Surviving the Scaly Slow Life

Chapter 23: Bird(s)



Mmmm~, this is the life~. 

I mean, what else do you need? I've got a fluffy bed, comfy hugs from the world's hottest birdie, and she's even giving me free headpats! Hmm, but I do have one complaint, and it's that they don't feel as good as when Mama does it.  I don't know why. It just feels like there's something missing when anyone else but Mama does it. 

Meh, whatever. What matters right now is that she's really comfy and I like her-I mean, I like this a lot. Mhm, yup, yup, please continue. 

Actually, why not just keep this going forever? That's a good idea. Let's keep this going forever!


"AHH! I forgot about my chores!" [Aurelya]

"Corpse?" [Lucillia]

"Chores! U-Uhm, Lucillia, right? I'm sorry, but Mom wanted me to check in with the chickens before the chicks do the chicken dance before they're even chickens and then the chickens start chicken dancing and it all becomes a big chicken party in the chicken coop!" [Aurelya]

"Chikin?" [Lucillia]

"I'm really sorry, but I have to go and stop them before it's too late." [Aurelya]

"Can I come?" [Lucillia]


I don't know about you, but I'm feeling kinda hungry after all that hugging, and from what I'm hearing, we have a chicken problem on our hands. Soo, clearly the best solution is to just eat them, right? Mhm, mhm, I think I'm a genius!


"Uhh, okay, but you have to promise not to eat any of them." [Aurelya]

"Ughhh..." [Lucillia]

"Promise!" [Aurelya]

"Finnnee." [Lucillia]


Bleh, it's always 'don't eat this, don't eat that, eat this instead' but what if I just wanna eat it all?! Some people are all like 'I just want to watch the world burn', but me? I wanna know what the world tastes like. 

If Mama gets to eat a world to death, then I can too!


"Alright then. Uh, you might get lost if you go out on your own, so, uh, if you want, you can follow me." [Aurelya]

"Hmm, 'kay." [Lucillia]


*le touch~*


"EH?! Y-you want to hold h-hands? *g-gulp*" [Aurelya]

"Hm? Something wrong?" [Lucillia]


Mama and them are always holding my hand whenever they want me to follow them. Or they just carry me, but I don't think that would work that well with Ms. Birdie. 

I don't really get what's wrong with holding her hand like this...meh. I guess I'm just missing something. Oh well, her hand feels nice and that's all I care about. 


"J-Just follow me and don't let go." [Aurelya]

"Kay." [Lucillia]






Wowie, this place is a lot bigger than our house. The rooms are a lot bigger, the ceilings are a lot higher, and there's a bunch more people doing stuff here. Back home is just like twelve people including me, Mama, and Big Sis'. Speaking of which, I never actually talked to the rest of them.

There's four of them, and they look like maids. I don't really see them that much, but when I do, it's usually with one of the Big Sis'. Like Big Sis or Bigger Sis or the Beeg Sis'. Oh, and it's always the same maid with the same sister. I guess they're kinda like me and Mira. So does that mean those maids are super old? 

Actually, don't answer that. And don't tell anyone I said that in my head. 

So anyways, this place is realllly big, and we're still walking around inside. I don't even know how long we've been walking anymore. All these walls just look the same.

But that's not even the worst part! The worst part is that everyone we've passed by has the saaaame exact smile on their face whenever they see us, and I don't get it! They all look exactly like Big Sis' from that one time, and I don't like it! 

Nope, nuh-uh, not one bit! There's something, uh, nefarious behind those smiles, I tell you! Nefarious deeds are upon us!!


"We're here. Uhm, they're just outside this door, but before I open it, I need to warn you." [Aurelya]

"?" [Lucillia]

"It's probably gonna smell really bad and be really loud. Oh, and please don't eat anything that jumps at you. Some of the babies get really excited and like to peck everything. Just, uh, be careful, okay?" [Aurelya]

"Kay." [Lucillia]


Grr. That does it! It's happened not once, but twice now! Why does everyone keep assuming I'm gonna eat whatever flies at me?! I'll eat whatever runs at me too, you know!


*insert door opening sound here*


""*just look up 'chicken dance' on youtube*"" [Chikins]


""*just keep dancing~,  just keep dancing~*"" [Chikins]

"Pi! Pi, pipi pi, pi!" [Tiny Chikin]

"Look out!" [Aurelya]


Eh? What'd you say? There's a tiny yellow fluffball flying at me? Hmm, what shall I do about this?

Shall I indulge in this thingie's activities and play with it? Or shall I ignore it and go on with my day? Or perhaps, I could simply consume it and assert dominance immediately?

No, I shall not do that. I am going to prove once and for all that I am fully capable of holding back when I've made promises to people. Mhm, mhm, yes yes, let us begin now.


"Pi!" [Tiny Chikin]

"..." [Lucillia]


Stay calm, it's only a tiny birdie. A tiny birdie that's starting to look real nice and tasty. Just gotta ignore it and it'll go away. 


"Pi?...Ptooey!" [Tiny Chikin]


Excuse me? What did this sack of flesh jus-


"Ptooey! Ptooey, tooey! Pi!" [Tiny Chikin]

"..." [Lucillia]

"..." [Tiny Chikin]

"..." [Lucillia]

"Ptooey!" [Tiny Chikin]






"Waah?! U-Uhhdebudebudebubuh?! Wadebudebuda?!" [Aurelya]

"Hmph." [Lucillia]


Heh, serves him right.

Agh, wait, he's still kicking, er pecking.  


"BAWK!" <Philippe!> [Big Chikin]

"Eh?" [Lucillia]


They can talk now?! That's, uh...actually, I don't care. As long as they're still tasty, anything else doesn't matter. 


"Bawk,  bawk bawk bawk, bawk bawk." <Haah. Pardon, mademoiselle. Mon fils...he has quite a big beak on him as you can see.> [Big Chikin]1If you are wondering why the chickens are suddenly French, it is because Professeur Google says that the national animal of France is the rooster.


Hmm, this talking chikin is kinda big. She's almost as big as me! As far as how she looks, well, she's a giant chikin, but some of her feathers look kinda rocky, almost as if they were rocks. 


*le touch part deux~*


Never mind, they are rocks. Noted.


"Cluck?" <Oh? What is it? Is something wrong with mes plumes?> [Big Chikin]

"..." [Lucillia]

"Ahh! Spit him out right now!" [Aurelya]

"Pleh!" [Lucillia]

"*Shake shake shake* Pi! Pi pi, pi!" [Tiny Chikin Philippe]

"U-uhh, I'm sorry about that, Béatrice. I tried to warn her, but I guess it wasn't good enough." [Aurelya]

"Cluck cluck." <Non non, c'etait pas ta faute, mademoiselle.> [Big Chikin Béatrice]

"Pi!" [Philippe]

"Disappointed Cluck" <It was this...troublemaker of mine. He never wants to learn his lessons, malheureusement.> [Béatrice]

"Does he always spit on people?" [Lucillia]

"Cluck." <Quelquefois. Speaking of which, bring your tête closer to me so I can clean you up.> [Béatrice]

"Tent?" [Lucillia]

"She means your head." [Aurelya]

"Oh." [Lucillia]

"Cluck." <Just a bit closer.> [Béatrice]


*The power of Clucks compel you!*


Wahh, all that spit just turned into a bunch of rocks. And now my skin is silky smooth~. Well, it already was, but still!


"Tired Cluck." <Well then, I will take care of the rest of these problem children. The two of you may go on with your day.> [Béatrice]

"Oh, uh, thanks Béatrice." [Aurelya]

"Bye." [Lucillia]

"Cluck." <Au revoir, mesdemoiselles. Et bonne journée.> [Béatrice]


Well that was pretty fun. Maybe. Not really. I wanna do something else now. Hmm, I'm kinda feeling tired after all that, and I haven't even had my nap yet. 

Aha! That's it! For my next trick, I will take a nap! Now I just have to find a good spot for that. 


"Oiiii~." [Lucillia]

"What is it?" [Aurelya]

"Can we go outside?" [Lucillia]

"Outside? Do you mean the city or the garden?" [Aurelya]

"The second one." [Lucillia]

"Hmm, I'd like to take you there, but I still have more chores to do." [Aurelya]

"That will be unnecessary, my lady." [Spooky Ghost~]

"WAHH?!" [Aurelya]


Ah, spooky! This goat lady just came out of nowhere. 


"Gertrude! Why do you always sneak up on me like that?!" [Aurelya]

"Because I can. Anyways, prior to her departure, your mother informed me that the remainder of your duties today are to be suspended. Your new task is to continue showing our esteemed guest around." [Gertrude]

"Eh? But, but-" [Aurelya]

"Worry not, Anyxia will take care of them in your stead." [Gertrude]

"...Are you sure it'll be fine." [Aurelya]

"She will get them done...eventually." [Gertrude]

"I see. Well then, bring some snacks over to the garden. We'll be heading there next." [Aurelya]

"As you wish." [Gertrude]


Hmm, the goat lady has some big horns. And since they're coming out of the sides of her head, they go pretty wide. If the doors here weren't so big, I don't think she could even fit through them. She definitely wouldn't fit through the ones at home. They'd probably just break.


"-eyyyyyy!" [Aurelya]


Oh? Who's yelling at me? Is it my conscience? We haven't talked in a while. 


"HEYYYY!" [Aurelya]

"Heyyy~." [Lucillia]

"Why are you just standing there? I thought you wanted to go to the garden." [Aurelya]

"I did." [Lucillia]

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and follow me!" [Aurelya]

"Wahh?!" [Lucillia]


Well lookie here, who's grabbing the other one's hand now, huh? She's the one doing it now, but she was trying to judge me for it earlier. Hmph.




Ahh~ finally, some fresh air. I haven't gotten any since, uh, whenever lunch happened. So like, an hour ago-ish? Meh, that's one hour too long!

You see, I'm an outdoor kinda dragon. And outdoor dragons don't do well when they aren't outdoors long enough. 

Huh? What's that? How can I be an outdoor dragon if I all I do is avoid people and read books? Well, I avoid people and read books while being outdoors! Duh! It's not like we introverts hate being outdoors. We just hate people. 

And what's that about Mama and them being people? I've said thought it once and I'll say think it again! Mama and them aren't people. They're family! Anything for family!


"Ah, we're here!" [Aurelya]


How can this be?! The goat lady got here before us even though we had a head start! This must be foul sorcery! Black magic!


"Do you like it? This one's my favorite spot." [Aurelya]

"Mmm! I like the gazelle!" [Lucillia]

"You mean gazebo?" [Aurelya]

"Yeah that." [Lucillia]

"Haah, how are you always saying the wrong words?" [Aurelya]

"Uhh, I'm six months old?" [Lucillia]

"Still! I was better when I was that age! Does your mom not tutor you?" [Aurelya]

"Sometimes." [Lucillia]

"Hmm, I guess she does look like she's pretty busy. Okay then, I'll tutor you instead!" [Aurelya]

"..." [Lucillia]

"Eh? Uhh, do you not like that?" [Aurelya]

"I don't wanna study!" [Lucillia]

"You have to study! Or else you'll become a couch dragon!" [Aurelya]

"What if I wanna be a couch dragon?!" [Lucillia]

"You can't! If you become one, then you'll just sit around for thousands of years doing nothing until you get bored of doing nothing and then you wanna do something but you can't because you were a couch dragon the whole time!" [Aurelya]

"Who cares?! I'll just become a couch dragon and then you'll be there to help me do stuff that I wanna do after I'm done doing nothing and because you're there, we can actually do something instead of nothing!" [Lucillia]

"Eh? Y-You want me? You want me to be there for your even after thousands of years?" [Aurelya]

"Yeah! I want you!" [Lucillia]


Who else is gonna give me hugs and keep me warm for that long? Mama would do it, but Mama should be saved for special occasions, otherwise I won't like it as much. 

Mira could probably do it, but she's too cool. Like, literally, she's not warm enough to keep me going for that long. Also she'd probably take away my books after a while and make me do other stuff like eat food. 

So yeah! Even though I just met her, I know I'll never get tired of Miss Birdie! She's perfect for this!


"*S-sob* I'm so happy! I'll stay with you forever!" [Aurelya]


Wagh, too tight. Too tight! I'm gonna...blehhh...


"I have no idea what I just witnessed, but it was very adorable...I think." [Gertrude]


One long strangulation hug later


"Cookie?" [Aurelya]

"*NOM* Tasty!" [Lucillia]

"Hehe~. Right? I wish Greta made these more often, but she never does." [Aurelya]

"Who dat?" [Lucillia]

"Oh, she's Gertrude's sister. She's the one that makes all of our food." [Aurelya]

"Cool." [Lucillia]

"I keep trying to get her to teach me, but she keeps saying I'm too young. But anyways, do you want to walk around the garden? We can bring the cookies with us." [Aurelya]

"Kay." [Lucillia]




Hm, is this is a garden or is it a forest because there are way too many trees around here. Oh, but they aren't like the trees at home where they're just trees doing tree things. These ones all have a bunch of fruit on them that look pretty tasty. 


"Do you want one? Here, this one's a peach. They're really sweet and tasty!" [Aurelya]

"*Nom*" [Lucillia]

"Oh, but don't eat the seed. They aren't that good." [Aurelya]

"Pweh!" [Lucillia]

"Let's see...let's go to the pond next. We can go see if Miss Koito is awake for once." [Aurelya]

"Feesh?" [Lucillia]

"Yeah, how'd you know? She's a Koi that was originally from the Isles, but for some reason she moved here. She's really nice and if she likes you enough, she'll even come out of the water to hug you!" [Aurelya]


Hm, I haven't met a feesh since that time we were at the beach. I wonder if she likes cookies. Oh, maybe she'd like Mira. I wanna bring her along next time. 


"Oh, we're here. Oiiiii! Miss Koitooooo! Are you still aliveeee?!" [Aurelya]


"I guess she's asleep. Darn." [Aurelya]

"Maybe she'll wake up if we give her some cookies. Everyone likes cookies." [Lucillia]

"Sure, why not? We have a bunch anyways, and I don't think we can-" [Aurelya]

"*Omma nomma nom~*" [Lucillia]

"Okay, I don't think I can finish them. Maybe you can, but not me. Let's just give her some in case. Do you see that little shrine thingie over there?" [Aurelya]

"Mhm." [Lucillia]

"You can leave them in the big bowl on top." [Aurelya]

"Kay." [Lucillia]


Is it this thingie with the rocky fishies floating around it? There is a big bowl on it, so I'm guessing I'm right. 

Just...need to...REACHH!

Haah, haah, I thought she said this thingie was small! Then why is it so tall?! Is she calling me small?!



Sniff, I'll show her who's small! I'll show her!! I just need to grow some more a-and drink more milk...


"Hmm, to be honest, there isn't much else to do here. The rest of the garden is just a bunch of food basically. Do you want to just head back to the gazebo." [Aurelya]

"Hmm...'kay." [Lucillia]


Back to the gazelle!




"Ahem, uh, so what do you think about the garden?" [Aurelya]

"I like Big Sis' better!" [Lucillia]

"Ahaha, yeah I'm sure their garden is a hundred times better than ours. You have two of the world's best gardeners as your sisters after all. It's not like ours where half the stuff is just Mom's presents from Aunties' and the other half is stuff she wanted to eat at some point." [Aurelya]

"Fwahhh~/" [Lucillia]

"Are you even listening?!" [Aurelya]

"Sleepyyy~." [Lucillia]


I can't hold it any longer. Not after eating all those cookies. I need-


I need a nap right now. Good thing I found this nice and comfy looking bench over here. It's not exactly in the sunlight, but it's still close enough that it's nice and warm.

Alright, just need the final preparations. 


"Come here~." [Lucillia]

"Where's 'here'? You mean this bench." [Aurelya]

"Sit~." [Lucillia]

"I'm sitting." [Aurelya]

"Now stay still~." [Lucillia]

"Okay?" [Aurelya]

"..." [Lucillia]

"Ehh?! What are you-" [Aurelya]

"Zzzzz..." [Lucillia]

"That's not fair, fwahh~, because now I...feel like...zzzzz..." [Aurelya]





Du du du~, da da da~, dum dele dum dum dum~.

Don't mind me, just hanging out by a tree~.

I wonder if now's a good time to check on them. Those two got along a lot better than I expected. Ah, but then again, it did seem like they liked each other a lot, so maybe that's why.

Fufufu~, if that's the case, than the Matchmaking Sister strikes again~. First it was Luna and her fluffy girlfriend-now-fiancée. Then it was Caela and her lovey-dovey boyfriend. Silvie's...married to her work, unfortunately. Or not. Depends on the person.

But anyways, the other two couples became a thing thanks to a certain someone setting them up~. And look at them now: they got together when they were kids, and they're still together as adults. 

The Solis Matchmaking Service has a 100% success rate or your money back, guarantee~. Just kidding. We don't even have money around these parts. 

Ahh, I'm getting off topic. 

The point is that Lia and her new feathery partner looked perfect for each other from what I saw, and now is the time to check if I'm right, which I know I am. 

Let's see, if I remember correctly, they were hanging out in the garden. Just need to go in sneaky beaky like. 




Well, locating them won't be too hard. After all, there's a big Capricorn waiting on them, and she has a pair of nice, big horns that tell the world where she is.

Allllmost there. Just a liiittle more,!

Hello hello~, Big Sis is here to-oh. Well would you look at that. Hehe~, the others are gonna be so jealous when I get back. Mother did say that my precious little sister wanted to see me, so they came all the way here just for that. This must be my reward for being such an awesome big sister~.


"Psst. Do you have one of those fancy papers the old geezer made? You know, the ones that capture an image." [Solestia]

"You mean the photographs? Here. I already took a bunch before you got here." [Gertrude]

"Perfect. I need to frame all of these." [Solestia]


One photoshoot later~


"What shall we do now?" [Gertrude]

"Isn't it obvious? We keep watching over them. You know, because we're responsible adults looking after the kids~. Here, take this blanket." [Solestia]

"And why must I be the one to do it?" [Gertrude]

"Because that way, if they accidentally wake up, I don't get any blame~. Now hurry, before one of them catches a cold." [Solestia]

"I don't think that is even possible...haah, whatever. I'm still blaming you if things go wrong." [Gertrude]

"Hehe~." [Solestia]


Alrighty. I think that's enough actions from us adults. 

Now, we just sit back and admire the little cuties~.




Hello there. I have returned. Apologies for the wait. Feel free to grab not one, but two cookies from the cookie jar as compensation. Now then, you must feel the burden of waiting for the next one, unless you are either a newcomer or the type to wait a while for things to stock up. In that case, grab another cookie on your way out. As always, thanks for reading, avoid becoming un-alive, and remember that dying is bad for your health. <--I may require assistance coming up with names soon, so if you want to be a part of that, feel free to join.

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