Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Contrary to the students of the White Tiger's misconception, Yi Han had no intention of subduing the Rock Drake. Knowing the formidable resilience of the Rock Drake, he wouldn't dare engage in such a reckless endeavor.

'I'll lure it away.'

There was no need to confront it directly, nor was there any need to flee.

Lure it away.

The reason why mages were sought after as elite forces wherever they went was precisely because of this adaptable approach.

While other adventurers had to choose between fighting for their lives or fleeing in surrender, mages had the luxury of third and fourth options. And in this respect, Yi Han was especially advantaged.

Among mages, he was exceptional, having studied a wide array of disciplines.

'If I provoke it and then lead its gaze...'

Though Dolgyu was one matter, he couldn't just let the Rock Drake toward the White Tiger students, especially since they were on the path leading downwards.

Secure it at all costs!

"Wow, wow, Wardanaz. Promise me just one thing."


"That you won't subdue the Rock Drake."


Yi Han looked disdainfully at the trembling students from the White Tiger.

'I'm not going to subdue it...'

"Alright. I promise."


"Of course."


The students from the White Tiger stared intently at Yi Han's expression. His face, impassive as a sculpture, made it hard to believe his words.

"...Really, really..."

"If you ask one more time, I'll use you as bait first."


At Yi Han's words, that White Tiger student clammed up in shock. It was no joke.

'Did I bring these kids along for nothing...'

Yi Han was currently with only the White Tiger students, having left the others behind on a hill.

Many people weren't needed to lure the Rock Drake. More numbers would only complicate the invisibility magic.

He had brought the White Tiger students because they were agile and quick, making it easier to respond in case of trouble...

'If I go alone, even with Dolgyu there, they won't listen to me.'

In a contingency, he needed the other White Tiger students positioned on the hill to follow orders. Those who wouldn't listen to Yi Han might comply, albeit grudgingly, seeing their friends by his side.

Essentially, they were half-hostages!

Of course, those with Yi Han from the White Tiger didn't realize their situation.

They just stared tensely at the Rock Drake.

"But will the Rock Drake react to just a water bead? Ordinary magic won't work on it..."

"That's why I hit its weak spot."


'Why on earth would he do that!'

The students from the White Tiger inwardly cried. They thought he had merely provoked the beast, unaware that he had struck its weak point...

Thump, thump, thump, thump-

The Rock Drake began to move in the completely opposite direction from the hill, seemingly seeking the culprit who had dared strike its nose.

'Please, Sharakan.'


As Yi Han gave the signal, Sharakan, who had been waiting on the other side, burst forth.

The Rock Drake, startled by the appearance of a blue-green figure resembling a leopard, turned its head.


Sharakan didn't overextend. Instead of attacking a monster far larger and more resilient than itself, it provoked with a sharp sound and then swiftly turned away. The Rock Drake, angered, began to chase after Sharakan.

"Bones, seize the enemy."

Yi Han whispered the incantation in a low voice.

The distinctive negative mana of dark magic swirled around, and a bone restraint appeared around the Rock Drake's foreleg.


In truth, it was a meaningless effort.

Just as tying a rope around a giant's finger wouldn't bind the giant, summoning a bone restraint on the Rock Drake's foreleg could be shattered in a mere second.

Nevertheless, Yi Han relentlessly continued his spellcasting.

"Bones, seize the enemy. Bones, seize the enemy. Bones..."

If one wasn't enough, then two. If two failed, then three.

In an instant, more bone restraints proliferated and clung to the Rock Drake's foreleg.

Although it was still seemingly insignificant, it had certainly succeeded in aggravating the Rock Drake.

Having been hit by a water bead and now provoked by an undead monster, and bothered by the cumbersome bone restraints.

-■■■... ■■■…-

"Heat, distort the air."

As a figure resembling a mage flickered, the Rock Drake exploded into action.

The previously sluggish beast disappeared, now literally grinding the solid ground beneath it as it started a near-frenzied charge.


To the nearby students, it felt like an earthquake due to the terrifying charge.

"Did it... go? It's gone, right?"


The students of the White Tiger sighed in relief.

Thankfully, Wardanaz kept his promise, avoiding the reckless act of subduing the Rock Drake.

Truly a relief!

"Tell the others on the hill that we chased the Rock Drake. They'll be confused up there without knowing what's happening."

"That makes sense. I'll go right now."

"I'll inform the other students..."

Yi Han stopped mid-sentence.

From the direction where the students of the Blue Dragon were waiting, another Rock Drake had appeared.



Faced with this unexpected situation, the students were at a loss.

But Yi Han quickly sprang into action.

"Tell them I’ll divert this one and come back!"

"Wa... Wardanaz!"

Without realizing it, the students from the White Tiger Tower called out Yi Han's name.

No matter how recklessly daring and masterful in dark magic he was, they had to acknowledge Wardanaz's decisiveness in rushing to save his friends in such a crisis.

"...Be careful!"

"Stop saying unnecessary things and go up to inform them!"


The students averted their eyes when Yi Han seriously scolded them in anger.

There was no need to get so angry…

Although his friends were camouflaged on another hill, Yi Han couldn't be complacent. He hurried along with Sharakan, but the distance was too great.


"Heat, distort the air!"

Yi Han conjured an illusion around him, trying to catch the Rock Drake's attention.


A massive sphere of light emerged. Its intense brightness startled the distant Rock Drake.

'That's it. Got its attention...'


Sharakan made a distressed sound.

Before their eyes, the Rock Drake began to disappear into the ground.


Yi Han was also taken aback by this unfamiliar sight.

He had read in books that Rock Drakes face opponents they can defeat head-on, but retreat underground when feeling threatened, waiting for an opportunity...

So it was true!

'Did I use the light magic too strongly?'

From the Rock Drake's perspective, the sphere of light was excessively strong and dazzling, enough to feel threatened.

Sharakan suddenly started thumping the ground madly, grabbing Yi Han's sleeve with its mouth and tugging fiercely.

-Krurrrrung! Kreung!

Yi Han was not so obtuse as to miss that signal. He immediately tried to escape from his position.

However, the Rock Drake's movement was much faster than he had anticipated.


With a thunderous roar, the Rock Drake emerged from beneath the ground.

As the balance around them collapsed and debris and dust flew, Yi Han urgently recited a spell.


Iron beads solidly anchored in the air served as a lifeline. Yi Han grabbed onto the iron beads, exerting all his strength.

'If I lose balance, I'm dead!'

How long had he held on?

Suddenly, the ground beneath seemed to rise up solidly.


It wasn't the ground.

It was the massive back of the Rock Drake.


Yi Han was horrified to realize he had unwittingly climbed onto the back of the Rock Drake, which had burst from underground.

'...No. Perhaps it's for the best.'

Initially dizzy, Yi Han quickly gathered his wits.

Fortunately, the Rock Drake seemed unaware of someone on its back. Moreover, having destroyed the suspicious ball of light and appeased its mood, it began striding forward.

'I should jump off as soon as I reach a nearby hill.'

Yi Han resolved to look up slow-fall magic once he returned, realizing its necessity given today's events.


-■■ ■■■...


Yi Han couldn't find an opportunity to descend near a hill.

Ironically, the Rock Drake he had unwittingly mounted had encountered the Rock Drake that had previously charged him in anger.

Just as he thought the directions seemed similar...!

Thud, thud.

Thud, thud, thud.

The two Rock Drakes glared at each other, each refusing to yield.

Then, neither of them backed down.



The two Rock Drakes collided fiercely.

On the wildly shaking back of the Rock Drake, Yi Han thought to himself.

'...In the future, if Professor Ingurdel is looking for a good place for swordsmanship training, I should recommend the back of a Rock Drake.'

"Quickly! You guys! Why are you so slow!"

"Pant, pant... Those guys... why are they... so fit..."

The newly joined students from the Blue Dragon relentlessly urged the White Tiger Tower students.

Not a single student from the White Tiger refused to go rescue Wardanaz after hearing the situation.

-Ha. You Blue Dragon guys rest here.-

-You guys are too slow to help.-

That was the extent of their reaction.

Surprisingly, the Blue Dragon students were much more vigorous.

On reflection, it made sense.

While the White Tiger students had been conserving water and scouting the area, they had also recently engaged in various constructions to prevent the Rock Drake from emerging.

Naturally, the Blue Dragon students, who had moved more comfortably, were less exhausted.

"Moradi. Thank you. I thought you'd refuse."

At Dolgyu's words, Jijel shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe it's because we teamed up during the swordsmanship lectures and got along... Oh, no, sorry."

Jijel glared murderously, and Dolgyu promptly shut his mouth.

"Wardanaz risked his life to lure the Rock Drake. We can't just sit here while the others go to help. That's why we're going."

"That's right."

"So please, stop talking nonsense, Choi. Understand? Ever since we were outside the academy, why on earth..."


Dolgyu regretted his words.

'Why did I even say anything...'

Jijel, who had harshly insulted Dolgyu's character (calling him an idiot, a sucker, a simpleton, someone who could be pickpocketed by a street beggar, etc.), seemed to feel slightly better and changed the topic.

"There's one thing I don't understand."

"What's that?"

"Why did Wardanaz help us?"


Dolgyu chose not to mention that he had informed Yi Han about the location of the downward passage. He feared Jijel's wrath might intensify threefold or more.

"Well... Maybe Wardanaz, despite appearing cold, values friendship..."

"Didn't I tell you to stop talking nonsense? There must be some ulterior motive. He wouldn't help us without any reason."

People often judge everything by their own standards. Jijel was no exception.

If there's no ulterior motive, there's no reason to help!

Jijel furrowed her brows, lost in thought, trying to decipher Wardanaz's inscrutable and seemingly malevolent mind.

Of course, there was no such hidden agenda.

"Hey... look there!! Look there!!!"

"Stop making such a fuss. It's not like the water's poisoned. Why do you scream every time you see something..."

Jijel's curt response was abruptly cut off.

Dolgyu, too, stared ahead with an expression of shock.

There, in front of them, lay two Rock Drakes.


"I told you. I said Wardanaz has been wanting to subdue the Rock Drake!"

Amidst the ensuing silence, the words of one student from the White Tiger echoed particularly loud.

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