Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

"...Should I break a leg or something?"

"Isn't it better to break an arm than a leg?"

"Gainando. Is that something you say? I’m seriously worry about it."

"It's not just me, Maykin did it too?!"

Yi-Han managed to solve the cold problem and barely returned to the dormitory, but the students of the Blue Dragon couldn't purely rejoice.

Their friend was about to be dragged away by an evil lich as day broke.

"Well... still, having a one-on-one meeting with the principal might be a good opportunity."

A few students, still retaining their innocence, cautiously offered their opinions.

In fact, this was usually correct.

The principal of the Einroguard Magic Academy, Os Gonadaltes, was a great mage counted among the empire's most outstanding and exceptional mages.

If an outsider unfamiliar with the situation at the magic academy heard this, they might have exclaimed, "What? You got a chance to meet Great Mage Gonadaltes one-on-one? To receive even a bit of teaching from that great person, you're really lucky!"

But the freshmen were slowly realizing.

That receiving one-on-one instruction from a renowned and skilled great mage wasn't always a good thing!

And it was even more so if that great mage was the skull principal.

"Wardanaz is now being dragged away and there's a 90% chance of being tortured, and you call that a conversation? Are you even his friends?"

"I... I don't think anyone mentioned torture."

When Asan got angry on his behalf, the other students were intimidated.

Nebren of the Kirak family, one of the followers of the princess, whispered to her.

"Your Highness. Although the principal is eccentric and dangerous, this one-on-one meeting... might it not partly be to acknowledge Wardanaz's talent and pass on teachings?"

Fortunately, the princess nodded.

Nebren's face brightened.

"Right? It's not all bad..."

The princess shook her head firmly.

Considering everything, it was still quite bad.

"Is it bad?"

"It is. Kirak. If you keep this up, you go instead. Sacrifice yourself in place of Wardanaz."

"Oh... I'm sorry. Everyone. Wardanaz. I spoke arrogantly."

Yi-Han didn't retort, just waved his hand as if to say it was okay.

He honestly didn't have the energy to reply.

'I need to sleep a bit more.'

He was set to go out with the skull principal over the weekend, but he couldn't hear his friends' voices.

He was just steeling himself.

"Look. You hurt Wardanaz because of what you said!"

"It doesn't seem like Wardanaz would be hurt by that..."

Early Saturday morning.

Yi-Han walked cautiously toward the main gate. Fortunately, there were no traps.

“How commendable, you remain vigilant.”

"Thank you."

“Get in”

The skull principal pointed to a carriage waiting in front of the main gate.

Aside from having no horses, it was a luxuriously styled travel carriage.

Instead of asking a rustic question like 'Is it okay without horses?', Yi-Han opened the door of the carriage and entered.

Then he saw a scene of an old-fashioned reception room. The space inside was unbelievably spacious for a carriage.



The voice of an undead summon outside was heard, and the carriage started moving smoothly.

The massive main gate of the magic academy opened, bidding farewell to the carriage.

"May I ask where we are going?"

“I can answer that much. The destination is Ogonin's Tower.”


Yi-Han momentarily wondered who Ogonin was.

The skull principal noticed this and was astounded.

“Illusion Mage Ogonin. You met him during the festival, have you forgotten?”

"Ah... There's been so much going on."

Yi-Han offered that excuse, but in truth, even amidst his numerous tasks, he would not have forgotten a person who left a profound impression.

But Ogonin was...

Merely a 'pathetic mage who sneaked in, got caught by a freshman, and failed in his spellcasting.'

If Ogonin had heard this, he would have been so embarrassed that he might have secluded himself in his tower for a while!

“If you had forgotten about him despite being so busy, it meant you didn't consider him significant... Anyway, since Ogonin did something, I intend to pay him back in kind.”

'Such a shame.'

Yi-Han felt sympathy for Ogonin.

It was unfortunate for Ogonin, who didn't seem like such a great mage, to suffer such fierce revenge from the skull principal himself.

"I don't think this Ogonin deserves such personal revenge from the principal..."

Naturally, Yi-Han's persuasion had no effect whatsoever.

However, the skull principal seemed quite pleased.

“That's the attitude.”


Yi-Han was puzzled.

What attitude?

'I thought he would be angry for trying to stop him.'

“That's how it should be done from the beginning.”

The skull principal nodded in satisfaction.

The biggest weakness of this boy from the Wardanaz family was his softness.

But seeing him look down so arrogantly on a mage like Ogonin, it seemed this flaw might be corrected.

A truly joyful matter for an educator of the magic academy.

“After all, illusion mages are all twisted and narrow-minded.”

"Not necessarily."

“There's no need to defend Professor Ku. He's not even here.”

"Not just Professor Ku, but there are also mages like Baldoorn..."


The skull principal tilted his head.

He knew various illusion mages, including Professor Kirmin Ku, who taught illusion magic, but Baldoorn was a new name to him.

“Who's that? I've never heard that name before.”

"Is that so? I met him by chance when I was out last time. He possessed remarkable skills."

“Indeed. A reclusive mage, perhaps.”

Not all of the empire's exceptional mages were actively sociable.

Some secluded themselves in remote places, delving into the mysteries of magic.

Such mages were often unknown even to the skull principal.

“Pity. Such a skilled mage should be invited as a professor. But reclusive mages are notoriously tricky... Probably difficult, right?”

"Yes. From what I've heard, he didn't seem interested."

“Yes. That figures. Anyway, let's stop talking about a trivial person like Ogonin... Let's talk about your magic. You're learning well, right?”

"Yes. I'm doing my best."

Yi-Han looked up at the sky, not a trace of shame in his eyes.

Indeed, among the freshmen, none were as dedicated as Yi-Han.

“Besides classes, what else are you studying?”

"...Principal, it's tough enough just to keep up with the classes."

Yi-Han was incredulous.

The skull principal had too casually asked, 'What else are you studying besides the classes?'

Expecting a freshman to manage more when even keeping up with the current lectures was challenging...

“The promising ones study magic on their own, even if it's tough. It's always like that. So, you're not studying anything else besides the classes?”

"I am, but..."

The skull principal nodded as if he had expected this.

Yi-Han felt slightly aggrieved.

He ended up studying more, but it wasn't Yi-Han's intention to do so.

"It's just a coincidence."

“I didn't ask. Tell me what you're studying.”

The skull principal showed curiosity about which field Yi-Han was interested in.

Despite being considered weak in character and often complaining, the young Wardanaz in front of him was currently the most interesting talent the skull principal was keeping an eye on.

As a potential student who might one day inherit his visions, the principal's curiosity was inevitable.

"I am currently studying the book you gave me, Principal."

"Your greatest strength is your ability to discern the true nature of things, that very eye of yours."

Yi-Han flattered, and the skull principal was pleased.

And it was not a lie.

Whenever he was bored, the black book would enter Yi-Han's dreams and forcibly transfer magic to him!

"And I am also studying Blood Magic…"

"Blood Magic? Isn't that a bit outdated? Moreover, it's a trivial skill that you don't need."

"...and the magics that can be linked well with it."

Yi-Han's answer caught the principal's interest.

Blood Magic, a niche and rarely used technique nowadays, was tricky to use. However, the story was different for magics that could be combined with Blood Magic.

Blood Magic used blood as a catalyst to amplify mana.

The magics that could be combined with it had unique characteristics: they required a massive amount of mana but relatively less control.

Indeed, they would suit the young Wardanaz well.

"Very clever."

"Thank you."

"What book are you studying from? There aren't many good books on Blood Magic."

Yi-Han took out a book from his backpack. It was .

With a flick of his hand, the skull principal levitated the book and began flipping through it. As he read each page, he asked, "What else are you studying besides Blood Magic?"

'That seems sufficient already...'

Honestly, studying the principal's magic and Blood Magic was already more than enough.

The problem was that Yi-Han was actually studying something else as well.

As he took out the book, Yi-Han thought to himself, 'It's really unfair. It's not like I deliberately chose to study this.'

Upon seeing , the principal levitated this book too and read through it quickly.

“Surprisingly, you’re learning under someone like Professor Bagrak.”

'It’s really surprising.'

Yi-Han almost nodded unwittingly but restrained himself.

Even if everyone criticized his teacher, it was better for a student to remain silent.

"Not at all. There's always much to learn."

“Well, if you can endure that ordeal, naturally you'll learn a lot. Like how one gains much from surviving a dragon's lair.”


“Anyway, I never thought he would actually get a disciple. Who would attend such an unreasonable class?”

Yi-Han felt that continuing the conversation might lead to a loss of emotional control.

'I should change the subject.'

"But why suddenly mention Professor Bagrak?"

"This is a book written by Professor Bagrak, isn't it?"


Yi-Han was startled.

Both detailed spellbooks were written by Professor Bagrak?

It was surprising, but more so...

'Why can't someone so detailed in writing explain things clearly when speaking?'

Yi-Han struggled to keep his anger from showing on his face.

“You must not have known.”

"They are... written in too much detail..."

"People who aren't eloquent tend to ramble when they write. Where did you get these? Did Professor Bagrak give them to you?"

"He gave me the book on Lightning Magic, and I found the one on Blood Magic."

"This looks like it was written during his academy days. Lucky you found it."

"It wasn’t me, but my friends who found it."

"But now it's in your hands. That's fate."

'I really don't want to be fated with a Blood Magic spellbook.'

“Professor Bagrak's teachings seemed to suit you well, but do not rely solely on the instruction of one professor.”

"...I wouldn't say they suit me that well."

“But aren't two of the three books you're studying on your own written by Professor Bagrak?”

Yi-Han resolved to scour the library as soon as he returned to the academy and add a few more useful spellbooks to his collection.

While it was said that all mages pursued the same truth, the paths to reach it were diverse. It was difficult for a disciple to break free and forge their own way if they were too influenced by their master.


“Ideally, a disciple should be able to stab their master in the back and take all that the master possesses.”

"Yes... What?"

Yi-Han hesitated for a moment, fearing his true thoughts had been revealed.

However, the skull principal hadn't posed a trap question.

True to his ancient origins, the principal sincerely believed that a mage must have the audacity to 'stab the master in the back' to find their own path in magic.

Yi-Han stared intently at the principal's white and smooth skull. The principal spoke seriously.

“Not now. This is a matter for after you have learned everything.”

"You seem to have misunderstood. I haven't thought of anything like that."

"Fine then. It seems my concern was unnecessary."

The slightly worried principal was reassured.

He was convinced that the boy from the Wardanaz family would not lose his way, no matter whose teachings he followed.

For a mage, this was indeed an important quality.

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