Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 205

Chapter 205


The Winter Wraith writhed in agony, engulfed by flames formed from magic.

Despite its vulnerability to this element, the Winter Wraith, now strengthened by absorbing such an immense amount of mana, was not significantly affected by first-circle magic.

Yet, the reason for its torment, as it twisted in pain, was...

‘What kind of magic number is this?’

"Burn, burn, burn, burn!"

Yi-Han chanted the spell repeatedly, continuously summoning flames.

The intense cold pervading the area unexpectedly aided in controlling the flames.

Summoning the flames.

Moving them.

He repeated this process.

It was simple, but the rapid, incessant repetition created a formidable firepower.

Direth, forgetting even the need to protect her juniors from the monster, was mesmerized.

"This is..."

Normally, senior students at Einrograd would not marvel at low-circle magic.

Nor would any skilled mage.

Low-circle magic was not without potential for development.

One could train to cast faster, increase destructive power, and improve control...

But strictly speaking, this was not the standard.

Such feats were more the realm of combat mages who specialized in magic warfare, not the primary role of a traditional mage.

A mage's pursuit of higher-circle magic was to explore the truths of the world and step into the unknown territories that magic as a discipline had yet to uncover.

In comparison, refining low-circle magic to such an extent was almost a deviation from the norm.


Not just Direth, but even the other fourth-year students had to acknowledge it.

Low-circle magic, depending on its use, could indeed overpower mages!

"What are you doing? Everyone."

Direth snapped back to reality and urged her friends. They nodded hastily.

"Right, right."

The fourth-year students raised their staffs.

The conventional method to combat a Winter Wraith was to increase the temperature around it to inhibit its movement before attacking.

Acting rashly without binding its movement could complicate the situation.

The Winter Wraith had various tricks to disorient a mage's senses, from fog to sleet, particularly lethal to inexperienced first-year students.

But now, another method was evident.

Attack the Winter Wraith and then relentlessly barrage it with attacks, giving it no chance to respond!

"Are we unnecessarily interfering? It seems like it's going to be captured?"

"We should still try something... Maybe erect a barrier?"

Kumandas raised his staff.

He intended to encircle the Winter Wraith with a curtain of heat to restrict its movement.


Suddenly, an ice pellet struck Kumandas' hand.

Holding his stinging hand, Kumandas looked at Professor Boladi in confusion.

"Did I make a mistake?"

"It's a distraction."

"Excuse me?"

Kumandas couldn't understand why he was struck.

Surely, it wasn't for trying to help a first-year junior...

"Isn't it obvious? Casting a wide-area spell like a curtain of heat in this heavily cold environment could attract other monsters."


Kumandas accepted the explanation, considering the saying, 'The interpretation is better than the dream.'

Certainly, a clumsy area attack spell could be dangerous in this twisted realm.

It could provoke other hidden monsters.

"I'm sorry, Professor. I lack combat experience..."

Professor Boladi didn't respond, leaving Kumandas feeling awkward.

"Are you upset because of my mistake?"

"It's fine. Just make up for it in the future. Show me your abilities."

However, the opportunity for Kumandas to redeem himself didn't come as easily as he had hoped.

Cold Corpse Beetles.

-Burn, burn, burn, burn!-

-Junior, that's impressive, isn't it?-

-Thank you.-

-Then, this time, I should prepare projectile magic... perhaps Flame Arrows…-

-Hey, they're all caught already.-


-Burn, burn, burn, burn!-

-Junior... aren't you running out of mana?-

-I'm fine.-

-Maybe I should step in?-



-Don't disgracefully steal the junior's thunder. If you're going to help, do it from the start.-

-Indeed... But isn't that junior too fast?-

-Then use faster magic yourself.-


Kumandas hesitated, glancing at Yi-Han.

Truth be told, if one wasn't specializing in magic combat, the speed of casting magic wasn't that crucial.

What use would rapid spellcasting have in research or experimentation?

Obviously, Kumandas hadn't paid much attention to casting speed.

Until he was overwhelmed by a first-year junior today.

‘...I should practice when I get back…’

‘Are they okay?’

The fourth-year seniors were looking around cautiously, and Yi-Han couldn't help but notice.

‘Could it be…’

Do they want to hunt these monsters?

Yi-Han wondered, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed the only plausible reason.

Why would they want to hunt?

Yi-Han understood, given that Professor Boladi was metaphorically (and perhaps literally) pointing a staff at his back...

‘Anyway, I should yield.’


"I know."

"Excuse me?"

"The monsters aren't as challenging as expected."


Yi-Han was momentarily lost for words.

While his peers admired him for his stoic demeanor and prowess in annihilating monsters, Yi-Han was giving his all in every battle.

Monsters had their own strategies and unique abilities.

If the inexperienced Yi-Han got caught in a monster's strategy, he could be in serious trouble.

The safest option Yi-Han could choose was clear.

Preemptive strike.

An overwhelming first strike that gave no chance for the enemy to retaliate!

With the mindset of 'a moment's delay could mean death,' he had fiercely attacked, and now...

‘Stay calm.’

Yi-Han regained his composure.

"It seems that others also wish to hunt."

Not just the fourth-year seniors, but students from the White Tiger were also looking on eagerly.

As if they, too, coming from knightly families, were inspired by Yi-Han's hunting.

Professor Boladi offered a kind solution.

"Tell the riffraff to back off."

"...Wouldn't it be better to give them a chance?"

Yi-Han, not wanting to be the first-year who tells the seniors to 'get lost,' spoke as politely as he could.

Then, Professor Boladi sighed as if in regret.

"The principal was right."

"Excuse me?"

"Your leniency is a weakness."

"...I see."

Yi-Han, while not sure about other things, resolved that if he ever had to confront skull principal or Professor Boladi, he would definitely overcome his leniency.

Still, Professor Boladi didn't refuse Yi-Han's request.

As Yi-Han stepped back, the fourth-year students and those from the White Tiger began their hunt.

"Everyone, do not overexert yourselves!"

"Don't move before I cast my magic. Don't provoke them rashly!"

The hunt, without Yi-Han's magic, was flawless, a textbook example of precision.

The fourth-year seniors initiated the attack, significantly weakening the monsters with their powerful magic.

Then, the students of the White Tiger, their physical abilities greatly enhanced by Professor Boladi's reinforcement magic, charged in.

The wooden swords of the White Tiger students were not ordinary; they were enchanted by magic cast by Kumandas.

This magic caused heat to surge upon each collision with the wooden swords, inflicting additional damage on the monsters.

Their movements were in perfect harmony, like gears meshing together. Yi-Han couldn't help but admire this synergistic approach.

The seniors, rich in experience, leading from the front, and the enthusiastic juniors pushing from behind...

‘...This suddenly makes me sad.’

Yi-Han tried not to think too deeply.

Watching this picture-perfect hunt made him seriously question the value of his previous solo hunts!

"Professor, I want to learn how to fight as a group too."

"A good idea," Professor Boladi praised with an expressionless face.


"If you become proficient in fighting alone, you'll naturally be good at fighting in a group."

"...Ah, I see."

"Those who know how to fight in a group may not be able to fight alone, but those who can fight alone can also fight in a group."


Yi-Han had never particularly envied the students of the White Tiger, but seeing them hunt so harmoniously today stirred a sense of envy in him for the first time.

Why did it have to be like this...


Yi-Han's expression changed as he inwardly grumbled. Professor Boladi also noticed it and nodded.

The fourth-year students realized it next.

A significant distortion of mana was felt from deep within the corridor.

A monster far stronger than any they had encountered so far!

"Professor," Direth and the fourth-year students called out to Professor Boladi with serious expressions.

Such a monster was dangerous not just for first-years but also for them as fourth-year students.

The professor had to step in personally.

Professor Boladi nodded, understanding what needed to be done.


"Thank you."

Professor Boladi gripped his staff and swung it.


With a massive flow of mana, the fourth-year students and those from the White Tiger were pushed back.

Direth could feel it.

Several spells overlapped in an instant, creating a massive barrier that penetrated the front area.

No ordinary monster would be able to break through this magical barrier and reach the students.

'Indeed, the Professor is remarkable.'

Direth couldn't help but be in awe.

By their fourth year, students naturally developed a sense of pride at the magic academy, their shoulders heavy with confidence.

Even first-year students were treated as mages outside the academy, but by the fourth year, they often harbored the illusion, 'Aren't I a core talent in the Empire's magic world?'

However, that arrogance dissipated when they witnessed the true capabilities of the academy's professors.

Mages capable of leading Einrograd, an academy of the Empire's finest prodigies.

The professors...

"...Huh? What?? Professor?? Professor??"

Direth raised her voice in panic.

The junior specializing in dark magic was left outside the barrier.

"Why is that?"

"Um... the junior didn't make it in."

"I know."

"...What? No..."

Direth almost blurted out, 'If you know, bring him along, you crazy bastard, what are you saying?' but then she regained her composure.

The person she was speaking to was a professor.

Direth decided to persuade the seemingly insane professor later and called for Yi-Han.

"Junior! Run to the back!"

"Huh? Why?"

"...Because it's dangerous?"

"Thank you. I'll be careful."

"No, it's not about being careful...!"

Direth wondered if she was the strange one and looked at her friends.

Sure enough, her fellow fourth-year friends were also in shock.

What is going on here??

"Eyes, pierce through the darkness."

Yi-Han reapplied the enhancement spells and waited for the monster to arrive.

He had to try harder than ever, as this one seemed stronger than any he had faced before.

'Attack first.'

As the charging monster appeared at the end of the corridor, he planned to unleash all the magic he could.


At that moment, Yi-Han's expression hardened.

The enemy's mana, which had been emanating from the other side, suddenly increased tenfold.

For some reason, it was clear that the opponent had been concealing its mana.

This changed the calculations.

'Should I break the barrier and retreat? Can I break it? How strong did Professor Boladi make it?'

“Who dares to seek an audience with the King of Frost Giants?”


A resounding, majestic voice echoed.

The first-year students beyond the barrier also felt the overwhelming mana.

But more overwhelming than that was the adversary's presence.

His head bowed, as if to avoid hitting the high ceiling of the corridor. A giant greatsword held in one hand.

'Is this a relief?'

Yi-Han thought to himself.

A moderately strong opponent would have been more dangerous.

If it had been a ferocious monster that couldn't communicate, Yi-Han would have been helplessly beaten for misjudging its power.

He wouldn't die with Professor Boladi behind him...


However, stronger opponents were actually easier to communicate with.

Being intelligent and curious, they tended to ask questions.

Like this.


"King of the Frost Giants. A talented challenger has come. He challenges you."


Yi-Han turned his head to look at Professor Boladi. The fourth-year students also turned to look at Professor Boladi.

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