Surviving the Scaly Slow Life

Chapter 13: A Spring in Her Step



Auntie Tia's been staying with us for about a month now. Today's the 27th of Third Spring, so the season's almost over. And because of that, Auntie has to go back home because she can't put off her work for much longer. 


"Make sure you cover up, okay? Too much sunlight will be bad for your skin. Remember to turn on a light whenever you're reading. Eat lots of veggies and not too much meat. Don't take too many naps and exercise regularly. Ah, but make sure not to exert yourself too much. Remember to ask help if you ever need it, okay? Don't try to do everything by yourself. If you work too hard, you'll end up hurting yourself, so make sure to also take lots of breaks and rest. And..and.." [Titania]

"She'll be just fine so hurry up and get out of here already!" [Corinna]


"There there, Auntie. It's not like you'll be completely alone, you know? I'll be tagging along for part of the ride, remember?" [Solestia]


Ah right, Big Sis is leaving on a trip to that other place. She said she'll be gone for the summer and won't be back until winter. 

This is the part where I say I'll be lonely, buuut I won't cuz I'm not going to be lonely. Seriously though, I can barely catch a break or get any alone time these days; there is no chance I will ever be lonely in this household!

I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, by the way. 


"*Sniff* Thank you, sweetie, but I already know that I don't have to worry about you. Your sister is just so young and small that I can't help worrying about her." [Titania]

"I know how you feel, Auntie, but everyone else will be around to take care of her. It's just like she said. She'll pretty much never be alone." [Solestia]

"Still though, it's just hard not to worry if I can't see her myself...AHA!!! I JUST NEED TO TAKE HER WITH ME INSTE-*HURRKH!!!*" [Titania]


"...Haaahhh..." [Corinna]


Woaahhh, Auntie can fly so fast without even using her wings!


<AHEM! This is your captain speaking, we depart in 5 minutes on the dot! We WILL leave with or without you!> [Naida]

"Welp, looks like it's time to go. I know Auntie said a bunch of stuff already, but we're just really worried about you, m'kay? All of us are. So be a good dragon and take care of yourself, okay? It won't be too long, just until you're all grown up. Can you do that for me?" [Solestia]

" promises!!" [Lucillia]

"Haah, I didn't expect any less from you, you little rascal. Come here and give me a hug." [Solestia]


Hm? Did someone say hugs? I think someone said hugs. I should go toward the hugs. 


"Mmmmwah!" [Solestia]

"Awawawawa." [Lucillia]


Lies! Lies, I tell you! The hugs were a lie! There's only kisses here!!!


"Hehe~, you're too cute, you know that? Alrighty then, I'll be heading out now. Take care everyone!" [Solestia]


Everyone else said goodbye before she left and all the whales flew away. For some reason, everything feels really quiet right now. I feel kinda empty too...


Eh? Why am I crying?


"Miss her already, huh? I suppose it's only natural considering Solis is the one of the first people you've ever grown attached to in both of your lives." [Corinna]

"*Sniff* W-what do I do?" [Lucillia]

"Nothing. You do nothing. Just let everything out." [Corinna]

"Waaahh..." [Lucillia]




Okay! I think I feel better now. I wasn't crying! Nope, nope. There was just...something in my eye! Mama got it out for me and gave me a book afterward. 

Then we had lunch, which probably helped a lot. Oh, and Mira's back from the mini vacation I gave her, not that she actually left the house. 

So now I'm here, just reading some books in my room. I want to be outside as usual, but it started raining after lunch, so I'm staying inside instead. 

Speaking of rain, I finally got to experience a normal storm when Auntie was still here. Back on my old world, the only rain we got was the kind that smelled funny, melted anything made of metal, and made this weird sizzling sound. It also looked like pee sometimes. 

But here, the rain is really nice. It's see-through, doesn't smell, and you can even drink it! Mama didn't let me do that too much, though, because apparently it's not completely clean. Something about picking up dust in the atmosphere on the way down. 

Still though, it was lots of fun! It's just that...I kinda ran out into the rain and fell asleep because it got too cold. But it's okay! Cuz Mama and Auntie gave me a really hot bath that was super nice and comfy. I totally didn't try to run outside again to have another bath...nope nope!

Anyways, most of my time was spent with Auntie during her visit. She fed me and taught me lots of things, mostly about plants and animals. Oh, and during those lessons, my big sisters would go out and bring the plants or animals to show them in person. 

There were so many of them! So many fluffies! Hmm, if I had to pick one, I think my favorites were the foxes. They smelled funny, peed everything, and laughed at me the whole time, but they were SOOO FLUFFY!! They were kinda mean, though, since they kept trying to steal my cookies. 

The wolfies were a lot nicer than the foxes, and they were still pretty fluffy. The only problem with them is that they were really big and hard to fluff since I couldn't cuddle them like the foxes. 

Oh, they also showed me a bunch of the scaley ones, like lizards, turtles, and bigger turtles. Those ones weren't fluffy, obviously, but they were really cute! Especially the turtles and the a-a...axololololo...


"It is 'axolotl', milady." [Mira]


Yeah that. Those little thingies were really cute. I swear one of them was smiling at me! 

Aside from that, there were just a bunch of birdies, bunnies, and other random animals. One of the birds kept honking at me and shooting fireballs everywhere, so I, uh, gave it a pat on the head with a rock.

What? Big Sis' and them gave me permission to do it, so I did! It was really tasty, you know! Apparently it was one of the dishes that Big Sis' served me during my first meal. Something about a flare goose. 


Ah great, now I'm hungry. AND I'm out of cookies. Juuust great.


"Mira!" [Lucillia]

"Yes, milady?" [Mira]

"Snack time!" [Lucillia]


Fufufu~, what a wonderful thing it is to have servants. You could ask for anything, and they'll do exactly what you tell them to!


"I am afraid there will be no snack time at this moment." [Mira]

"Eh?" [Lucillia]


W-wat? Did you just snackies? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! I demand to speak with your manager right this instant!

Oh wait, I'm her manager, aren't I? 

MIRA, YOU'RE FIRED...for two hours. After that, come back pls, I can't live without you.


"If you would look at the time, Your Highness, you would understand that dinnertime is in five minutes." [Mira]

"Oh...never mind."[Lucillia]


A-ahem! Carry on then. Let's go to dinner now, shall we? Where did my bookmark go...


"Right here milady." [Mira]


Alright! Time for food!





Mmm, delicious as always. I wonder how long it took Uncle Gruul to get that good at cooking? Ten years? Twenty? Or maybe he's a born prodigy and was always a good chef as a kid?

Whatever the answer is, who cares?! He makes tasty food and that's all that matters!


"Milady, I would like to advise against eating food simply because of the taste. There are many chances for someone to poison you or otherwise slightly inconvenience you with drugs that are tasteless." [Mira]

"Hmph. But it's more fun that way!" [Lucillia]

"Please do not play with your food, Your Highness. It will only make a mess of things in the long run." [Mira]

"Mira...what did you call me?" [Lucillia]

"Nothing, milady. I was simply advising you about your eating habits." [Mira]

"Hmm..." [Lucillia]


I'll let you off the hook, for now. 

Haah, in my great efforts to get Mira to talk casually with me, this has been the only progress: she calls me 'milady' now instead of 'Your Highness.'

It's not fair! She was able to do it just fine with the whales, but she can't do it for me!


"Milady, it would be very inappropriate if I did not show you the proper amount of respect given our respective positions." [Lucillia]


-is what she always says. 


Whatever. I'm too tired to think any longer. Come here, foxie foxie foxieee~


"Good night." [Lucillia]

"Have a restful sleep, milady." [Mira]





Fwaahhh~, good morning. 


"It is early afternoon, milady." [Mira]

"Same thing." [Lucillia]


I can't help it, alright? Food just tastes too good and makes me sleepy after eating. 

Anyways, it's the afternoon now, apparently. Actually, it's been like ten afternoons since last time. How can there be a last time if this is all in my head? Don't question it. 


"Today is the 6th of First Summer, so it has been eleven afternoons since this 'last time' you speak of." [Mira]

"Close enough. Enough talking, more headpats!" [Lucillia]


Yes, that's right, we're out in the garden as usual, and my head is resting on Mira's lap. In other words, she's giving me a lap pillow!

Hehehe~, it's so comfy~

They're a lot squishier than I thought. Mira's always covering up her legs, so you'd never expect them to feel so nice. I bet they look real nice too...


"Haah, milady?" [Mira]

"Hai." [Lucillia]

"I believe we have been over this many times now: you are too young for those kinds of thoughts and should also reserve them only for your partner. Once again, I...I apologize for being unable to return your dearest feelings, but I am not qualified to be your partner." [Mira]

"Mmm...more headpats..." [Lucillia]

"Of course, milady." [Mira]


Haah, I probably shouldn't be too surprised about this. I did only confess to her like a week ago...



Some time ago


It was an ordinary night that the young dragon spent in her room. She had eaten dinner a few hours ago and was now contemplating.

In fact, she had spent those last few hours contemplating. The room was left in silence as a result, with a quiet dragon on the bed and an equally quiet maid at her side.

The silence ensued for another few minutes before the dragon broke out of her thoughts as well as the silence.


"Mira?" [Lucillia]

"Yes, Your Highness?" [Mira]

"....." [Lucillia]

"Your Highness? Is something the matter?" [Mira]

"....." [Lucillia]


No words were spoken, for they were lost to the void as soon as the dragon opened her mouth. 

For hours, days, perhaps even weeks, she has struggled, her head filled to the brim. With what, you ask? Mira.

Ever since she first witnessed her maid acting and speaking casually with the whales, the dragon felt almost a sense of jealousy.

Why has the maid never treated her like that? How come the whales get to experience that side of her which the dragon had never seen before? Such questions dominated the dragon's head.

From there, she began fantasizing and creating simulations in her head. What would she do if the maid behaved like that toward her? Perhaps she would do this? Or that? Or maybe even that? She pondered such thoughts for what felt like eternity. 

Eventually, she almost wanted to take back her maid for herself, to end the mini vacation that was given. After all, she was the one whom the maid served. Therefore, she should be the only one who can see that side of the maid, to be the only one who gets to even interact with her that way. 

But above all, the dragon did not want to feel any of those things. She may be young and immature still, but she was mature enough to understand that many of her feelings were horribly unfair and most likely one-sided. 

No matter what she tried, though, none of those feelings would go away. Reading books did not help. Eating food did not help. Nothing did. 

Every time she tried to talk to someone about it, all the words would disappear into nothingness just as they did when she finally attempted to confess. Somehow someway, not even the effects of her honest-tea could do anything. 


"Your Highness, if there is anything wrong, please tell me so that I may help you." [Mira]


As she said that, the maid kneeled down and brought her face before the dragon's. This, however, only worsened the dragon's condition as her heart rate spiked. She could no longer bear to even meet the eyes of her maid. Her breathing also intensified as if she was fighting for her life that very moment.

Noticing that, the maid stepped back and gave her charge some space. She was about to leave the room to find help, but the dragon stopped her.

Since her voice would not work, the dragon went to her back-up plan: the tried-and-true method of writing words rather than saying them. 

The dragon quickly scribbled on a scrap of paper and pushed her maid out the door. 

She then closed the door and covered herself in blankets without even bothering to grab her fox plushie. Sleep would not grace her that night.




The next morning, the barely sleeping dragon was interrupted by a knock on the door, with the voice behind it belonging to her beloved maid. 


"Your High-no, Lucillia, may I come in?" [Mira]


The maid spoke as gently as she could, but the dragon paid no attention to that, for her heart had leapt several meters into the air upon hearing her beloved maid call her by name for the first time. 

The dragon took a moment to collect herself as best she could and responded. 


"Mmm..." [Lucillia]


All that came out was a weak grunt, barely even recognizable as a voice. The maid was able to hear it, however, and entered. She was met with a cocoon of a dragon that had knocked over almost everything else on the bed. 

Hanging at the edge of the cliff were the young one's fox and mega shrimp plushies. The maid grabbed them and gently nudged the dragon to come out from her nest. 

She refused to do so, however, so the maid had to speak with her as is. 


"Y-Lucillia, dear, I...I do not know a better way to say this, so please forgive me. I am very grateful and honored that you see me that way. very sorry, but I cannot return your feelings in the same manner. I truly do love you, but I could never view you as a partner. I am not qualified for such a position, not anywhere close. You are like a daughter to me, a very, very, VERY precious, most dear child of mine. That is why I could never see you in the same light as you do for me. Please forgive me, Your Highness." [Mira]


The maid finished giving her answer, and silence ensued once more. There was only one thing the dragon felt: freedom. Her mind was no longer crowded, her thoughts no longer clouded, she could finally rest. And now, she could finally speak, so she crawled out of her blanket cocoon.


" me?" [Lucillia]

"Never. Never ever will I leave your side. No matter what happens." [Mira]

"Mmm...that's" [Lucillia]


The maid offered the dragon her plushies for comfort, but the dragon instead went for a hug. That was all it took to shake off all remaining clouds in her head. 

They stayed like that a little longer, with the maid giving headpats and stroking the child's hair as if she were the maid's own daughter. True to her word, the maid was, and true to her word she will always be.

Eventually, the dragon got hungry, and the two proceeded with their lives as normal.



So yeah, that whole thing sucked, but on the bright side, we're a lot closer now. She even started doing more intimate things with me like lap pillows, feeding me, bathing me, all kinds of mom and daughter stuff. 

Apparently, we fit the bill so much that even Mama noticed the change and commented about it. Mira, of course, immediately apologized and claimed to not be trying to steal her daughter away from her, but Mama just laughed it off. 

She said that she won't always be there for me (it totally didn't hurt when she said that, nope nope!) and asked Mira to take her place whenever that happened. 

Obviously, Mira agreed to that, so now I really do have two Mamas! Okay fine, three Mamas. Hopefully that'll make Auntie happy.




Alrighty, the little dragon finally confessed to the fishy maid! In case you were wondering, pretty much everyone in the household had already guessed that, including the maid herself. Mira normally brushed it off as childhood innocence or whatever, but once confronted with a straight up confession, she had to make her own feelings clear. Also, I tried to make that whole thing as close to my own experience as possible, but that was like 2-3 years ago, and this fishy author is currently borderline aromantic. Think of that what you will. But that's enough of that and now we go onto the more important topic.

In case you haven't noticed, we finally have a cover! It's not much and quite lacking in detail, but it's there! This fishy author of yours spent a whole 3 hours one night drawing it, so feel free to give your feedback on it. Before that, I would like to remind that I am an engineer (kinda), not an artist.

Anywho, as always, thanks for reading, stay safe, and take care everyone. Oh, and if you were wondering how springy Lia's steps became, the spring constant is somewhere around 1000 N/m.

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