Surviving the Scaly Slow Life

Chapter 27: Dead Week is Over!

Four days later~




"Mama, Mama!" [Lucillia]

"Yes?" [Corinna]

"Is it next week yet?" [Lucillia]

"Yes, actually, it is." [Corinna]

"!! Are they here yet? ARE THEY HERE YET?!" [Lucillia]

"Down girl, down! If you don't calm down, you'll spill the ink all over the place, and I'll make you clean it up with only a toothbrush!" [Corinna]

"*calms down*" [Lucillia]

"Good girl. Your sister and the others will be here within the hour. It mostly just depends on how much baggage the bird's bringing." [Corinna]


Hmm, is that so? Then according to my calculumacations, they'll be here in! Mwahaha, I'm a GENIUS!


"In any case, they should arrive before lunch. Once I finish this last bit of work, we'll go do something fun while we wait." [Corinna]

"Fun?" [Lucillia]

"Mhm, whale-watching." [Corinna]




I spy with my little eye...something brown!


"Ooh, I know! It's the tree!" [Silvania]

"Uhuh, you mind pointing out which one?" [Caelenia]

"You know, one of them..." [Silvania]

"Riiight." [Caelenia]


Mmm, nevermind. Brown is too boring. Let's seeeee...AHA! FOUND IT!! With my trusty little eye, I've found something that tastes purple!1Juuust in case there's any confusion, our little dragon is just shouting this out loud because she can. She hasn't had to drink her honest-tea for months now.


"I-wait, wuh? It tastes purple?" [Silvania]

"Yup!" [Lucillia]

"Purple, huh? We'll see about that-*chomp*." [Caelenia]


*om nom nom, nom nom om~*


"Hm, I don't know. It tastes more like lilac to me." [Caelenia]

"Gimme that. Lemme try. *nom*" [Silvania]


"Why am I getting magenta? This looks nothing like magenta!" [Silvania]

"Well it's not exactly purple either, so none of this is supposed to make sense." [Caelenia]

"Hmph!" [Lucillia]


If Big Sis' won't appreciate my taste, then surely Mama will!


"Mama!" [Lucillia]

"Hm?" [Corinna]

"Purple!" [Lucillia]

"Purple? Hm...yes, yes, that squirrel is quite purple." [Corinna]

"Not squirrel, PURPLE!" [Lucillia]

"Ah, right. That purple is quite a squirrel." [Corinna]


Guuuuuuuuhh, graaaaaaaaaaahhhh, GAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!



*tiny dragon charging sounds*





*bodyslams the Mama*


Owie...I landed on my tail...

Why is Mama's stomach so hard?!


"Okay, okay, calm down. Caaaalm, dowwwwwn...are you calm yet?" [Corinna]

"no." [Lucillia]

"Good enough. Now what did I say about throwing your tantrums physically? You're only going to hurt yourself. If you want to get through to me, you have to use emotional damage." [Corinna]

"I HATE YOU!!! >:( " [Lucillia]

"Not like that though. That's neither emotional nor damaging enough." [Corinna]


Hmph! Where's my slipper when I need it?


"Ahem. So what did you want me to do?" [Corinna]

"Purpel!" [Lucillia]

"This is?" [Corinna]

"purPLe!" [Lucillia]

"And what am I-" [Corinna]

"PURPLe!!" [Lucillia]

"Pst, Mother." [Caelenia]

"What?" [Corinna]

"You have to nom it." [Caelenia]

"Got it." [Corinna]


Mmm, stop sharing secrets over there and taste the pUPel already! And then tell me the secrets after, hehehehe~.


"*one nom (and mom) to rule them all!!*" [Corinna]

"*shiny dragon eyes*" [Lucillia]

"Mm, yup. That's pretty purple, alright." [Corinna]

"PuRPLE!" [Lucillia]

"Yes, yes, purple. Now can you stop sitting on my book?" [Corinna]

"No!" [Lucillia]


No more book time! Only ME time now!! Mwahahaha!!!-

Eh, wait what? Where are you going? Why are you getting up? Don't leave me! We haven't played enough yet! Take me with youuuu~...

Oh, thanks for the lift.


"If I were to point you in this direction, could you tell me what you see?" [Corinna]

"A big, fluffy cloud!" [Lucillia]

"How about over there?" [Corinna]

"A double rainbow!" [Lucillia]

"And there?" [Corinna]

"Pink fluffy unicorns!" [Lucillia]

"I'm not sure if they're around this time of year, but sure." [Corinna]


Pink fluffy unicorns, dancing on rainbows~.


"And finally, what do you see over there?" [Corinna]

"WHAAALLLESSS!!" [Lucillia]



On this auspiciously sunny day, a pod of whales could be observed soaring through the skies. Their dance was graceful; the light vibrations of their melody sent a joyful and calming melody to all in the vicinity. 

A dozen or so kilometers out, they began their descent from the slightly cloudy heavens back down to earth. By the time they arrived at the villa's doorstep, they had already begun touching grass.

The first passengers to disembark from Spacial Whalelines was a small flock of chickens. Awakening from their all-too-short slumber, the elder members of the brood assembled upon the fluffy grass. It was time for their vacation while the young hens and roosters held down the chicks and sometimes the fort.

Nevertheless, the feathery flock of not-flamingos immediately began indulging in their newfound least, until their leader knocked some sense into them.

A few smacks to the tête and a beakful of obscénités were mercilessly thrown around, no clucks given. The crowd eventually died down as they gathered in single feather line. With one last call, they em-bawk-ed on their long hike up the mountain. But no matter the journey, they marched as one! 

Next came the puppies. A certain three-headed floofer revealed its true identity as three separate floofers that were glued together at birth. They roamed and borked, following whatever trail their noses took them on. 'Twas time for a walk.

Finally, the stars of the show revealed themselves from behind the curtain: a pair of Capricorns carrying many baskets of sweet treats. Oh, there were also two Phoenixes and two Dragons.

Upon visually confirming the presence of the little Phoenix, the little dragon leapt down from her mother's arms and dashed forward to greet her one and only friend. But contrary to what she was expecting, the little dragon was instead greeted with the sudden embrace of a scaly tail.


"Oh no you don't! Not this time!" [Solestia]


One hug, two hugs, three hugs, four! Each and every one of them was nothing short of a tight squeeze meant to deliver every last drop of the sister dragon's love.


"Blehhh, I'm dying." [Lucillia]

"Hehe~, now that's more like it." [Solestia]


Five seconds passed. Then, it became fifteen. Finally, another five.


"Oki, go have fun now~." [Solestia]


Once more, the little dragon zoomed forth with the power of a thousand and one cookies, quickly grabbing the little Phoenix's hand and making a bee-, er, dragon-line to the house. A fishy maid, a goated maid, and a pretty jacked gal2How does one create a good jackal pun in this scenario? were hot on the little ones' trail. 

The elder sister was left with no other choice than to smush share her love with her slightly older little sisters. Needless to say, they resisted with all their might happily received their dearest sister. In fact, they, uh, willilngly, hm yes willingly, returned the love for several minutes. They were locked in such a tight embrace that the (totally) happy reunion was only broken up when the other elder sister threw a tail in their plans.

Of course, she did not forget to sneak in a cheeky little horn tap before maintaining a proper 1.5m of personal space. 

However, the party would not move into the house just yet, for there was an unexpected guest this time. So unexpected was this guest, that the cool, calm, and collected twin sister was absolutely shocked upon seeing them. 


"Oh, you people arrived early for once." [Corinna]

"Hm? Is there a problem with that?" [One of the people that arrived early for once and is hiding her face with a fancy looking fan]


Only her eyes were left visible behind the fanciful fan forged in moonlight and fairy tales. However, a pair of twitchy, floofy ears betrayed the mysterious woman's true thoughts. That, and her nine floofy tails were lightly wagging.

Everyone else, on the other hand, did not share her sentiment. 


"Potentially. That depends on what you're planning on doing with my daughter." [Corinna]

"Why would I do something to worry you so much? I've always been good to the children, have I not?" [I don't feel like typing that again.]


Cue flashback to when the twins were still tiny and she attempted to yoink them, but failed, so she tried that again and again with the next two dragons, all while she was raising a daughter of her own. 


Speaking of which, the many-tailed woman's daughter had finished witnessing her mother's usual antics for the millionth-or-so time and moved on to conversing with the other members of her generation.

One of the twins had, of course, already spoken with her plenty along the way, but the other one had not been expecting the early arrival at all. The remaining two sisters were still discussing a possible flavor profile that could be considered 'purple' on the side. 

However, it would not do well for everyone to continue standing around, especially the newly arrived guests. That is why the floofy and foxy mother addressed her children before marching off with the other adults. 


"A-chan, Akkun, make sure you two have fun, 'kay? If you don't, I'm never taking you here again~." [Floof the Almighty]

""Haiiii."" [Double the floofy foxy children!]


The children were then left to their own devices as the adults made haste to the vacation home at the top of the mountain known as the palace. 


After heading inside and sipping some hot cocoa, the technically-adults-but-still-children were discussing what to do for the rest of the day. Lunch would take place within the next hour, so time was of the essence! Incidentally, the two middle sister dragons were still discussing 'purple' flavor profiles outside.

Luckily for the ones inside, there was a wonderful opportunity for some entertainment sitting right next to the young floofy sister.


"Alrighty, how're we going to do this?" [Solestia]

"What do you mean by that?" [Foxy Sister]

"I mean, how're we going to introduce lil' Aki here to his new friend?" [Solestia]

"?" ["Aki" or "Akkun" if you wish]

"Ah, right. I haven't met, er, Lia, correct? I remember you were talking about her a lot on the way here." ["A-chan" the foxy sister]

"That's the one~. You're gonna love her. Actually, I think she's gonna love you even more, especially when she sees you for the first time." [Solestia]

"What do you mean?" ["A-chan"]

"Oh you know, Luna has her little obsession with plushies, right? And she's always making them for herself and sometimes for us." [Solestia]

"Ahaha, I'm not sure that counts as 'little'." ["A-chan"]

"It's not an obsession, either." [Lunestia]

"Sure sure, whatever you say~. Anywho, Luna made one for Lia as per usual, and I guess she was feeling a little lonely because she ended up modeling it after y-mphfhpg." [Solestia]

"Silence." [Lunestia]

"Now now, Lu, don't get so worked up. You just thought she would like me, right? That makes me look forward to meeting her even more." ["A-chan"]


Oh dear. The young foxy lady got out of her seat, made her way to the elder dragon twin, and lightly brushed her dearest fiancée's face with her many floofy tails before wrapping the dragon tail with said tails. Their faces were now mere centimeters away.


"But still, there is something I look forward to even more. Do you know that it is?" ["A-chan"]

"...Ahem. Do you mean...our wedding?" [Lunestia]


Ah. The distance between their faces has closed to become a scant few millimeters. But now, the hands have come out. One of the foxy hands grabbed hold of one of the dragon hands. The other foxy hand was feeling a bit spicy and took hold of the dragon's cheek, who responded by putting the only remaining hand upon the foxy hand that was on her cheek. 

In other words, the two of them really need to get a room. 


"Good guess, dear, but I was thinking a little further, more like...after our wedding." ["A-chan"]

"Y-you mean..." [Lunestia]

"Mhm, just like we talked about. We'll have our wedding, and then we'll move to your favorite island and live in a log cabin with a lovely fireplace. And eventually, we'll have two little cuties of our own; one from me and one from you. Ah~, I can see their faces already~." ["A-chan"]

"Sh-SHUSH!! Why are you talking about this stuff in front of Aki?! It's too early for him!" [Lunestia]

"You haven't noticed? Those two left the room a while ago." ["A-chan"]


Umu. The other elder dragon twin as well as the young foxy boi shared the sentiment that the two love-fox? dragon?...the two flirtatious whatever-you-call-them's needed some alone time as the situation continued to escalate. Thus, they decided to evacuate before it was too late.

On the bright side, the couple was able to acquire a room for themselves. 


So what happens when two individuals who love each other very much find themselves in the same room under the same roof, and their parents are out of the house?


"Fufu~. Don't tell me, you were that focused on me this entire time? Hehe, hehehehe, you really missed me, didn't you?" ["A-chan"]

"...maybe." [Lunestia]

"Well, we have plenty of time to spare now, don't we? And we're allll alone right now, too." ["A-chan"]




"W-wait, wait! Not on the chair!!" [Lunestia]

"Fufufu~." ["A-chan"]




*The following actions that took place involved purely...stretching, mmm, yes, they assisted each other with their stretches. 'Tis important to stretch properly so as to avoid getting cramps or blood clots at inconvenient times. 





Somewhere in the hallways


"Hm~, hm~, hmm~, well that was awkward, wasn't it?" [Solestia]

"Mm." ["Aki"]

"Yeah, they've always been like that since they were kids, always getting into their own world and completely forgetting about anyone around them." [Solestia]

"Mm." ["Aki"]

"There was even this one time where they snuck out of the islands, flew alll the way back here, and went in MY room!" [Solestia]

"Mm." ["Aki"]

"Granted, it was technically our room still, but they used my bed, you know! And since I'm such a nice dragon, I did my very best to cover up for them, but our mothers still found out in the end. *le sigh~*" [Solestia]


The second pair of the fox-and-dragon duos was slowly but surely proceeding along their journey to the little dragon's room. By his preferences, the fox would have long since arrived at the room, introduced himself, and possibly even taken part in whatever the other two children were up to as they waited for lunch.

However, that plan was entirely dependent on the mode of transportation. That was unfortunately not up to his own choice it would seem as the dragon sister had decided to carry him the whole way, dubbing her excuse as 'holding him like he always liked'. 

And so, the young foxy boi was picked up by the scruff of his neck and carried away.


"Hm? You okay? You're usually more talkative than this." [Solestia]

"..." ["Aki"]


The young one was unable to speak properly, so he made an exception to holding still in this pose and made some hand gestures to the sister dragon.3For context, mama foxes/cats/etc tend to hold their kiddos this exact way, so when the child in question is help this way, they tend to go completely limp and not really do anything. Just don't do it to grown up ones. 


"Mhm. Mhmmmm...aha! I understand! Your ears are itchy!" [Solestia]

"*furiously shaketh the head*" ["Aki"]


If at first you do not succeed, try again!


"Hmmmmm-oh, I see it now. I'm holding you from too high, aren't I. Sorry about that, little one. It looks like you've grown a bit since the last time I saw you, so that's why I was grabbing the wrong spot on your neck." [Solestia]

"*le sigh part deux~* Just don't do it again. Or even better, let me walk on my own." ["Aki"]

"Nah. Soon enough, we're going to be siblings, you know. I need to sneak in enough play time with you or else you'll forget allll about your big sis here when you grow up." [Solestia]

"I don't think anyone could forget someone like you." ["Aki"]

"Aw, thanks~. But you kids grow up pretty fast, way too fast even. Like, it's only been a year since I saw you and you've grown a whole 10 millimeters! By the time you're as old as I am, you'll tower over everyone!" [Solestia]

"I don't think that's how it works." ["Aki"]

"Eh, either way, you kids really have to treasure your childhoods. You might only be in your 40's right now, but in just the flick of your tails, you'll be 300 all of a sudden." [Solestia]

"...fine. Whatever." ["Aki"]


Not much could be said in retaliation against the one who has lived for over 20 millennium. The rest of the walk was spent in a comfortable silence.


Within a few minutes, they arrived at their destination. 

Still holding the small-ish fox with one hand, the sister dragon opened the door with her other hand and-


"nonononono-" ["Aki"]

"Be free~!" [Solestia]


-tossed the young one into the room before entering herself and shutting the door. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, the child fox was used to this behavior from her and landed nicely on his feet.

'Twas time for an introduction, and it starts with smacking a tail against the floor.


"*smack smack* Allllrighty kiddos, drop whatever you're doing and put your hands where I can see them!" [Solestia]


The young phoenix and the tiny elder dragon, who were engrossed in a serious game of who can snatch the cookie from the agile jackal maid's hands, ceased their activity and gave both eyes and ears to the sister dragon. 


"Good. I bring to you a new friend! One of you already knows him, but one of you do not. Okay, have fun." [Solestia]

"Do you really have to do this every time?" ["Aki"]

"Yup. :)" [Solestia]

"*le sigh part trois~* Hi, my name's Akira. What's y-when'd you get so close?" ["Aki" Akira]


Rather than replying, the tiny dragon carefully studied every aspect of the unknown entity before her. She put particular focus on his tails, all nine of them. Then, she ran back to her bed, grabbed her favorite cuddle-buddy, and presented it to the foxy boi.


"Hm? Oh, that's not me. That's Nee-san-I mean, my sister. You were supposed to meet her right now, actually, but she...needs a minute." [Akira]

"Were they doing it again?" [Aurelya]

"Yeah." [Akira]

"Figures. Wanna play?" [Aurelya]

"Sure." [Akira]


With that, the children and their new ally resumed the battle to rescue the cookie from the evil jackal's hands.




Time flew by and some number of minutes before lunchtime arrived, there was another knock on the door. And upon opening it, the inhabitants of the room were greeted with some more guests: a big wolfie carrying a small wolfie with his mouth. 




Hello, am alive. Happy holidays to you all, and to those who do not celebrate, have happy days instead! It has been a while since the last update, but the semester has ended, so I finally have some time and energy to write again. I shall endeavor to have another posted by New Year's (a reminder that I am in the States that are United, so it may come out a little later for our overseas friends). Take care everyone, stay warm, and eat good food.

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