Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 227

Chapter 227

While listening, Yi-Han couldn't help but think, ‘Strange, I'm sure I was attacked this morning with a request to implement something like this,’ but he decided not to mention it. He had a feeling that speaking up wouldn't do any good.

"Many mages often mistake summoning magic as the easiest and most convenient, judging only by its results... If you're here under that misconception, I ask that you leave now," Professor Millei said sternly. Gainando, who was about to stand up to go to the bathroom, noticed and sat back down, embarrassed.

'Well, summoning magic does require a lot of groundwork.'

Yi-Han, oblivious to Gainando discomfort next to him, was deep in thought about what he had just heard.

To replicate the dancing sword magic of other academies, a mage would have to cast several spells in succession. However, summoners could simply summon the dancing sword. This made summoning magic seem easier and more convenient...

Of course, there were downsides to every advantage. There was no such thing as perfect magic. For instance, to summon a dancing sword in one go, one had to prepare various groundwork beforehand, like embedding spells in a dodecahedron-shaped bottle like what Professor Millei just did (hence summoning magic required such potion) or compressing spells into a magic circle.

'And then, making a contract with a sentient being is a challenge in itself.'

Yi-Han glanced at the bone fragment of Sharakan hanging from his belt. Had he not made an effort to befriend Sharakan, it might have bitten his throat while he slept.


Sharakan's bone fragment seemed to protest with a slight movement.

"Today, we'll practice making the reagents and magic circles necessary for summoning magic. It's tedious, but remember, summoning magic doesn't tolerate even the slightest mistake. The summoned items attacking the mage is not an uncommon mishap."

"Yi-Han. Yi-Han."

Gainando nudged him, and Yi-Han nodded, understanding.

"Don't worry, Gainando. I'll help you."


A novice was someone who came to the classroom and tried to understand the professor's teachings for the first time. A mediocre student was one who listened in class and tried to understand later. A skilled student had already studied the professor's teachings before coming. Yi-Han was one of these students.

Someone with no trust in the professor at all!

"Now, this quill summoning magic circle might be familiar to you, but there are tricky parts when you start from scratch, especially around this ◇ symbol..."

"But... that's not it..."

"Just bear with it a bit, even if it's hard. I'll explain it well."

"I need to go to the bathroom, you bastard!"

Nodding off, nodding off -

'Oh dear.'

Yi-Han lamented as he watched a student from the White Tiger dozing off nearby.

This clearly showed that his friends were just first-year students.

So openly dozing off like that.

If Yi-Han were to doze off (not that he ever would), he certainly wouldn't do it so carelessly.

'He's probably already been caught by Professor Millei.'

Looking around, he noticed that it wasn't just the students from the White Tiger who were dozing off, but students from all towers.

It made sense.

Continuously sitting and drawing magic circles with specially made magic ink and various powdered magic stones, engraving letters and symbols, would make even the most steel-willed mage drowsy.

There weren't many like Yi-Han who could repeat such a task for 24 hours and still dismiss it as 'nothing much'.

'Is it done?'

Yi-Han checked the completed magic circle. It wasn't just made of paper and ink, but included various materials like metal fragments and magic stone powder. The more complex the item to be summoned, the more intricate the magic circle had to be. Even Yi-Han had to redo it several times after making mistakes.

Summoning a magic quill that writes 'I am a student learning summoning magic' itself was this challenging. He worried about how much more complex it would get at higher levels.

'Now that I think about it, the professor can just have the students do it.'

Reflecting on the hidden labor behind the glamorous magic, Yi-Han felt a bit bitter. While the people of the empire associated magic with splendid miracles, in reality, the workings of the world were similar.

"Well done."

Professor Millei had approached unnoticed and was intently observing Yi-Han's work. Given the professor's reputation for being strict with praise, this commendation meant it was truly well done.

"Thank you. I was just lucky."

"...I apologize for the misunderstanding."


Yi-Han wondered what Professor Millei meant by that.

'A misunderstanding? What does she mean?'

Had the professor mistaken Yi-Han's level of summoning magic for that of Gainando, having seen them together earlier?

If that was the case, an apology seemed reasonable.

"No problem. It's alright."

"The other students will need more time. Feel free to do what you wish in the meantime."


Yi-Han hesitated. It was easy to misunderstand, but one shouldn't take such statements from professors lightly, as they could have different implications based on the professor's personality.

If Professor Garcia said, 'Yi-Han, use your spare time for whatever you like,' it really was fine. One could even lie down and nap by joining a few chairs in the classroom.

However, if the skull principal said, 'Use your spare time for whatever you like,' taking a nap would be akin to suicide. One might find themselves teleported to the punishment room the moment they closed their eyes.

'There's a simple way to find out.'

"Will you be checking the results, Professor?"

If the professor intended to check the results of the magic circle or potion making, it meant 'Don't play around, work hard and show me what you can do,' rather than truly being free to do as one pleases.

If not, one could rest easy.


The professor pondered over the question posed by the student from the Wardanaz family. Professor Millei usually didn't favor treating a single student specially. Equality and strictness were the professor's principles. Even if Yi-Han had exceptional talent in summoning magic, giving him special attention to check additional results was...

'But there was a mistake.'

Professor Millei reflected. The professor, who should uphold the rule of fairness among students, initially held a bias against the boy from the Wardanaz family.

Believing him to be an arrogant student drunk on his own talent, the professor couldn't help feeling remorse.

In that case...

"Very well. I will check it."

'Damn it.'

Yi-Han cursed inwardly.

Professor Millei was just like the skull principal after all.

What freedom indeed!


Yi-Han sighed internally and began to busy himself with the magic quill.

At his current level, to avoid Professor Millei's remark of 'Is that all you've got?'...

"Autonomous shield again, it seems."

Although Yi-Han had received a passing grade from Professor Boladi for all forms of elemental transformation, he had his preferences. Inevitably, a mage becomes more accustomed to forms they frequently use. In Yi-Han's case, the most familiar forms were spheres and shields, with the shield likely being more impressive.

'With current magic, autonomous movement is impossible, so I'll have to resort to some tricks for certain parts.'

While a self-moving shield was too much to hope for, a stationary shield that could block attacks was feasible with several elements. To avoid appearing weak, even an imperfect addition of movement would be...

'But what is he trying to do?'

Professor Millei, being a mage herself, couldn't help but be curious. Especially since Yi-Han was objectively one of the most talented students in his year. It was natural to wonder what such a student would do when given free time.

'It looks like a shield.'

Professor Millei felt a twinge of disappointment. Perhaps it was too much to expect. Yi-Han had demonstrated a confident mastery over water elemental forms, especially with his manipulation of water spheres. However, the order was wrong. Familiarity with water shield magic should come first, being able to visualize its magic structure and flow even with eyes closed, before attempting to create it with a magic circle. Starting with a magic circle was reckless, as the sphere and shield forms of water elemental magic were entirely different.

'But even failure can be a lesson.'

Professor Millei nodded faintly, sending silent encouragement. No mage was immune to failure; what mattered was how they handled it.

"You all have worked hard."

Yi-Han lifted his head. The other students were also finishing their magic circles, stretching their limbs.

'So close to being done. What a pity.'

"I assume everyone will feel quite regretful as today's lecture concludes."

The students hesitated, unsure if they should respond with an affirmative.


Gainando crisp response drew admiration from the other students. Professor Millei accepted it graciously.

"Of course."

"Too boring..."

Yi-Han playfully jabbed Gainando in the ribs from an unseen angle, promptly silencing him.

"However, today's lesson is a process that every mage pursuing the path of summoning magic will encounter thousands, if not tens of thousands of times. It's better to be prepared for it."

With those words, Professor Millei waved her staff. The classroom transformed, the students pushed to the sides, creating a large empty space in the center.

"For the remainder of today, we will learn about contracts."



The students' faces lit up with excitement. Not the complicated and headache-inducing summoning of inanimate objects, but the more iconic summoning magic – meeting entities from other realms, communicating, and forming contracts.

'If only it weren't so dangerous.'

Yi-Han, having reluctantly contracted with an unheard-of spirit like Ferkuntra, was acutely aware of the risks involved in such contracts. Why would contracting with a sentient being be dangerous? Because the other party could turn on the mage at any moment. This was especially true for first-year students, easily deceived by demons seasoned by centuries in the demon realm.

Naturally, Professor Millei was well aware of such risks.

"Never, under any circumstances, should you peer into or explore other realms when only students are present."

The magic circle that Professor Millei had cast in the center of the classroom served as a sort of safety mechanism. It allowed a glimpse into the spirit realm but restricted the power of spirits that could approach. Particularly powerful beings were completely barred from access.

'Professor is so meticulous about safety measures, but I wonder what nonsense the seniors were up to that led to the summoning of the King of the Frost Giants.'

Yi-Han mused critically about the absent seniors.



"You shall use this magic circle."

"May I ask why?"

Yi-Han was puzzled when Professor Millei summoned a different magic circle instead of the one for the spirit realm.

"I've heard that spirits tend to avoid you. I have opened one of the realms of the undead for you."

"...Thank you."

Yi-Han tried hard not to show his bitterness.

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