wasn't simply about going fast and far. They had to return as well.

Going too far and failing to return within the time limit was problematic.

But slowing down when the leading group was pushing ahead required significant courage.

"Everyone has their plans. Don't worry."

As Yi-Han said, students in the leading group began to slow down, wary of each other. They knew the horses would tire out from continuous sprinting.

That wasn't all.

Students started forming groups with those they were close to.

'This isn't good.'

Even in a race, running together was far more advantageous than running alone. It was easier to deal with any obstacles that might arise, as well as to respond to various collisions.

The problem, however...

Was that the students were casting furtive glances at Yi-Han.

'Wardanaz is the most threatening.'

'We must get revenge on Wardanaz...'

'We have to block Wardanaz from getting ahead.'

Yi-Han tried to appear as harmless as possible to ease his friends' wariness, but it was to no avail. He himself would have been on guard if there had been a student like Yi-Han in the race.

The overwhelming favorite to win!

Niffirg looked at Yi-Han.

"Why so?" - Neigh. Hee-hee-neigh.

"Easy there. Now's not the time to get rowdy."

Niffirg let out a frustrated whinny and glared fiercely ahead.


Before Yi-Han could intervene, Niffirg began to race forward with wild speed.

The other students looked on in astonishment.


'What is he thinking? At that pace, it'll collapse in no time!'

'Could it be he has a plan even for this?!'

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