Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 555 - Don't Get Involved

Chapter 555 Don’t Get Involved

Shen Yan gently twisted her earlobe from behind and asked, “Are you dazed again?”

Xia Yu didn’t say anything. Because she was seated with her back against Shen Yan, he couldn’t see her expression, only thinking she behaved abnormally tonight.

Passion gradually subsided into reason. Shen Yan touched her back with his hand and asked, “Still thinking about Chen Wenxuan?”

Hearing that name, she finally reacted, propped up from the bed, picked up his blue shirt on the ground and put it on….

Shen Yan took out a cigarette and lit it up, then threw the lighter on the bedside table. Xia Yu still turned her back to the man behind her, and Shen Yan watched her back, slowly blowing smoke rings.

A word came from her sober mouth, “Did you ever feel particularly scared?”

Shen Yan didn’t expect her to ask this question, but there really was. Who didn’t have? Just when Xia Yu disappeared two days ago, he felt particularly scared.

Not blowing it out of proportion, he really thought it was the doomsday.

He also took a pair of pants from the ground and got back to the bed with his arms resting on the back of his head, his eyes staring at the lamp on the ceiling. There was another time years ago.

“When I first knew the cause of my father’s death.” He did not mention the matter this time, but referred to this case. That was the first time he felt scared in his life.

Xia Yu’s back stiffened, and she turned around in the mist, finding the man’s face became a little blurred.

Xia Yu thought he would continue to talk, but after a while he had said nothing, but just raised his hand and rubbed her shoulder, asking: “Why?”

Xia Yu didn’t say anything and turned back.

Shen Yan continued to smoke. He took the hand back and asked, “What about you?”


“Have you ever felt particularly scared?”

“Yes! Now!”

Shen Yan sighed in silence. This was the answer he didn’t expect, so he got up and embraced her waist from behind.

“You can be scared? I supposed you are brave since you had the courage to get on the island without informing me.”

Xia Yu lowered her head and hugged her head with her other hand. Wearing a heavy shirt with his body and tobacco smell, she took a deep breath as if she finally found a trace of strength. So she turned back and shrunk back to Shen Yan’s chest….

She did not have the courage to talk about something. She also did not have the courage to accept some truths, because it was difficult to tell others. Therefore she chose not to talk but feel the warm embrace for a while longer.

Shen Yan chuckled, feeling that Xia Yu was very different tonight. It was probably because she was terrified on the island, so she became so docile. He then raised an arm to spare her more space, and then hung down the arm to embrace her waist. His chin rubbed against the top of her head back and forth.

“What happened on the island is a lesson for you. Don’t be so reckless before making a decision in the future. Besides, this time you are so lucky that Cheng Xi happened to get sick and left the island. Otherwise do you think you could get rescued?”

Shen Yan only assumed her such feeling was caused by that she was beaten a few days ago. Xia Yu did not explain since she had no idea how to start. She leaned against Shen Yan’s chest, forcing a smile.

“Do you know something about this accident in the development area?”

She finally asked, but Shen Yan frowned and didn’t say anything.

Xia Yu perceived that this man must know something, but she was not sure to what extent, “Can’t you just tell me something?”

“Why do you wanna know?” Shen Yan knew that she had been to the hospital during the day and had met Shen Qiang. “Do you still want to continue to investigate? This is a matter for the headquarters.”

“Do you know who he is?”

Shen Yan heaved a sigh, got up, lifted Xia Yu up, and pulled her to face himself, “Please, don’t dig any deeper!”

“Answer my question first!”

“I have no idea!”

“No, you just don’t want to tell me. You have known this was a pitfall for long, and you might even have some evidence, but you just refuse to speak out, why?”

Xia Yu was a little hysterical. She has a super logic and a sixth sense. Any clues couldn’t escape her eyes. And the person in charge was Shen Yan ’s aunt. Now the family of the deceased hadn’t reacted yet. When they noticed, they would definitely go to mess with her. The company would definitely let her take the responsibility.

Remembering what person who broke the news said to her today, Xia Yu also doubted that the whole thing was a conspiracy. Recalling that Shen Yang and Shen Qiang were good to them, even if it was not good for Shen Yan that she took over the project, he shouldn’t have just ignored it.

He had an insight into the problem behind this early, but Xia Yu also knew that Shen Yan would think twice before every action and decision and he would have a clear purpose without working on idle work.

But this matter involved his aunt, his best and closest brother, so how could he not help them?

Xia Yu gradually felt a sense of coldness in the back. Looking at the deep black eyes in front of her, some bloody images seemed to flicker through her brain, when she squeezed her fingers together, feeling as there was a clue to come out but again in the last second subsiding into the bottom of the water.

“Why the hell do you want to figure out? Obviously you can stay out of the matter.” Shen Yan looked at Xia Yu, and there was a guess gradually becoming clear in his heart, which he couldn’t believe and didn’t dare to believe.

“Emm? Why on earth do I you want to find out the truth?” Shen Yan felt that the woman in front of him was a little aggressive, not like what she used to be like at all.

“Because of Xiaoqiang, I don’t wanna lose this brother.”

“You calm down first!”

How could she calm down? Xia Yu felt like she was dragged into a vortex by fate, where she surrounded by dangerous traps, but if she guessed right, it would be ridiculous.

No, no….

Shen Yan held her shoulders and tried to appease her slowly. Xia Yu shook her head and kept whispering, “No”. She raised her head and looked at Shen Yan with even a pleading look.

“Please tell me, would you?”

Shen Yan narrowed his eyes. How should he explain it to her?

“You might as well stay out of it.”

Forcing the body in front of him into his arms, “Believe me, don’t dig deeper. Please do not get involved in this matter.”

He hoped that Xia Yu would stay outside the big net so that he could do it without any trouble when taking back the net, but sometimes the fate was so cruel….

The person in his arms sneered against his chest and asked, “Do you want me to stay out of the matter?”

Shen Yan nodded and kissed her hair: “Yes, don’t get involved!”

What a good excuse.

Xia Yu took a deep breath, listening to the heartbeat on his chest, bitterly and helplessly said, “What about Xiaoqiang and aunt?”

She really didn’t want to lose Shen Qiang this good friend and brother because of power.

“Xia Yu, you have to believe me. Aunt and Xiaoqiang will be fine.” Shen Yan suddenly relieved. It seemed he thought too much since she just regarded Xiaoqiang as a friend and brother.

“Really? Do you promise? Even if your aunt is trying to grab the presidency from you?” Xia Yu looked up at Shen Yan.

“First of all, I don’t think my aunt will suddenly compete with us for the presidency. She would have started early if she wanted. Second, even if she wanted to be president now, as long as she can stabilize the overall situation, I will support her.” Shen Yan said firmly.

He ran for this presidential election because he felt he was more capable than Shen Mo. If his aunt showed more talent than him, he would certainly be willing to assist her.

“Really?” Xia Yu looked into his eyes.

“Really!” Shen Yan said in an affirmative tone and let go of Xia Yu. Shen Yan went to the closet, opened the closet and took out Xia Yu’s clothes, “Change your clothes. Let’s go out to eat something.”

“Call on Xiaoqiang together.” Xia Yu said while changing clothes.

They three hadn’t had a meal together for a long time.

“Well, I’ll call him.” Shen Yan said, took out his mobile phone, walked to the window, and dialed Shen Qiang, “What are you doing?”

“At home!” Shen Qiang glanced at his parents aside, and was both surprised and happy that Shen Yan would call him at this time.

“Who?” Shen Yang asked.

“Second brother, he asked me if I had time to eat out together.” Shen Qiang said to his mother while holding the phone.

“Go. You haven’t had a meal together for a long time.” Shen Yang was surprised for a while, and then asked Shen Qiang to go.

“Okay, I’m going!” Shen Qiang quickly agreed Shen Yan, and especially went back to the room to change his clothes before he left.

“Shen Yan is really inclusive!” Qi Guoqiang looked at his son’s cheerful back and said with emotion. Even though he grabbed such a big project from Shen Yan, that kid could still treat Xiaoqiang as before.

If it was Shen Mo, Qi Guoqiang thought and shook his head, that wouldn’t be the same.

“Yeah, I really wronged him.” Shen Yang also echoed aside and handed a cup of hot tea to Qi Guoqiang, “Everyone called him a little fox, saying that he counts and scams. I don’t think so.”

When Shen Yan tried to match them, many people said that Shen Yan had another purpose, adding muscle for himself with the couple’s influential power.

Shen Yang was slightly convinced by that. After all, they really had that power. She remembered that First Madame said relentlessly that now he postured servile because he wanted to take advantage of them and one day if they endangered his interests, he would abandon them showing no mercy.

Now Shen Yang didn’t know whether Shen Yan’s interest was endangered. Perhaps the child was confident and felt that his aunt was not her opponent at all.

If this were the case, Shen Yang would have nothing to worry about even if the Shen Group was to be in his account.

Just as Xia Yu finished changing her clothes and putting on makeup, Shen Qiang rang the doorbell outside. Opening the door, Shen Yan couldn’t help laughing, “You came on a rocket?”

Shen Qiang looked at his second brother with a smile, rubbing his hair, “You can say that.”

“Badass!” Shen Yan also laughed, hitting his head with his hand, “Come in, we’ll go as soon as Xia Yu finished. By the way, where do you want to eat?”

“What about Ruyi Tower? I haven’t been there for a long time.” When thinking of extorting his second brother with Xia Yu, Shen Qiang laughed even louder. Xia Yu was so restrained that she wasn’t found to be the Eldest Miss.

“Declare first! If you packed again, I wouldn’t pay!” Shen Yan said with a smile.

“Oh, you are a petty man. You don’t really need to pay. My sister is the boss!” Shen Qiang looked at Xia Yu and smiled.

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