Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 297

Chapter 297

Yi-Han steeled himself. 'Am I doomed?'

Judging by the lack of response, the reaction he feared as a member of the Empire's crazy magic family...

"You come from a truly excellent family," Yoanen said.


Yi-Han was delighted by Yoanen's reaction.

"I'm just ashamed that I can't live up to my family's reputation."

"That can't be true. Even in the Wardanaz family, a talent like you must be rare."

Although they were having a warm conversation, Yi-Han couldn't read Yoanen's true thoughts.

This was what Yoanen was thinking:

'Even though he's from the Wardanaz family, he's so considerate.'

It was truly surprising.

She had thought there were only crazy people who knew nothing but magic...

"Then let's go meet Yonaire. Follow me."

As Yoanen left the workshop first and Yi-Han and Ratford were about to follow, Alchemist Kaljunin called Yi-Han for a moment.



"Thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to gain a great realization."

Alchemist Kaljunin spoke sincerely.

After making a potion he was confident in and showing it to the Maykin family, he realized anew what he truly wanted to do.

If it weren't for Yi-Han's advice about the basics, Kaljunin would never have realized it.

Of course, to Yi-Han and Ratford, Kaljunin was just a somewhat flustered person.

'What is this person saying?'

'I don't really understand either.'

What realization could he have gained from getting dragged to a strange place after lining up in the wrong line?


Nillia growled inwardly, a sound unbefitting a noble, as she received the maids' attendance.

The maids dressed Nillia layer by layer with skilled hands.

'I'm going crazy, seriously...'

When Nillia was first invited to Yonaire's mansion, she was thrilled and full of anticipation.

Her first friend's house to visit during her first break. Wasn't it also her first time entering a noble's mansion?

It was something she had dreamed of since her days with the in the northern mountains.

-What would be in a noble's mansion?-

-Hmm! I visited a mansion once before, and there was a huge monster head and hide. It was a truly stunning taxidermy.-

-...Not that... Something like in fairy tales... Aren't the nobles here like that?-

-What are you talking about? Nobles all love hunting.-

-That's right. Nillia, it can't be just the north, right? Nobles in other regions must also display their hunting trophies.-

-Not that! Paintings or sculptures! Music or snacks!-

-Didn't you see it when we visited the mansion last time? ...-

-Wasn't the hunting horn performance good?-

-Ah! Not that, really!!!-

-Why is Nillia acting like that?-

-It must be because you ate the eyeballs first. You should give them to the kids first.-

The people in the northern part of the Empire had no dreams, but Nillia was different.

Surely somewhere in the Empire, there would be nobles like those in fairy tales.

And that life was...


...more troublesome than she thought.

It was fun at first when she entered the mansion.

Watching all kinds of people coming and going busily, taking a walk around the mansion grounds with Yonaire, and fully enjoying a dinner filled with dishes she couldn't even name.

And from the next day, things started to get weird.

-We will attend to your bath.-

-What? No! I can do it alone!-

-Um, what did we do wrong…-

-...Okay... Just do it…-

Nillia's heart wasn't so cruel as to refuse the maids who looked shocked and asked, 'What did we do wrong?'

But that was just the beginning.

-We will sing to you until you fall asleep.-

-What terrible sound are you making that would chase away any approaching sleep!?-

-Um, what did we do wrong…-

-...Just do it…-

Sleep attendance.

-Are you awake? We will attend to your morning wash.-

-Cough cough. Cough cough cough. Cough gasp.-

Dressing attendance.

-We will dress you.-

-It's not like I'm going to war, why do I have to wear so many layers?-

-Ahahaha! You're so good at joking too!-

-As expected of a mage!-


Meal attendance.

-I will cut it for you.-

-Ah, no. I'll cut it myself. Besides, you weren't here like this last night-

-Miss Yonaire specifically requested…-

-Th-then can't you make today special too and not do this?-

-Um, did we do something wrong?…-


Nillia gave up and received meal attendance.

The moment she tried to grab the meat with her hands, the maids rushed over in shock; the moment she tried to get up from her seat to pour water into her glass, the maids rushed over in shock again; the moment even a little sauce splattered on her cheek, the maids rushed over in shock yet again...

It was hard to tell if this was a meal or maid training.

-When is Yonaire coming?-

-Miss Yonaire is still asleep. If you happen to cough…-

-Ah, no. Let her sleep.-

And at the end of the meal, dressing attendance again.

-We will change your clothes.-

-We did it in the morning!?-

-Pardon? Your lunch clothes... Um, what did we do wrong…-


And now.

Knock knock knock-

Nillia opened the door with a darkened face, staggering. Yonaire was standing there.

"Sorry. I overslept..."

Nillia burst into a pitiful cry and hugged Yonaire tightly. Yonaire was startled.


After hearing the explanation of what had happened, Yonaire felt very sorry.

"I should have told you."

"No! I... I enjoyed it in my own way!"



'I should just tell her.'

When Nillia avoided her gaze and said she enjoyed it, Yonaire made a resolution inwardly.

"What's the plan for today? I have things to do."


Nillia's ears perked up.

She absolutely did not want to be alone in this heavenly mansion.

"Can... can I join you?"

"Huh? You can, but... it'll be boring?"

"No! Anything will be fun if I do it with a friend!"

Nillia shouted desperately. Then Yonaire also nodded with a slightly happy face.

"If you say so."

In conclusion, it was indeed a really boring thing.

-I will announce today's topic. -


For a moment, Nillia thought the nobles were speaking a different language.

"What... what is this...?"

"It's something the family does from time to time."

Yonaire kindly explained.

The Maykin family, a high-ranking noble family active in commerce and patronage, pursued constant competition even internally.

A typical example was this kind of topic.

Anyone working within the family could write and submit a solution to this topic.

"There are rewards for good ideas."


Nillia looked around.

Everyone was solemnly holding quills and staring at the paper as if to bore holes in it, and it wasn't the atmosphere to say, 'Can't we just go hunting?'

Nillia suppressed a sigh inwardly and grabbed a quill pen.

Let's write something!

There are many idle hunters in the north, so send them to the southern coast... They can attack from a distance, so they'll be good at dealing with monsters... If monsters are hunted well, people will be happy and political instability will decrease... I'm sorry...


Nillia and Yonaire raised their heads at the same time.

Someone who looked like Yonaire's older sister was calling Yonaire.

"Your friends are here."


Nillia's face brightened.

"Your friends are here! Let's go see them!"

"Nillia, you didn't like doing this, did you..."

"Ah, no. That's not it..."

Yi-Han was a bit flustered when Nillia was so happy to see him after only a few days.

"Did something difficult happen at the Maykin family's mansion?"

"What?! No! How could you say that... If someone hears, they'll misunderstand!"

Nillia jumped up and denied it.

'Something did happen.'

"Yonaire's personality doesn't seem like she would have tormented you... Ah. Maybe you were uncomfortable because they were too attentive?"

"How did you know!?"

Nillia was really surprised. Yi-Han smiled wryly as if he understood.

Yi-Han himself had experienced it before.

"Just need to talk to them properly."

"Every time I say something, they start to tear up. How can I speak strongly..."

"You said you weren't uncomfortable."


"There's a way to say it indirectly. I'll teach you later."

"You'll stay for a long time, right? Stay long. Don't leave quickly."

Nillia whispered in a weak voice, grabbing the sleeves of Yi-Han and Ratford.

Yi-Han felt sorry for inviting Nillia.

"I have to visit other places... Then will you come together?"

Nillia nodded quickly.

Yonaire, who came out with a silver coin pouch, asked curiously.

"What were you talking about?"

"Let's go together when visiting other places."

"Ah. It was boring after all, right?"

"No?! It was fun!?"

Nillia denied it in a startled manner, waving both hands, but Yi-Han and Yonaire looked at Nillia as if they knew everything.

"What were you doing?"

"Presenting solutions to the topics that periodically come out from the family. Today's was "

"Indeed. In the end, the reason for the instability would be the decrease in fish catch."

"That's right. The guilds there overfished excessively, causing the mana of the sea to become rough and angering the spirits."

"It would be good for the guilds to negotiate and take a break, but it won't be easy. It would be best for the Empire to support mages to restore the mana of the sea to its original state and preferentially win over the pro-Empire guilds there to persuade them."

"I thought the same."


Nillia, who was listening to the conversation between Yi-Han and Yonaire, kept turning her head in confusion.

Is this really a conversation between students of the same age?

Yonaire, who was talking, noticed something strange and asked.

"Wait. Why did Sister Yoanen come?"

Typically, if he had come formally, the servants would have come and said, 'Your friends have arrived,' but?

"I lined up in the wrong line."


Yi-Han briefly explained what had happened.

"It's fortunate that she's a kind person."

"...Oh. Wait a moment."

Yonaire was unusually flustered. Yi-Han was puzzled by that reaction.


"Did you make a potion in front of my sister?"


"And she saw it?"


"Yi-Han. Do you remember Professor Beavle Verduus?"

"Of course I remember."

"My sister is like the kind version of Professor Beavle Verduus."

"...What nonsense are you saying, Yonaire."

Yi-Han felt a chill down his spine as he denied reality.

How could someone who looks so kind be like Professor Beavle Verduus?

And in the first place, a kind version of Professor Beavle Verduus couldn't exist.

Isn't it a complete contradiction?

Like a sociable Professor Boladi, a conscientious skull principal...

Yonaire spoke seriously.

"It would be best to leave the mansion quickly. Let's go."


"I don't joke about these things. Quickly. Nillia, get ready to leave too."

Yi-Han and his friends started hurriedly preparing to leave. Nillia wanted to change into comfortable clothes, but Yonaire stopped her.

"Sorry. There's no time for that. We have to leave quickly."


Knock knock knock-

"Are you done talking?"


Yonaire almost hiccupped at the sight of her sister poking her head out after opening the door.

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