Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

Professor Boladi, known for his magnanimity, did not fault his pupil for resorting to clever tricks. A true educator always possesses such generosity, guiding students to the right path, even when they opt for shortcuts.

Yi-Han was utterly shocked to see Professor Boladi draw his sword and charge at him. ‘Is this not going too far?’ he thought, alarmed.

"Not bad at all," Professor Boladi remarked as Yi-Han lay sprawled on the classroom floor, too battered to respond. The aches throughout his body were a testament to the professor's relentless beating. A skilled swordsman excelled not only with the sword but also in punches and kicks. Professor Boladi had continued his fierce assault until Yi-Han succeeded in turning not only his cloak but also his other garments into iron.

Yi-Han shook his head to dispel the absurd thought that perhaps violence was, in fact, an effective teaching method. "But you are still too slow. Make it a habit to wear iron items regularly." For a transformation mage like Yi-Han, familiarizing oneself with the color, texture, weight, and even the scent of iron was crucial.

"I will keep that in mind, Professor."

"And do not forget to practice the ."

"Yes, Professor."

"And the advanced transformation of water elements."


Yi-Han, though, internally grumbled about the professor's uncharacteristic loquaciousness, which seemed to surface only when assigning tasks. While a foolish student would concoct excuses for uncompleted assignments on the due day, a clever one would start building them from day one.

"But Professor, I am currently attending many classes, which might delay my progress. As you advised, I am striving to integrate various schools of magic to respond effectively to all possible situations."

This wasn't something Yi-Han had chosen willingly, but it served as a perfect excuse. Even the most heartless professor would relent upon seeing his extensive class schedule.

Professor Boladi nodded in understanding, prompting Yi-Han to sigh in relief. ‘It worked,’ he thought.

"There is a way," the professor said suddenly.

"A way for what?" Yi-Han asked, a sense of dread washing over him. He hoped it wasn't something like 'do not sleep'.

"Professor Verduus mentioned planning a simple artifact as a pre-final assignment."


The professors at Einrogard often assigned weekly tasks as part of their hobby, but there were times when these assignments were given with more gravity. These tasks were more challenging and voluminous, serving as a grim reminder of the impending finals.

‘So it begins,’ Yi-Han mused, lost in thought. If Professor Beavle's pre-final task was to create a simple artifact...

‘Fireworks would be ideal,’ he thought. Having (forcibly) made magic fireworks during the last festival, he was confident in his ability to craft them again. Considering the level of illusion magic he had (forcibly) learned then, he was sure to pass.

"Submit the autonomous shield for this assignment."

"What?" Yi-Han was taken aback by Professor Boladi's unexpected directive.

The professor looked slightly perplexed, as if wondering why he had to explain something so obvious.

“Where are you struggling with the '' spell?”

“It’s the part where the shield autonomously protects the caster.”

The '' was a formidable spell, understandably so, being a 4th-circle magic. Even by 4th-circle standards, it was considered particularly challenging. First, there was the difficulty of maintaining the inherently unstable cold element. Second, sustaining this element in a shield form demanded a considerable expenditure of mana. And lastly, the greatest challenge: imparting autonomy to the shield. In fact, it was odd that Yi-Han had already overcome the first two barriers and only the third remained.

“Right. Creating an autonomous shield artifact could help break through this stagnation.”


“Tired, are you? To miss something so obvious.”

Of course, Yi-Han's "Ah" wasn't one of enlightenment but of incredulity. Was he now being encouraged to test his limits with an already challenging task?

‘Has it never occurred to him I might fail?’ he wondered internally. Regardless, Professor Boladi remained indifferent to his silent rebukes.



Yi-Han’s sense of foreboding deepened. Was there more?

“Professor Millei is considering a contract with beings from other realms for the pre-final assignment.”

“Ah, that’s true. I’ve already made a contract with an undead.”

The incident with the intruder over the weekend had been a bit chaotic, but considering the magic circles with various safety measures that Professor Millei had prepared, a contract as an assignment wasn't unexpected. Yi-Han felt relieved; at least one task was already completed.

‘I did well to contract with the Skeleton Warrior.’

“Good. Now find a water spirit from the spirit realm.”


Yi-Han, who had made a contract with an undead, and Professor Boladi, who had a deal with the skull principal, seemed unfazed by the other’s choices.

“It will aid in mastering the advanced transformation of water elements.”

“Professor, spirits tend to avoid me. Even if I propose a contract, they’ll likely refuse.”

“Then subdue them and seek their teachings without forming a contract.”


Even students who weren't overly perturbed by the news of an intruder were gripped with fear as the pre-final assignments began to roll out.

“So, do we really have to create a simple artifact?”

“Yes, isn’t it exciting?”

“But we already have so many assignments?”

“So? What can I do about that?”

“But Professor, with so many assignments already, if more are added…”

“You’ll still sleep and eat, right? You’ll take breaks? Just do it during those times. It’ll be fun.”


“Is this a joke?”

Dolgyu, standing nearby, whispered in shock.

Yi-Han shook his head with a wry expression. Moradi looked equally shocked, her mouth slightly agape. Even the normally resilient Moradi seemed deeply impacted by the daunting pre-final assignments.

“Hmm... Umm.”


Many students in the enchantment class were from the White Tiger, notorious for their dislike of long hours at a desk. Occasionally, some mages would boast in the Imperial Newspaper about using intuition and inspiration instead of theory, but this was often mere bravado.

Just as the top student of the year claiming they focused solely on classes and not on separate study doesn't make it true, so too is magic not so trivial that one could navigate it solely through intuition and inspiration without theory.

Yet, the students of the White Tiger still staunchly believed in intuition and inspiration.

“Ughhh... Ughhh...”

“Why... Why do we have to do this, Moradi? Why are they doing this to us? What did I do wrong?”

“I came here to learn physical enhancement magic, not to do menial blacksmithing tasks!”


Jijel pondered whether she should be angry with her friends as they writhed in agony. To an onlooker, it might seem they were being asked to enter the Blue Dragon and capture Wardanaz. Jijel had only asked for something quite simple:

"Since everyone needs to make a simple artifact, at least try drawing a basic design on paper."

At this, the White Tiger students twisted in discomfort, their foreheads pressed against the desks in torment.

Yi-Han watched this scene and felt grateful.

‘Thanks to these guys, my ranking is going up.’


“Oh. Sorry, Dolgyu. Where were we?”

“Hmm. I want to add a light-emitting spell to my shield. What do you think of this design?”

“It's mostly good, but there are a few inefficient parts here. And the circuitry along the edge here is tangled. There could be issues with the flow of mana or it might even break.”

“I see.”

Dolgyu looked at Yi-Han with admiration. Yi-Han was always a reliable friend, but as exams approached, his value seemed to multiply. In the storm of assignments, who wouldn’t want such a steadfast companion?

“So, if I adjust it here...”

Following Yi-Han's advice, Dolgyu diligently modified the design and then curiously asked, “But Yi-Han, what are you going to submit?”

"... An autonomous iron shield."

“An autonomous iron shield?! You mean one that autonomously protects the mage??”


“That's... incredible!!!”

Dolgyu was astounded, but then a thought struck him.


He noticed that the top student, his friend, looked as though he had a bitter taste in his mouth.

“Is there a problem, Yi-Han?”

“No... Nothing.”

Some students from the White Tiger overheard their conversation and looked shocked.

“Did you hear? What kind of artifact is Wardanaz making?”

“What’s he making? A bone dragon?”

“That doesn’t make sense, does it? He’s making an autonomous shield!”

“An autonomous shield?!”

‘Isn’t a bone dragon even more absurd?’

The White Tiger students might have lacked some mana, but they weren’t completely ignorant about magic. Even those from knightly families, or perhaps especially those, were familiar with certain types of magic, like enchantment or healing spells.

“They're talking about a self-defending one, right?”

A shield that autonomously protects its owner was a dream artifact for any knight.

Naturally, the White Tiger students knew how rare and valuable such an artifact was.

“Could... Could I get one if it's made?”


“Wardanaz, do you need anything?”

The White Tiger students eagerly approached Yi-Han, their desire evident.

A floating shield artifact was indeed a tempting prospect.

Yi-Han clicked his tongue and said, “You guys heard something weird... You misunderstood.”

“Oh. Is that so?”

The White Tiger students looked sheepish.

After all, upon reflection, it did seem a bit far-fetched.

Imparting autonomy to a shield was a spell of immense difficulty.

After all, wasn't Wardanaz just a first-year student? It seemed improbable for him to undertake such a task.

“Where did you even hear such a baseless rumor to spread around?”

“Exactly. You fool.”

“I really heard it, though...”

While the White Tiger students scolded their misinformed peer, Yi-Han kindly explained.

“Look here. What is an artifact?”


“...Wardanaz. Aren’t you underestimating us too much? An artifact is an item with enchantment magic on it...”

“Precisely, it's an item with semi-permanent enchantment.”

If the enchantment on an item faded after a few days, it couldn't be considered an artifact. An artifact, by definition, required the enchantment to be semi-permanently maintained. Hence, enchantment mages specializing in artifact creation devoted immense effort to ensure such semi-permanent sustenance. Naturally, this field itself was incredibly challenging, and certainly not something for freshmen to dabble in.

“Do you understand?”

“Uh, yeah. But why explain all of a sudden...?”

“What I’m attempting is to temporarily impart autonomy to the shield, not to make it semi-permanent. Understand? So, don’t spread strange rumors about me making an autonomous shield artifact.”



Listening to the explanation, the White Tiger students, who had been tilting their heads in confusion, paused abruptly.

...So, in any case, he is indeed making an autonomous shield??!

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